(Complete) The Perfect Submis...

By EvilDevil312000

2.1M 43.6K 17K

18+, BDSM Aiden is wealthy business man who enjoys taking advantage of his submissive's. However, more than... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Check it out!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Valentine's Day Extra
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Q&A for Fun!
Answers to Q&A
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A/N: Thoughts Please
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Book 2: Little Fox

Chapter 21

37.8K 803 429
By EvilDevil312000

Elijah slept peacefully that night, his belly full of delicious foods and his mind just the slightest bit clouded by alcohol. He slept like a baby, cuddled into Aiden's chest. When he finally woke his mind immediately recalled the dare from the previous night. Blair had dared Aiden to allow him to be the dominant. He shuddered at the thought and quickly buried himself back into Aiden's chest. Certainly, the male would not actually carry through with the dare. He would claim the game was over, so he did not have to do it. He convinced himself that was what would happen, dozing back into a light sleep until he felt the movement of Aiden beneath him. He whined but blinked his eyes open to him. Aiden was looking down at him with a mixture of morning sleep and amusement.

"Good morning, Sir." At first Elijah did not register the words Aiden said. He simply mumbled a soft morning back at him. However, his eyes quickly shot open when he fully realized what he had said.

"What?" Aiden chuckled in amusement as he brushed the male's hair from his face.

"Y-You called m-me-"

"Don't tell me you forgot about Blair's dare." Aiden cut him off with a slight grin.

"I thought...I didn't think you would actually do it." He breathed earning a quiet laugh as Aiden climbed out of the bed.

"If I didn't, Blair would never let it go." He pointed out before disappearing into the bathroom. Elijah quickly stood and followed. He moved to brush his teeth, waiting until Aiden left the room before he used the restroom and washed his hands. As he exited, he found Aiden by the closet.
"Will you pick out my outfit today, Sir?" The male's tone was light and teasing, but it made Elijah's cheeks flush as he made his way over.

"This is weird." He mumbled as he looked through the clothes. He picked out a pair of tan cargo shorts and a black tank top. He held it out to him, watching nervously as he studied them before he began to change. A soft, relieved breath left his lips and he picked out his own outfit. He changed quickly before he looked to Aiden.
"Are you being serious? Are we doing this all day?" He asked softly.

"We are, if you feel comfortable with it." He nodded his head in confirmation. There was a moment of silence before Elijah gave the smallest of nods.

"I will try to give Blair the entertainment he desires." He breathed, earning a soft laugh.
"Should we go eat breakfast?"

"Are you asking or telling me?" Aiden quirked an eyebrow as he moved to tug on his shoes. Elijah bit his lip as he did the same.

"Telling?" It was more of a question, but Aiden did not tease him about it. He simply leaned down and pressed a light kiss to Elijah's cheek.

"Sounds good to me." He murmured softly. Elijah hesitated before he pressed his lips to Aiden's lightly before pulling away. He reached for the male's hand, walking beside him as he guided them to the hotel breakfast area. He was used to Aiden making a plate for him, or at least determining what he should get, but the male made no move to do so. With a low sigh he gathered two plates and made his way to the food area, Aiden trailing close behind. It was strange to have to make the male's breakfast for him and he hoped he chose things he would like. He settled for grits, eggs, sausage, and some fruit for Aiden. For himself he decided to get eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit, and oatmeal.
"Thank you." Aiden hummed softly as he took his plate and followed Elijah.

"Can we sit by the window?" It was strange having Aiden ask permission for anything and he instinctively nodded, moving to sit in one of the tables. There was a soft chuckle from the male as he sat as well.

"This is weird." He pouted as he drank some of the orange juice he has decided on. That earned him a laugh.

"You think so, love?" Aiden questioned as he began to pour his creamer and sugar into his coffee, amusement gleaming in his eyes.
"Blair thought it would be more disturbing to me than to you. It is why he did it."

"Indeed, I did. Elijah, you had best take advantage of what I have given you." Elijah jumped in surprise at the voice of Blair, turning to see he and Lily were making their way over to the table.

