- CapeBoy The Hedgehog - The...

By CapeBoy357

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Some Years after the events of Shadow The Hedgehog some Strange Things will Happen in the Sonic Universe Turn... More

How it Started (Remastered)
After The Fight (Remastered)
Chaos Energy
a look into the Past (Remastered)
New Universes
Alternate Characters (Encore)
The Sword of Chaos
the Other Rivals of Team Sonic
Training for The World Cup
Training for the World Cup Part 2
Practice Race (Remastered)
Start and Explanation of The World Cup
the Second Race
The Truth about the World Cup
No Profit
achieving heights on own (Remastered)
Doing Something out of Metal
New Team Mate
Visiting a New Universe
The SMG4 Crew
a little Race
Metting Alternativ Selfs
The Fight between two Hedgehog's
After the Battle
Playing a little Prank
a diffrent Universe
An Interessting Fight
Godly hights
a trick in the Back Hand
An evil Couple
Knowing More About the Thives
The Plan of the Thieves
Making Progress
Tracking Down SMG3 and Desti
Finding Clues
Finding SMG3's and Desti's Base
Looking Threw The Lab
What Desti and SMG3 Are planning
Further Evolution (Remastered)
Day in Peace [who believes it at least]
The First Chaos Emerald
A New Rival (Encore)
CapeBoy joins Smash Bros
From a happy day to the Worst Nightmare
Taiming a Lion
Violet's Backstory
Laying and using a Bait
Showdown! Hyperstyle!
New Upgrades
Exploring Mobius (part 1)
Sol City
Saving Lives
a new opponent
New allies
Display of Power
Pure Strength
Running instead of Fighting
Theory Explanation
Race against Time
Fighting till the Last Breath
The Beginning of the Finally
A Turn of Tabels
Final Showdown
New Ability's
Demonic Appearances [Encore]
The Lord Of The Exe's [Encore]
A Different Type of Demon
Growing Darkness
Parted Paths
The Chaos Errupts

Power of the Sun and Moon

32 1 0
By CapeBoy357

*with the help of the Master Emerald and Chaos Control, The New Duo Made out of CapeBoy and Violet are now heading on their way to get the Next Chaos Emerald before Mecha Sonic gets his hands on it, and to prevent that they Travel to the Next Dimension to their next little Adventure.  They Appear on an little Island surrounded Water, water and nothing but water but something to explore is there anyways*  

Violet: *kicks a Rock in the Water*  There is nothing just Sand, Sand and more Sand

CapeBoy:  i wouldn't be so sure about that if you ask me 

Violet:  *looks at him*  Huh ?

CapeBoy:  *points*  There there are Some Tempel  *he opens his watch*  and as it seems there are overwhelming Energy's coming from each of them 

Violet:  *shrugs* Well its at least worth to check that out  but don't you got a Signal of the Chaos Emerald yet ?

CapeBoy: *shakes his head*  No at least that's what i think, it could be possible that those Energy's could be at least one of them

Violet:  *sighs*  Ohhh well lets just check those temples already

CapeBoy: *Nods*  i say that we head first to the Temple on the Left 

Violet:  Yea yea whatever lets just go already! 

*Together they Walk to the First Tempel it has a blueish little Thunder mark on it and both step in*

CapeBoy: Wow its pretty dark in here its quite Interesting if you ask me

Violet:  Yeeea it really is at some point  *she looks around and finds a way*  Look over there there is a little way to go in deeper

CapeBoy:  Well then lets check the Next room then 

*both of them walk to the next room only to be stopped by an Iron gate*

Violet:  Grrrrreaat! allll for nothing

CapeBoy:  *looks at it carefully*  Welll not 100% i could maybe get on the other side 

Violet:  and how ? Do you just  i don't know warp on the other side 

CapeBoy:  Nope!  *He cruels to a ball and spins, with the spin he jumps and digs into the ground, by making a little tunnel he jumps out on the other side*  There! Easy

Violet:  Greeeat and how do i get on the other side ? i cant just cruel and uncruel like you do!

