Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {...

Por DontTellAuntieTasha

376K 11.8K 4.3K

After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate... Más

Prologue 1/2
Prologue 2/2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Ten

14.2K 430 95
Por DontTellAuntieTasha

(Your Pov)

Sunlight filtered through the blinds across your room, making you squint as you awoke. You were in your room, ridiculously exhausted from the late night before. You glanced at your clock, quickly realising you hadn't gotten anymore than a few hours of rest. Why? Why couldn't you sleep in for once in your life?

Shit. Peter, the date- And you confessed to Loki. So much happened over the last 24 hours...

Why couldn't you have slept in for just a little bit longer? Refusing to face the world, you flop back over on your bed. You were just about done with everything and everyone. The building could be getting blown up and you still wouldn't move. Ok- that's not entirely true, but your point still stands.

You jumped as your phone went off from your bedside table. It appears MJ was awake enough to be texting you already. Seriously, why was everyone you knew an early riser? Well- almost everyone. Your mom hadn't been, which is exactly why you had self-made waking up early a habit. More time to yourself.

"Miba~ what does MJ want?" You complain to your AI, covering your head with a pillow.

"The rolling rebel is wondering why you haven't replied to her texts yet." Miba replied, sassing with MJ's joke-name. Rolling rebel was a reference to both her favorite character in Star Wars and her claim of 'the girl in the chair'. Apparently it was a thing. You didn't actually know why MJ insisted on it, but whenever the two of you talked about your secret project, she was referred to as such.

"Tell her I'm not awake yet." Sweet relief came in the form of a few seconds pause, before your phone started ringing. "Argh!"

Your hand flops around your nightstand for the damn phone, finally gripping it in between your tired fingers. MJ's face showed on the screen, live streaming her exasperated expression.

"Hello?" You ask, except in ended up coming out as 'yellow' this early in the morning. It was barely even 7am. You didn't even have 5 hours of sleep.

"Sky! What the hell! Answer me when I text you, honestly!" MJ shouted, the camera shaking as she talked. "How late did you stay up last night?"

You gave her a look that answered everything. Well, most things. She hated when you stayed up late since this early morning habitual shit always happened. Why couldn't you just sleep in once? Very rarely did you ever sleep past 9am, even when you lived with your dad. It just wasn't natural for you. Well- not anymore.

"I don't want to know, do I?" You give a sigh, knowing her next question. "So, how much do I need to kill Parker?" There it was.

"No, no killing. God, you sound just like Natasha. It wasn't the best date, we both left after an hour or two. After... I told him I found my soulmate." You roll your head, stretching out your neck as you speak. "It wasn't his fault though! I shouldn't have been going out with him if I had a soulmate, and more so if I knew who they were!"

"So it's official?" She knew. Of course she knew. The way you spoke left no room for doubt. Of course she would pick up on that. She was MJ!

"Yeah, that's why I stayed up so late. I went to get ice cream from the kitchen, and bumped into him there. One thing led to another, and now my mark has bloomed."

"It what?"

"Here- I'll just show you." You turn around, taking a picture on your shoulder in the full length mirror at the end of your room. "Crazy, right?"

"No shit. It looks amazing, Y/N!" You smile as she fell back into old habits, although you couldn't help but cringe at her volume. She only used your first name if she was really excited- and now seemed to be one of those times. "Do you know why it did that? Does his look like that?"

"Yes and yes. It happened when I touched his mark for the first time. His is on his wrist, golden and beautiful. And in my name, of course."

"You're so lucky. That's just- it's amazing. I need to meet him. When can I? Know what- I'm coming over right now."


"No. I have to meet my best friend's soulmate. It's practically a law." She insisted, and you could only roll your eyes and smirk. She was your best friend for a reason. "I'll be over during lunch. That ok?"

"That's great. I'll have some tri-jellies out for you. I assume we'll make it an occasion?" Tri-jellies were jelly sandwiches cut diagonally into triangles, a tradition between the both of you. It was your signature snack- and one that was ridiculously easy to slap together last minute.

"Absolutely. I can't wait. See you then!" MJ hung up, as you set your phone back down. Your best friend was going to meet your soulmate- when no one else in the tower knew yet.

This was just perfect.


You headed down to breakfast a few minutes later, making note of the few people awake yet. Everyone should be awake by 8am, or at least usually. Unless they were on a mission the night before- but that wasn't the case this time.

You glance around the kitchen for breakfast. Unsurprisingly, there was none made yet. Which was not a problem yet, but you did want to have some eventually.

As you step foot in the kitchen, you can't help but think about last night. How the two of you had shared a whole container of ice cream, before sitting out and looking at the skyline. You figured you must've headed to bed at some point- although you didn't remember it. How did you end up in your room then? You were just surprised you didn't have any bruises from falling in your half-awake state.