"Where is Wes and Luke?" It was Aiden who spoke, and Blair chuckled quietly.

"They were going at it all last night after we left. They are sleeping about now if I had to guess." At first Elijah thought Blair meant they were fighting with one another and he grew concerned. However, he quickly realized that he meant they were having sex with one another. He bit his lip, his eyes flickering to Aiden. He could not help but wonder when he would get to have sex with the male. While it was clear they were okay with touching and pleasing each other, they had yet to go any further. He was not sure if that were his fault or if Aiden did not want to have sex with him.

He quickly pushed that thought to the back of his head. Aiden's had stated many times that he would take pleasure in having sex with him. Which meant the male must be waiting for him to be okay with it. Granted he was not sure how to even approach the topic to Aiden. Was he supposed to simply tell the male point blank that he wanted to have sex with him? Was it something he was supposed to be discreet about? Was he expected to make it overly romantic between the two of them?

"Elijah." His eyes snapped up from where he had been staring down at his plate to see Aiden watching him. The male appeared concerned as his eyes took in the male's face. He flushed as he realized he had completely gotten lost in his thoughts.

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." He admitted sheepishly before glancing to Blair.

"Why did you dare Aiden to be submissive for a day?" He questioned.

"Because he needs to loosen up. While he might enjoy doing everything for you, it will do both of you some good to switch positions." Blair snorted softly in amusement, shaking his head.
"Besides, I enjoy annoying him." He grinned slyly as Aiden shot him a glare. Elijah nodded, his eyes sliding to Lily before moving back to Blair.

"Would you allow Lily to?" He questioned curiously. This caused Blair to grin.

"Lily already seems to think she has complete control." Was his response and she scowled at him.

"I do. Now why don't you go get me my morning coffee? It is way to early to deal with your cheeriness." She glowered at him. Blair did not seem bothered, simply leaning over to press a light kiss to her cheek.

"As you wish, princess." His tone was teasing before he left. Elijah was surprised at how Lily handled the male, his gaze flickering to Aiden. He could never imagine speaking to the male like that. While Lily did not seem to be rude, she was telling Blair what to do. She laid her head on the table, eyes fluttering closed until a coffee mug was sat in front of her.
"Two heaped tablespoons of sugar and a splash of almond milk. Three ice cubes to cool it."

She seemed to perk up, instantly grasping the cup and beginning to drink. Blair chuckled quietly, stroking a hand down the female's back as he sat.

"Thank you." She sighed as she leaned back, seeming more content with the coffee.

"Anything for my little brat." Blair hummed earning a pout as she drank.

"I have never met someone so picky about coffee." Aiden hummed as he ate. He was right, Lily did seem picky about the coffee. Elijah refused to try to make Aiden's coffee for him out of fear he would mess it up. He preferred to give the male the creamer and sugar himself to do it.

"Imagine having to get it for her every morning." Blair grunted as he drank his own glass of coffee. Elijah laughed softly at his words, finding it entertaining how Lily and Blair often went back and forth with one another.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Lily spoke up, shooting Blair a glare before turning her attention to Aiden.

"Well, we leave tomorrow. I suppose we should enjoy tonight while we can." Aiden shrugged, clearly not having any serious ideas as to what they should do. His eyes flickered to Elijah and then back to Lily and Blair.
"I have a few plans for Elijah and me. Perhaps we can all do something later this afternoon though?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Considering Luke and Wes will sleep most of the day, it sounds good to me. Should I assume you are taking him to the-" Aiden shot Blair a dangerous glare causing him to quickly go quiet.

"My bad." He chuckled, holding his hands up in defense.

"Most likely we will be going to the docks later, yes." Aiden grunted as he drank his coffee. Elijah was not sure what the docks were, but clearly Aiden did not want Blair to tell him. He could not help but get the slightest bit excited, a all grin playing on his lips.

"Aww look! He's excited!" Blair teased causing him to blush and quickly look down to hide his face with his hair.

