false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

When the countdown ended, Everyone cheered for the new year." Let's go back inside and continue the partyyyy." Lucas danced while his brothers and cousins hyped him up.

Everyone went back inside and continued to party. Elio went down at the Bartender and requested another shot of tequila." Thank you." Elio thanked the Barista." No Problem Boss." The Bartender said.

" I'm gonna go sit down for a moment." Chloe told her friends before sitting down by the bar stool. Elio looked at her and fixed his hair.

" Hey." Elio casually said. Chloe looked at him from head to toe." Hey." Chloe smiled awkwardly." It's nice to see you here." Elio said trying to start a conversation." You too." Chloe said looking away.

" Chloeeeeeee. O my gosh, Haven't seen you in awhile." Sean said. Chloe just smiled awkwardly." Dude, seriously?!" Elio said.

" I'm just gonna sit here." Sean said sitting next to Elio. Elio and Chloe looked at him weirdly." Don't mind me. I'm gonna let you guys talk. I mean, exes can talk without being awkward you know." Sean winked.

" Get out." Elio said. Sean pouted before walking away. Elio scratched the back of his head, taking the second hand embarrassment.

Chloe chuckled." I mean he is right. I don't know why we're so awkward." Chloe said and Elio smiled." You look beautiful. I just have to say it." Elio said.

" Thanks... You look handsome." Chloe said that made Elio blush." H-how's life?" He stuttered as he asked." Doing fine I guess... After Dad left the group, we moved here, started a new life, met with new friends... and met my boyfriend." Chloe said.

" Boyfriend... I see." Elio said." What about you? Any girlfriends?" Chloe asked." Girlfriends are impossible...... especially when I haven't moved on from you." Elio said looking away.

Chloe was surprised." Are you serious?" Chloe aske." It's hard to replace first love, Chloe. I swear I tried but I just can't." Elio said.

" It's been 3 years since we broke up." Chloe said." But at least you gave me 5 years of love." Elio smiled." I still love you." Elio confessed.

Chloe looked at him and felt butterflies in her stomach." Chloe, there you are. I've been looking for you." Julian came with a smile.

" Hey Julian." Chloe plastered a smile, glancing at Elio." Hi Elio, I didn't know you're here." Julian said." Ah yeah, I was invited by the owner." Elio said.

" I guess you've met, Chloe. My girlfriend." Julian said and Elio nodded." Let's go to the dance floor, the dance club is waiting." Julian told Chloe.

" If you'll excuse us." Julian said and Elio smiled watching them walked into the huge circle of dancers taking turns.
" Who are you guys looking at?" Logan asked Natalie and Avery looking down at the dance club." That guy is pretty cute." Logan said pointing at a guy in oversized gray shirt, dancing in the middle with everyone cheering for him.

Avery and Natalie looked at him." Wait, Avery, isn't he now your dance partner? Sean Lew?" Loren asked." The same guy that dated you?" Mace asked Natalie.

" How... did you know?" Natalie asked." You can't really tell everything with Lizzy." Mace said." Oops." Lizzy awkwardly smiled.

" I like that girl too. She's cute." Logan said pointing at  Bailey dancing with Ken." You've flirted with everyone in the club." Noah said.

" Perks of being Bisexual. Free Choices!" Logan smiled. They all chuckled and continued with their conversations.

The next day, January 2. The Harpers met up with Atty. Patterson in the mansion." Dale." Elise said as Atty. Patterson entered the living room with all the Harpers.

He was amused as he saw everyone, Especially Cassie." Atty. Patterson, Am I right?" David asked." Yes." Atty. Patterson said." I'm Atty. David Harper. Elise and Cassie's cousin." David introduced.

" Very nice to meet you." Atty. Patterson said." Cassie already did the tests and the results are finally here. It tested positive, which means, she's drugged in that party... It's the same drug that was used on Elise." David explained.

" Party drugs are all over the place in West Brook. Detective Hayes, Officer Anderson, and I have been teaming up for years to find the source but we couldn't." Atty. Patterson said.

" I've heard you were Elise's lawyer at the trial. What happened? She said you were a very great lawyer." David asked.

" I know exactly why, it's biased." Atty. Patterson said.

" I've had Detective Hayes investigate them for a long time." Atty. Patterson said." What did he say?" Alex asked." Atty. Presley held the Judge's daughter captive. They used her to scare the Judge and make them win. I have all the proof in this folder. There's no way they are getting out of this case." Atty. Patterson said.

