Paradis's Hammer (attack on...

By serasio

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this is the story about (y/n) a eldian kid which his luck faded away every day More

Before we start
living as an eldian
Wrongly judged
A New Beginning
The fall of Shiganshina
The Cadets
The First Year
The Second Year
The Third Year
The attack on Trost
Mission To Recapture Trost
The Trial
The Scouts
Hanji's experiments
Days before the expedition
The Day Before The Expedition
The 57th Expedition
Crystal Dreams
Eren's dream
The aftermath
The Beast and his Titans
The Beast and his Titans PT.2
Old memories
Answers and trouble
Fight in the cave
The beginning of the end
The new queen of the Walls
On my own
The last search
(The Beginning of the End pt.2) The end

Frieda's decision

4.3K 116 46
By serasio

A/N: sorry for making this chapter shorter than the others, I want to put all the important parts in the next chapter.

(y/n) p.o.v

I don't know why, but I felt like I was connected to this place, like if there were roots on my legs connected to the floor. I don't know how to describe it, I felt like I could feel the movement inside this place... It's hard to explain, but my thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

???: (y/n), are you woke?

Frieda...? I couldn't hear well because the fabric was covering my eyes and ears, and the voice sounded like it was far away and below.

(y/n): mmm. mmm!

Frieda?: Just hang there a little longer. Everything will be fine.

I moved my head a little so I could remove part of the fabric from my right ear with my shoulder, and it worked.

Frieda?: (y/n), Listen to me. My father has been an ally to all of humanity within the walls, for many years past and many years to come. We were clearly mistaken about him. It's true that he's been a problem for the Scouts, and his people did kill Pastor Nick... But he didn't have any other choice. Everything he's done, he had to do for the sake of humanity.

After hearing that I was sure that it wasn't Frieda, instead, it was Historia. As she finished speaking I heard another set of footsteps coming. But, why am I chained and Historia is free when we were both kidnapped? 

???: Historia, let me explain the rest.

By his voice, I recognized him as Rod Reiss

(y/n): (where are we...? Wait... If Rod's here, that means... Frieda must be here too!)

I tried to remove the fabric on my head with my shoulders like I did to uncover my right ear, but it didn't work this time,  then I tried fidgeting my head around, but it didn't work. So, instead of only moving my head, I moved my arms and legs, making what sounded like chains, move. I also tried munching the bar on my mouth, and as expected, nothing happened.

(y/n): mmm, mmm, mmm!

Rod: Hey, stop being so loud, it's your fault that you're in that position. If only you didn't do anything you wouldn't be there.

(y/n): mmm?

Narrator p.o.v

Rod: We have to do this quick, we don't have much time.

Historia: What are you talking about, father?

Rod grabbed a small box from a briefcase he was carrying, and opened it, revealing a syringe, a small crystal bottle with the label "strongest", and two needles for the syringe. 

Rod: I'm sorry to do this to you, my precious daughter. But it must be done, you're the only one capable of inheriting get his powers... My other sons... refuse... I trust that you will get his powers, protect humanity, and make Frieda proud. - As he spoke, he took out the syringe, placed a needle in it, grabbed the crystal bottle, and placed the liquid inside the syringe with the needle.- Please, Historia.

Historia: Inherit... His power...? why would... Why would I do that?

Before Rod could explain, a pair of footsteps could be heard coming quickly in their direction. Rod sighed heavily, knowing who and what's going to happen. After some seconds passed the ones running in their direction could be seen, it was Kenny and Frieda.

Kenny: Lord Reiss... I tried to-

Frieda: What are you doing father?! 

Historia: Frieda...?

(y/n):  (Kenny, Frieda!)

Frieda saw Historia and her eyes widened, she then saw the syringe Rod had. As (y/n) heard her voice, he started to move again. Making Frieda notice him, and gasp. She then realized what was going on. Rod wanted to make Historia inherit (y/n)'s powers, since neither Frieda nor her brothers wanted to eat (y/n).

