I Have Friends Who Understand...

By JGem_Stoned

14.5K 594 249

When a young kid finally gives into their friends to start streaming, their dark word finds a new light. The... More

1 - The People Who Happened to Birth You
2 - We Gon' Burn the Whole House Down
4 - Blood Sugar and Training
5 - We Would Love to Win
6 - The Tired Bois
7 - Muffled Screams
8 - Frankly Fucking Ridiculous
9 - Hair
10 - Face Reveal
11 - Dinosaur Train
Technoblade (AN)
12 - Fuck It
13 - First Time ;)
14 - Tg2MaverickBoogaloo
15 - Philzadelphia
16 - Cutting Some Slack
17 - Out
18 - Strikhedonia
19 - Papers

3 - Twitter Has Spoken

1K 44 25
By JGem_Stoned

Tommy's POV

Ash, Tubbo, and I played for a few hours before I decided to end my stream. I was really proud of how Ash did on their first stream, a lot of people in my chat where asking if they had a youtube or twitch channel, of course I wanted them to start streaming, but they never listen to me. I deafened in the call so that I could say a quick bye to my chat, and  as I was doing my outro, I got a donation and the text to speech read it out.

"Does Ash have a channel of their own? I would love to see more of them! :) also loved the stream today. :)"

"Oh- Chat, chat, here's the thing, Ash doesn't have a channel, even though I've been trying to get them to fucking start one. What they do have is a twitter. So I need every one of you to go to twitter.com/arson_bird (AN: if you have an idea for a phoenix related username, feel free to comment it :)) and get them to start a channel. That's your job, chat! Do not fail me!"

With that I wrapped up and ended stream. I undefended in the discord call and-

"TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK" I was immediately taken aback by Ash's yelling.


"TOM- Tommy, what. The. Actual. Fuck."

"What did I do?"

"Oh my god, Tommy are you gonna try to tell me this isn't your fault?" After they stopped talking, I heard a bit of rustling and then...






I smiled as I recognized the dings as twitter notifications, my chat really is the best.

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything!"

"You idiot! I've had your stream open this entire time! Why did you do that?" Fuck. They knew.

"Wh- Whell what's wrong with that! They want Ash content, so I told them to ask for it!" They let out a tired sigh, probably not realizing how tiring streaming could be, or just done with me, one of the two.

"Fine, whatever, I'll think about it. But you aren't aloud to talk about or go on my twitter for at least 24 hours, ok?" I had no idea where they were going with this, but I didn't want them to be angry with me.

"Ok, ok, ok, fine"

"Good, now I'm gonna go, you two should go to sleep. Its has to be like midnight or some shit for you idiots."

"Oh, it is late, isn't it! Well, goodnight!"

"Oh, shut it, Tubbo."


"Fine, fine, I am sorry, Tub-bo. Goodnight."

"That's better, night, you two."

"Bye Ash!"

With that Ash and Tubbo disconnected from the call, and I just sat there for another minute before disconnecting myself and heading to bed.

Ash's POV

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, that kid was ridiculous.

I tried getting some sleep, it was only around 9 pm, but I had an emotional day and could use the rest. However, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about all the new people following my twitter.

Do they really want more of my content?

I decided to send out a poll, only way to know was to ask.

Arson Bird @arson_bird

-Y'alls really want content?

        | i'm here cause content plzzzzzz

        | i'm here cause tommy said

I sent it out and decided to make some cookies. Why? Cause cookies are yummy and I had nothing else to do. After making the cookies I sat down with a few energy drinks and started binge watching Gravity Falls. It's good, ok? It was a good night after a pretty bad day, other then streaming that is.

It was about 1 in the morning when I decided to check the results, and I have to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised.

Arson Bird @arson_bird

-Y'alls really want content?

       | i'm here cause content plzzzzzz -- 98%

       | i'm here cause tommy said -- 2%

I guess they really want content, then, I guess I'll have to give it to them.

I head back upstairs to my setup and get everything ready, Tommy had made sure I had everything I needed to stream all ready incase he could ever convince me. I set everything up and started up minecraft. While that loaded I set up my first stream and tweeted it out.

Arson Bird @arson_bird

-Twitter has spoken. *screen shot of finished poll* twitch.tv/arson_bird

I set up a quick starting soon screen, I'll have to draw a new one, and left to grab another energy drink. Once I got back, I was surprised by how many people where there, these people need to sleep. Guess I can't talk tho, huh?

I move my screen to the Minecraft home page and turn on my mic.

"Hellooooo, lords, ladies, and non-binary LEGENDS! How are all you lovely people doing?" I watched chat and saw their responses, mostly things like "STREAM POG" "gooooood" "POG" "That's great! I'm glad-" Then a certain chat caught my eye:

Starinnit:im dead inside.

"Jeezz, me too but you don't have to say it, Starinnit." I stay before laughing. "Anyways, today I'm just gonna play some bed wars, and then maybe draw a new starting soon screen on stream, cause I desperately need one. How does that sound?"  The chat continued to move by and I saw a few people saying positive things about the ideas.

After a few hours of minecraft, where I destroyed might I add, I started designing my new starting soon screen, it was black with a purple phoenix and colorful flames around it. I thought it looked awesome and chat agreed.

Suddenly I got a call on discord, it was Tommy. Checking the time I saw it was about six in the morning, meaning it was nine for him (AN: IDK just go with the three hour time difference) I knew Tommy would be mad that I didn't do my first stream with him, so I decided to ignore him and end my stream. That would definitely fix it.

"ALRIGHTY CHAT! That there was a call from the one and only, TOMMITHY INNIT! And the young child will be mad at me for not streaming with him, soooooooo, it is time to say good-bye. Plus it's like six in the morning and I'm running out of energy drinks. Anyways, goodnight er- ummm- times, chat! I'll see you later, and make sure to follow me here and on twitter @arson_bird  PEACE OUT!" With that I ended stream and immediately collapsed into bed and fell right asleep.

1098 Words

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