Unless- unless you didn't walk. Maybe you had fallen asleep downstairs, and Loki carried you to your room.

But that was unlikely. Right? Sure, you were soulmates- but you were still barely friends. You had just met him. And he tried to destroy New York the year before.

Even though he was unconscious.

You really needed to talk to him about that sometime. Nothing made sense anymore.

A strike of hunger woke you from your non-food thoughts, making you focus on the task at hand.

Breakfast. What to make for... Aha! It was perfect. You had been craving them for the past few days ever since you mentioned them to Loki, although you'd never admit he was the reason you wanted to make them now. You'd save some for him anyway though, making sure he was able to taste yet another food from Midgard.

You were making pancakes. Your Saturday morning pancakes. It was perfectly perfect.


"No, Clint. For the last time, GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!" You shout at Clint who was trying to help you. Well, annoy and distract you was more like it. You tended to burn 300% more pancakes while he was in the kitchen, which really annoyed the hell out of you. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? You were desperately trying to make enough breakfast for the whole team, since you were such a nice person. Plus you felt bad about constantly lying straight to their faces on many, many different matters- so you did this instead of apologizing for the supposed non-existent.

But Clint just wouldn't stop making you laugh, resulting in him being able to get away with stealing a spoonful of batter or such. At this rate there'd be no more batter to make pancakes with!

"Alright, alright." He finally surrendered, leaving your territory. At least, yours right now. It'd belong to whoever would be cooking the other meals later, but right now it was your own.

A few seconds later you finally managed to have everyone's breakfast on a plate, and even a few extra for the inevitable sneak-snackers. Namely Clint, Thor, and Bruce.

"Breakfast!" You shout to anyone who could hear you, making Clint jump from the effect on his hearing-aids. "Miba, tell everyone pancakes are ready, would you?" You ask her extra politely, knowing she'll find the closest speaker in the tower to each team member to inform them.

"Of course." You could practically hear the smirk in her voice, as you balanced two plates in your hands. You were heading to your room anyways, might as well bring Loki some. He wasn't registered as part of the team in Miba's database yet, so he wouldn't be annoyed. It was a perk, really.

You turn the corner down the hallway, receiving no more than a questioning glance from Clint. But you had made him pancakes- your pancakes- so he brushed it off. Loki's room was across the hall from your own, making it perfect to stop by. Balancing both plates in one hand, you knock.

The door opened to reveal a still slightly groggy Loki. Apparently he hadn't become accustomed to the realms' time change yet. He instantly perked up when he saw you though, and even more so when he spotted what you were carrying.

"The second part of my promise. Pancakes. Of course they're much better with toppings, but it's kind of hard to bring them all up here." You say, handing him a plate. "I did bring whip cream if you want it though." You hold up the stolen can, since you were planning to use it on your own. Plus you were low on your secret stock of them in your secret mini-fridge in your room, so what was one more?

"You like this topping?" He inquired while taking a bite standing up. His eyes lit up as it touched his lips, and you couldn't help but smile. He was so cute.

Woah- did you just call Loki cute?

Did you just call your soulmate cute?

To think that a few days ago you were still doubting they existed, and now you were handing them pancakes as they lived across the hall from you. It was crazy!

"Whip cream is the best food in existence. Anyone who says otherwise has lost their goddamn minds." You say matter-of-factly, carefully squirting some on his plate and then your own. "Plus it's literally the best thing to have on April Fool's Day, although that's still an eternity away."

Loki's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as he absent-mindedly took a bite. You could instantly catch when he realised what he had eaten though, since his eyes lit up in delight. He dove in for another bite, and another following it. You tried an odd balance-eat type of style he was doing, although it almost fell when you did so.

"I'll let you enjoy that." You tell him, heading back to your own room. You didn't want your pancakes to get cold; the whip cream to melt; or anything of the matter, especially since you couldn't eat it while you were standing. You'd think you could pull it off- but no~

"Thank you, Lady Y/N."

"Honestly Loki. Just call me Y/N. Soulmates should have first name basis." You tease, knowing no one could hear you. Hallways and rooms had no audio or cameras, and no one else was here. You could tease Loki all you wanted and no one would ever find out. At least, probably not.

He laughed lightly. "Of course, Y/N." By this time you were already at your room door, glancing back only briefly to catch his expression. Which ended up with the two of you locking eyes, as a strange feeling fluttered in your stomach. Perhaps it was the soulbond, but all you lived for in that moment were the little times with Loki, like sharing ice cream or talking across the hallway. You wanted as close of a relationship as you could have with him, although you knew that wasn't entirely possible. Not yet, at least. God- you hoped so eventually.

Where had all these thoughts suddenly come from?! Yes, he was your soulmate but he was also a criminal.

A criminal that was unconscious for all his crimes.

This was some screwed up shifty stuff, and you couldn't wait to unravel it all with MJ in an hour.

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