The Maze Runner -Flare In Fla...

By PerryladyIsDaBomb

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•Third and Final book to The Maze Runner Series• Y/N and the others live happily ever after on the safe haven... More

Chapter 1~The Safe Haven~
Chapter 2~Her Speech~
Chapter 3~I'm Not Ready~
Chapter 4~I Am Here~
Chapter 5~Her Blank Expression~
Chapter 6~The Unwelcomed Visitor~
Chapter 7~Tentions Rising~
Chapter 8~Goodbye Safe Haven~
Chapter 9~Stowaway~
Chapter 10~Lights~
Chapter 11~Risks~
Chapter 12~The Agreement~
Chapter 13~It Doesn't Hurt Anymore~
Chapter 14~First Day On The Job~
Chapter 15~A Days End~
Chapter 16~An Act of Hope~
Chapter 18~To Let Him Go~
Chapter 19~Recruiting Day Pt. 1~
Chapter 20~Recruiting Day Pt. 2~
Chapter 21~Come Back For Me~
Chapter 22~It's Normal~
Chapter 23~Settling In~
Chapter 24~The Warehouse~
Chapter 25~Temporary Solution~
Chapter 26~The Opportunity~
Chapter 27~A Way Out~
Chapter 28~Pawns~

Chapter 17~Ryan Davis~

481 13 7
By PerryladyIsDaBomb

1 Day Until Recruiting Day
       I've been up for a while now thinking. Starring at the ceiling for the past couple hours. The alarm clock next to my bed reads 7:00 in the morning. I have to be up out of bed by 7:30. My mind runs through every possible thing I could be thinking about. But the one specific thought my mind keeps going back to... Newt. What would we be doing right now if he was still alive? Would we even be here at all? An image of his face is stuck inside my mind. "I wish you could be here Newt." I softly whisper to myself in my dark bedroom. "I wish I could hold your hand again." I think back to when he always comforted me. "I wish I could hear your voice again." I say aloud tears starting to build up in my eyes. Suddenly, I stand up walking over to the window showing the city. The Wicked screen on the building that flashes each of our faces. As Newt's face comes across the screen, a tingling sensation shivers throughout my body. If there is one thing I wish... is that he was still here. That somehow he was immune to the Flare like the rest of us. That I'd have a chance to see him again. As his picture changes from his to mine, the tingling disappears. "Stop." I say out loud. "What happened, happened Y/N. Stop wishing for something that you know will never happen." I shake my head, imagining all the emotions would just flee my body for a few hours. "Wishing keeps us human Y/N." A voice speaks as I swiftly turn around only to see Aris. My breathing eases as he puts his arms out. "Sorry, sorry. I came to see if you were awake, and then I saw-." He tries as I smile. "It's okay Aris." I reply as he puts his arms down. "Mind if I ask what you're wishing for?" Aris walks closer as I turn back to the window. I feel his presence joined beside me. A comforting feeling I haven't felt from him in a while. Newt's Wanted picture pops back up on the screen as I turn to Aris. "I-." Is the only thing I can spit out. The only sound I can make. Before I say more, the tears I held back before start to come at once. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get like this." I cover my face as Aris shakes his head. "Y/N... I know things haven't exactly been the same with us, but I'm still the same Aris from the Maze. You don't need to apologize." He comforts as more tears stream down my cheeks. "Aris... I miss him." I state as he nods starring at me with his familiar blue eyes. "It just hurts-." Before I can finish, he pulls me into a hug. My sobs slightly ease. I start to breathe as I continue to hug him. "I'm not going to tell you what the others might have told you. If I'll be honest, I didn't get to know him like I should've." Aris stops for a second continuing to hold me in his arms. "But if I can say anything... it's that we're in this together Y/N. If you need to talk, to cry into my shoulder, or you just need to sit with me in silence so you're not alone... I can do that. I don't know what it feels like to loose someone with a connection that you and Newt had." Aris stops again, pulling me from his hug and staring into my eyes. "But Y/N I need you to know that I am here. There is nowhere I'd rather be than right here. That goes for all of us." He holds my shoulders in seriousness. "I'm sorry." Aris' voice cracks a little as tears build up in his eyes. "For what I did, and for what you had to go though... but please... no more trying to deal with it all by yourself. Okay?" His genuine expression makes me smile. I nod as he pulls me back in for an additional hug. I pull away from him as he wipes a few tears from his face. "So... ready for breakfast?" He laughs trying to cover up the emotions he just spilled to me. I start to giggle a little from his sudden change of expression. "Sure." I reply as he jumps up and down and shakes his hands. "Gotta get the normal Aris back." He jokes as I laugh some more. "Don't worry... I like this Aris." I smile. "We'll this Aris only comes on occasion." He jokes. I smile as we head towards the door, and downstairs for breakfast.
       We head towards the hospital after having conversations at the table for breakfast. We went our separate ways from the others. The ones who aren't trying to get recruited, and the ones who are going for the guard position. Tomorrow is recruiting day. I am scared, and I don't know what to expect. My mind boggles on the thought that tomorrow will decide if I get into the city. Obviously Thomas and Minho will get in. They're probably the strongest out of the recruits going for the guard position. Me though, I'm just trying my absolute hardest to act like I know what I'm doing. To act like everything is fine, and I'm not scared. As we walk though security, Joe checks our temperatures. "98.2." He says to me allowing me to pass across the tape plastered on the floor.