CapeBoy:  There seems now way Then just wait there or outside, i check whats deeper in the tempel and come out afterwards

Violet:  Fine then  *walks back and out of the Tempel* 

CapeBoy:  *checks on his gloves and Rings, mutters as he walks*  Well then lets keep going 

*He keeps walking in the Tempel until he finds the main room of it with a Big Blue Orb on a Podest*

CapeBoy:  *makes big eyes*  Wow!  What is that ?! *he makes his way up to the Orb, till a boulder Blocks his way*  Well lets break this!!   *he punches the Boulder and turned Super the Moment before he hits it to make sure it breaks, but after wards Thunders are raining down out of nowhere*  Whoa!!

*Suddenly a Person appears, levitating inf rot of the Orb*

???: You who got Lost in the Thunder palace,  this is a Place for Training for the Chosen Ones!

CapeBoy: - Chosen Ones? - 

???: I cant tell how you found your way to this Palace, but if your are not wished here then please Leave and Never Return here again  *they Dissapear* 

CapeBoy:  *smiles*  Pffff Chosen ones! haha  *he steps up to the Orb and touches it*  

*Suddenly CapeBoy gets shocked but only for a moment* 

CapeBoy:  Whoa!!! *he then takes a step back and he feels a new Power in his hands* 

CapeBoy:  *Unlocked the Power of the Hand, he now can use the Power of Thunder in his own favors

CapeBoy:  *looks at his hand which has some thunderbolts charged*  What is this power ?

???:  *appears again* You Fool! How dare you touching the great thunder ?! *he levitates to look at the Thunder Orb*  But when you can Touch the Great Thunder without getting Destroyed by it then ....    *looks a other way Then looks at CapeBoy*  Then you now posses the Power of the Th underhand! 

CapeBoy:  What!!  Really ?!  

???:  Yes yes!!  i will teach you in the way of using the power of the Thunder hand and the Power of Thunder itself 

CapeBoy:  *bows his head*  Please do i would really need some advise in that way 

???: Very well  then Listen Closely 

[Meanwhile With Violet]

Violet:  *is already Checking out the other Temple with the Flame on it*  - Hmmm looks just like the other one just a bit different -   *she looks on the opposite way than the other temple and walks the way, she finds a little hole she can go threw if she makes herself tiny* 

*on the Other side she finds the same kind of Orb CapeBoy found only with a Flame in it, infront is Rock which blocks the way*

Violet:  That should be a piece of a cake!  *she punches the rock and it splits in little Pieces*  Heheh easy   

*but then now suddenly a second Being appears* 

???:  Welcome in the Fire Palace i have been waiting for you and you have been keeping me waiting for a long time  and my last Guest was here 3000 years before   and i was getting bored sooo why are you here ?

Violet:  ???

???:  You here ?  You know here ?  *he looks around confused* Hold on what do you even do here ? and what did i wanted to do here ? and where are we even ? and who am i ?  

Violet:  *confused now*

???:  Well if you don't get to talk to someone for 3000 years  then its okay if you forget a bunch of stuff right ?  hehe...  Welll feel yourself at home *he dissapears*

Violet: - Wow that was weird -  *her view goes to the Orb again, she walks over to it and looks at it*  Hmmmm  *she touches it, she burns her hand*  Ouch!!  *she now too feels a new power in her hand, it automaticaly charges and her hand catches fire*  Woah!!

Violet Tsunagaru: *Unlocked the Power of the Hand, she now can use the Power of Firebrand in her own favors*

???:  *appears again*  NOW I REMEMBER!!!  this here is the hall of the Flame,where you can learn the Power of the hand!  i awaited you, you seem to be interested in that kind of Power huh ? do you maybe want me to teach you it ?

Violet:  *playing around with the Fire already by Juggling with some fire ball*  Noo need i already got the hang of it!   - idk why but this kind of power feels so trusted! - 

???: Well if you don't need then i can go again!  tata!! *they dissaper*

*after a couple of Minutes both CapeBoy and Violet walk out of the Tempels and meet each other*

CapeBoy: Wellllllllllllll i posses a new power in my System and you ?

Violet:  Yep me too kind handy if you ask me 

CapeBoy:  Indeed those powers really could be a come in handy but we shouldn't forget out goal 

Violet:  The Chaos Emerald 

CapeBoy:  *nods* Yes and as bad as it is we need to get of this island to look for it 

Violet:  Hmmm that wouldn't be that hard since you can fly with the Super form all we need is the Direction 

CapeBoy:  Mhm  lets get that then  *he opens his watch and searches the signal of the Chaos Emerald*  Somewhere in that way *points North*

Violet:  Then lets not waste anytime! 

