Is this real love? [Tom Kauli...

By AyoTokio

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Jazmine is a girl who lived in Halle and she had no friends. Her dad is offered a new job in a new town.. Lei... More

New Town, New school life...
New love awaits for me.
Can't stop thinking about you.
Wait, what just happened?
What is happening to me.(Tom)
Let's start a career
Talk with music managers and start recording
Jazmine, here I come.
Feels good to be home.
Years pass, they remain in touch.. What will happen now?
This will be an exciting week.
More great days of this week.
Friday.. Day of concert, what will happen?
Is the feeling real?
Months go by...
Final moments...
My love is stronger now..
Stay with me forever.
Love is in the air.
Everything is coming together.

Goodbye Tom.. (I don't want you to leave)

496 10 5
By AyoTokio

Wednesday, January 21, 2003

Today. Why did today have to come? This is the day where Bill and Tom leave me forever. 

I was laying in bed for hours. I didn't really sleep much last night. 

I finally got up, got dressed, and sat outside. I wasn't in the mood to eat breakfast. I stayed outside, crying.

My mom came upstairs to get on me. I was still crying. She said that I could stay home today, and go over to see Bill and Tom.

I walk to my bathroom, brush my teeth, comb my hair and washed my face from all the tears. 

I walk downstairs, seeing my parents about to leave for work.

"we will see you later honey. Make sure you take your house key and lock the door if your going to see Bill and Tom."

"alright I will mom. See you guys later."


 I walked back upstairs to my bathroom. I didn't know if I should put make-up on or not. I know that Tom prefers me with no make up, but I like wearing it.. Mhmm, I guess I won't wear any just for Tom.

 I walked out to my room, and I grab my jacket and put my shoes on. Since I couldn't sleep last night, I drew Bill and Tom pictures.

The picture I drew for Bill was, all 3 of us sitting and laughing in the park. The picture I drew for Tom was, him and I kissing under the moonlight with a million stars in the sky. Every time I look at the picture, it make me cry. I try to hold back the tears.

I walk back downstairs, with the pictures and walk over to Bill and Tom's house.

I see their mom Simone, yelling at the workers from the moving company in German,

"Nein,nein nicht da! Hey vorsichtig sein mit dieser Box! (no, no not there! hey be careful with that box!)"

"Oh Hallo, Jazmine."

"Hallo, Ms. Kaulitz"

"Bill and Tom are in their room packing their stuff if you want to go up and see them."

"alright. Thank you."

I walk up there stairs and Bill's room is the first I walk by.

"Hallo, Bill."

"Oh Hallo Jazmine. I would have thought you would go see Tom first."

"Well I was, but then I saw you, so I thought I would come see you first."

"Okay.. wait shouldn't you be in school?"

"yea, but my mom said I could stay home to say goodbye to you guys."

"that was nice of her."

"yea, it was."

I go and hug Bill. I start to hand him the picture..

"I drew this for you."

"wow this is amazing, thank you so much."

He hugs me and whispers "I will really miss you Jazmine. Thank you for being my first true friend and an amazing girlfriend to Tom."

I slowly pull away from him.

"Of course. I'm glad you like the picture. Thank you for being my first friend. I will truly miss you and Tom. I drew this picture for Tom. Do you think he will like it?"

"ugh, yes of course! Your his girlfriend and this picture is truly amazing!"

"thanks Bill. Well I will see you later."

"later Jazmine."

I walk down to see Tom. I see him, staring out his window at my door. 

I start to say,


He slowly turns to me. I can tears in his eyes. He runs and hugs me. 

"Oh, Jazmine, I don't want to leave you."

"I don't want you to leave either Tom."

He holds me a little longer. I really didn't want to let him go, but we finally let go. I kissed his soft lips.

"hey Tom, drew this for you."

I handed him the drawing. A tear fell onto his cheek.

"wow Jazmine. I really love this. Thank you so much."

He kissed me. I could feel more tears going down his face. I started to cry again. 

"Tom, we will still talk on the phone right?" I say in a sad voice

"Every night we will."

I smile. As he continues to pack, I lay on his bed. The beds are going to be packed last.

20 minutes later...

"alright, that is the last box."

Bill walks in the room.

"you finished Tom?"

"Yup just got done. You Bill?"

"Yea I just got done to."

"Alright boys, start putting these boxes onto the moving truck."

Bill goes to his room, gets some boxes and brings them to the truck. I help Tom with his boxes.

Once Bill is finished, I helped him with his bed. Tom still had some boxes left.

Since I finished helping Bill with his bed, I go and help Tom.

It is now 18:00 (6:00 P.M) and everything is loaded and up on the bus.

"Bye, Ms. Kaulitz! I will miss you."

I go and hug her.

"I will miss you to, Jazmine. Thank you for being there for my boys."

"Bye Bill. Thank you again for being my first friend. I will miss you."

I hug him.

"Bye Jazmine. Thank you for being there. Being our friend when no one wanted to. Being a great girlfriend for my brother. I will miss you to."

"Oh Tom. (hugging him) How much I will miss you. Thank you for being there. You are the greatest boyfriend ever. I love you so much."

(Still hugging him) "Jazmine. Words can never say how much I love and will miss you."

We kiss once more.

As they get into their car, Bill and Tom wave goodbye, holding the pictures close to their hearts. I watch as Simone pulls out of the driveway. The moving truck follows behind them.

My heart felt like it dropped to my stomach. I started crying heavily.  I slowly walk back to my house. My parents aren't home from work yet, so I grabbed my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I walked upstairs, put on my pj's and went off to bed. I was to sadden to eat anything. 

It seems now, my life would be boring.. Everything would remain the same......


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