College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]

By WandaUK

88.1K 2.3K 1.1K

Follows the story of two university students one being Lizzie Olsen. #3 - Maximoff 20/5/21 #3 - Elizabeth Ols... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 35
Book 2

Part 6

4.1K 120 42
By WandaUK

The day went by slowly. I kept looking at my phone wishing the minutes away to when I could next see Lizzie. Little parts of work had been set for my college course, so the majority of the day was spent by my desk trying to get things done. The boredom was creeping up on me every half an hour and I could not concentrate on my work.

I looked at my bed and thought back to this morning when me and Lizzie had woken up together her cuddling into my side. The thought of that made me happy. She made me happy even though the little time we had actually known each other. After snapping out of the daydream, I decided I needed to get this reading and work done before the lectures properly started next week.

With the motivational help of my music blasting through my record player I had managed to do a large chunk of the work and glanced over to my alarm clock to see that it was already 5:30. Lizzie was now in Drama society, society meetings do not last too long so I decided to finish up work for the day and get change and make myself a bit more presentable for Lizzie.

Just as I was finishing my hair my phone buzzed. I didn't even have to think who it was.

All finished! I'm starving hope you haven't eaten yet! we can find a cute place for us to eat. I read from my screen. I smiled, I felt excited but also nervous. I'm an overthinker. Is this a date? No it wouldn't be. Come on Ingrid she just wants to get to know you.

Sounds amazing! Come up here when you are ready I replied smiling down at my phone. Not even 20 minutes later there was a knock on the flat door. Just as I opened my bedroom door to go answer it I saw that Gerry had already answered it and there standing in the entrance to the flat's kitchen was Lizzie looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair was curly with half pinned up and the rest following on her shoulders. She was dressed in light blue mom jeans and a white tshirt tucked in with a pink oversized shirt over the top.

The outfit choice made me smile as I wore similar mom jeans and white top but with a army green oversized shirt. As she noticed me, she looked over and gave a soft smile however still engaging in conversation with Gerry. I could stand their admiring Lizzie for ages how she chatted and joked with my housemate all I could do was admire her features. This came to a sudden end when Naomi came out of her room.

'Look at you two with matching outfits!' She giggled. Me and Lizzie let out a little laugh. After a few moments of talking to the other two girls me and Lizzie decide to leave. As we left the building, we decided to walk towards the city centre which was not that bad of a walk from where we were living.

'So how was the drama society?' I questioned as we started to walk down the road towards the city.

'I really enjoyed myself. Sometimes I wish I did what my sisters did. But at the same time, I enjoy not being in the constant spotlight like the two of them. I am like the forgotten sister when it comes to the press which is a blessing when I want to come to university because it's not like I am constantly being followed by the paparazzi' I listened to her, almost forgetting she is from a famous family because of how humble she is.

As we got closer into town we began to decide where we go to eat. I originally didn't live very far from Liverpool, so I knew my way around quiet well, therefore the process was more of quizzing Lizzie to see what she kind of wanted to eat and me then meeting the criteria with places I already knew. It was decided that we were having Italian. I led Lizzie to a little authentic Italian down one of the sides streets that I have been many times before with my parents.

We were greeted when we walked in by the host who showed to our table. I let Lizzie go first admiring her from behind. She was looking around at how the restaurant was decorated with fairy lights and old black and white photographs. As we reached the table, I pulled a chair out for Lizzie trying my hardest to impress as I believe I needed to. The waiter handed us menus and then walked away.

'This is beautiful' Lizzie leaded over the table to say as she was making herself comfortable in her chair. I replied with a smile and then began to read the menu before the waiter came back.

'What are we thinking then?' I asked as I kept meeting Lizzie's gaze over the top of the menu.

'It all sounds amazing, I am thinking of not pasta though, it seems like that's all I've eaten since getting here' She giggled. I agreed with her, the life of a university student does normal consist of a diet of pasta due to it being cheap and convenient. The waiter shortly returned to take our order.

'I'll have the Pollo Milanese please' I smiled at the waiter as he wrote in his notepad before turning and taking Lizzie's order.

