Hear Me Roar: Lions Pride One...

By Coolest-Cassette

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Some one shots based on my book "Lions Pride". Dedicated to my friend-and the only reason I've felt motivated... More

Welcome To My New Book
Panic Attacks on Halloween
I Didn't Wanna Know
Regina VS Raph
Spring Fling
Family Time
Hotel Room
Mission Cheer Up Clara, is a Go!
I'm @CoolMom
You're So Rude To Me
I'm In The Jingle Mood
Yard Sale
I Want This
Naming Party
Genius at Work
Baby Shower (Part 1)
Baby Shower (Part 2)
The Best Parts of The Hectic Season
Late Night Snack Run
Career Day (Part 1)
Career Day (Part 2)
Career Day (Part 3)
Maisie Rose Heron-George
The Friendship Book
Wedding Bash
I Like You, But You Like Who?
Let's Look For Eggs
Movie Night (Part 1)
Movie Night (Part 2)
Movie Night (Part 3)
Gold Star: I Hardly Knew Thee
Why You Acting So Weird
As All That I Am
Pranked Ya!

Pointless Banter

28 2 17
By Coolest-Cassette

Ithilien: *digging around in his side of the closet he shares with Raph frantically* WHERE DID IT GO?!

Regina: *opens the bedroom door* Ithilien Leo, what is going—AH!

Ithilien: *throws a shoe behind him unknowingly. It barely misses Regina's head*

Regina: *looks at the shoe with wide eyes* You better have a good reason for almost taking my head off with your shoe! *looks angry*

Ithilien: Huh? Oh, hi Mom. *goes back to looking through his closet* When did you get here?

Regina: *shakes her head* A lifetime ago. Why are you throwing your stuff around this room like a rabid animal?!

Ithilien: I can't find it! I've been looking ALL morning!

Regina: I'm going to need a little more than that. *crosses arms* What are you looking for exactly?

Ithilien: My old blanket I used to carry around everywhere! I had it in my closet for YEARS and now it's pulled a Houdini and disappeared!

Regina: *smirks* Aww. Are you talking about your Silky?

Ithilien: *blushes a deep red* Mom! I'm basically an adult now! You can't be over there outing me! Silky—I mean my blanket, doesn't mean anything to me anymore!

Regina: Then why are you so set on finding it?

Ithilien: For the MEMORIES! And...my boyfriend and I are exchanging some of our favorite childhood things to...keep the other company...when we're not around. He gave me his stuffed Rhino named Zennie! Now I have to give him my blanket that I TOTALLY didn't name Silky!

Regina: Well...I'd love to help but I haven't seen it since you stopped carrying it everywhere.

Ithilien: Great. So what you're telling me is...this conversation definitely didn't need to happen then?

Regina: I had fun teasing you so...I'd say it was pretty productive.

Ithilien: .....Are we done here?

Regina: Hmm...maybe. Have you checked in that mess under your bed? There's probably things growing under there.

Ithilien: *stands to go over to his bed* I don't remember putting it under here. *looks under bed* Oh sweet potato....it's SCARY under here!

Regina: I told you! You should really clean that mess up before your Momma sees it and makes you do it by force.

Ithilien: I'm busy! I don't have time to be cleaning my room like some sort of organized person! Besides, if I mess up anything under my bed...then where's Simba going to hide when people come over and Dommy gets excited?

Regina: I'm sure the cat will survive. He can find refuge basically anywhere upstairs. Dommy doesn't come upstairs until nighttime to sleep with either you and Raph or Clarabelle.

Ithilien: At night Simba is with you and Momma. He curls up like the cute little fluff loaf he is and manages to steal my heart every time I see him all cuddly!

Regina: *eyes wide as she chuckles* Pretty strong emotions there.

Ithilien: Yep. I'm an animal lover...I can't help it. Anyway, I like letting my bed be the place Simba can escape to. It's messy on purpose! For the sake of our cat!

Regina: Hon, every scary monster that children fear may be living under their bed— actually live under your bed! I wouldn't be surprised if a tentacle appears from under there!

Ithilien: Oh ha, ha, very funny! I'm not cleaning under my bed until I feel like it—or until Momma makes me do it!

Regina: How about your Mom making you do it? *raises an eyebrow at him*

Ithilien: Don't be silly! You and I both know you can't be mad at me for the mess under my bed, especially when the mess in your closet is a million times worse. You wanna talk about scary! I bet if someone crawled in there, we'd never see them again! And the only reason Momma hasn't forced you to clean the mess is because you have an agreement! As long as her stuff isn't affected by your mess...it can stay a mess for as long as you deem necessary.

Regina: .....Fine. I'm going to leave now. *turns*

Ithilien: Mom—wait!

Regina: Hm?

Ithilien: WATCH OUT! *throws a few fake rubber bugs at her*

Regina: *squeals, swatting at them before realizing they are fake* ITHILIEN LEO, THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!

Ithilien: *cackling* Like heck it wasn't! You should've seen your face! *mimics the fact Regina just made before laughing more*

Regina: *glares at him* I'm going to go get your Momma to show her your mess!

Ithilien: *gasps* You wouldn't dare!

Regina: Oh yeah? Try me! What makes you think I won't?

Ithilien: Because if you do, I'm going to make up a story about how your messy closet is sweeping into her side! THEN I'll say on the way home from your work today—you trashed Momma's car with fast food leftovers—AND left it a mess!

