Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

393K 12.3K 4.5K

After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate... More

Prologue 1/2
Prologue 2/2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen

11.9K 383 113
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(Your Pov)

After walking back to the street from the park, you couldn't help but feel as if something was about to happen. Your dad was walking with confidence, although still sporting his secretive smirk. You were wondering about what could possibly be the next surprise, when your question was answered as a Stark convertible pulled up in front of you.

"Get in Loser, we're going shopping!" MJ shouted from the backseat, Pepper next to her and Natasha driving.

"MJ! What's all of this?"

"It's your birthday! Did you really think you were getting away without seeing me?" She questioned, getting out and tackling you in a hug. Pepper got out as well, handing something to Tony. The two of them shared a look, and you could've sworn they were having an entire conversation with their eyes. You and Loki could do the same thing, but you knew your dad didn't have a soulmate. Let alone one that had telepathic abilities.

"I wouldn't have dreamed of it." You reply, as Nat snapped a picture of the two of you from the front seat. "Where are we going?"

"We're having a girl's day! You are in desperate need of one, so no refusing." She practically shoved you in the front seat, as you turned around to continue bickering. Natasha interrupted you though, wishing you a happy birthday as well. Pepper joined in a minute later, and after a brief good-bye from your dad, you were off to the mall.

It was crowded, busy, and tailored to your personal needs. Your first stop, that is. MJ had gone all out, making reservations at the spa, nail salon, beauty parlour, and hair salon. Why she wanted you to become so dressed up, you had no idea. But nonetheless, the stops were planned for right after you finished shopping. MJ was always great with scheduling and counting all the variables, but you never knew she could pinpoint the exact moment you'd be out of each store. It was ridiculously amazing.

Your girl squad visited every shop that caught your eye, as well as many that didn't. Pepper insisted you need an actual dress and heels, and the group then dragged you to the fanciest store the mall had, which sold really expensive up-tight formal wear. You weren't one who usually wore such things -especially since you had a glowing soulmark on your high shoulder- but some things needed to be done. Natasha and MJ helped guide you through the wide selection, matching jackets with each dress at your request.

"This?" You question MJ as she hands you quite a flattering dress later that day.

"Yes. Try it on." You shimmied into it, pulling the one thin strap on your shoulder. It was something you expected the exact opposite person of you to wear, which already had you grimacing.

"My dad will kill me if I get this."

"You're right. Try this." Natasha intervened, handing you yet another piece of clothing. It literally just sagged on you, barely fitting you at all.

"Just give me the rest of them. I'll pick the ones that actually fit." They both handed over the many piles of dresses, consisting of ones all four of you had picked out. You instantly ruled out anything your dad would faint over, then anything that didn't fit. Styles and colors were next, and soon you were down to a dozen or so.

You still didn't like any of them. Of course the other girls did, but they just didn't feel right. It wasn't what you wanted, or what you were going for. You didn't actually know why it mattered so much, but you still tried to find the perfect one.

And it was when you were sorting back through the aisles of dresses that something finally struck you. It was perfect. The perfect dress. You raced back over to the fitting rooms, scanning the racks of tried dresses. You had seen it earlier, but dismissed it for something ill-fitting. But now it was perfect.

You pulled it out from the pile holding it out for the others.

"What do you think?" You asked Natasha, who was still here. Pepper and MJ had gone to find jackets, although you didn't need one with this dress. It was high on your back, instead having a v-neck and sleeves past your elbows. It shimmered as a green velvet, although some gold was spiraling down the sides as well. It nearly matched your soulmark's spirals, the one you got when you touched Loki's mark. You tried it on, and you instantly knew this was the one.

"It's amazing Sky. You're beautiful." Pepper answered, as the two of them finally returned.

"It's stunning. Everyone is going to love it." MJ winked from behind Pepper, and you knew exactly what she meant. Exactly who she meant. You were in his colors after all. The bottom of the dress only barely reached the floor, being flowy and elegant instead. When you twirled to show off to the group, it clung to your legs -although not obtrusively- which still left room for a small trail.

You absolutely adored it.

"And look! I even found some heels to go with it." Natasha concurred, handing you some black stilettos. How people managed to walk in those you'll never know, although somehow you managed enough.

"You look amazing." MJ said again, as you now towered over her. Not overly towering, but enough so she had to look up at you. Pepper was still taller, although you were practically Natasha's height.

"Did you guys find anything?"

"No you aren't allowed to worry over us. It's your day to look awesome." Pepper said, leading you out of the shop. Of course that was after you changed back out of it, since both the dress and the heels made you feel much too fancy among the public. And stand out too much.

Your four-some, with all the shopping now done, finally headed to get 'the works'. And it was amazing. Between the spa, hair, and make-up; you were a walking fashion model. And it made you feel so over-the-top.

"Alright, they're all ready." Natasha said to Pepper about half-way through the nail-salon stop.


"Relax, Sky. She was just talking about dinner." MJ consoled you, although you couldn't help but feel as if there was something more to this. To all of this.

The rest of the treatment passed quickly after that, and the girls had you change one more time into your dress.

Now you were really suspicious.

Especially as you drove back to the tower, fully expecting something to happen last minute. You knew dinner was supposed to be fancy, but how fancy? Where were you going? Who would be there? You hadn't seen the boys all day, and haven't talked to Loki even once. Although his feelings bled through easily, and he was excited. Ecstatically suspenseful for something about to happen.

But what was happening?!

"I've got to make one stop before we head up for the night." Pepper said, pressing the button for an empty floor. Well, it was actually just a very large room- one that was meant to be used for parties and such...


The elevator doors opened, revealing a dark room. Too dark. Suspiciously dark. And then the lights flipped on again, revealing a multitude of guests.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

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