«We'll Call It Wangxian»

By Nico-00

97.7K 7.2K 1.6K

Fake tears were shed, a fake funeral was orchestrated. Fake investigations were organised, a fake name was gi... More

"she won't do anything"
"messed up big time or not that bad?"
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
"I love you~"
"To the world wei wuxian, is dead"
"Does lan gege like me?"
"He is all I have"
"Marry me"
"Mo xuanyu or wei wuxian?"
"overdramatic much"
"Stop kidding"
"I'm sorry"
"Let's Play a game"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"I'm about to cut a bitch."
"I do."
"Don't you sign some papers and fuc-!"
"It's Better to hide him away than watching him die"
"what the fuck!"
"Come on, smile for mama."
"He's coming after you"
"I would rise back from the dead to have one last dance with you."
"It's not like you tried to kill me or anything."
"But, master!"
"Why is master so grumpy?"
"she's coming for me."
"A place far away from here. Just you and I."
"you think you can escape?"
"You don't believe me? "
"You have a driver's license don't you? I don't wanna die.... yet"
"I used red when I was nine. It was the best feeling ever."
"It's not a coping mechanism. He is just sick to his mind."
"she was there the entire time."
"Burn in hell."
"death doesn't decide your fate, I do."
"In the end, is it always fine?"


1.5K 138 37
By Nico-00

Wei Ying didn't think that this was very good idea. Yup, he definitely regretted it. He very well knew that now that he had come so far, he can't chicken out of this. He had even gotten dressed and worn his shoes. There was no way back now!

"My nephew looks so pretty.", He didn't know that his aunt could coo at all. Wei ying gulped thickly when the ominous feeling sinked in slowly. Oh, he knew he was going to have a bad day today.

Jiāng Yanli who was a clad in a golden gown with shiny frills around her shoulders noticed that her brother seemed quite disturbed for a while now. She gently settled her hands on his shoulders and tapped gently.

"Why do you look so disturbed, A'xian?", Wei Ying snapped out of his daze and smiled sheepishly at his sister. "It's nothing jiejie.", Wei Ying replied back and got off from his cushion chair to dust his attire.

Wei Ying was set to leave along with Jin zixuan and Jiang Yanli dressed up in white and baby blue. He wore a pretty little white coloured bow and a babt blue shirt which resembled the clouds in a sunny day. The long white jacket fit his body just perfectly and so did his dress pants.

"Come on problem child wear a good pair of gloves Today.", Jin zixuan snarked, wei ying looked at his brother in law with one of the scariest looks he could make and threw him out of his room. He preferred silence and a serene surrounding, which was only possible without Jin zixuan around it.

Wei Ying sighed and removed his jacket to wear a new pair of gloves. He planned to cover both his hands today, since a lot of people knew Lan wangji's boyfriend by the one glove he wore in his right hand. Looking at his gloved right hand wei ying moved his fingers up and down slowly. He frowned and looked around his mirror less room to get his phone to see if Lan zhan has apologised yet or not.

Who was he kidding? Lan wangji only apologised if he thought that he had made a mistake, which was practically never. He quickly grabbed his best pair of gloves which was gifted to him by Lan Zhan on their third anniversary. It was milky white in color and had a frills in the end. He felt like he was going to get married when he looked at himself from up to down.

' why can't you just apologise', wei ying thought as he quickly slipped out of the glove he wore on right hand. He looked away from his right hand before he gently slipped the white glove on to his right hand and later on to his left hand.

"How do I look?", Wei Ying only had a rough picture of how he looked, he doesn't look into a mirror to know how he looks so he just asked his brother how he looked.

"Good.", Jiāng wanyin replied back without taking a second or more to think.

"No need to click a picture.", Wei Ying waved his hands off and walked outside to get some fresh air. Over the years whenever wei wuxian had doubts on how he looked, his family had always praised him and took pictures of him to show him how he looked. They had go get used to not being around a mirror for so long that his family even after he left a few years ago did not keep a mirror with them.

He did not like how considerate they were. It felt like pity to him at times.

"Come on problem child, my mom's waiting for you.", Wei Ying scoffed at Jin zixuan and started walking towards the sleek black car which was his ride for thr day. Ofcourse, he had to go with the Jin's, wei wuxian did not exist in this world only mo xuanyu did. The Jiang's were going to show up a few minutes after the Jin's as usual.

"Why do you look do nervous?", Madam Jin asked him politely as shd ruffled his ash colored hair. Wei Ying almost felt the urge to our like a cat but he had a question to answer at the moment.

"I don't think this a good idea.", He gave in to his mind and told them the truth. Jin zixuan who sat in the front seemed the least bothered by it.

"What if he gets in trouble because of me? It'll be really hard for him to get out of a problem like that.", Wei Ying was starting to feel guilty, now that the venue of the place was nearing. Jin zixuan scoffed at the man's constant gibber jabber and drove faster to the venue before he planned to jump out of the car and escape.

"You cannot back out now. It'll be over in no time.", He tried to reassure wei wuxian, if the man chickened out now, he knew that he was going to be in a big problem. Hell! It'll most likely turn into a pity party. Wei Ying now knew that something was wrong when the car came to a stop in front of Sen Beijing. This was one of the most luxurious hotels in Beijing, which was owned by The Lans. Why would a close partner of the Lan's who were as popular as them keep an engagement party in a hotel owned by the Lan's after all?

"What's happening?", Wei Ying looked at Madam Jin who smiled sadly at his innocent question. She knew that wei wuxian was a little too familiar with this place. After all, why wouldn't wei ying know about this place.