"Shut up, Blair." Aiden scowled at him earning a pout as the man crossed his arms but went silent.
"And that is all up to Elijah on if we go. He is the dominant today." He smirked at Elijah who bit his lip, nodding.

"I-I want to do what you have planned. If that is okay." He said quietly. Aiden hummed his approval, finishing up his coffee and his food.

"You aren't supposed to ask, Elijah. You are playing dominant; you tell him what to do." Blair heaved a heavy, dramatic sigh and draped his arm over Elijah's shoulders.
"My, my, my. I have so much to teach you, young pupil."

"Blair, let him go." Aiden warned, his eyes flickering down to Elijah. He had expected the boy to appear nervous with Blair hanging on him, but he only appeared entertained. Elijah really was growing to be comfortable with his friends, allowing them to become his own friends.

"Oof sounds like your pet is jealous. Perhaps you should tell him to hush and take his plates away." Elijah quickly shook his head, his eyes widening at Blair's words. He could never imagine talking to Aiden in such a way.
"Well, you have to tell him something. He can't just be ordering people around."

"A-Aiden," Elijah stuttered, a pink dust clear on his cheeks. Aiden quirked an eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest as he studied Elijah. The male was certainly nervous to command him around, but he also seemed to want to entertain Blair.
"Would you please help me clear the table?"

It was amusing to Aiden how nice Elijah tried to sound while attempting to give a command. The boy's gaze flickered up to Blair who hummed his approval with a nod.

"See, you have little Aiden wrapped around your finger. We could get him to do anything today-" Blair cut off midsentence, a devious grin spreading over his face. It was a look Aiden wanted nothing to do with, so he quickly gathered the dishes and walked away.

"W-What?" Elijah was nervous to ask Blair what had interrupted his thought process. The male simply grinned.

"Since you are dominant, I think we should go out to the club. There are plenty of normal ones in the area or we can find some where our lifestyle is appreciated." Blair smirked.
"Aiden would have to listen to you and be in the place you normally sit."

"You are a horrible friend." Elijah turned to see Aiden making his way back over with a scowl, arms crossed over his chest. Naturally, Aiden did not mean it. He knew Blair was only trying to get a rise out of him. See how far he was willing to go to make Elijah happy. However, the male was not aware that he would go however far was necessary. All he wanted was to keep that smile on Elijah's face and keep him healthy.

"It would be fun." Blair pointed out with a mischievous grin. However, Aiden simply scoffed and wrapped an arm around Elijah's shoulders.

"We have plans for today. It is up to my 'sir' if he wants to go out tonight." He smirked at Blair before glancing down at Elijah who had a blush dusting his cheeks.

"We need to head out now?" He asked, glancing up to Aiden who nodded.

"We probably should. I have a whole day planned for us." He murmured, stroking the male's hair before he guided him from the cafeteria. As they left, Elijah noticed he turned his head back to stick his tongue out at Blair causing him to laugh softly. The two seemed like brothers going back and forth with one another. They got in the car and as Aiden drove, he felt excitement building inside if him. He knew that whatever plans Aiden wanted to keep secret had to be good. Something new that he might enjoy which the male wanted to introduce him to.
"You're shaking your leg."

Elijah looked down in surprise to see he was bouncing his leg. He bit his lip as Aiden reached over, resting his free hand on his thigh.
"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"I am glad you are excited. I think you will enjoy everything I have planned for you today." Aiden murmured. Elijah nodded, smiling as he relaxed into the seat and allowed his eyes to close. It was not long before they came to a stop and his eyes fluttered open to look around. He could see a large building as well as a huge lot with a-

"A helicopter?" He breathed as he studied the large piece of machinery.

"You aren't scared of heights, are you?" Aiden questioned as he opened his door for him, offering his hand. Elijah was about to speak before he scowled, crossing his arms.

"If I play dominant, aren't I supposed to open your door?" He pouted, earning a surprised laugh from Aiden.

"That has nothing to do with me being a dominant. It is me being a gentleman." He hummed as he pulled the male close to his side, guiding him into the building. Elijah did not pay much attention as he spoke with the woman at the front desk. Instead, he stared at the large map on the wall that had multiple routes mapped out.
"Elijah?" Aiden approached him curiously once the woman left.