Everyone in the room looked at each other and smiled.
The next day, the Harpers went to trial. Isaak and his father was there.
Elise and Cassie looked at them.

" Ignore them, chin up, just keep walking." Jaeden said. Elise and Cassie did what they was told too.

All the Harpers glared at them and some of the media were there to document the trial. They felt a lot more confident as there's a new judge in town and replaced the old one.

When they were all settled down in the court, they started with Cassie.
She felt scared while Mr. Presley kept asking her questions.

The same questions he asked Elise 2 years ago. Cassie started finally realizing how much pain and fear Elise felt all those days.

" So you tell me, my son raped you?"   Mr. Presley asked." Well not exactly... Elise saved me." Cassie said.

" So then what was the reason you filed a case against him? He didn't rape you. He didn't touch you." Mr. Presley said.

" He drugged me. It's another thing." Cassie said." Maybe you're just drunk at the party." Mr. Presley said.

" I took several drug test just to have a strong evidence. Are you stupid?!" Cassie asked getting mad.

" Rape is Rape. No one will get rape if there's no rapist and a father who tolerates it." Cassie said looking at him from head to toe.

Elise looked at her with a smile. The Harpers gave Cassie a thumbs up and a smile as they were proud and knowing she said the right thing.

Cassie was told to return back to her seat and when she did, Elise held her hand tight while her other cousins told her she did great.

" Good job, Cassie." David said giving her a smile. Now it was David's turn to asked Isaak.

" Hello Isaak, I'm Atty. David Harper." David Introduced." Wait, you mean. Cousins?" Isaak asked and David nodded.

" I'm gonna ask you straight to the point. All you have to do is answer yes or no. Pretty easy instruction." David said and Isaak nodded.

" The question is. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with someone, even though they did not want to, because they were too intoxicated let's say on alcohol or drugs to resist your sexual advances?" David asked.

Isaak gulped, he didn't know what to answer." I didn't rape her-"

" It's a yes or no question Isaak. Did you use drugs for your sexual advances? Yes or no?" David asked.

Isaam took some time." Time is ticking, It's a simple question... Yes or no?" David repeated that started making Isaak panic.

" Yes. I did. But she was wearing a revealing clothes. No one would rape her if she wasn't wearing those kinds of stuff." Isaam admitted that made everyone shocked.

" That's bullshit!" Elise yelled, Natalie and Avery pulled her back down to her seat.

" Let me get you straight. You raped her because of what she was wearing?" David turned back to Isaak.

" They were both wearing revealing clothes that made guys turn on looking at them." Isaak said.

" You're generalizing guys. Let me remind you, The guys you are talking to is yourself, don't put men like us in your situation. We are not the guys like you." Isaak said.

" And let me ask you again, what made you think that clothes are a permission to do such thing like rape?" David asked.

Isaak was speechless. The judge sent David and Isaak back to their seats and now the judge called Elise to seat down while Mr. Presley ask her questions.

" Elise, we've been through this a long time ago. It is mentioned that you were wearing revealing clothes. Why is that?" Mr. Presley asked.

" Mr. Presley, let me ask you the same thing. If your wife was wearing a revealing outfit, would you have sex with her without her permission? Do you think she was wearing it for you?" Elise asked.

" Are the clothes really the base of rape? Can't just women wear whatever they want? Can they have the freedom to walk around being confident with themselves without being cat called every time they walk in public?" Elise asked.

Loren was snapping her fingers as Every word Elise said, she agreed on.

" For all I know millions of women are raped every year. To add for your information, half of those are girls wearing school uniforms, sweatpants, and onesies. Even babies are getting raped. And you think clothes are the definition of rape?! NO." Elise said.

" It's on the mindset of the rapist. It's the mind that tells you what to do. It controls you. And if you can't change that, then I feel sorry for you. You're sick. Your son already admitted his crime. You hear me Mr. Presley? Stop protecting your son, you know what he did. You're just tolerating him to do it again because he's confident he's gonna win the case." Elise said that left Mr. Presley speechless.

" Your honor, to add to our evidence about the last case from 2 years ago. I had Detective Hayes and Officer Anderson help me investigate the surprising win of the Presleys when everyone knew my client had provided strong evidences." Atty. Patterson said showing the files and photos.

