Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)

By kiwi_dino_lover

437K 8.8K 1.6K

What if a Weasley fell in love with a Malfoy? Bella Weasley, twin to Ginny Weasley, is going into her first y... More



7.3K 166 12
By kiwi_dino_lover

Bella's POV
"Awwww look at them"
"There so cute"
"They would make a perfect couple"
I woke up to whispering a squealing. "Can you guy shut up?" I gone and snuggles back into the person on my bed. Wait. THERES A FUCKING PERSON IN MY BED!!! I lift my head of the person's chest and look at who it is. Draco fucking Malfoy. He was still asleep with slightly messy hair and his mouth open slightly. It was quite cute.

"DRACO, THERES A WORM" I shout because I know he hates them. He shoots up and jumps out of my bed. "Where? Where?" He cry's. He looks back at me after I don't talk and I smile innocently. "I told you that in strict confidence" he says firmly and I giggle.

"Hello? People here you know" Ginny waves her hand. "Oh, hi" I smile and then a pillow gets lobed at my head. I turn in the direction of where it came from and saw Draco laughing. I grab a pillow and through it back and he stops laughing. "Ok guys get ready we're gonna be late" Hermione claps her hands and we all head to the great hall because me and Draco fell asleep with our uniform on. "Have you sent a letter to mum yet?" Ginny asks. "I'll do it during breakfast" I answer. We split ways from Draco and go to the Gryffindor table.

"Does anyone have any parchment paper?" I question. "Here you go" Hermione handed me some and I start to write.

Dear mother and father,
I hope your both doing well at home. Yesterday something weird happened and we need your view on it. You familiar with Thestrals right? You can only see them if you've witnessed death. Well for some reason, I can see them. No one else in the family can but Harry can and this girl called Luna Lovegood in Ravenclaw. I'm quite confident that I have never seen death before but I must of if u can see them? We recon you would know.

Your sincere,
Bella Weasley

After I wrote that, we all went to class and in our free period, never came running up to us and tells us to follow him. We got to a wall and Neville walks past it 3 times and a door appears. "Neville you just found the room of requirements" Harry says.

The next couple of days, we practice in the room of requirements.

"Bella where's your ring?" Ginny asks pointing to my hand. I look at it and see the ring, that is matching with Ginny, gone. "No, no, no where is it" I start to have a panic attack but try to hide it. I run to my room and lock the door. I search everywhere in my room while breathing heavily. I hear a knock on the door and stand still and try to be as quiet as possible. "Bella I know your in there, open up" the voice spoke that belongs to Draco Malfoy while he's banging on the door. "Draco I-I'm ok" I say try to level my voice out but I shakes a bit. "Open the door" he shouts. "Just please leave me alone" I beg and slide down the wall. I hear footsteps fading away and I try to get my breathing back to normal.

The next day I woke up with my room still a mess and I'm laying on my bed. I wouldn't let Ginny or Hermione in last night so their probably sleeping on the couch in the common room. I spent breakfast tidying up my room and then I got dressed in my quidditch gear and went downstairs. I went to the quidditch pitch and walked to Ginny. "Bella what happened? You locked the door last night"
"Sorry, must of fallen asleep" I smile and mount my broom. When the game starts, I zoom off.
"Hey Malfoy" I shout. My plan is to distract him from the snitch wile Harry try's to get in. "Do you know where my ring is?"
"Oh you mean the ring?" He questions while holding up my ring. I dive towards him and he moves out the way so I nearly fall of my broom. "Give it-"
"HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH" me and Draco just ignore it and we both fly down. He starts to run to the dungeon with me following him. I soon lose him.

I go to detention and have to write lines again and now my whole arm is full of it and at one point I was close to passing out. I snuck down to the dungeons and Blaise got me in the slytherin common room. I was sure that Draco was asleep so I crept into his room to try find my ring.

After looking everywhere for it, I spot it on Draco finger and slowly walk towards him. I carefully pick up his hand and try to slip the ring off. He the quickly opens his eyes and drags me so I'm on top of him. "Why hello there" he says. Our faces closer than ever and I can feel his breath on my lips. We stare into each other's eyes and I quickly move my gaze to his lips and back to his eyes. He smirks at me.

Just then, our lips crash together and move in sync. My hand move up to cup his checks and his go down to my hips. The kiss was soft and loving. The door then swings open to reveal Blaise and we quickly separate our lips and look at him. "I knew it" he smiles and points a finger at us.

I fell asleep rapped in Draco's arms with my head on his chest and his chin on top of it. Our legs were tangled together and he quickly kisses my forehead before we both drift off.

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