With The Beatles

De angelthefirstcolumn

10.6K 341 170

Fame can literally change a person and forget who they really are. What happens when the arrogant fab four s... Mais

With The Beatles
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4
Take 5
Take 6
Take 7
Take 8
Take 9
Take 10
Take 11
Take 12
Take 13
Take 14
Take 15
Take 16
Take 17
Take 18
Take 19
Take 20
Take 21
Take 22
Take 24
Take 25
Take 26
Take 27
Take 28
Take 29
Take 30
Take 31
Take 32
Take 33
Take 34
Take 35
Take 36
Take 37
Take 38
Take 39
Take 40
The Final Take

Take 23

103 6 1
De angelthefirstcolumn


"And that was the story of how John and Paul wrote 'I Saw Her Standing There.'" I finished while carrying her school bag.

Jude seemed amazed of what I just told her. Her eyes glimmered with joy, probably because of the knowledge that came from a Beatle himself.

"I can't believe everything I read on the internet are either inaccurate or incomplete." She wonders. "Gee, I sure do hope I'll get to ask more about your music."

"Just fire away. I'll try to answer them." I told her. Jude's lips formed a thin line then that's where it hit me. "Right... You currently know a lot about our music than we do."

I sighed as a smile crossed my lips. It's kinda surreal that this girl walking with me holds more knowledge about my life than I do. Jude knows about my death, and probably who I'm going to marry or the name of my children.

"You can ask me anything if you like." I turned to her and questioned, "Anything?"

She shrugged, "There's nothing left to hide anyway. And among the four Beatles, it's you who I trust the most."

Stunned, I said, "Really?"

"Yeah, you're the only one who knows about Cedric. Also the only old man whom I taught Google and new technology."

This made me smirk, "Paul knows about the Google site. He almost did a background check on himself until you came in the room and crashed the monitor."

She laughed upon remembering, "So that's why he was so nervous."

Laughing along with her, I also said, "Ringo has done a little research himself. He learned how to use a cellphone and a thing called an iPod."

Jude furrowed her eyebrows in sudden confusion. "iPod? I don't remember owning any of those."

My eyes widened as I realized the iPod came from the stuff Ringo used to rob from other people... when he was a thief.

My, what an odd thing to say about a best friend.

"Ah! I-I'm actually pertaining to... the... tripods. Yeah, it's quite confusing with iPods since their both pods." I chuckled nervously. "Get it?"

Thankfully, she doesn't press on the topic any further. "So what is it that you want to ask me?"

Looking up at the skies while Jude and I are walking in a slow pace, I tried squeezing my mind for a sensible question to ask to a girl from the future. I mean, I don't want to ask a question that she might ponder on like our deaths or anything.

That's where it striked me. "Did the Beatles ever break up?"

I was expecting Jude to be all concerned again but she actually replied to my question in a heartbeat. "Yes, they did."

Then she explains, "It's kind of a long story, though. Each of you had a reason why you had to break up. It's kind of like a lover's divorce than a band breaking up, actually.

"It was Ringo who first left. He walked out of the studio one day and went over to John's house to talk about himself leaving." I gave her a troubled face. "Don't worry, he came back. But then you left."

I listened intently as the topic was bound to get interesting. "While recording your last studio album, John and Paul were... how do I say this?"

"I-It's okay. Call it whatever you think it is." I reassured to her. She sighed, "They were being hard on you which caused you getting pressured. There was this one guitarist that John thought would be better than you and he threatened that he can ultimately replace you with that jackass.

"Apart from that, you were really upset of not getting some of your songs in the album. Nor John and Paul never acknowledged your contributions at the time. You felt bad on yourself and just decided to leave."

That, I wouldn't be surprised. Even in our early days I was always treated as just the guitarist. How bizarre that it could actually be the reason as to why we're breaking up.

"But you came back." I turned to Jude who just spoke, "You came back because just like John, you treat the Beatles as your safe haven."

The Beatles? My safe haven? My, what a mindset I was going to have.

Jude sighed once again, "It's complicated to tell the story of what made John and Paul left the group. After you told me a few stories on how they wrote their songs, it'll be depressing to talk about what made their partnership rift apart."

She's right, though. I have to admit everything is chaos when those two don't get along. They're like the glue that kept the Beatles together, now I couldn't imagine what it would be like when John and Paul really does break up.

Suddenly, another question came up in mind. "Jude?"

"Yes, George?"

I took a deep breath before asking, "What happens to me after the Beatles disbanded?"

