A House to A|ucard (Anthology...

By wulfwuman

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•⚰️•🍋• (🔖Wattys 2022 Nomination)A House to Alucard is a completed anthology collection of short stories bes... More

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Captain Imani -live wire (8)
Captain Imani -Hot Sause (9)
Captain Imani- Battle ready (10)
Captain Imani- Heat wave (11)
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twisted hearts- a cross with (14)
twisted hearts-love of war (15)
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In the rain-raining on (18)
In the rain-down pour (19)
Holiday vistor-Christmas tale p.1 (20)
Holiday vistor-p.2 (21)
mechanics of vampires (21.5)
All Father's Scent (22)
Vampyr tying knots (23)
I am not the word Autism (24)
Short shots required from friends (25)
Pastries & Pearls (26)
Honey & Creme (27)
Dared to Cheat (28)
a vivid dream (29)
Deep Connection (30)
All the Mirrors lie (31)
peace & quiet (32)
My Heart is Yours ch. 1 (33)
My Heart is Yours ch. 2 (34)
My Heart is Yours ch. 3 (34)
My heart is yours part 4 (35)
breaking up (36)
roses, notes and Immortal yanderes (37)
engulfed (38)
ice cream social (39)
Something Soft (40)
Sweet Creme (41)
cruel looks (42)
happy 590th (43)
loud & lewd (44)
loss of a paragon (44)
Skyrim bet (46)
innocent enough (47)
Not sexy but funny (48)
stand off ( 49)
good day to die (50)
veiled rebirth (51)
Strangers Conversing 1st night (52)
Strangers Conversing 2nd night (53)
Strangers Conversing 3rd Night (54)
pretty deadly (55)
I see you (56)
AmikArtest bio

twisted hearts-loud on arrival (12)

430 8 1
By wulfwuman

One twisted Valentine's Day with the No Life King Alucard. Since when did the Vampire King care about love and celebrating it? Coitus anyone?

•Kiora: means A little and Dark Loved One

•Casey (Ó Cathasaigh): vigilant in war, watchful

•†• "Alucard," Sir Hellsing says to the Vampire King. "We have a new mercenary going to be working for Hellsing. She arrives tonight and will be doing her field shooting scores. You will be there to observe."

"She? Interesting..." the vampire dressed in crimson replies.

Ah yes, perhaps another constant of the universe, is how the undead King of Vampires naturally chooses to sit in a chair, any chair...

His head rests on his left knuckles of a white gloved hand. Long legs clothed in a charcoal black that matches his suit jacket. His overcoat and ascot tie are a color of red, only obtainable, from the time period of Victorian England. His head is tilted just enough that he could also pass for sleeping except for an aura, black and suffocating, that radiates outward. The Eldest vampire has been in Hellsing's service so long that his vampiric aura of power and presence is almost forgotten by most.

"Alucard, leave this one alone..."Sir Integra coldly reminds him.

Unholy King lets a playful chuckle out,"Oh I wouldn't do anything too extreme now, my Master."

"I highly doubt she's your type. Miss Casey comes highly recommended by Captain Bernadotte and we all know how you feel about him and the Wild Geese," Sir Integra lights a cigar then blows the smoke towards the ceiling even though it is Alucard. It's a slight hint of professional courtesy she and Alucard have, he being her rescuer from execution by Uncle.

The vampire lets a hiss out, "More fucking noise...Master."

"Uht...I better not find Miss Casey a pint low now, even if she's loud as an elephant," Integra tsks him.

"She probably tastes bad depending on her diet...humans don't always taste so good this day and age due to all the available drugs, " Alucard smirks then unfolds his long legs to rise.

"Well that's a comforting thought servant..." Sir Hellsing says in a mocking tone.

As the first vampire predicted Miss Kiora Casey arrives with a loud arrival. Her black jeep is blaring korpiklaani's song: ämmänhauta (The Witch's Grave).

Kerran alla kuun ja päivän
Aleni elämän aamut
Paikassa salan salolla
Vesilahden laitamilla
Laittoi henkiä hyväksi
Toisen taitoi taitavaksi
Vaan ei kolmatta eloa
Omaa päivää ilman olla

Joka joutuin haudastani

Tahtoi kuulla kuuluvansa
Olevansa ottamatta
Viedä ruumiinsa tuleva
Muiden kantaa maiden paino
Joka joutuin ruumistani
Kiire päillä päiviäni
Kantaa kauas rankoani
Kuusta on valo ylennyt

As the song blares in Finnish, a tall woman dressed in black military pants with leather boots and black tank top, jumps aggressively out. She charges Pip and they body slam together. Her left arm goes around his neck and is pumping her fist with the other. Miss Casey is still singing or to be more accurate, yelling the lyrics to the song in Finnish...quite fluently.

