Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

376K 11.8K 4.3K

After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate... More

Prologue 1/2
Prologue 2/2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Sixteen

10.8K 375 124
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(Your Pov)

"So who thinks themselves worthy?" Thor called out as Natasha set down the plate of mini cakes. You instantly grabbed one, although not even thinking about participating. This was a predictable game. Only Thor could lift the hammer, and even if others could you'd never be able to. There was no way you were even nominated to be worthy. No way.

"Clint, you're up first!" Natasha shouted to Clint, grabbing a lemon flavoured cupcake. She had gotten one of the variety take-out boxes, so there was pretty much every flavour.

"It's a trick, man. Mirrors and illusions and what not."

"Oh come on! Just try it." Your dad insisted of him, and Clint finally obliged. He stood up, moved across from the 'magic hammer', and pulled as hard as he could.

It didn't budge in the slightest.

"Told you. Tony, your turn!" Your dad got up -and although they've definitely played this game before- you could tell how he eyed the idle weapon warily, as if it was a wild animal he needed to tame. Or a tricky science solution he simply hadn't figured out yet. He pulled-

It didn't budge, yet again.

And this went in a circle, the hammer only barely moving for Steve. But that was only the tiniest bit, barely even noticeable. And once all four Avengers had tried -besides Nat, who claimed she didn't need that question answered- there was only you and Loki left to attempt these crazy feats.

"Princes first." You mention to him, and with a heavy sigh he got up. He acted indifferent, although some level of defeatedness shone through. As if he had tried this many times before and it failed. It was like the only reason he was even thinking about going over there was because he was too drunk to do otherwise.

Or because you asked him to.

But that was preposterous.

Nonetheless, Loki went over to the hammer, gripping the handle and giving a slight tug. And again.

It still didn't move. He sat back down, and all eyes went to you.

"I'm not doing it." You laugh at their expectations, settling deeper into your seat.

"Come on! You've never even touched his hammer before. Might as well try." Nat insisted, and you were tempted to glare at her. But you lost the glare battle against Natasha every time.

"I already know what's going to happen. It won't move. Just like for all of you."

"But it's your birthday! Maybe that counts for something." You dad insisted, as you finally got up. They cheered as you moved closer to it, although you still didn't move to pick it up. This was a test of worthiness. Loki was surely more worthy than you, and he doubled as proof that the soulmates' version of worthiness didn't count as actual hammer-level value.

"How can I be any more worthy than the literal Avengers?" You ask, grabbing the handle. "I haven't saved anybody's life, I haven't sacrificed anything, I'm drunk and I'll have a horrible hangover tomorrow. Does any of that sound like worthy material to you?" You question, simply talking out loud. It barely registered in your mind that you were gesturing wildly around the room with something, although you know you haven't felt the pull of the hammer yet. Or something ridiculously heavy that you couldn't lift easily, yet practically be juggling it between your hands.

"You sure?" Bruce broke the silence first, and you looked up to see the shocked faces of those around you. What-

"I knew it! I knew it!" Your dad shouted, congratulating you with a hug. You were confused, until you realised the hammer was no longer on the table.

It was in your hand instead.

How- Why- Who-

"What!" You drop it instantly, as if it had shocked you. It didn't; although were you now immune to electrocution because you could wield it? "Very funny guys. Pull a prank on the sleep-deprived drunk new adult. Sure. Real classy." You say, trying to reassure yourself that this wasn't happening. That you weren't actually able to pick it up. That you weren't worthy. Imagine you- an unruly genius teen with a soulmate who couldn't even save her mother- worthy of wielding something that even the world's mightiest heroes couldn't.

No. This wasn't happening. You didn't know how, but they switched it. They were acting. It was a trick.

"Congratulations Lady Sky!" Thor placed a hard thump of his hand against your shoulder, and you were really confused. Thor grabbed the hammer off the floor, trying to hand it back to you again. But you didn't take it. Wouldn't take it.

"I'm not worthy." You insist again, maybe trying to reason with the hammer. You didn't know who you had to convince, but you knew you weren't as special as this event was proving.

"But you are! You lifted Thor's hammer." Clint insisted this time, voicing the facts of what happened. You rubbed a hand over your face, knowing you were seconds away from doing or saying something stupid. It must've been past three in the morning now, which was your exact way out of this situation. It was just too many things happening over too short of a timeframe.

"You know what? I'm getting tired. I'm heading up to bed, see you all tomorrow." You say, slipping out of the circle and around the corner into the hallway. It was too much. Worthy? Hell no. Not you, not anytime soon. Not with what you've done. Or rather, what you haven't done. What you couldn't do.

But that was mew-mew's job, right? To test who was or wasn't worthy?

So why did it choose you?


You arrive outside your room a few moments later, holding everything in from the past twenty-four hours. This day had been absolutely the best birthday ever, but you just couldn't keep up with the things happening. If you had a week to process it all, maybe. But not within just a few hours.

You enter your room, the lights flipping on as you entered. You just needed some time to yourself. You knew sleep would never come while you were this distressed, so you decided to take a shower to cool off. By the time you were done and left the bathroom, you spotted something on your bedside table. Something besides all your gizmos there already.

A small ring box. And a note.

You picked up the note first, guessing exactly who had gifted you this.

'Happy Birthday Y/N. I know this is a little later than the others' gifts, although I hope not too late. This is an Asgardian promise ring, one that my mother gave me for when I found my soulmate. I hope you like it. ~Loki'

Wow. An Asgardian promise ring Loki's mother gave him. You hadn't exactly expected to get a gift from him, yet alone for him to remember your birthday. Although that was definitely proven now.

You open up the ring box, revealing a golden, beautifully carved ring. There were intricately chiseled icons on the outside, and inscriptions lining the inside. Each chiseled point was filled with a shining emerald liquid material, although it obviously hardened by now. It almost reminded you of your soulmark, the green writing on the gold background. As a promise ring, you were truly curious as to what the writing along the inner bend said, although you didn't know Asgardian yet.

It was beautiful.

'Thank you!' You reach for Loki through the link, noticing his impatience before he received your comment. And then his relief afterwards. You had no doubt he was confused over everything that had happened throughout the night, although you were glad he didn't pry too much. He obviously wasn't trying to conceal his feelings, actively letting you choose when you were ready to tell him. If you ever were.

But soulmates deserved to know these things about each other. The two of you really should sit down later and talk it all out. Or think it out. Either way.

'Of course. Do you like it?'

'I love it! I'm just not sure what the writing means, you'll have to explain it to me sometime.'

'Perhaps at our first training lesson. If you would like.'

'That sounds great. And thank you for everything tonight, it's been the best birthday I've had so far.'

'I am glad to hear that. Though I do believe you need some rest, darling. I shall see you in the morning.'

'Good night Loki.' The connection ended, and you couldn't help but fawn over it. He called you darling. It was said with such longing that you couldn't help but return the feelings through the connection, and it felt yet again as if he was much closer than simply across the hall. You still longed for the same closeness as when you danced, the feeling of having him hold you in his arms. His gentle touch made you feel safe, safer than anywhere or with anyone ever before.

He felt like home. More than any dingy apartment or enormous mansion ever had.

With these thoughts roaming your mind, you drifted into a peaceful sleep. One that may or may not have been helped with a tiny burst of magic, that may or may not have been from a certain soulmate of yours.

Because whether you believed it or not, you were worthy. You were worthy of Loki, of having a soulmark, of everything that had happened over the past 24 hours. You deserved the world, and all you needed to do was realise it. 

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