She stopped in her tracks and faced me, "Do you really want to know that?"

This made me stop as well as I thought my question must've made her suspicious enough. Being honest, I said, "Not really. I might just end up disappointing myself."

"Well, I'm not disappointed. You're the one who's pulling yourself down. I thought you just told me to think positive?"

"Well," I hesitated at first but decided to let it out once and for all. "I wouldn't be surprised if John and Paul are going to be big themselves if they go solo. Ringo might still drum for them, but me... I probably have nowhere to go."

I faced sideward to avoid her look, "'Cause I'm just the guitarist. The quiet Beatle that nobody appreciates. I have always figured that John and Paul are the stars of the Beatles. While Ringo and I are just behind them, playing our plain ol' instruments and nothing more."

Jude's jaw dropped. "You seriously believe those stuff?" Her voice said with disbelief. I turned to her and studied her complexed facial expression.

"The moment you time travelled I thought you were so proud of yourself. You even rolled your eyes at me for lashing you on the cigarette stubs."

"That's in the past, Jude, I was sorry about that. Even then I was hiding this insecurity of mine because I know everyone knows me to be the—"

"Quiet Beatle. Blah blah blah!" She cuts me off and crossed her arms. "Don't you remember our first conversation? You said we shouldn't care about who's being labelled and what not."

I lowered my gaze and nodded, "And you told me that you don't believe in those stuff."

She nodded. "That's right, labels are nonsense. Do you know I've been called a grandma for all my life just because I wear boring clothes and listen to golden quality music? Does that affect me? No! As a matter of fact, it's actually flattering."

We chuckled at the way she waved her hands in the air. "At least your music taste is golden."

She giggled, "But really, you shouldn't let those titles define who you are. They're just words the media wanted to call you. No one knows the Beatles better more than the four of you, so don't you dare let it affect your true self or your self-esteem.

"Just because John is the Fat Beatle doesn't mean he's really fat." I laughed at her statement, "And being the Quiet Beatle doesn't make you the worthless one. I love the four of you equally and I bet other people do, too."

I smiled from ear to ear as we continued walking for the university was just ahead, "Even though Paul is your favourite?"

"Just so you know, you're my mom's favourite." She winks then takes her bag from me, intending to cross the pedestrian lane towards the university.

So this is the feeling of getting winked at, huh? Subconsciously, my smile got wider.

"Wait!" I stopped her. "Thank you, Jude. You literally put a lightbulb in my head today."

She walks back to me and gave me a hug, "You found true love and peace of mind when the Beatles broke up." Our eyes met as we broke the hug, "And I'm so proud of you for that."

* * * * *


I flexed my arms proudly as if I had earned myself some muscles. Paul's eyes widened as he stared at the computer monitor.

"How did you do that?!" He asked in disbelief. "I don't know, I just press the weapons as fast as I can. And it's better if you act according to the role of your hero."

I explained, "Like when you're a tank like Tigreal, you should be always at the front lane acting as a shield against enemies, taking the damage. When you're a marksman like Layla, you can deal damage through basic attacks so they can take down turrets quickly. Then when you're a mage like Harith—"

"Okay, okay that's enough information already." Paul says, "I don't get how Layla became a marksman where in fact she's a woman, not a man, y'know. Just, how can you learn so much about these on lane—"

I corrected him, "Online."

"I mean online... uhh..."

"Online games?" I filled in for him.

"Yeah, I mean, don't these new modern stuff ruins the brain of the youth? Spending all their time on these radiating gadgets instead of having fun or discovering their talents, y'know?" Paul spoke.

"But this is their new way of entertainment. They also develop friendship and unity when gaming. Not just at online games but also in social media." I closed the Mobile Legends application and pressed on what Jude calls a Google Chrome.

"There are a lot of social media platforms. This blue icon with a letter F is called Facebook, you can connect with anyone through this baby." I explained then showed a colourful icon of a camera and a blue icon of a little bird.

"Then this is Instagram. You could post photos and videos here. Then here in Twitter, you could write whatever is on your mind. Hence, the bird on its logo. And this—"

"Look, George, I am not an old man for nothing, y'know. But these rubbish social, social..."


"Social media. Whatever! Those stuff that social medium has, I still think it can affect the talents of today's generation, y'know. You heard their music, it's nothing compared to the music of our time, y'know."

I smirked, "Oh c'mon you just said the last time that you like their music." Paul shook his head, "That was last time, y'know. I changed my mind when I heard this guy named Justin Beaver."