Rod: Frieda, list-

Frieda: You have gone too far! You even kidnapped (y/n) and want Historia to eat him!

Rod: Listen to me, Frieda!

Frieda: I won't listen to you! All you've been telling me lately was to eat (y/n)! 


 Frieda p.o.v

 We were sitting at the palace meeting room, me and father. Abel, Florian, Dirk, Ulklin, and (y/n) were somewhere in the palace, probably playing around.

 Rod: Frieda, please... Listen to me, you have to do it. 

 Frieda: I will not do such a thing!

 Rod: You have to understand! The time will come where the Colossal and Armored Titans will breach Wall Sina! You know why they're coming for, they want the founder. With his powers, you'll be able to deal with them! 

 Frieda: The founder's all I need to defend myself! There is no need for me to eat (y/n)! 

 Rod: Well, it didn't look like that when you were fighting the Attack Titan! 

 Frieda: That was three years ago! I will not eat him!

Rod: That's not the only problem! Th-

Before he could continue, I left the room.

End of flashbacks

Narrator p.o.v

Rod: The Walls are breaking Frieda! - Frieda's eyes widened again. - Ever since he came in contact with the walls, multiple cracks have appeared and they are getting weaker! some days ago in Stohess, when the Female Titan was climbing up the wall it made a hole thanks to their state, revealing one of the Colossals Titans! 

Frieda: W-w-what...? - She looked at (y/n) in shock.-

Rod: I've been trying to tell you all this time! But you didn't want to listen to me! Someone has to eat him and fix the Walls!

Kenny: Hey... Listen, I don't know what problems you two and the walls have but you better solve 'em quickly. A bunch of shit is going on outside. The Scouts started a coup d'etat and all the regiments changed sides. Everyone knows the king's a big fake and all the big shots ended up being captured. It's a royal shit show. It's a matter of time till they show up here. So you better eat him and do something.

Rod: ...Right, take your Anti-personnel Control Squad and defend the entrance, I think I already told you that I need you and your crew to leave for the ceremony. I believe I already told you that.

Kenny: Woah, now, Lord, did I make you mad? Sorry 'bout that. I'm just so worried about you and Queenie

Some moments earlier in Mitras 

In the dungeon of the Royal Palace, Premier Zackly was inside a cell along with ??? now known as Aurille. But Aurille was upside down on a chair, he had no clothes except for his large socks and shoes, with shackles on his ankles and wrists, along with a metal cheek separator, and a big metal funnel connected to a large flexible pipe. Not the best thing to look at.

Zackly: From now on, you'll be digesting everything you eat from the bottom up. Plus, the only clothes you get to wear start at your knees and below. Of course, once a week we'll take you outside and parade you around to the public. How beautiful... This may very well be the finest work of art conceived. All those decades I spent envisioning it paid off. But see, only after you're publicly humiliated in front of the same people you tyrannized, will this masterpiece be truly complete. 

Aurille: Zackly! You just wait and see! The only blood in you is slave blood! It's nothing like our noble bloodlines! Soon enough, you'll lose your memory and even forget how to shit!  

Before he could continue talking, Zackly shoved the pipe inside Aurille's mouth.

Zackly: That one insult of yours is getting pretty stale! Don't you have anything new?! - He asked as he punched Aurille.-

Meanwhile, outside of the Palace, there were multiple Scouts along with Garrison soldiers. Commander Pyxis was walking towards Commander Erwin along with two more Garrison soldiers.

Pyxis: This could be bad, Erwin. All the officials are saying similar things. It's just as your father speculated. The Reiss family must be able to alter people's memories as it suits them. From the sound of it, certain bloodlines including theirs, are immune to the effects. 

Erwin: How is that even...? 

Pyxis: If the Reiss are able to obtain (y/n)'s creation powers, they'll be able to repair the walls and make us forget everything, meaning that this uprising will amount to absolutely nothing, and the secrets of the walls will stay hidden. As proof of that, they're spilling all their secrets with no shame. As if saying we'll get what's coming to us. I'm still wondering why they haven't erased our memories yet.