'We have a great bottle of Vernaccia di San Gimignano, that will go great with both of your mains' The Italian suggested after Lizzie ordered. I looked over at her and raised my eyebrows seeing if she was in a wine kind of mood and she nodded.

'Sounds amazing we will take a bottle of it please' I replied the waiter and he turned away with a smile. My whole concentration was on Lizzie right now. How the light from the fairy lights bounced off her skin and her eyes glistened from the reflection of the light bouncing off the photo frames and old mirrors which decorated the wall behind where I was sat. We engaged in conversation and drank the amazing wine that the waiter had suggested. Before we knew it we were on the third bottle and our food arrived.

'This is the best Italian food I have ever eaten!' Lizzie claimed while preparing her fork with the next bite as I drank more wine. It wasn't long that we were both stuffed with food and wine and both sat sluggish in our chairs chatting. When we were both ready to leave, I popped the toilet and paid the bill on my way back to the table, when I returned, I helped Lizzie out of her chair and grabbed my oversized shirt I had been wearing as a jacket ready to put on.

'Shit! We nearly didn't pay!' Lizzie exclaimed as reaching for her wallet out of her back pocket.

'It is all sorted' I smiled whilst putting my arm around her back ushering her towards the door of the restaurant, thanking the staff as we passed them. The crisp September air hit our faces as we left the restaurant. It wasn't completely dark but was on its way to being. I don't want the night to be over yet I thought to myself as we were walking back down the street.

'Where are the docks from here?' Lizzie asked whilst looking around the streets, I could tell she was taking note of where different shops of restaurants were for when she next comes into the city centre.

'It's not too far from here, if you want to go on a little stroll now?' I knew this could potentially make the night last the tinniest bit longer.

'I would love that' Lizzie exclaimed as she took my hand that was falling by my side as we walked side by side. Her warm hands warmed the whole of my body. I felt a smile creep on my face as we began to walk towards the docks.

Liverpool used to be one of the biggest shipping docks in the world however due to a load of economic issues within the area, the original docks had been transferred into more of a tourist area. It has a nice walking route and places to sit, coffee shops and restaurants and in the later half of the year is decorated with fairy lights around the old-fashioned pillars.

It was September therefore as me and Lizzie were walking around the path along the docks, they were lit quite romantically. With this atmosphere and the fact that Lizzie's small soft hand was still linked to mine made me start to think about how I feel towards her. I knew at that point that I liked her and the feel must have some sort of similarity or we wouldn't of spent the evening the way we have.

'Come have a photo with me' Lizzie tugged me out of my thoughts towards a nice area of the docks, she held her phone out ready to take the photo of the two of you with the old warehouses that were decorated with the lights in the background of the photo. I smiled softly at the camera, my head leaning slightly on hers, I bring my arm around her pull her in tightly as she takes numerous photos.

We continue our slow stroll heading from the docks along the river. The sun was mostly set at this point however the colours in the sky were still beautiful. I saw Lizzie taking photos of the river and I stood and smiled behind her. Just as she finished taking her photos were about to continue to walk as her phone began to ring.

'Ugh! Sorry Ingrid, its my sister' Lizzie huffed as she answered the facetime call as we both lent against the railings. I stood a tiny bit away from Lizzie to give her a bit of privacy not wanting to interrupt the sisterly reunion.

I admire the colours of the sky slowly starting to disappear as the darkness crept in, I could here the slight muffle of the American accent as Lizzie began to walk a bit closer to me.

'No don't worry I am not here alone, I am with my friend Ingrid' I smiled and waved as Lizzie turned the phone towards me, the then came to stand beside me so that we are both in the frame of the camera.

'Oh your special friend?' Mary Kate smirked through the phone screen, I could hear another women giggling which I am guessing would have been Ashley. I turn down to my side and see a wide eyed blushed Lizzie, shaking her head at the phone screen. Special friend? I think to myself.



I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Please let me know what you think.

I do have a rough idea of where this story is going but its always nice to have a bit of fluff I guess

See you in next chapter


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