       Today goes by slow. I try to pay attention and keep out of my own thoughts too much. My job today is to go into each patients room and check on them. Simple job for someone who, like me, has no idea what they're doing. I still get weird looks, but I remember I still have the w/c wig on my head pretending to be someone I'm not. Everything is as you'd expect a hospital to be. Cold, white, clean... the only unappealing trait is the sound of people coughing up their lungs. Those patients are the ones who have the flu, strep, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Not the Flare. Amy was telling me if you are diagnosed with the Flare, you are immediately taken to a quarantine facility where they will most likely kill you after you turn. As morbid as it sounds, it's their key to survival. Without a cure, those who are infected and are not immune... die.
       It's officially time for my lunch break. Aris, Sonya, and Harriet have the same lunch break as I do. The four of us meet up heading into the break room. The three of them are laughing, talking about their experiences and their jobs that Amy has assigned. The assignments they have sound exciting. More exciting than a quick knock on a door, checking if the heart monitor is still beeping, and a "How are you feeling this morning?". Not exactly the ideal day in the hospital I should say. I grab a bag of chips from the cabinet, sitting down at the table in the middle of the room. The other three sit around talking and laughing just like it was in the Maze. "How's your shift going Y/N?" Sonya questions as the room grows quiet with a silence that isn't so pleasant.  "It's going good!" I blankly reply as they nod. Great job Y/N. Way to ruin the good spirits they were in. The room fills with silence yet again, only this time, all you can hear is Aris chomping on the chips he also pulled from the cabinet. Both Harriet and Sonya start giggling at his obnoxiously loud chewing. "What I can't help it." Aris mentions laughing. Harriet grabs a chip from his bag and begins to imitate his chomping and Sonya starts to cry laughing so hard. I sit, starring at the three of them as they smile and have the time of their lives. No worries about what tomorrow has in store. They continue their conversation about random ideas and subjects that come off the top of their heads. Suddenly, I stand up pushing in my chair. "Y/N. Where are you going?" Harriet asks with little chuckles here and there from the conversation. "I'm not very hungry." I mention rolling the bag of chips up, and putting the bag back into the cabinet. "But you've still got another hour before the break ends." Aris points out as I check the time. He's right. This is the only break i'll get all of today before going back to the penthouse. "I'm going to talk to Amy for a little bit." I lie faking a smile before they nod. Making my way out of the door, I shut it closed as their laughing continues. As I walk through the hospital, my eyes glance at every symbol I see on the wall. A yellow circle with three sections of black coming to a middle point. What does that even mean? Another yellow symbol with a fire icon comes into vision. That must mean flammable. My eyes come across another yellow sign with a skeleton image. That's definitely not a good thing. As I'm walking, I hear a sudden thump in the room next to me. I freeze for a second before approaching the  door with a clipboard next to it. Grabbing the board, I read the name Ryan Davis. Setting the clip board back down, I knock on the door, slowly opening the door. "Mr. Davis." I say in a gentle tone of voice walking in looking down at my shoes, closing the door behind me. Somethings different. Odd... unlike every other patient I've checked on today. The heart monitor isn't beeping.  I quickly turn around to see the man is laying on the floor motionless, not attached to the monitor. My body freezes as I stare at his body. An imaginary gust of wind blows against me causing my arms to fly forward blocking my face. I open my eyes looking around at the familiar dark place. Dust and small debris particles flying through the hot air. I hear screams and sounds of gunfire and explosions. Looking down back at the man, I choke, dead still at a terrifying sight. Newt laying on the ground with the knife in his chest. My eyes widen as wind blows around me. What is this. I rub my eyes looking back still seeing his dead corpse on the pavement. I rub them again more stern this time, still seeing the illusion. My eyes start to tear up. "Y/N." A distant staticky voice says. I look around still seeing this awful trick of a dream. "Y/N! Listen to me!" The voice says again. I cannot speak. All thoughts, all memories of that night flood back as if it was yesterday. I start to hyperventilate with tears rushing down my face. I rub my eyes again, still starring at Newt's lifeless body. There is no description believable enough to explain how I'm feeling. My stomach turns in unnatural ways. My head spins with a dizzy and sickening taste in my mouth. "Y/N! Focus!" A familiar voice shouts as I gasp for air. Looking around I'm back in the hospital room with the patient, Ryan Davis, unresponsive, on the ground. I don't see anyone else around me. Who's saying my name? "Y/N? Listen." I finally make out the voice. Amy speaks over the intercom of the room. "Amy?" I question confused as to what has just happened. I saw him! I saw Newt! "Y/N, there's not much