Ruby Rose

By kellyann001

2.6K 108 5

This is the first book in the bad boy/girl collection, they can be read separately, they are not related to e... More

Ruby Rose
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 19

78 3 0
By kellyann001

Ruby's POV

I was on the phone to my brothers,
"Look Ruby, I know you don't want to but, your gonna have to tell them, Chris is coming after you, we don't know what his dad told him"
" But I didn't make the deal, I don't understand how anyone can think it's legal for someone to sell their daughter, I don't want them involved"
" They can protect you, I looked them up, they are all good fighters, ok they haven't used a gun before also Hunters dad is a lawyer he might be able to help you"
" Can I think about it?"
" Love you"
It was Saturday we had been out for lunch and are now about to go bowling.
"Ruby" someone said at my door
"Yes come in, oh hi Axel, thanks for letting us stay here for weekend"
" Oh it's no problem, ummm can I ask a question?"
He just stared at me, running his hands through his hair
"You like Lucy and aren't sure what to do"
His mouth fell open " that obvious"
"Yeah to me, not so much to her" I laughed
" yeah she likes you but she is scared that you will use her, so if you do ask her out, I will break your face if you hurt her, got that"
" yeah, definitely... do not hurt Lucy" he said backing out the door
" Nice chatting to you Axel"

Bowling was a lot of fun, Axel was flirting with Lucy even Hunter was talking to Lea again, Logan and I well I'm not sure what we are, we kept looking at each other smiling then looking away, I've never been shy but he makes me act like I'm 11.
As it was my birthday, Axel said he would pay for my bowling, the girls got me some clothes and Max and Jackson got me a bag well the girls got  me the bag the boys gave them the money. Hunter forgot so he said he would buy me lunch for the whole of next week at school. Logan told me I had to wait until later, we got back to the beach house, and Logan dragged me onto the beach, it was now sunset, we sat on the beach Logan sat behind me with is arms wrapped round me, " it's very pretty here I can see why Axels parents got the house" I said as Logan played with my hair
" So what are we, cos I really like you" I said to him " I like you to, I just don't want you to get involved with my baggage aka my family" I laughed " you have no idea of my family baggage, I can handled yours" I said intertwining our hands " ok then Ruby, will you be my girlfriend?" " Yes, so is that my birthday present from you?" " Yes it is" he said as he kissed the back of my head, he let go of my hand and got out a blue box, " Here is your birthday present" I opened it, it was a necklace of a Ruby in the middle of a rose " it's beautiful, can you help me put it on" he helped me put it on, I turned to him and kissed him on the lips, we must have been making out for a while as it was now dark. We headed back to the house, there was a small fire going and a BBQ.

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