๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐„๐‘๐„๐๐‚๐„ - James Po...

By -wonderIand

1.6M 52.6K 61.8K

เฟเพ‚ เผ˜ึจ๐–ฆน In which ๐ฃ๐š๐ฆ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ approaches a loud hufflepuff named ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

๐—Ÿ๐—œ๐— ๐—˜๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—ก๐—–๐—˜
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ข๐—ก๐—˜
1- the beggining of her
2- bee and sky, the duo
3- phat potions
4- meet me in the kitchens, bro
5- surprise...
6- see your future
7- room of requirements
9- falling
10-River's regret
11- Ember White's love
12- the ball preparation๏ฟผ๏ฟผs
13-the ball
14- anddd shes drunk.
15- halfassed sorrys
16-sirius's birthday
17- quidditch game
18- thats an idea
19- the smell of comfort
20- late night owlery
21- pack it up ember white
22- Christmas Woes
23- the surprise present
24- its elvendork bitch
25- exams are gross
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ง๐—ช๐—ข
26- letters
27- guitar
27.5- Nightmares |Interlude
28- last first day
29- the chilling tale of Regulus Black
30- down horsey, down
31- the breakup game
32- trust me and love me
33- when I say run, run.
34- Hourglass
35- scars
36- shut up and kiss me
37- confess your sins
38- day of love
39- So, christmas is still soon
40- the sibling pact
41- New years woes.
42- expecto patronum (the remix)
43- dumblewhore
44- The story of Estelle White
45- Please talk to me
46- Valentines day is cool
48- Order of the Pheonix
49- apprentice
50- N.E.W.T.S.
51- Graduating hogwarts
๐—”๐—–๐—ง ๐—ง๐—›๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—˜
52- Prepare for the wedding
53- Wedding!
54- Honey is gross with no moon
55- wtf is a job
56- hell nah.
56.5 - bigger issues | Interlude
57- sincerly, r.a.b
58- e & f
59- h.p.
60- motherhood (cool emoji glasses)
61- copycat
62- The prophecy
63- Christmas!
66- bloodied crown
67- Screams and shouts
68- flowers on a grave
69- from Mckinnon
70- secret keeper
71-October 31, 1981
72- recoming
73- the end
BONUS - slughorn's class, 1st year
BONUS - Limerence: the hit film

65- beg

6.9K 253 203
By -wonderIand


                      — Limerence

" Obliviate "

THE MOON SHONE AS IF IT WAS A SPOTLIGHT ON THE DANCERS IN THE FOREST. It may have not been a full one, but it was sure enough to send shivers down her spine. The forest seemed larger than it ever had before. A cold gust went through her skin as dead leaves crunched under her boots. Even if April was brining in new leaves, the dead ones always remained on the ground.

Her small group, including Ophelia, Alice, Sirius, and Fabian, were in the Markland Forest. It never seemed this omunious when Ember would visit it as a child. The happy laughs were replaced with stressed breaths and hushed whispers.

The order was told of an attack that would happen in the forest. Muggles camped there often so it wouldn't be surprising for death eaters to try and get a big group of them. Luckily, the order was able to swarm them out, using slight memory charms where muggles entering the area would believe it's illegal to enter the area without government permission for twenty-four hours.

Despite the actual death eaters being there, everyone knew they were coming. They didn't need an anonomys source to tell them, it was already obvious. Everyone could feel it in their veins. It was a feeling they all hated, but still common for their line of work.

Ember stayed more in the back, this wasn't one of the missions where she was sent to play hero and heal people. Even if she did have her potions in her side bag. She was here to fight.

"Be ready for anything, they'll attack at anytime. I'm telling you." Fabian told them. He had more experience than anyone in the group, working for Mad-Eye-Moody and all. Even though the man was gruffy, he seemed to hold a soft-spot for Ember. Especially after he had been hit with a curse and Ember saved him.

She was the first one to hear the rustling of leaves. She turned around quickly, alerting the group of her findings. "Watch out for them." Ember whispered lowly. Her heart raced as she raised her wand to find the source of sound. "Dont yell."