" Atty. Presley kidnapped the old Judge's daughter and threatened to kill her if they don't win. It's all in there. All the drug tests are true and aren't fake. We've checked to see if the Harpers were telling the truth and not coming up lies." Atty. Patterson said.

After reading everything, the Presleys were speechless as they waited for the Judge's decision.

"..... Isaak Presley... GUILTY." The judged announced and the Harpers jumped in joy as they cheered.

" We won! We won!" Lucas danced and Mace joined him. Kira and Jade  hit them to stop and keep it cool.

Elise and Cassie were in a big relief as they hugged each other tight.
After there hug, Elise hugged her sisters.

The boys joined the group hug ith Cassie. Later on their cousins joined the hug.

Isaak now was being taken away by Officer Anderson. Elio, Nick, and Alex watched him leave the court.

" David!" Elise excitedly called him giving him the biggest hug." Thank you." Elise said.

" Anything for you and Cassie. You're like my little sisters." David said and Elise smiled.

Then Cassie walked towards Atty. Patterson." Thank you so much for your help." Cassie said.

" It's not a problem, Cassie." Atty. Patterson said." It really means a lot to me. I don't know how I can thank you enough." Cassie said.

" My son loves you and you make him happy... That's enough for me." Atty. Patterson said.

" Oliver and I haven't... Really talked since the party... I'm still finding out a way to talk to him." Cassie said.

" I was also surprised when he told me.. And also the media said that you and Elise were cousins... Why didn't you tell us?" Atty. Patterson asked.

" Elise told me to not mention her from her friends. She was waiting for the right time to tell them she's alive." Cassie explained.

" I see... Again, I'm glad nothing bad happened to you." Atty. Patterson said and Cassie smiled and gave him a hug.

Elise came up to Atty. Patterson and gave him a hug." Thank you." Elise said.

" I'm sorry I failed last time, but I'm glad we finally did it." Atty. Patterson said.

" You're like my second father, Dale. You've been there when I was at my worst. You, Detective Hayes, and Officer Anderson stood up us our dads when our parents died." Elise said and Atty. Patterson smiled.
The news had spread about Isaak finally going to Jail. That weekend in the middle of the night, Isaak was alone in his jail cell when someone put his head on a sack and dragged him out.

He fell unconscious when someone hit his head while trying to escape.
When he wake up, he was in a dark room with only a light above his head, tied up in a chair.

He looked around but all he saw was darkness until someone slowly came out.

" Who are you?" Isaak asked confused. Nick smirked and kicked him in the stomach. Isaak groaned.

Nick then punched him in the face.
" This.... is.... what.... you've asked... the moment you... raped... my.... sister." Nick was mad punching Isaak repeatedly.

Isaak felt helpless." Now tell me, will you do it again?" Nick asked and Isaak laughed, blood dripping down from his nose and mouth.

" If I get the chance. I will. Your sister is hot. In fact... I'll rape all of your sisters." Isaak laughed that pissed Nick off that made Nick punched and beat him up badly.

" Is that all you got? A tied up guy in a chair who can't fight back?" Isaak asked.

Nick removed Isaak from being tied down and pushed him to the wall.
" Now fight back... I'm giving you the chance." Nick said.

Isaak smiled like a psychopath and started launching on Nick, throwing punches.

Nick twisted Isaak's arm pushed him down to the floor. Isaak was terribly beaten.

" Nick, stop." Alex said pulling Nick away." Just wait till I'm out of jail." Isaak said having a hard time standing up.

" Oh you won't be getting out of jail.... You'll never see the daylight again." Nick said.

Before Isaak knows it, his head was in a sack again and fell unconscious. The next thing when he woke up, he was back in his jail cell with a gun pointed at him.

Before he could scream, he was shot straight in the head.
Broad daylight, new spread like any other. Isaak Presley was found dead in his cell.

It was a horrific scene. The Presleys cried that day mourning at the lost of their son.

Everyone suspected the Harpers but they were proven wrong. A guy, who admitted that he was mad at Isaak was arrested and put in jail for Isaak's death.

The Harpers in the mansion sat around and looked at Nick." I take my words seriously." Nick said.

Tadaa, murder.

Other than that. I'm very much happy to start seeing Brynn dancing again. It makes me feel satisfied. Peace out!

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