This was the place where Lan wangji proposed to him on his twenty third birthday.

"Come outside, Xuanyu.", Jin zixuan opened the door on his side with a fake smile on his face. The younger man knew that something was gravely wrong when he felt the camera shutters go off from a distance; mostly towards his direction.

Wei Ying felt his chest starting to feel heavy. The bad gut feeling he once had sinked into him in one of the worst ways ever. He gulped thickly when he realised that he had been trapped. Afterall, why would Jin zixuan of all people try to help him out.

"Come out. I promise everything will be explained later on.", He whispered into his ears, unconsciously wei ying got out of the car holding the man's hands and faced what seemed like an ocean of camera shutters going off.

"What's h-happening?", He asked trying to rip his hands away from the man. Jin zixuan seemed like a master in faking emotions, the smile which seemed real to the cameras was all a facade. The older Jin was just like the other people who knew his real identity. They were all around him and faked their emotions.

"Smile.", Jin zixuan let go of his hands knowing that he had nowhere else to go. Wei Ying hid his shaky hands behind his back and did not look at the cameras, his once serene life has suddenly turned upside down for some reason.

"He's shy.", Jin zixuan commented cheerfully and let his wife walk wei wuxian inside the hall where the guest's had gathered. The last thing he heard was a series of coos coming from some people before he walked inside.

"What are you doing? They can't see me.", Wei Ying asked in horror, everybody's gaze inside the lavish hall was set on him. He felt like a prey in the lion's den. The most horrifying part about this place was that his own family and friends had pulled into this trap.

"Is he the one?"

"He must be. Isn't he pretty?", Wei Ying heard a few people talking about him. He did not understand why everybody was looking at him. The fact that Jin zixuan was behind all this made it even more disturbing. His skin crawled when each and every single words people spoke about him sinked inside him. 

He didn't want to play the game of revenge anymore.

"You need to smile A'xian, I know this is all new.", yanli encouraged him, she knew that wei wuxian had no idea about what in the hell was going around him. But, she could do nothing but act like she knew nothing. It was after all to save his life.

There was someone who was trying to get back at wei wuxian after knowing his real identity. It was obvious that this stalker was the man behind all his past accidents. It was either that this man was trying to confirm that it was wei wuxian who was alive or he was someone who had hated Cangse sanren and wei changze enough to kill even the last remnant of their family. By making an empty shot this person knew that he wasn't sure if it was wei wuxian or not. All they knew that was the fact that they were hurting someone which was eventually to tick someone off.

The only thing which was the best for them was to bring wei wuxian out to the world in the name of Mo Xuanyu. Afterall, this was eventually Bound to happen it was either now or a few years later. Even though right now they were forcing him into it.

Wei Wuxian was still very much dead to the world. The boy died when he was three, which was announced to the world when he was four.

That was how Lan wangji would like it to stay forever.


"Hug me.", Wei Ying whined throwing his bag own the couch. His boyfriend who was comfortable on the couch removed his round glasses and set the laptop away from him when he saw his boyfriend waddling towards him.

"Mn", He hummed welcoming him into his arms. Wei Ying cocooned himself like a cozy hamster and wrapped his thin legs around lan zhan's waist.

"Hug me tighter.", Lan wangji did wrap his hands rather firm yet comfortable enough for wei ying to breathe. The younger whined and kicked the velveteen cushions of the couch when his bones hurt him for the nth time of the day.

Lan wangji knew that something was wrong with wei ying today. The younger man always asked for hugs when he was sad or a little too bothered. He didn't even need to ask wei ying about his day before he started rambling about it all by himself.

"I mixed the wrong set of paints and made a fool out of myself. Madam Jin who always called me her star student was so fucking disappointed that she frowned.", Wei Ying murmured clawing his hands into his wrists just to get swatted away by Lan Zhan's hands.

"Jae-hyun called me a freak for wearing a glove and tried to pick a fight with me.", Oh, Lan wangji knew wei ying never turned down a good fight. He had obviously done some damage to Jae-hyun today.

"So I punched him and broke a few teeth of his.", Lan wangji wasn't going to say this out loud. But, he had never felt so fucking proud of his boyfriend.

The only thing he didn't understand was why wei ying was sniffling right now.

"Did he hurt you?", He asked rubbing his back-- at times he felt like he was going to ask a child to marry him, his that would be bad-- wei ying shook his head. Well, it was obvious that he wasn't hurt. Wei Ying was the only one hurt people during fights.

"I r-ruined my precious glove Lan 'an! It's all bloodied now."

Wei Ying sniffled like a child and eventually started wailing like a child who had been snatched of his candy.

"I don't care that I got suspended! I don't even care that I broke his nose Lan 'an! The glove!"

Oh.. that was a lot of information.

Wei ying wailed arching his back like a spine less ferret. Lan Zhan was there to hold him back before he could fall down and break his own nose.

"Twas my favourite!", He wailed kicking his legs even harder now. The older looked at his right hand saw how it had been damaged-- it was obvious, wei wuxian had punched that hunk of a man to oblivion-- he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

How could a man who looked so innocent hurt someone so bad?


Why so you think lan wangji did this to wei ying?

The Lan's and the Jiang's including all of the people who know wei wuxian have a very dark personalty and have their own secrets.

Nothing in this book is related to mafias but definitely a lot of illegal things are bout to happen! Buckle up you are in for a ride in the upcoming few chapters!

Dark Lan's and violence (not too much but yeah) will be prominent next chapter and a lot of character development!!!

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