*by turning his Chaos Energy into Ring Energy he again managed to change into the golden fur which shows the Power of the Super form*

Super CapeBoy:  *fly's in the air and holds his arms out*  Then comon!

Violet:  *places her spear on her back and grabs his hands, she smiles a bit*  Lets go! 

*with hin a second both dash threw the ocean at top speed coming near the Chaos Emerald, after a while they find another island which is bigger than the one before* 

Violet:  Cape! Down there!  

Super CapeBoy:  *nods and goes for a landing by letting Violet touch the ground first then he turns back to normal as he lands too* 

Violet:  Alright i think we should be right when we look here for it

CapeBoy:  *nods*  Mhm lets look around for a bit and hope that we find the Emerald fast! 

*Both Hedgehogs walk around and Look for the Emerald*

[Meanwhile somewhere deep in the Ocean]

*the Sky there darkens as the some lightning strikes and with that Mecha Sonic appears, flying above the Ocean*

Mecha Sonic:  grrr i need to find the Emerald before that hedgehog does it!!  *he scans the the Dimension and looks for the Emerald, he finds after a bit of scanning*  There it is!! *he charges and speeds at the direction of the Emerald* 

[Back to the Hedgehogs]

*The Hedgehogs already found the Chaos Emerald hidden in on top of some boulders and are now going to collect him*

CapeBoy:  There it is!  

Violet: Wow and that was no trouble at all! 

CapeBoy:  *jumps and flys with his airshoes to get the Emerald, but...*

Mecha Sonic:  *charges Energy around him and crashes threw the boulders, knocking CapeBoy away and grabing the Emerald*  Ha ha ha! 

CapeBoy:  *back flips on his feet*  Mecha! 

Violet:  So that's Mecha Sonic ? 

Mecha Sonic: That's Right!  and now i am one step closer on getting all the Emeralds! 

CapeBoy:  Not on my watch!!  Violet Assist me on this! *gets into a Stance to fight*

Violet:  Right!  *gets in a stance as well*

Mecha Sonic:  Ha Ha Ha!  I got some time to toy with you around!  *he surrounds himself with the 3 Chaos Emeralds he got and Powers up*

CapeBoy:  *charges his New Power in his hand and with that they burst in Lighting* 

Violet:  *charges Fire in her hands and the heat from it shows Danger* 

CapeBoy: *but suddenly he gets out of his Stance and and lishes his Thunders*

Violet: *looks at CapeBoy* What are you doing ? 

Mecha Sonic:  *scans CapeBoy with his eyes over and over again* whats wrong Hedgehog? Scared of facing death so soon ?

CapeBoy:  *shakes his head* Its not smart that we fight here now i want that this will happen another day 

Violet:  You Cant be Serious!

CapeBoy:  *Chaos Dashes over to Violet*  I am Violet!  *he grabs his Chaos Emerald with one hand and with the other Violet Shoulder as he looks at Mecha*  We will meet again soon Mecha  you won this round but the Next time we meet it will be over for you     

Violet:  No Stop! 

CapeBoy:  CHAOS CONTROL!!  *the Emerald shines and they both warp away back to their home dimension* 

Mecha Sonic:  So will it be.... Next time it is... and then i will have all Seven Chaos Emerald and will achive the power i need  *his eyes glows brighter than before*

[Chaos Dimension]

*Violet and CapeBoy appear at the Altar of the Master Emerald*

Violet: *pushes CapeBoy away*  Are you Serious! 

CapeBoy:  I am Violet!  We had no chance against that Monster we need a bit more than just out new Powers to beat that! 

Violet: *lishes her fire and sighs*  Alright... Fine... *crosses her arms*  i hope you got a plan then...

CapeBoy:  i do more or less  but lets rest for a bit at the Ark and then we prepare

Violet:  *smiles a little*  Very well 

*Both head back to the Ark with the Use of Chaos Control, there they Rest a bit before thinking about a Plan to take down Mecha Sonic*

(Chap done welllllll sooooon there he final act of this will come and it will get HOT!!! HAAA!!! Cya Later alligator!)

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