Erwin: I see... In other words, we may forget even that fact altogether. 

Pyxis: Though, I suppose having them experience torture by the hands of Zackly. Is better than nothing in my book. I don't understand that man. To think he dedicated so much of his life just so he could do that. 

Erwin: Commander, you knew about him? 

Pyxis: Hmm... 'Twas a slip of the tongue. Indeed. - He said as he began to walk away but stopped when he began to speak again.- I suspected Darius Zackly had such ambitions. Unlike you, I'm not very fond of gambling. And also, unlike you... I value the number of remaining humans over my own life. The reason I backed you was because I believed it the superior choice for humanity. Had the government been the favorable choice, I was prepared to fight against Zackly. To think, we're comrades just following a coup d'etat, and look what I'm saying... I once heard a song that someday humans will stop fighting, but when will that be? 

???: Commander!

Before he could answer, he was called by someone behind him. Erwin turned around and saw a Scout, behind him more Scouts.

Scout: All troops are prepared and ready! We're ready to go! 

Erwin: Humans will continue to fight one another until the day there's one human or less. 

Pyxis laughed and turned around.

Pyxis: I was hoping for a better answer than some bleak hyperbole. 

Erwin: All troops, fall in! -. Erwin said as he put on his Scout cape and sit on the saddle on his horse.- Our mission to recover (y/n) and Historia will now commence! We make for their location, believed to be the chapel on Reiss territory! 

Meanwhile in the Scouts before the chapel attack

Connie, Sasha, Reiner, and Bertholdt had come close to the wagon with their horses.

Levi: Understand? He's Kenny the Ripper. If he's there, he'll be our biggest obstacle. In terms of how much of a threat he is, equate him to me as an enemy. No... with those weapons of his, he's deadlier than me.

Sasha: Then he's unbeatable, at least for us...

Connie: If we could meet up with the troops-

Eren: We don't have time!

Connie: I know!... But... If you think about it, (y/n) has the ability to crystalize himself, maybe he already has, that buys us time to regroup.

Reiner: You have a good point. But we don't know what they're capable of, so, it's better for us to go as soon as possible.

Hanji: He's right... There are many things we don't know. It's better not to take risks.

Armin: Yeah... Though, if what the captain said about Kenny is true, it's not like he has no weak points.

Jean: For real, Armin? 

Armin: Yeah, I'm sure he's trained plenty, but having combat experience is something else. 

Hanji: I wonder, how is it that you lived with Kenny the Ripper but know almost nothing about him, Levi? 

Levi: Sorry, but I only found out his full name not too long ago. Apparently, it's Kenny Ackerman. He some relative of yours? -. He asked while looking at Mikasa.-

Eren: A-Ackerman?

Mikasa: I heard from my parents when they were alive that my dad's side, the Ackermans, were prosecuted in the cities. My mom's family was oriental, so being of a different race meant they didn't fit in anywhere. Both were people chased deep in the mountains near the edge of the walls, so that's how they met and married. But I never found out why the Ackermans were persecuted. My dad didn't seem like a different race like my mom was. 

Levi: Has there ever been a moment where it's felt like power suddenly awakened inside you? 

As soon as he said that Mikasa began to have flashbacks from her childhood, where she awakened that power.

Mikasa: There has.

Levi: Kenny Ackerman had a moment like that too. One time, out of nowhere, he felt an absurd amount of strength surging within him and he knew exactly what he had to do. I've felt moments like that too.

As they kept forward the chapel could now be seen in the distance. 

Back at the chapel

Frieda was still frozen in place, many thoughts running through her mind.

Rod: Frieda, it's time for you to decide, will you inherit his powers, or will Historia do it?

Frieda: C-can't I j-just make the Colossals r-repair the walls?

Rod: You know that's not possible Frieda, please decide now.

Frieda looked at the ground, tears began filling her eyes, and then, she whispered.

Frieda: ...I'm sorry...

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