The Boy With The Irish Accent

By _taylorgree_

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*Post Note: this fan fiction is when the boys aren't famous and before the go on the X Factor* Tanya and Bria... More

The Boy With The Irish Accent
Chapter 1- The Letter
Chapter 2- Breaking The News
Chapter 3- Still Going
Chapter 4- To England Or Bust
Chapter 5- Who Are You?
Chapter 6- My Second Attempt
Chapter 7- UAL
Chapter 8- Lunch
Chapter 9- Sarah
Chapter 10- First Day Of Classes
Chapter 11- Apologies
Chapter 12- Date Night
Chapter 13- Monet
Chapter 14- Movies
Chapter 15- Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater
Chapter 16- Is This True
Chapter 17- Two Can Play at That Game
Chapter 18- The Phone Call
Chapter 19- My Nightmare
Chapter 21- I Did It
Chapter 22- What Are You Doing Here
Chapter 23- Live Television
Chapter 24- Where Did That Boy Go?
Chapter 25- Harry's Story
Author's Note
Chapter 26- Over
Chapter 27- More Than Anything
Chapter 28- Back to England
The End Is Not The End

Chapter 20- Where? Why?

49 0 0
By _taylorgree_

The plane's engines roared to life, leaving me tensed and hyperventilating in my seat. Images of the accident flashed before my eyes. I can't do this. This is insane. I need Niall. I'm going to die. These were all of the crazy thoughts shooting through my brain.

"Are you alright miss?" the flight attendant asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you"

I'm crying now. But what she doesn't know is that it's not because of fear. It's because of Niall. I have made another decision: there is no way in hell I was going to let Niall get involved with this crap; and if that meant leaving him, then that's exactly what I intend on doing.

I hadn't noticed how much I had fallen for the blonde haired goof ball. His entrancing eyes, his boyishly hansom face, and his adorable accent. They had all become so dear to my heart and I hadn't even realized it. Now, knowing that I will never see him again, it hurts like a shot to the heart.

The aching and throbbing of my heart, mixed with the intensive sobs and irrupting hiccups, I felt like dying. Literally crawling into a hole and cutting my own throat. But Cody was at home, hopefully safe with the police. If not, he's locked up in his room, hiding from our own mother.

Suddenly the plane lurched forward, beginning to speed into take-off, causing me to yelp and whimper. I am in no way, shape, or form, in any way, Ok. I'm a total emotional wreck, ask anyone on this stupid plane. They were all staring at me from behind their seats, their facial expressions showing different things; pity, fright, sick, unease.

I don't care what they think about me, at this point I just want to get home to Cody. My thoughts were pulled to Brianne, my best friend who is probably now sitting at home wondering where the hell I am and what the hell I'm doing.

Another sob escapes my lips at the thought of her. I'm never going to see her again either, and even if I do she'll never forgive me for running off like this. She'll be upset, then angry, then feel betrayed, and then get angry again. In the end, either way she'll ultimately hate me.

Thankfully the wind and weather are calm tonight. Other then the stars that fully filled the sky, there was nothing except for a few clouds here and there. The effect if had on me was...calming. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep, tears still streaming down my face.


I woke up with a start. I realized that we were about to land, I must have slept the entire ride here. I guess that's was best for my fellow passengers, they didn't have to hear my screams the entire ride.

The second the plane touched the ground and the attendant opened the cabin doors I ran down the stairs and through the terminal. I raced towards the conveyor belt, suitcases were spinning around on top of it. I grabbed mine and darted out the main doors.

Now that I'm in my native hometown the race is on. I rang up a cab and gave him the address, telling the driver to step on it. We sped down familiar streets and parks that I grew up in. Everything is exactly how I remember it. Even the old homeless guy who lives in a box at the end of our street, he's still as homeless as ever, and by the looks of it he has some company. Gross.

He pulled up to the front of my house. I almost didn't recognize it. Mom must have gardened and decorated...a lot. It was only November and the Christmas lights were already hanging from the gutters. Twirly candy cane ropes twisted around the front pillars. It looked like your everyday, festive house. That is except for the constant screams.

I paid the driver and grabbed my luggage, then began running up the front path. I could hear the police sirens sounding in the distance. But they were quickly drowned out by screams. They weren't Cody's, that much is obvious. My mother's screams rang loud and clear.

Dad's car was parked neatly in the driveway. That means that he had saved Cody from the worst of it, or so I hoped.

I ran through the front door, not bothering to close it behind me. The first thing I noticed was the dry, berrylike reek of blood.

"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!" seemed to be the only words my brain could process.

The scarlet liquid was splattered all over the kitchen. Splashed over the floor and walls. A trail led up the stairs. It took all I could do not to throw up and feint. I forced my legs to moved in the direction of the stairs.

I could hear thudding footsteps and crashing glass. It seemed to be coming's room? I tip toed as quickly as possible down the hall. The door was shut tight. I glanced around, if there weren't screams coming from behind the door I would have thought the house was empty.

Pressing my ear up against the door, I listened for the sound of movement. Mom's screams were sounding in a rhythmic pattern.

Thud! Scream Thud! Scream

I slowly twisted the door nob and peeked inside. I forced back a scream when I saw the blood stained bed and carpet. Mom's once white bed was splashed and spotted with dark red, almost black, blood. The carpet wasn't any better off. It looked like something you would see in a horror movie or an extra cheesy episode of CSI.

I stepped into the room and looked around. The scent of blood was over powering. It covered every surface of the room. Cody was gone, there's no way he could loose all this blood and still be alive.

Suddenly, I heard the clang of metal on tile, "Tanya?"

"Cody? Where are you!" I scream.

I hear shuffling feet and then see him walk out of the on-suite bathroom. Relief floods over as I hug him. I pull back and examine him for the injuries that have been leaking blood throughout the house.

I gasp at the sight of the gash opening across his face, "Cody, where's mom?" I ask tightly.

That's when I see her lifeless form lying on the floor of the bathroom, in a pool of her own blood.

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