Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

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"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us

Harry's arrival

5.1K 132 90
By aFredWsimp

You were sitting in the lounge with Fred and George, you were reading and they were making up and dealing with their order sheets. They're company was starting to become a lot more popular, they were saving most of their money.

"Oh for crying out loud, you need to go get him. Tonight." You heard Molly saying.

"Get who?" Fred asked.

"Get Harry, he's been excluded from Hogwarts." He huffed and went back into the Kitchen.

"Why's he been excluded?" You asked closing your book.

"Who knows. Harry's a good student." George admitted.

"I bet he killed that cousin of his." Fred laughed. You rolled your eyes and went upstairs to put your book in your bag. The house you were staying in was fairly cold, so you decided to get into your bed and get out later, when it warmed up.

It didn't take even 5 minutes for both the twins apparating into your room. They had covered their eyes with their hands.

"Are you getting dressed y/n?" George asked.

"No." You replied sitting back up.

"Why didn't you come back downstairs?" Fred asked, standing at the end of your bed.

"Because I was cold." You giggled a little, "why you both being clingy."

"We are not being clingy, we were just worried." George exclaimed.

"Sure, you were worried after I was up here for like 3 minutes."

"That stupid house elf could have killed you or something." Fred said.

"I doubt it. But I'm fine, that's for raising concern."

"Can we do some more work in here?" George questioned, sitting at your desk in the room.

"Go for it." You later back down. You felt a weight push down on your bed. It was Fred he was working while sitting next to you on the bed. You looked up, he looked down giving a small smirk.

You could smell the cinnamon scent diffusing off his body, which succeeded in making you fall asleep.

"What the bloody hell is this?" You heard Ron ask, you opened your eyes and sat up immediately to see what was happening. You looked around your room and saw George slowly waking up from your desk, while Fred was also asleep, laying next to you in your bed.

"Shit. We must have all fallen asleep." You said anxiously.

"Yeah, well mum wants you all downstairs before Harry gets here. Mainly Fred and George but-"

"It's fine ron, I'll get them both up and downstairs." You reassured him. You groaned getting out of your bed and walked over to George. He was slightly awake so it didn't take much to get him to his full senses.

"Georgie. Your mum wants us all downstairs." He groaned before dragging himself up and stretching while leaving your room.

You walked over to Fred, still sound asleep in your bed. He always looked so peaceful sleeping, "Freddie." You whispered. You decided to run your fingers through his hair trying to gently wake up. He also groaned while scrunching his eyes together, "you have to get up Molly wants us." He looked at you and rolled his eyes, giving you a cheeky smile after.

You finally got him up and took him down stairs to Molly, waiting in the kitchen. More people were in the house now including Moody, an Aurora called Tonks and Kingsley.

"There you both are, got a bit sleepy did we?" She looked between you and the twins, "so Harry is being picked up soon, I want you all to be on your best behaviour. He is going through a lot right now and I don't need you all tormenting him, y/n I don't mean you dear but if I said it to these two they'd ask why you weren't getting the lecture." You smiled and quickly raised your eyebrows at Fred.

"We wouldn't torment him mum, Harry's cool." George said, he looked at Fred, they were definitely hiding something.

"Yeah, don't worry. Can we go back upstairs now?" Fred added.

"Yes fine, off you go." She shooed you away. Fred and George apparated out, so you did the same to your room. They were both in there.

"So are you planning on staying in your own rooms or is mine making the cut for you both?" You asked.

"Does y/n Bardot not want to spend time with us Georgie?" Fred asked, acting insulted.

"I hate you both." You rolled your eyes.

They stayed in your room, tipping their products onto the floor and sorting through it all,

"So you plan on paying off students to eat your non trialed products?" You asked curiously.

"That's the plan." George said with pride.

"Do you not think you're going to get into trouble?" You questioned.

"Who cares, we don't need out NEWTS anyways, we want to use this school year to promote ourselves get the people excited, you know?" Fred admitted to you.

"You don't even want to get them incase things don't work out?" You asked.

"Why wouldn't it work out?" George looked at you to say.

"I have no doubt it won't work, but you always have to have a backup plan."

"Fine, Georgie we have a backup plan. We will just live with you forever." He smirked and laughed a little.

"Well aren't you a funny nut." You sarcastically responded.

You were still in your room with the twins, "is that Harry?" You asked hearing voices from Ron's room.

"Let's go check." Fred and George both apparated out of the room, you did the same.

"Hi Harry." Fred said sitting onto the bed.

"Thought we heard your dulcet tones." George added.

"Don't bottle it up though mate, let it out."

"Anyway if you're all done shouting-"

"Wanna hear something a little more interesting?"

"Boys, what are you planning." You asked looking between the twins, "and hey Harry, heard the news. Hopefully they prove you innocent." You said following the twins to their room.

You saw them go into one of their bags, full of products pulling out their extendable ear. You put your hand onto your forehead and followed them all out onto the landing.

You listened in as the ear travelled down, all the adults in the house were discussing stuff about protecting Harry.

You noticed Hermione's cat walking down the stairs towards the ear, you knocked Fred's arm and pointed at it. Both the twins looked looked at each other as Hermione tried to shoo it away.

After a few minutes you all went downstairs, except the twins they apparated behind Molly, "Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She shouted. You laughed as your mind traveled elsewhere. You walked past Molly into the dining room.

You sat next to Fred and Ron, waiting for the dinner to be ready and served. You were sat watching Sirius explaining something to do with Voldemort building up the death eaters, you felt like you were out of place at the table- considering your close blood relation to one- but you sat and listened anyways. Molly stopped Sirius from talking anymore, which annoyed everyone slightly considering you were all being kept in the dark.

This is kind of a filler chapter, nothing major to the storyline happens until they are actually at school so, yeah :)

If anyone has any questions about me or the story, ask away!!

Stay safe and well xox
-i <33

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