"Which one are we taking?" He asked excitedly as he studied the map. There was a soft chuckle, but he pointed to the red route, the longest one offered.

"This will take us over the water as well as the mountains. I thought it might offer the most beautiful view." He explained. Once the lady returned, they were guided to the back where a few things were explained. Elijah felt slightly nervous trying to remember everything being told to them. However, Aiden's gentle squeeze of the hand helped him to relax as he focused on his touch. The pilot led them out to the helicopter, explaining a few more things to them before helping them situate a headset onto their heads. She explained that it was to keep the noise out and allow them all to talk to one another. Finally, they loaded into the plan and got buckled in. Elijah could feel his leg bouncing with excitement once more until Aiden's warm hand covered it.

"I'm excited." Elijah admitted causing him to chuckle softly, rubbing his thigh slowly. Though the touch was not sexual, simply soothing as the pilot readied the plane before they rose. It was then that he began to grow nervous with the realization of how far they would be off the ground.

"I am right here; it's going to be fine." Aiden spoke softly through the headset as he squeezed his leg.
"Look at the beautiful view." He pointed his gaze towards the mountains in the distance and a small smile graced his lips.

After his initial nerves, Elijah calmed down and his excitement returned as he stared outside. The view was stunning, and he wanted to take all of it in, every single detail he possibly could.
"It's so amazing." He breathed as they flew over a body of water and he stared down at it.

"Hey, Elijah." Aiden called causing him to look back at the male curiously. He was surprised to find a phone pointed at him and there was a click as a photo was taken.
"Thank you." Aiden hummed before he took a few more photos of the outside area. He had been on plenty of rides, so he figured he would capture the photos for the boy to remember it while he soaked everything in. It was adorable how awestruck he was by the view, taking in every detail he possibly could. They headed towards the mountains and he reached to grab Elijah's hand. He always grew nervous near the mountains. One mess up and they would be stranded. However, he focused on the view and the hand that held Elijah's thigh. The boy probably thought it was simply to touch him, but it was really to help soothe his nerves. He found flying to be beautiful, but he did not love the idea of heights. It was easy to ignore on the airplane, but far from it in a helicopter.

As the ride ended, they got off. Elijah was practically bouncing with excitement as he took Aiden's hand and they left.
"That was so amazing, and so beautiful!" He gushed, a wide grin spread on his face. This caused Aiden to smile slightly as he helped him into the car. His nerves were definitely worth how excited Elijah was in that moment. It was worth it for how he seemed so genuinely happy.

"I am glad you enjoyed it." He hummed as he started the car and drove.

"Oh, I loved it! Thank you so much, Aiden!" His words caused Aiden's heart to swell, and he nodded with a smile.

"Of course, love." He murmured as he drove to their next destination.
"I have this, and one other thing planned for the day. Then we can see about going to the club where Blair can get his wish of you playing dominant." He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. He knew Elijah had no idea how to play the part of a dominant. However, he would play the role of a submissive for him, so he did not need to stress over it. Besides, he was hopeful the change might show Elijah how much he trusted him. Just the same, it would give him a sense of control for once.

"Blair is mean for that." Elijah huffed with a pout. That simply earned a laugh from Aiden as he drove, coming to a stop at a large building decorated with sea life.

"Where are we?" He tilted his head. He noticed Aiden unbuckling and quickly jumped at the opportunity. He zoomed out the car and to the older male's side. He opened the door, offering him his hand with a bright smile.

"Satisfied with yourself?" Aiden sounded beyond amused as he took Elijah's hand and stepped out.

"Very much so." The boy held firmly to Aiden's hand before he began to guide him. As though he even knew where he was going. The thought made Aiden roll his eyes slightly, unable to hide his grin.

