๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐„๐‘๐„๐๐‚๐„ - James Po...

By -wonderIand

1.7M 54.9K 65.1K

เฟเพ‚ เผ˜ึจ๐–ฆน In which ๐ฃ๐š๐ฆ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ approaches a loud hufflepuff named ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

๐—Ÿ๐—œ๐— ๐—˜๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—ก๐—–๐—˜
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ข๐—ก๐—˜
1- the beggining of her
2- bee and sky, the duo
3- phat potions
4- meet me in the kitchens, bro
5- surprise...
6- see your future
7- room of requirements
9- falling
10-River's regret
11- Ember White's love
12- the ball preparation๏ฟผ๏ฟผs
13-the ball
14- anddd shes drunk.
15- halfassed sorrys
16-sirius's birthday
17- quidditch game
18- thats an idea
19- the smell of comfort
20- late night owlery
21- pack it up ember white
22- Christmas Woes
23- the surprise present
24- its elvendork bitch
25- exams are gross
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ง๐—ช๐—ข
26- letters
27- guitar
27.5- Nightmares |Interlude
28- last first day
29- the chilling tale of Regulus Black
30- down horsey, down
31- the breakup game
32- trust me and love me
33- when I say run, run.
34- Hourglass
35- scars
36- shut up and kiss me
37- confess your sins
38- day of love
39- So, christmas is still soon
40- the sibling pact
41- New years woes.
42- expecto patronum (the remix)
43- dumblewhore
44- The story of Estelle White
45- Please talk to me
46- Valentines day is cool
48- Order of the Pheonix
49- apprentice
50- N.E.W.T.S.
51- Graduating hogwarts
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ง๐—›๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—˜
52- Prepare for the wedding
53- Wedding!
54- Honey is gross with no moon
55- wtf is a job
56- hell nah.
56.5 - bigger issues | Interlude
57- sincerly, r.a.b
58- e & f
59- h.p.
60- motherhood (cool emoji glasses)
61- copycat
62- The prophecy
63- Christmas!
65- beg
67- Screams and shouts
68- flowers on a grave
69- from Mckinnon
70- secret keeper
71-October 31, 1981
72- recoming
73- the end
BONUS - slughorn's class, 1st year
BONUS - Limerence: the hit film

66- bloodied crown

6.5K 269 126
By -wonderIand


                      — Limerence

" You wouldn't kill someone that's not
like you. "

HER NAME WAS VIOLET. Ember had learned. She was seventeen and a muggle. Thrown into this world of magic with no idea it even existed. Ember truly did try her hardest to calm the young woman and tell her all wizards weren't like this. She explained Voldemort and how people were most definitely looking for her... how people would come to save them.

She also told Violet to let her take all of the beatings. She didn't want her to get hurt from something she wasn't even involved in. However, something in the back of her mind told her only one of them was making it out of this prison. She tried her hardest to ignore that voice, they would both make it out safe. They had to.

Violet had told her about her family; she had two older brothers named David and Jessie, her mom was an artist and her dad was a movie director before he passed from cancer. She was the youngest out of the three. David was the oldest and he had a three-year-old son. Jessie was a playboy, he couldn't keep a girlfriend for more than a week.

Ember told her about James and Harry, along with Hogwarts and her friends. There wasn't a need to keep magic a secret if Violet was going to find out about it.

An hour passed without anyone coming into the room, not to torture them and not to rescue them. Ember still felt exhausted from the Cruciatus curse that was placed on her. It didn't just cause her pain, it drained her energy.

Two hours, Violet had been drifting off for the last three minutes and she finally fell limp on the wall. Ember didn't blame the girl, the whole thing was tiring. She couldn't imagine what was going through Violet's head now that she found out magic was a real thing. Ember remembered Lily telling her about how it was all a myth in the muggle world. People wrote movies and books about a fantasy world that was always right under their noses.

The handle wiggled, alerting Ember that someone was going to come in. As well as she could with her shackles, she shook Violet awake.

The man stepped in. His mask was no longer on, instead, he showed his face. His jaw was long and chiseled, his eyes were grey - a tell-tale sign he was a pureblood - she could barely see his lips, and his eyebrows were messy and thick.

Ember's mouth went dry... he planned on killing them. He wouldn't show his face to the two women if he didn't want to kill them.

Violet sat up immediately, her chains making a rattling sound. 'Tony' as Ember would now call him closed the door. The key sagging in his pocket. He stared at the two women, "Do you have an issue with me being here?"

Violet opened her mouth to rebuttal but immediately closed it, remembering Ember's advice. He tapped his foot impatiently. "This would be a lot better if you actually spoke, girls."

"I'm not gonna answer to you," Violet muttered, staring at him with a scrunched nose. Her freckles played out on her face like stars but barely noticeable in the light.