Regina: *gasps* That's not even fully true! So I left ONE Starbucks cup, and ONE wrapper from my Wendy's cheese fries! It's not like I wasn't planning on eventually going back out and getting it! I would get it before your Momma needed to drive her car!

Ithilien: *starts looking towards her bedroom door*

Regina: Don't you even think about it!

Ithilien: *smirks, before running ahead of Regina giggling almost evilly*

Regina: ITHILIEN! *races after him*

Ithilien: Momma?! MOMMA?! Where are you?! Ah man, now I sound like Bambi.....and now I'm sad. *runs faster so Regina doesn't catch him* MOMMA?!

Clara: *comes out of the bathroom, sees the two running around, blinks* .......? *shrugs before backing back into the bathroom*

Ithilien: Where is she?! MOMMA?!

Regina: Don't listen to him, hon! Wherever you are!

Maisie: *looks up at them confused from the floor where she's playing with her blocks*

Ithilien: *speeds up to her* Hey MayMay. Where's Momma? Have you seen her?

Maisie: *points to Cady sitting on the couch with headphones on seemingly listening to rain, or some relaxing*

Ithilien: Awesome! Thanks, little human! *runs up to Cady with Regina on her tail* Momma! I gotta tell you—HEY! MOMMA?!

Cady: *glances up at them* *squints confused, pulls on side of her headphones off* Can I help you?

(Ithilien and Regina start going off on their own separate rants in unison)

Cady: *blinks before sighing* Hey! Hey! HEY! Both of you! Quiet! I can't understand either of you when you're both screaming at the same time! What happened?!

Ithilien: Mom trashed your car!

Regina: Did not! It's a disgusting mess under Ithilien's bed! Like, I'm pretty sure there are mushrooms growing under there!

Ithilien: Oh yeah?! Well, Mom has been letting her disgusting mess of a closet push it's aggressiveness into your side of the closet! It's like the mess is a pet she's feeding! It keeps getting bigger and bigger the more she goes shopping!

Cady: *groans, frustrated* You know, it was peaceful. You two are just going to have to deal with whatever the situation is yourselves. Because although I love you both so much...I just don't care right now.

Ithilien: But Momma! I can't find my blanket—you know the one!

Cady: You mean "Silky"?

Regina: Ha!

Ithilien: Yes! Whatever! Just—I can't find it! I need it so I can give it to my boyfriend!

Cady: It's gotta be around her somewhere, Theo. Just keep looking. But...if I may ask, what does you not being able to find your blanket have to do with this huge argument?

Ithilien: *looks to Regina for a moment* To be honest...I have no idea. Unless you got something?

Regina: Nope nothing.

Ithilien: So we good?

Regina: Yeah, I think so.

Ithilien: Awesome. Peace out parental figures! I'm going to go find Silky. And yes, I still think that name is cute so I'm keeping it! Adios amigos! *goes upstairs*

Cady: *shakes her head* *goes to put her headphones back on*

Regina: Hey, what were you listening to anyway?

Cady: Oh. It's some African folk music. It helps me relax when I'm stressed.

Regina: Awww, why are you stressed, baby?

Cady: *gives her a knowing look* You're really going to ask me that?

Regina: Right sorry. I'll leave you to it then.

Ithilien: I FOUND IT! Oh I missed you! It's been so long Silky! How long have you been shoved under my bed? Oh...Papa is so sorry!

Regina: *breaks out into laughter*

Ithilien: *comes down cuddling it* Don't judge me! We all have our things! For Momma, it's her Folk music, for Raph it's his guitar, fidget toys, giraffe and nature sounds, for Clara it's her history books, for May it's her stuffed elephant Trunks, for you Mom it's your fashion magazines, and for me...it's my art and blanket!

Regina: Alright, alright. So you're going to give your boyfriend that?

Ithilien: *freezes* Crap. You're right! I can't do that! I just got it back after years of accidental miss placement! I love my boyfriend—I'm so conflicted!

Clara: *leaning against the stair railing* Why don't you just give him a hoodie like a normal person?

Ithilien: Because! None of my hoodies are special enough! I'm not Raph who has a hoodie for every occasion!

Clara: Then give him one of those weird sweater things you wear.

Ithilien: For you information: they're called cardigans!

Clara: Fine? So give him a cardigan.

Ithilien: I can't do that! Giving him a cardigan sounds really weird!

Clara: Then why do you wear them?

Ithilien: Because I LIKE them—sue me!

Clara: I—just....I give up. I tried to help.

Ithilien: *huffs* You all don't seem to understand how important this is! He gave me a really sentimental piece of his childhood—I can't just give him a random old cardigan that means nothing!

Clara: Isn't the whole point of trading items to make the other person think about the other while looking at it? So technically it doesn't matter what you give him—as long as it's yours. Besides, he can wear a cardigan and it's like your hugging him or something. What are you going to do with a random stuffed animal besides stare at it and wonder...."huh, what do I do with this?"

Ithilien: Hmmm....Oh, what did you say, Clara? I was too busy trying to come up with an idea for what I could give him.

Clara: *blinks* Nope. I'm done—

Ithilien: OH! I got it! I actually will give him one of my cardigans! That way he can wear it and it's like I'm hugging him all the time!

Clara: I—

Ithilien: YES! I'm a genius! Woo! *runs off upstairs*

Clara: *calls after him* REALLY?! You'll listen to me about climbing a freaking tree but you won't— *takes a deep breath, looks to her Moms with an upset scowl* I'm gonna go get a muffin. *marches away to kitchen*

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