Trying to defend my reason, I said, "There are still some talented people too, y'know. There's Billie Eilish, One Direction, Taylor Swift, and more. You can find them on YouTube. Jude says you can earn money from posting videos and earn yourself some followers."

"I still believe those on lane stuff is rubbish." I rolled my eyes plafully, "Says the old man who just got seriously addicted to Netflix. Don't even think about Googling yourself again."

Just in time as our debate ended, John enters the room. "Hey, someone's looking for ya."

Paul and I looked at each other till I realized I was the one John was pertaining to. So I stood up from my seat and grabbed my guitar.

"For a minute there I thought you were just her bodyguard." John wiggled his eyebrows to tease me. "Shag off."

The vocalist pats my back as I made my way towards the door. These freaks sure do love to make fun of me whenever they get the chance.

"Are you sure it'll be alright if I'm here?" Olivia asks as soon as she saw me. "Of course it is. And I'm sure Jude wouldn't mind, as well."

She sighs, "Is she at the university?" I nodded, sitting on the balcony with her and my guitar.

I assure nothing will go wrong even if Jude catches my visitor, I'm sure she'll welcome her with open arms just like how she did with us especially she's an Odinson heiress. But since it's Olivia's decision to hide herself at all costs, I have nothing to do about that.


"You asked me to come here so you could have an audience, didn't ya?" She crossed her arms with a grin plastered on her face.

Smirking, I replied, "Don't you want to, your highness?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Satisfied enough with her answer, I prepared the first chord and started singing.

"You'll never know how much I really love you,

You'll never know how much I really care,

Listen, do you want to know a secret?

Do you promise not to tell?

Whoa-oh-oh, closer,

Let me whisper in your ear,

Say the words you long to hear,

I'm in love with you, ooh..."

Judging the look on her face, I think it's safe to say that she isn't familiar with the song. Even though I was sure this is in our first studio album we released before time travelling.

"Listen, do you want to know a secret?

Do you promise not to tell?

Whoa-oh-oh, closer,

Let me whisper in your ear,

Say the words you long to hear,

I'm in love with you, ooh...

I've known a secret for a week or two,

Nobody knows, just we two,

Listen, do you want to know a secret?

Do you promise not to tell?

Whoa-oh-oh, closer,

Let me whisper in your ear,

Say the words you long to hear,

I'm in love with you, ooh, ooh..."

As I finished, Olivia claps her hands in delight. "Bravo mister George Harris! Bravo!"

I flashed a smile and stood up, pretending to bow, that iconic ninety-degree bow. "Thank you, your majesty." After Jude and I's conversation the other day, it just made me feel confident being alone. I never knew it could actually feel this good.

That's when she asked, "It's a lovely song. Did you wrote that?" Of course, being honest, I said, "No, my mates did."

"Your mates?" I nodded, "Yeah, one of them dedicated it to his mother who used to sing a Snow White song as a lullaby when he was a child. That part when the princess asked Do you want to know a secret." I explained.

"How creative," Olivia comments, "So are you like... the vocalist of your band while your mates are the songwriters?"

I shook my head, "No, most of the time I sing backing vocals. My main job is to play lead guitar." I strummed a few chords to prove my point.

"But you're a great singer! You should be more acknowledged for that." She points out. "I am being acknowledged, your majesty. What's a band without someone doing the melodies?"

Remembering what Jude said about loving us equally, I smiled. Olivia sighed and leaned against the balcony's pillar while we're still sitting on the small set of stairs.

"I envy your mindset, you don't feel down on yourself even if you're not the main star in your band." I scoffed at her statement, "Who cares about the labels?"

"I do." At that moment, our eyes met and she started to blabber, "It's different when you're being labelled in your own household. You know that kid in the family which everyone treats as a disaster? I was that kid, while my sisters are the real majesties."

Since she finally opened up, I found the courage to ask her, "Is that the reason why you ran away from home?"

A tear escaped her eye as she replied, "No! No, silly. You thought I didn't appreciate the luxurious life? I-It wasn't like that."

I kept my mouth shut as she spoke, "I escaped home... to find my purpose. My father kept me hidden for such a long time. It may be his way of keeping me safe but for me, it was torture. Especially when my sisters are being treated as the golden princesses while I was just the black sheep... the despised one."

Keeping my gaze low at my guitar, I cleared my throat and said, "You know, we shouldn't care about who's being labelled and what not."

Olivia chuckles sarcastically, "Yeah, labels are nonsense words the media wanted to call you."