He laughed loudly, "But you already have, haven't you, Violet. Say, Ember... Should I put Miss Rodrigeuz under the same torture you went under? It would help keep her mouth shut wouldn't it?"

Violet's head shot up from its slouched position. Her eyes shooting between Ember and Tony. "No!" Ember snarled. "If you hurt anyone here, it's me. I'm the one that's gonna know stuff. You wanna know about the order but yet you get a muggle? If you really wanted the so-called information you would need to let her go."

"You really think I'm gonna fall for that, Ember?" He cackled. "I can't let a muggle into the world after knowing all of this!" He bent down to take her face in his hands, squishing her cheeks painfully. "Violet isn't here for you to make friends with. She's here as a compromise. Crucio."

"NO!" Ember screamed, kicking Tony to the best of her ability. Violet's screams echoed in her ears, tears forming in her eyes. "Take it off of her you sicko!"

Ember's lip trembled as Violet seethed on the floor, her body shaking in agony. The screams that left the seventeen-year-old's mouth breaking the blonde's brain in tiny chunks. She felt like throwing up from watching. "Stop it. Stop. I'll tell you anything." Ember breathed, discuss layering her voice.

Tony smirked, raising his wand and removing the curse from Violet. She gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth and belching out whatever food she had left in her system. Coughs left her mouth as she backed away far as she could.

"Tell me everything you know. Potter. Tell me what the order has planned, no lies."

Ember stayed quiet for a moment, glancing over to the trembling Violet. All she needed to do was get Tony out of their celler for as long as possible. Enough time for Ember to try and help Violet in any way she could and hope for the order to come.

"Times ticking." He growled plainly. Ember bit her lip and let her brain run wild. There had to be a lie she could tell. She wouldn't let Violet get hurt again-


(Mentions of suicide mentioned in these paragraphs, please skip them if it's a bother to you <3 /lh )

But it wasn't Violet; the pain shook through her fingertips, rattling down her spine. She had almost forgotten how much it shook her up and how badly she wanted to die. This time there was no Harry or James. She just saw black. Her vision faded with fatigue from the pain and the screams she wasn't letting out. It angered him that the curse barely bothered her.

It did, though. Never had Ember wanted to die more. She hated the pain. She hated everything about it. The grasping feeling of blood that never came to tell her it wasn't just her imagination making the pain. She had done it once, she told herself. She could do it again. But, with each second that passed, she doubted herself more.

(Okay, it's over. But the torture is still kinda there)

"Tell me or both of you get it!" He yelled, jabbing his wand with more force. She gasped as it hit harder, shaking herself back and forth. She was truly trying her hardest to not scream... she failed, however after the torture extended. A piercing scream leaving her mouth in a gasp. Her whole body trembled in pain as she gritted her teeth hard together.

"T-They're getting close to figuring out a lot of your death eater buddies..." She breathed out, finally. The curse was lifted off of her, leaving her empty. Ember laid on the ground, her brain numb from the experience.

Tony smirked, leaning back on the door. "Tell me more?"

Ember's brain racked for a death eater they were meant to catch, but she couldn't actually ruin the order's plans. It was a long shot, yes. But, it may just work out. "River O'Conner. T-They know he's one and they're planning to take him to Azkaban."

"O'Conner." He grinned widely. "You have relations to River. I wonder how he would feel about seeing his best friend again. He has a wild fancy for you I will never quite understand. I'm sure he would love to see you."

Tony turned around quickly, slamming the door behind him. As soon as she heard the slam she scooted herself or by Violet. Her bones ached in a disagreement, just wanted their carrier to relax. Ember knew she couldn't leave Violet alone after that, though. "Are you alright? Focus on my voice, it's okay. The next person who's meant to come in here, I know every button to press. We'll be okay, I promise." She asked quietly.

Violet coughed out, looking up to Ember with fear. "You never told me he ould do that. I- I- I thought by beatings you meant hitting... Not what that was." Her eyes watered over, staring deeply at the older woman. "It hurt so bad."

Ember brushed her hair back, staring at the brunette. "I know."

Moments passed with Violet in Ember's lap, small tears leaving the younger woman's eyes from the pain engraved into her brain. Ember wanted to obliviate her. She didn't want the girl to know about the wizarding world or the pain she endured. It seemed idiotic.

The handle jiggled and Ember felt her mouth go dry with anticipation. She hadn't spoken to River in so long... Would she even be able to convince him to let her leave? She didn't know how long she would be stuck in the small room. No idea in her mind about how close the order was to find her.

She didn't recognize him when he first stepped in. A stubble was on his chin, his hair had grown around his ears and he lost the glisten in his eyes she used to love. "Ember." He whispered, staring at her.

He didn't believe Damion - Tony's real name - when he told River about the order member they had taken. She looked so much older, more mature, and as gorgeous as she ever was.

"Great... Can you help us now?" Violet asked weakly from her spot on the cold tiles.