"You can play dominant all day, love, but do you know where you are going?" There was a flicker of uncertainty in Elijah's gaze as he looked around before he pouted and shook his head.
"Well, I tell you what. You can walk in front, but I will tell you where to go. Is that okay with you?" He did not want to poke a hole in the male's bubble when he was so excited. This earned a nod of the head and he pointed him towards the door. Elijah wasted no time getting them there, though he seemed disappointed when he saw the line.

"It's so long." He mumbled and Aiden raised an eyebrow, guiding him to the front.

"I already planned ahead. I bought tickets for a certain time." He explained to Elijah as he handed the tickets to the male by the door, and they were let in. Elijah's eyes lit up, though he was still confused as to where exactly they were. It was filled with fish and tanks when they stepped inside.

"Where are we?" He asked softly causing Aiden to tilt his head. Had the male never been to an aquarium, even before his mother's death?

"An aquarium. They have loads of different sea life here. There is even a section where you can touch sting rays and swim with dolphins." He explained as he wrapped his arm around Elijah's shoulders.
"These point you in the best direction to go so you can see every attraction." He pointed to the floor that had a design of bird feet engraved into it.

"That's cool!" He exclaimed which earned him a soft laugh.

"It is. We can take our time here; we are not in a rush. You have plenty of time to witness every exhibit." Aiden explained as he guided him to the giant tank in the middle of the entrance. Elijah eyed the fish with a huge grin, studying every single one. He seemed impressed by every single display case they passed, pointing out the fish he thought were must beautiful to Aiden. The older male did not seem to mind his excitement at all, even pointing out the fish he thought were beautiful.

"This is the sting rays?" Elijah questioned as they approached on open top cage with the pancake flat creatures inside.

"They are. They cannot hurt you so you can stick your hand in and feed them." Aiden explained, doing so to show the male. Elijah had an uncertain look as he eyed the creature, clearly nervous about touching an unknown animal.
"Here, like this." Aiden took his hand on his and dipped it into the water. He flattened the male's hand before carefully running both of their fingertips along the creature's skin.

"Oh! It's so soft!" Elijah exclaimed in surprise as he slowly ran his fingers along the smooth, almost slimy material. Aiden laughed softly and released his hand to allow him to do it himself before Elijah noticed a male selling food to feed them.
"Can we feed them, Aiden? Please?" He asked hopefully. The male raised an eyebrow before he nodded, pulling his wallet out. He handed the male six dollars and was given a tray of ten fish for it. The worker demonstrated how they would do it first before leaving the two to do it themselves.

"What do you think?" Aiden questioned as he fed one of them, though he left most of the food for Elijah.

"It's weird." He laughed softly as he fed the sting rays, watching in amazement as they ate. Once they finished with the animals, they made their way through even more of the aquarium. Elijah was particularly amazed by the sharks. He stared at them in amazement while Aiden read the facts on the chart nearby to him. After that, they moved to a tunnel area that could be crawled through. After checking that no one would be waiting, he sat there with Elijah. He leaned onto the glass and pulled the male into his side as he pointed out the different fish. Elijah was amused, but also horrified by the saw shark.
"His face is so funny, but the saw looks dangerous." He laughed causing Aiden to chuckle as he studied the animal.

"You are very correct on that." Aiden chuckled. They sat there as long as they could before other people arrived, and they had to move.

After spending nearly two hours exploring the entire aquarium, Aiden guided Elijah to a different building right next door. The boy was confused but his eyes widened when he noticed the dolphins in the water with a small group.
"We-We can swim with them?!" He exclaimed, causing Aiden to laugh and nod.

"We can and we are. Come in, let us go check in so we can get our wetsuit and change." They did so quickly before they sat and waited for their turn.

Finally, they were able to get in the water and Elijah was delighted. He enjoyed being able to swim with the dolphins, allowing his fingers to run along their skin. Aiden stayed close to him since the male was still new to swimming, though he managed to stay up well. He was thankful to see the delighted look on his face every time a dolphin let him touch it.

Once they were done swimming, Aiden took Elijah to the gift shop. He seemed excited by all the items, studying everything he could.