"Exactly," she raised a brow at me in disbelief to my agreement. "That's right, labels are nonsense. Do you know I've been called the Quiet Guitarist for all my life just because I rarely sing when we perform? Does that affect me? No! As a matter of fact, it's actually flattering."

She doesn't seemed impressed, though, "So your point being?"

As we met eye contact, I quoted the words I held on to since I heard them from a special person.

"You shouldn't let those titles define who you are. No one knows Olivia Odinson better more than you, so don't you dare let it affect your true self or your self-esteem."

"But if I can't be that despised one, who am I suppose to be?" I face-palmed, she's more intelligent than me yet she's so slow.

"You should seriously go back to your father. Running away isn't doing you any good." I teased, standing up and was about to enter back to the house until she spoke.

"Hey, at least something good happened to me when I ran away." I turned back to her who's now down the balcony's stairs, "Improving your hiding skills?"

"No," she says. "It's meeting you."

* * * * *

Delightfully munching on to some gummy bears, I was walking back home after helping myself with some cravings.

I spent the last of my money that I got from performing a month ago. I can't believe the four of us have been living here for such a long time.

While walking, I felt someone tugging on my coat gently. As I looked down, it was a child.

"Food..." He mutters. I observed his appearance, dirty clothes, messy hair, and he looks so malnourished. I couldn't give him my gummy bears, it's not healthy for him...

...or I just didn't want to share it.

I sighed and decided to hand him the pack, "Here. Eat slowly or you'll get diabetes."

The child happily eats the gummy bears that he even munched on three all at the same time. He's obviously hungry.

"Before eating sweets, you should eat healthy foods first." A familiar voice suddenly said out of nowhere. I looked from behind me and saw Olivia carrying a basket, still disguised as usual.

She walks towards the child and gives him a paper bag. The latter looked confused but when he opened the bag, his eyes glimmered with joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The child jumps in joy and runs to a nearby alley, clutching on the stuff we just gave him.

"You know you shouldn't have given him sweets." I immediately defended myself by saying, "It's all I can afford to give."

Looking back to the basket she's holding and asked, "What's in the paper bag?"

"Ah this?" Olivia shows the contents, "It contains fruits, rice, cooked chicken, and drinks. I'm giving it away for the people living in the streets."

"You went shopping for that?" She nods, "I have an unlimited bank account, my father wouldn't notice. Besides," Olivia walks to the alley and gestured for me to follow.

As we looked, there I saw a lot of people, homeless people. Probably around ten families and they're all holding the paper bags that Olivia gave.

"For months of living outside the palace, I explored Eroda and its fine qualities that are worth appreciating." She says. I do remember those adventures, from eating street foods, clubbing, singing, running... and hiding.

"Yet despite all those wonderful stuff, I can't ignore these people who are living the complete opposite of my life." We turned back to these people who are truly glad to eat something today. They're happy, it's written all over their faces.

"They absolutely have nothing. No fortune, no money, no house. Yet they made me feel safe and always gave me a place to sleep. My father may have done an excellent job as Eroda's leader. But there's one big chunk of a puzzle piece that's still missing."

Olivia turns to me sighed, "I want to fill that responsibility. I'll do whatever it takes to solve poverty of this country. For the future of these homeless people and for the future of Eroda."

I let out a big smile and patted her shoulder, "Congratulations, your majesty. Looks like you finally found your purpose."

She gladly returns the smile and for a minute we stood there, looking at each other.

"Reporting to big boss, I found Madame Olivia Odinson, she's spotted at an alley near Kalli Kebabs with a tall skinny man. Requesting back up for her immediate return to his excellency."

My eyes widened upon hearing this, "Your highness, we have to go."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "What? Why?"

"There's no time to explain." I immediately grabbed her hand as we sprinted into the alley where the everyone's still eating peacefully. Sooner than I expected, there were already three men in black that are tailing us.

"Shoot!" I cursed. Using my boosted critical thinking while running for our lives, I looked around for a place to hide and that's where I saw an old shack with a sign that says,"For Kind-hearted People Only."

The place was surrounded by orchids and tall trees. Before the men could even make a turn, Olivia and I quickly entered the shack. Thank the Lords it was open.

We shut the door and leaned on it, catching both of our breathes. "That was close." I said.

A few moments later, we heard footsteps. Once again, I cursed. Could this day get any better?

"George?" Hey, I know that funny voice.

And I wasn't wrong. In the middle of the room illuminated by colorful lights, stood there was our dear drummer.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Here comes the sun when I say, it's alright. Little darling, it's been a one cold lonely winter." The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun

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