River shook his head, slumping down on the wall. "I'm not here to set you guys to go. I'm here to get information."

Ember stared at his wand. His wand... in the third year, she stole it from him to pull a quick prank on Ophelia. It obeyed to her. If she could get his wand she could escape. There was so way he would just hand it over to her, though.

"I won't tell you anything. You know I won't. I gave the information needed. You can let us go now." Ember quivered, trying to reason with him. She wouldn't get anywhere with Tony but maybe she could do something with River.

He stared at her, "No. That's not how this works. You're gonna tell me what you know o-or I'll kill her," He threatened, raising his wand towards Violet. The conversation the group was having going from five to a hundred in a matter of seconds and River's anger issues. Even if he did want to kill Violet, his hands shook greatly. It was easy to read that he had never committed a murder before.

Ember shook her head frantically, "No. You've never killed someone before. You won't kill her. I know you River O'Conner. You wouldn't kill someone that's not like you." she breathed out, staring at her former best friend with fear.

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT I'M LIKE, EMBER!" He screamed, blood rushing to his face. His low temper was always a downside to the man and it shone out brightly. "You wouldn't know a damn thing about what I'm like. You left me behind and forgot about me while I loved you. You don't know what I'm like. Not anymore and not ever." The man growled, his wand still pointed at violet.

The brunette looked over to Ember, tears forming in her eyes. She looked at the woman longingly, asking for help. "P-Please... i have a family. Two brothers and parents. Please, you cant kill me." Violet begged, still staring at Ember.

"River." Ember snarled, "Stop. I'll tell you anything." She gasped out, reaching a hand out as if it could freeze time and stop River's unavoidable actions.

He looked to the blonde, a wicked smirk growing wide on his face. "I know you Ember. You're lying."

Her mind paused, once again trying to think of an excuse. "Dumbledore knows where your hideout is."

River stared at her, looking her straight in the eyes. "Does he know that you're a liar aswell? You know I hate being lied to, Ember White." Time slowed as he looked at his wand, his hand still trembling. He slowly glanced at Violet. Raising his wand timidly, he said the unforgivable words. "Avada Kedavra."

She was told that the killing curse only ever killed if you had real anger behind your words. She didn't expect Violet to go limp on the ground from his curse. If anything, a small nosebleed or a piercing pain in her arm. As river stood stunned that he actually killed someone, Ember put her trembling fist in her mouth to stop the scream that was bubbling in her stomach.

And then the wand dropped from his hand.

The wand.

River was stunned by his killing. Nearly frozen with shock as he stared at the dead muggle. Quietly and quickly, Ember reached for the Elm wand. Feeling the grooves in her fingers, she raised it. It felt so foreign from her ebony wand it seemed she had broken the law.

Though Ember had always found preforming wordless magic easy, it was always with her own wand. "Stupefy!" She yelled, the wand nearly jerking out of her hand in resistance. As soon as the light hit him, River fell to the ground, stunned.

Ember shuffled over, taking the key from his pocket. She pointed the wand to her chains and transfigured them to sticky pasta, breaking easily when she yanked her hands apart. With a sparing glance at Violet, she opened the door.

She wasn't in a manor like she would've thought. Instead, it was a long hallway with other rooms. She already had an idea of what we're in those rooms. She was exhausted enough from the torture she went through she didn't even know if she would have enough energy to apparate.

Taking River's wand, she slammed it on her knee, breaking it into two. Ember clinched her eyes, letting the darkness overtake her as she lost her footing and fell right into her designated area. The Potter home. Her body

"Ember!" He yelled, dropping the mug he had, The hot liquid spilled on the floor, glass shattering around it. James nearly tripping on the hot coffee. She smiled, hugging him tightly. "Everyone thought you were dead. We were all so worried about you-"

"I know," Ember whispered, kissing his head. "I'm okay though. I escaped. it's all okay."

Exhausted and relieved, the blonde hugged him tightly. She listened to the whispers he said in her ear and brushed his hair back with her hands. However, Crying broke them apart and Ember had never been happier for Harry to be crying. James kissed her and let her go up to the nursery by herself. She did get her wand from the table - Fabian had brought it back from their fight - and performed a cleaning charm on herself.

Harry was laid in his crib, crying his eyes out. "Hey Harry, it's alright." She whispered, brushing his face. "Let's get you some food, yeah?"

For now, it would take a few days for her to not feel the after-effects from the cruciatus curse. But, time was always limited. She would learn that in the next few months.


another bad chapter??!!! never would've guessed! The only reason I don't like this one is that it's really rushed but I honestly had no idea what to do about it so this is how it's gonna be for now. I honestly cannot wait until I can rewrite/edit everything.

I also wanna say, this takes place in April! The next chapter will take place in may!

If you skipped because of the TW:

Violet is dead, Ember was tortured, Ember escaped and everything is ok now.

anyway, goodbye!

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