The loud yelling festivities are abruptly ended by the music being shut off when Alucard reaches into the open door of the jeep and shuts the stereo off along with then breaking the 'on' button. The annoyed Vampire King stalks around the jeep, his crimson red coat flaring out as if a breeze is blowing it open.

Pip swings Kiora around and straightens up to greet Alucard. Kiora stops laughing and simply rests a hand on a hip with a shit eating grin on her face. Her other hand removes dark hair out of her face. Kiora notes that the Wild Geese are on edge with the freak hunter Alucard.

"So you must be the illustrious Alucard, prime hunter of Hellsing organization..." her lips form a polite smile but convey a message of 'I am not the least bit scared of you.'

"You must be Miss Casey as you smell and act like a mercenary, " Alucard replies with a flash of fang.

Kiora simply smirks then strolls, hips rolling, toward the first Nosferatu, "Oh why are you hiding those beautiful fangs? A fit and prime alpha vampire such as yourself..."

"What would you know about it, petulant child?" he hisses with a condescending sneer.

"Tha fios agam cuideachd beagan mun dorchadas (I too know a little about the dark)..." Miss Casey says in Gaelic.

The Unholy King knows it is Gaelic but doesn't speak the language. He does not care to know what she said. She stands 6'3", with her boots on, so it's nothing for her to glide fingers lightly along the top of his shoulders and then around, to admire Alucard up close.

Her fingers reach out and slip under one of his gloved hands. She lets a hiss out, "They ramped you up but at such a cost...you poor thing. Plaything for a human...."

In a blur, the hand she was studying, is grasping her throat tightly and squeezing. "Petulant child, you need to learn some manners..." his voice is a low snarl with fangs bared. The ground begins to cover with shadow and eyes.

"Fuck me wheelbarrow style, Vampire King..."Kiora purrs out seductively.

Alucard hisses in disgust then pushes her away. "So stupid you don't even know how close to death you were."

Kiora laughs softly, "I know exactly for I am a Casey or should I say an Ó Cathasaigh. It means to be vigilant in war. Macha would not have allowed you to take my life...yet."

It's Alucard's turn to laugh, "My God failed me so what makes you think your Goddess won't abandon you in your most dire need?"

"Her and I have an inside running gag, " Kiora smiles. "You might say."

Now the Unholy King removes his sunglasses every so slowly, to reveal his smouldering hellfire eyes. He steps before her again to place his fingers under her chin and tip it.

"Then you are worse, delusional..."

Dumnezeu nu scutește de mântuire pentru cei care ar cerșui pentru ea. Nici nu este milostiv cu cei care ar implora bunăvoința lui. Acestea mărunte cererile nu sunt invocare la dumnezeu. Ei sunt moartea ta." - (God spares no salvation to those who would beg for it. Nor is he merciful to those who would beseech his benevolence. These petty requests are no invocation to god. They are your death." -Vladcard) Her eyes peer into his. "I am told, you once said that to your own men long ago, Kazikli Bey."

"Can you shoot a gun as well as speak my mother's language?" he sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Suge clitorisul meu (suck my clit)..."is her response. Miss Casey walks around Alucard and opens the back up on her jeep. She begins to pull out ammo bags and guns in gun cases.

Pip steps up to Kiora, "Mon cheri, you really shouldn't mess with the vampire like that. He is restricted but I don't know how far the restriction goes."

"Of course Captain, you are right. I'm tired and you told me how he is. What weapons do I need and what is my job?"

"You will accompany Alucard as his fledgling has a long distance weapon. We can use your sniper skill if we get in a pinch. So pistols and sniper for now," Pip instructs Miss Casey.

Kiora digs out paired Desert Eagle .50 caliber handguns and a L115A3 Sniper Rifle. The bolt action sniper rifle can hit targets 1,600 feet away versus 900 feet. Pip and Miss Casey talk quietly in French as Alucard moves ahead of them.

The Shadow King is analyzing this new Hellsing employee. Her ability to be accurate, will help but currently he can't begin to imagine how Miss Casey can be that amazing of a mercenary. Her complete lack of fear is bordering on an insanity. No fear can be more dangerous, than too much fear, as Alucard had seen time and time again on the battlefield of old. Her lack of self preservation means others will get hurt or worse...killed.

It will be a good thing Kiora is with him. Should she prove too reckless, the battle hardened Vampire King will cut her down in a shootout. In his mind, Miss Casey will get his Master in a bad spot so better to eliminate the pawn beforehand so the Queen, as he often thought of Integra more a queen than knight, is safe.

It was simply chess and tactics...

Kiora set her sniper rifle up and sighted in. She fired the necessary rounds to provide a score then moved to the Desert Eagles. The Eldest vampire vaguely notes Miss Casey pair wields them but Desert Eagles have vented ports and she is quite physically fit with lean muscle some men would envy. For Alucard, it causes her to have small breasts and he likes his women with a little more curve to them, Though Kiora is built and filled out like a warrior, long a go, in his army when the funds were plentiful from his supporters like the Pope.

