Let the games begin - Yu-Gi-O...

By ShiranuiSama

6.4K 71 13

OC Sombra may have knowlagev and clues to help the pharoh figure out his past, but as she joins the gang, she... More

the Kaibas reunite?
the Great Escape
Safely away
Yugi vs. Joey
Fall of the King
Not so Free
an almost lost holiday
Ancient Relic
a Favor
Motor Man


168 4 0
By ShiranuiSama

I returned to hospital just in time to be yelled at by a few nurses. they apparently spent an hour looking for me and scolded me over and over again about how I could have died, I didnt even feel weak though. Luckily I was able to hide the fact I had help escaping this place, so Joey and Tristan were safe. I on the other hand had missing jellos for the remainder of my stay. January first came, and I watched beautiful fireworks from my room. I cetrinly wasnt allowed visitors after my little outing, but I was due to be realeased tomarrow afternoon, just after a few more tests. All I have to say is THANK GOD for insurance, otherwise my dad and I would be in serious trouble. He had managed to run the shop on his own quite well, but he looked absoloutly exausted at the party the other night. I would still be on a crutch, but I could still do my job almost as well as I could.

I waited in my room, changed in a clean set of cloths, tapping my crutch excitedly against the floor. the doctor finnaly came ine, read off the improvements on my broken arm and shotgun wound, I wasnt really paying attention to him. I was far too excited to finnaly leave these four walls behind me. He gave me a few perscriptions for my heart and a last bottle of medication for my arm and sent me off with a handshake. I was looking over an insuranc papers when I heard my name being called. Yugi and the rest of the gang waited in front on the hospital for me. We spent hours catching up, from crancky school teachers to little duels they had won against fellow students. That night, I had the best sleep I had in months. My sheets, MY pillow, and MY bed, nothing beats sleeping in your own bed, especially after so much time away.

I begged my dad to let me take a shift the next day. It was a weekend so no school but I was doing something, ANYTHING after sitting around all day in bed. I even got up early to clean the already clean glass cases. Limping around was a bit troublesome, but I didnt mind. I just was glad to finnaly be doing something. I cleaned twice, restocked merchandise, reorganized a few book sections and cleaned a third time. It wasnt until my good leg began to cramp up that I finnaly took a rest. The store wasnt very busy, so I settled down behind the counter with a small book on ancient egyptian civalizations. I thought I might try to dig up some kind of information to help the Pharoh. I wanted to be prodective any way I can after being shut up in a room for months.

The door opened with a 'ding', but I was far too into the book to notice. I was in the middle of an old myth when I thought I heard a few chuckles.

After this Re named all things that are upon the earth, and they grew. Last of all he named mankind, " Hehe "

and there were men and women in the land of Egypt.

Then Re took on the shape of a man and became the first Pharaoh, ruling over the whole country for thousands and thousands of years, and "hehehe"

giving such harvests that for ever afterwards the Egyptians spoke of the good things "which happened in the time of Re". "hehehe"

What is...?

I looked up from my book to find two brown eyes staring back at me. Mokuba stood with his chin resting on his palms, resting his elbows on the table. " You make a funny face when you're reading!" He laughed. I chuckled along with him. " Do not! Whats up? What brings you..." The words caught in my throut

Scoweling in the doorway, was none other than the older Kaiba. " Hello Kaiba..." I said nervously. I got a 'mhm' in response, but at least I got that. " So hows everything now your out of the hospital? " Mokuba asked. I shurgged. " Havent done much but work but anything is better than just sitting in that dang room all day. So how have you two been scince the Island? " I stood and using my crutch, moved out from behind the counter. For a minuet, no one said anything. I didnt think anything of it, until I stopped in front of Mokuba. He was staring at the crutch shokes expression on his face. " What? Oh this? This isnt anything, just temporary." He nodded shiftly. " So what brings you two here? " I wanted to change the subject, and there presence was sort of odd. I hadnt seen either of them scince the first day I was in the hospital.

" oh, Big bro wanted to ask you something." Kaiba stepped forward, but it looked more like he was coming out kill someone rahter than ask a question. He had his arms crossed and that ever present scowl on his face, his eyes as cold as ever. " You and your dad run this place right? " He spat. " Yes?" " So the both of you have to have signifigant knowlage of ancient civilazations." He stated. " Some what..." I didnt want to claim I had more knowlage than I had, especially to someone like Kaiba. " That new exibit at the museum, what do you know about that? " I blinked at him. New exibit? " uhh..." He pinched the bridge of his nose. " The ancient egyptian exibit. " He growled. " Sorry, I dont know what exibit your talking about? " He mumbled something about living under a rock. well what did he expect? I had been in the hospital for a month! " c'mon. " He ordered. "ah! Hold it! Im working Kaiba I cant just-" " Who are you yelling at! " I heard dad yell from the bakc room. " Its Kaiba dad he-" " That kid from your school everyone is talking about? "

I could feel the heat coming from my cheeks. I pinched the bridge of my nose, letting my bangs cover as much of my face as possible. " uhh... yes dad..."

" Whats he want? "

" He wants to take me some-"

" Oh I see Banxy! I know youve been stuck in that hospital for a while so, you can go with him, just be back by ten and dont do anything you would be ashamed to tell me! and THE BOTH OF YOU TAKE IT EASY YOU JUST GOT OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!"

Mokuba giggled, and I didnt dare look Kaiba in the face. " If I go with you guys, can you drop me off someplace far away from here please? " I joked. Mokuba chuckled, but Kaiba just turned and began to leave. " Hurry up. " he ordered. I crutched as quickly a I could. Outside, a large stretch limo was waiting for us. Kaiba went around to the other side, and Mokuba shot inside. " C'mon Sombra! " He called. I shuffled inside as best I could with a crutch. I herd Kaiba mumble ' embarassing '. I blushed a bit, knowing I problably did look stupid. " So where are we going? " " the museum." He spat. The museum? Kaiba wanted to know if I knew much about ancient cities, and he did ask something about that one exibit, but what exactly did they want me there for? If it was a new exibt, chances are I wont know any more than the people running the exibit. What help do they think I would be?



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