Baby Dallas

By MainlyCam86

100K 1.7K 427

1 party 2 Drunk individuals One Night Stand 1 choice More

The Party
Questions And Answers
Going On Tour
Ready Or Not
I Think I Wanna Know You
Taking Austin
26mgmt Event
The Results
Rumor Has It
Secrets Revield
I still Get Jealous
Table Reading
2 Month's Pregnant
Ice cream Please! (5 month's pregnant )
Too Early
Dakota Alexandrea Dallas
Movie Day with Dakota
The Fight
The Fam
Need A Break
1 Month Later
Unfortunate Misfortune
The Next Day
Slowly Letting Go
Baby Dallas 2

Meet and Greet

2.8K 51 13
By MainlyCam86

Cameron p.o.v

It was a nice visit in omaha with the boys and right now I wish I was there instead of on this plane. Of course we are in the bathroom and yes she is pukeing as usual. I feel so bad for her.....and i cant help but feeling its my fault.

"Babe you need to start drinking more water so when you dryheve it doesn't hurt." She held her stomach and tears ecaped her eyes.

"Cameron it hurts so bad. I just want this morning sickness to be over." I brought my lips to her forehead and whiped her tears with my thumbs. I wrapped her in a hug and she cried in my shoulder. Moments passed and her crying had stopped leaving sniffles behind its path.

"Are you done In here babe?" I asked softly.

"Yea" she wisperd. I picked her up bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I carried her her to our seats and sat down with her still in my arms.

"Cam can you sing to me." she asked and I smiled. She knows I cant sing worth the crap but she still likes it.

"When your legs dont work like they used to before
And I cant sweep you off of your feet.
Will your mouth still rember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks" 

I sang underneath my breath. With a smile on her face she drifted off to sleep leaving her unwel body in my arms. I carefully grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went to google.

How long until morning sickness is over in a pregnancy?

I searched I scrolled through a few and finally clicked on one hoping it will awnser my question.

'About 80% of women's morning sickness ends at about 14 weeks. Others tend to have it throughout the entire pregnancy. In the meantime Keep ments and gum in your purse incase of an upset stomach

Another three months of puking......this was going to be fun.

*Skips rest of plane ride*

We landed and I gently shook Paisley. I cant believe she slept for six hours stright I looked at the time and it was 10am so we have about two hours untill the meet and greet.

"Hey sleeping beauty." I said softly and planted soft kisses on her face. She opened her eyes and yawned while outstretching her arms.

"Did we land?" She asked and i nodddd my head.

"So I was thinking about how I have to fly to L/A right after the meet and greet is over and was wondering if you wanted to come with me or if you wanted to stay here with Nash and the other guys." she rubbed her eyes and shruged her shoulders not really caring I think.

"I mean i dont care but whatever you want is fine Bae." She said as she got off of my lap. I stood up and grabbed our carry on bags then glanced at her.

"I was just thinking how terrible your sromach gets when your on a plane but I would love for you to come with me......we would have some alone time." I say to her and she smiles.

"I guess ill suffer the pain and go with you." She said. We walked off of the plane and went to the gates where we saw Nash waiting for our aravel.

"Hey guys you ready?" He asked.

"Yea" I said and we were on our way.

*Skips car ride*

We walked into our room and Mash anded me the keys.

"You guys can have your own room im bunking with Hayes." He said. I felt bad honestly like im pushing him away or something maybe he just wants us to have some privacy.

"Are you sure Nash I mean we have plenty of space for you here." Paisley said sounding conserned.

"Yea im positive. You guys need some alone time if you know what I mean." He said while chuckling. We both laughed and waved our hands shooeing him away.

"Get outta here!" I said and he left while slamming the door. I could here him laughing through the door and it vanished as he got farther away. I looked at Paisley and cupped her face in my hands.

"Finally we're alone." I said while brisking my lips across hers. She glanced from my eyes to my lips and she slowly leaned im building up tension between us. Our lips connected and my hands slid down to her hips grasping them firmley. Her arms wrapped around my neck and the kiss continued geeting more heated by the minute. She slid off of my shirt as I did her's. She grabed a fistful of my hair and tugged it. I pulled away and our breathing was heavy.

"We should get ready." I said.

"Yea we should."

Authors note
Hey guys so would you mind if I did a 3 month time laps? And sorry for ending there im really sich but i hope you like it!

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