The female mercenary is a marksman with both pistol and sniper rifle. Alucard knows that at least she is competent for skills in a military battle situation. He decides to 'take a peek' at her mind. The vampire lets a hiss out at all the noise in her head. It was like trying to focus on a Jack Russell Terrier chasing a ball.

Kiora turns to him, "Something wrong Vampire King? That hard on rubbing you wrong?"

Alucard rolls his lips as if adjusting them for his fangs. It is meant to be a visual sign of his repulsion. "I have never met a woman that made me remain so flaccid in my undead life, my dear."

Kiora just laughs at his completely cruel, biting put down. She just winks at him with a look on her face as if to say 'I know something you don't'... Oh does she and boy is he going to get a surprise but we will let Alucard keep up appearances for the moment.

"I am to report in," his fingers adjust his red hat. An opening in a fabric of rippling darkness appears and then Unholy King steps through to be transported to Sir Integra's office.

"Cap, that is a handy ability Alucard has..."

"I wouldn't know mon ami, " Pip lights a cigarette. "He only does the portal for himself even when it would be handy."

"He's a vampire so that's not a big surprise, "Kiora replies lightly. "You expect more from a monster? You shouldn't expect anything at all from a monster but that death comes more quickly for humans..."

With that Kiora pulls the cigarette from Pip's lip and takes a hit. Her fingers hold it up for him to take but Pip has other plans. He wraps his arms low around her waist and gives a passionate kiss on her lips.

"You always taste so sweet, la petit lapin..."

"Nounours, what is it with you calling me little bunny? I'm like the deadliest bunny in the world," she laughs.

"Lapin, why do you call me Nounours?" Pip rubs the tip of his nose on hers.

"You can be a big cuddly teddy bear when not being a French ass," her lips have a large enduring smile on them.

"Let me help you with your gear then we can catch up on things..." his voice hinting at more than discussing guns and jobs.

"I have an old bottle of brandy , for your birthday..." she winks.

"You and brandy, there isn't a Frenchman in the world that could resist you," Captain Bernadotte licks his lips in anticipation.

This night was going excideningly well and for once, the 'old man' Alucard, wasn't interested in this woman...

korpiklaani's song: ämmänhauta
The Witch's Grave
Once under the moon and sun
The mornings of life decreased
In the arcane forest,
In the outskirts of Vesilahti1
There was a healer,
A skillful witch
But no rest for her,
No day just for her

Wanted to belong,
Wanted to be buried
Her corpse to be taken,
Carried away by others
When I'm a corpse,
When my days have passed
Carry my body far away
When the night has fallen

Who passes my grave,
No matter who
This you have to do,
Or bad things happen to you

But when the dawn comes
And the night has passed
There'll be my grave,
There I'll be laid
Death takes its own,
The healer into its arms
So the four men take her,
Carry the corpse of the witch

But there's light in the sky,
The first rays of the day
So it's time to lay to rest,
Make a place for the dead
After hundreds of years,
Even after a thousand years
In the arcane forest,
In the outskirts of Vesilahti
The knowledge forgotten,
The memory turned into a tale
Carried in the moonlight,
Buried before sunrise

Who passes my grave,
No matter who
This you have to do,
Or bad things happen to you
You'll have to break a twig,
Snap a rowan tree's branch
Break a birch's branch,
Lay a pine twig on the grave

Who passes my grave,
No matter who
This you have to do,
Or bad things happen to you
You'll have to break a twig,
Snap a rowan tree's branch
Break a birch's branch,
Lay a pine twig on the grave

1.Vesilahti is a municipality in Finland, but people have been living in the area long before it was officially founded in 1869.

L115A3 Sniper Rifle
The sniper rifle of the UK Armed Forces, the L115A3 sniper rifle in use by the British Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Marines. The L115A3 is an adaptation of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Super Magnum rifle. Like the M40 and M24, the L115A3 is a bolt action rifle, but unlike the American rifles it is chambered in .338 Lapua with a five-round box magazine. The rifle optic is a Schmidt and Bender 5-25x56mm scope.

Sniper rifles need to shoot great distances to kill targets that believe themselves invulnerable to enemy fire. The heavier .338 Lapua round gives the L115A3 a maximum range of 1,600 yards, 60 percent greater than the .308 round of the M24 and M40A5. This was used to great effect in 2009, when a British Army sniper serving with the Household Cavalry Regiment neutralized a Taliban machine gun position at 2,700 yards with his L115A3. Cpl. Craig Harrison took three shots, fatally wounding two Taliban fighters and destroying their PKM machine gun.

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