"We know your there! No need to hide or be scared. It's just a game, right?" A deep voice yelled out.

They began to do their protecal, breaking into groups off two. There being an odd number, Ember went by herself, leaving Fabian and Sirius and then Ophelia and Alice. "We already have more points than you!" Sirius yelled out in an attempt to rally them up. It was something he always did. It made it less cat and mouse and made things move faster. "Looks like you need to catch up. Hah."

A green light went for Sirius, expecting it, he ducked. Just in time to miss the light. He hopped back up and grinned, his wand shooting for the same place the spell left from. "C'mon!" Alice yelled, shooting a jinx at an incoming death eater. His arms became loose, wand rolling away as he melted to the floor.

Ember went to congradulate her but heard the leaves move. She jabbed her wand into the person, sending them back to clutch their abdomen. "Funny seeing you here, isn't it?" She teased. "Obliviate." The masked person stumbled back, looking rather confused before they stumbled away, tripping over their feet a few times.

Ember began a fight with another one, much more advanced than the other death eater. This one didn't allow theirself to be jinxed out by her. Ember sent another spell quickly before she saw Sirius get knocked to the ground. Breathing in, she sent the rest of her spells feircer.

"Cant get rid of me that quickly, can you Potter." The now-woman hissed.

"Yeah, I think I can." Ember smirked, sending a stupefy at her. Simple enough spell that knocked the woman back... at least enough for Ember to go help Sirius.

She ran over, dodging as many spells as she could. "Get up, ugly." She said in seriousness, helping him up.

"I got hurt... I feel dizzy, Ember." He muttered, holding his head. "I really don't feel well. I might take a nap... Yeah, that sounds good."

"Shit." She whispered, forming a bubble over her. The protection wouldn't last long, but it would be enough for her to heal Sirius.

The Deja Vu hit her quicker than she would like. The spells in the distance,the lights. Being crammed in a protection bubble as she dug through her side bag to find potions for him. "Open your mouth." When he failed to do it, Ember tried to ignore the tears coming to her eyes. "Sirius, open your mouth damn it!"

He still had the faraway, painful look in his eyes that told her she needed to take action into her own hands. She needed to be back out there fighting and defending her friends. She intook a sharp breath before she opened his mouth herself and poured the substance in. He gargoled for a moment, shooting up quickly. "I fee like I'm gonna throw up."

Ember began to put everything back quickly. "Stay under this protection spell. Don't get up and fight. Stay here until they're gone or we run."

Sirius weakily gave her one last thumbs up before he slumped to the ground. For a moment, Ember felt like she had saved Ava Prewett.

She slipped out of the bubble, "Petrificus Totalus!" She yelled immediatly, causing a death eater to jolt up and fall over.

"You girl!" a man's voice yelled from behind her. She turned around swiftly, only to be knocked in the fast by a bunch. It shook though her body, no doubt in her mind that it would leave a bruise on her cheek. She stumbled back rasing her wand to stupefy the man.

He put up a protection charm, rendering the spell to be useless. Before she could blink, he had apparated behind her and taken her arm. She felt everything twist as he apparated again... but this time with Ember.


She fell to the floor, her face meeting cold tile immediately. Ember had so idea where she was at, only that it was barley lightened. The darkness overtaking overy creviss of area.

She shot herself up quickly, trying to ignore how much it hurt her to do so. "W-Where am I?" She demanded, wiping blood away from her mouth. The fall hurt more than she would've liked to admit. "Who are you?"

"Anything you want me to be, Ember." He said, reaching down to poke a forming bruise. She winced and pulled back. It wasn't the pain that brought her back, rather the way he touched her. She didn't want his hands near her. "Losen up, Emmy-wimmie! This is meant to be a bonding experience, is it not? Relax, crack a cold beer. Maybe drown some maragaritas. How does that sound?"

"Why do you have me here?" Ember asked, her voice strong as she could make it be.