time. Doctor's are heading your way, but I need to to start chest compressions. Remember the first thing I taught the four of you yesterday? CPR? I need you to start now!" Amy's voice is stern, as if she herself is about to have a heart attack. "But-" I hesitate until Amy interrupts me. "Y/N, if you don't start CRP, he will die! Do you hear me?! I believe in you, and I'm on my way-." Her last word cuts off suddenly as if she left in a hurry. This is happening? This is actually happening?! I look down, my feet will not move. I'm stuck, frozen in fear. I need to move. I need to help this man. I break out of my frozen stance, rushing toward the man on the ground. I use my two figures like Amy taught, checking for a pulse. Nothing... I pull the man on his back as I place my hands in the right position as I was taught yesterday. I hesitate for a second, taking a deep breath before pushing as hard as I can in a rhythmical way. My breathing increases as I continue to push on the unconscious man's chest. No response. All the sudden, I'm back. I'm doing chest compressions on Newt's corpse as he lays there with his mouth slightly open, dried black blood on the outside of his mouth. My eyes start to water. "Come on!" I say continuing to press on the man's chest once reality flashes back. He continues to lay there unresponsive on the ground. As I continue to press, I am once again brought back to the distant memory of Newt's body. As I press on his chest harder, no sign of any improvement. A flash of Newt's smile engulfs my vision as I start to press harder. "Please." I state crying. I close my eyes while sounds of his laugh and his commonly used "bloody hell" statement rewinds itself over and over in my mind. "Come on!" I repeat louder, pushing even harder than I did on the dummy during training. The memory of Newt and I on the rooftop comes to mind. The feeling of his lips pressed against mine. His hand cuffing my cheek as I cried at the fact that he was infected. His hand touching my leg; the way he says my name; Y/N. His handwriting stating the words 'I love you'. That's the final straw. I open my eyes to see the dead man still lying there motionless. I will not let you die. I start to push even harder. "Breathe!" I shout bringing my hands up and forcefully hitting my hands on his chest as hard as I can. Suddenly, the man gasps for air, opening his eyes, and begins to cough. Once I see him, I sit back, my arms aching, my heart beating a million beats per second. Without warning, doctors flood the room, most tending to the man, while others come towards me. As I exhaustedly sit on the cold floor, doctors and nurses start to congratulate me. I can't make out what they're saying. The ringing in my ears is unbearable. My head is throbbing, my arms are tense. My inability to focus is brought to attention when I can't remember when I started standing. I look around at the appearing chaos in the room. From the doctors tending to the patient, to the doctors questioning me like a news report, to the small audience of doctors standing in the back portion of the room. I find my eyes are getting heavy. So hard to keep them open. Finally, Dr. Amy Wilson comes into view. She's standing right in front of me. "Well done Miss Olivia." She smiles professionally nodding at my work. For a second, I forget about everything. The disguise, the fake name, the unusual scrubs I'm wearing. I can tell Dr. Wilson notices my off behavior as she orders the other doctors back to work. Amy leads me to a place I do not know, nor do I care to. Everything around me is a blur. "Y/N." Amy slightly shakes me out of my dizzy spell. My hearing starts to slowly ease back to normal. Finally, everything snaps back to normal. Besides the tiredness of my body, which is understandable. "I am so proud of you." She states with a smile. I stay silent as her smile slowly goes away. "You don't look so happy to have just saved someone's life. That's more than some of these other doctors here can say." Dr. Wilson encourages comfortingly rubbing my arm. She doesn't know. Amy couldn't possibly understand how I feel right now. I though that maybe, for just a second... that I had just saved Newt's life. That he was going to wake up after I slammed my hands on that man's chest. It almost seems selfish. Part of me wishes that was Newt, and not Ryan Davis... a man I hardly know. I don't think saving that mans life has quite kicked in yet. "Are you alright Y/N?" Amy questions with true worry. Without thinking, the words slip out. "Can I be done for the day?" I watch as Amy's expression switches from happiness to confusion in just a split second. "Y/N... you do know Recruiting Day is tomorrow." Amy mentions as I almost forgot. "I'm not feeling too well." I make up the excuse, which isn't a total lie. I feel like I just got hit by a bus... yet it's so much more. So much emotions, feeling of happiness, anger, sadness... disappointment. "You know what? Let me give Shawn a call, okay? I'll get him to escort you to Amanda's penthouse for the rest of the day. Does that sound alright?" Amy questions with a worried expression on her face. "That will be great." I force a small smile, but it doesn't last long." Once I look around, I notice Amy pulled me into a distant supply closet. "Alright, let me go give him a call. Feel free to stay here or head to the break room." Amy offers grabbing the door handle. "Oh and Y/N." She adds as I give her most of my attention. "Just know that I am extremely proud of you." She gives a warm smile before leaving me in the supply closet.

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