"Oh! Look at this!" Elijah held up a stuffed dolphin, his eyes lit with joy. Aiden chuckled quietly but watched as he looked at the other stuffed, holding the dolphin close to his chest. He had told the boy he could get what pleased him, so long as he was reasonable and did not get excessive things. He also chose a deep purple shirt with the name of the aquarium on it, holding it up for Aiden to see. He was amused the boy chose purple, nodding to inform him he could get it.

"Isn't a large a little big for you?" He asked as he noticed the size the male put in his arms.

"I want it to sleep in." He admitted as he continued to look. His eyes kept roaming to the stuffed animal until he finally held up a small, white seal pup. Almost nervously as his grip tightened on the dolphin.
"Can I get both?" It was then that Aiden realized he was nervous. The boy thought he would make him put the dolphin back if he wanted the pup.

"Of course, you can get both, love." He soothed as he held a hand out for the seal. Elijah seemed to perk up and handed it to him before he looked around the store more. It amused Aiden how much he seemed to enjoy the soft, plush stuffed animals. Yet he needed to remember that Elijah had most likely never gotten to have something comforting like a stuffed animal. The thought irked him as his eyes roamed over the stuffed animals some more. The male had been deprived of a childhood after his mother died. He studied each animal closely before he grasped a penguin as well. It was smaller than the dolphin but bigger than the seal. He held it in his arms as he watched Elijah. The boy was studying the necklaces causing him to raise an eyebrow. Eventually he held up a necklace that was a choker with a small, barely there dolphin on it. The chain was a black rope and would be tight to the neck.

"I want this as well...for you." He added the second part almost nervously, biting his lip. This caused Aiden to raise an eyebrow as he studied the necklace.

"For me?" He repeated earning a small nod.

"Why a choker?"

"You are playing the part of my submissive tonight, right?" His soft voice proved just how nervous he was as it trembled.
"I thought maybe this could.... this could act as a temporary.... you know." Aiden's eyes softened and he reached out to ruffle his hair.

"Alright, for tonight." He agreed, understanding that the male was trying to use the choker to replicate the collar he always wore around his neck. The male seemed relieved by his words as he continued to look at the jewelry before he held up a bracelet made of rope with an intricate designed.
"You don't need to ask after each one. If I see something I do not think we should get, I will let you know." It was clear Elijah was still nervous about spending the money. He held tightly to his dolphin, smiling slightly as he nodded. He left the jewelry, moving to the breakables now. He eyed them curiously but did not linger.

"I think this is all." He said finally, causing Aiden to chuckle. Most of what they had was stuffed animals. Yet he did not argue as he moved to check out. He glanced along the candy before glancing to Elijah who was looking around as he paid.

"This as well, please." He added a Hershey bar onto the counter. The boy deserved a small treat.

"And did you want to purchase your photos taken of you two?" He had forgotten about how the aquarium took photos when they first went in and edited them.

"Elijah." He motioned the boy over as the women turned the computer screen so they could study the photos.
"Pick out the photos you like best." The boy's eyes lit up and he quickly picked two. Aiden picked one more before he paid for everything and they made their way to the car.

The last thing Aiden had planned for the day was the docks. It was a beautiful fair with rides and booths set up for games. He would steer Elijah away from the booths since they were scams and they focused on the rides. Elijah seemed thrilled, laughing as they rode each ride. They even rode some multiple times together. He did allow Elijah to play two of the booth games. He won two small stuffed animals as well as a goldfish. Aiden had never had any sort of pet, including fish, but Elijah seemed delighted. So, they stopped at the store on their way home to buy a temporary bowl for the goldfish. He could only hope it could survive the trip back home so Elijah was not heartbroken.

"Are we going to the club now?" Elijah asked once they got home.

"We are, go ahead and get changed." Aiden nodded as he sat all the stuffed animals down, watching as Elijah disappeared into the bathroom. He was excited to allow the boy the opportunity to play dominant at the club. He was not the type to enjoy being submissive, but he trusted Elijah. He wanted him to be happy and confident.

(We shall see  Dominant  Elijah next chapter! I am so excited!
Please share your thoughts!)

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