The man sighed, waving his wand to put cuffs around her hands. "Why do anything, really? Power, I suppose. Sadly, in this context. I have all the power I need. Instead, I need information on your little party!" The man feigned the happiness in his voice. "And for you to make a handy-dandy potion for me. I know what you can do, Healer Potter."

Ember shook her head, trying her hardest to back away and reach for her wand that had rolled across the room. She was unsuccessful, however. She could feel the chains that were embedded into the tiles pull.

"N-No. I'm not telling you anything." Ember sneered, blowing hair away from her face. "You don't deserve the information I know."

"I don't?" The man laughed, throwing his head back. His laughs were taunting... dark and mean. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she felt herself go pale. "Ember, I have so many tricks... maybe I can beat it out of you myself?"


The most painful thing Ember had ever experienced was when she was in third year and Ophelia had mixed a potion wrong. In her hurry to fix it for Slughorn, she knocked it over, right onto Embers hand and leg. She had screamed and jumped up, her skin boiling as if it was cooking. Even today she had a scar on her left hand from it.

This was a million times worse; she didn't even process what curse he had sent at her until seconds later. The pain erupting from her shoulder where he hit first. It traveled through every part of her body. It was as if hot knifes were slicing open her skin, putting salt into it straight afterwards.

She wanted to scream, yell. But she didnt. She gritted her teeth hard and let her tears fall. Trying to think about anything but the pain she was enduring. Harry. James. Ophelia. Lily. Remus. Peter. Sirius. Kaylee. Marlene. Her parents. Illa. Erick. Skylar. Aries.

All people who loved and cared for her and loved her but all she could focus on was how they would feel if she died here. How would her group feel that she was taken right under their noses? Would they cry into their partners/ friends shoulders? Would James turn away from everything? Would Harry grow up happy without a mother? Would she die?

"No." Ember gritted to her teeth. The words sounded more like a grunt but anything was better than a scream. She couldn't give the man the satisfaction. "I'm not telling you anything."

"What's your next plan of action?" He demanded, keeping the curse on the blonde.

"I don't know." She whimpered. The metaphorical knifes cut deeper, hitting every nerve. The pain shook her whole body.

He scoffed, lifting his wand and removing the spell. "I will be back, Potter. Drink this, it'll help you."

A potion rolled out of his hand, Ember didn't bother grabbing it. The pain she had experienced gone away as soon as it started. She was sure it hadn't been more than two minutes but it felt like so much longer. Years worth of the torture endured.

Her fingers nimbly wrapped around the cold glass. She brought it too her nose and sniffed it, her brain searched for a smell it could be but failed to find anything... Veritaserum. It was clear, colourless, and odourless and is almost indistinguishable from water. Any other potion would have something to tell her it's contanmet. He didn't give it to her to 'heal' her. He had gave her the potion to get information out of her.

Shakily, she opened the bottle and pored it into an empty potion bottle she had in her coat pocket. The bottle was empty. She rolled it away from her, sinking onto the ground.

He had said he would be back... so where was he? Was he just going to leave Ember in the cramped room and hoped she rot to death?

Ten minutes, at least, passed. The door creaked open and another woman was thrown in with Ember. The door slammed immediately after.

The woman, bloodied nose and busted lip stared at Ember. Her eyes glanced around in fear. "Where am I?"

Ember shrugged weakly. She was still laying on the ground, not having the power to sit up. "I don't know."


I wanna say sorry.... But for the cliffhanger, we shall get the story next chapter.

I got 666 followers yesterday and that's so awesome and then people started UNFOLLOWING ME so I was back at 664 AND I WANTED IT TO BE 666 BUT NOOOO SO ACTUSLLY YOU DESERVE THIS WHOOOLE CHAPTER AND THE NEXT THREE CHALTERS. BL

Also, these next four chapters have absolutely no happy moments, I just think you should know... well? Next chapter will have a small happy moment. Blame the people who unfollowed me. (Actually don't lmao, these chapters have been planned for months now.)

Ashlee out!

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