Living with a Rockstar (Whitt...


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Claire lives by herself in the town of Friday Night Funkin, well known for it's many singing and rapping batt... Еще

Music Battle
Letting it out
Shopping and Memories
Getting to know each other
Get Together (Part 1)
Get Together (Part 2)
Little Notice
Surprise Date
Trouble (Part 1 - Encounter)
Trouble (Part 2 - Rescue Plan)
Trouble (Part 3 - Captivity)
Trouble (Part 4 - Reunion)
Ya'll are gonna make me cry
Sick Day
Friday Night Out
The New Neighbors
Return (Part 1 - Whitty)
Return (Part 2 - Claire)
Music and Emotions
Sleepover (Part 1)
Sleepover (Part 2)
I want to scream
Spooky Month! (Halloween)
Little Notice
Birthday Special
New Addition
Bad Day
Now and Forever
Snow Day
Family Secrets
Cruel Prank
Happy New Year
Little Notice
Valentine's Day
Trip to Jamaica (Part 2: Arrival)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 3: Visit)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 4: Beach)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 5: Return)
Little Update
Baby Shower
Christmas Arrival
Theme Songs
Anniversary Surprise
Overcoming Fears
Music Video
Day of Attention
Bad Luck Day
Christmas Birthday
Double Wedding
Together Forever
Thank You

Trip to Jamaica (Part 1: Journey)

164 5 17

Heyo everyone! Here's the trip special for you all to read and enjoy. As always, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

Tw - Nsfw themes, abuse, swearing, racism, proceed with caution

☀️Friday Morning☀️

*Claire's POV*
"UP! UP! UP! WAKE UP!" It was the day of the trip, we already packed up our stuff the day before, all we had to do was get ready and leave.

"Blaine! Wake up before I make you!" Of course, my brother was the one to not be ready, he was the only one still in bed.

"Blaine, I will feed your food to the dogs next door if you don't get up!" He burst through the door.

"Now that you're up, go take a bath!" I pointed to his bathroom.

He quickly got ready, so I made sure we had everything we needed for the trip.

"Claire, have you been on a ship before?" Whitty was helping me check through the items, making sure we weren't forgetting anything.

"No I haven't, I have no memory being on one. All I hope for is that we don't sink or get sea sick." We checked everything, nothing was missing.

"Alright I'm ready." Blaine came downstairs.

"Alright, we need to go to the dock. I called to confirmation and they said they'll take my car on the ship, so let's go." Carrying the luggage to the car, we packed everything and the others got inside as I waited for the last person to come.

A knock on the door caught my attention, so I went to answer it.

"Octavia, right on time! Come on everyone's waiting." Leading her to the garage, we packed her luggage and got her inside the car.

"Alright, everyone is strapped up?" I looked behind me to check on Whitty, Junior, Octavia and Fuse.

"Yeah!" Junior yelled with his hands up.

"Then let's go!" Starting the car, we drove to the dock where the others were waiting.

*Time Skip*

"Hey Claire!" Suzy was waving at us when she saw my car.

We drove up to see the ship, but it wasn't taking passengers yet.

Parking the car, we got off to greet the others.

"Hey everyone! Are you ready for the trip?" They all nodded.

"Okay, those with vehicles come on board first!" I hopped in the car and drove it to the spot provided on the ship.

"Tickets please." We gave the worker our tickets before we were let on the ship.

"Wow! So this is what it feels like to be on a ship!" The view of the sea was gorgeous, the sun glistening on the surface of the water.

"Junior, stay close to mommy and daddy okay?" I held his hand.

"Yes mommy!" He tightened his grip.

"Okay, let's go to our rooms and put our stuff down." Heading to our rooms, we unpacked our stuff.

"The room is really nice." I looked at the room we got.

I finished unpacking my stuff, so I went to where Whitty was, finding him wearing a marina.

"Oh my gosh! I'm not used to seeing him wear anything but hoodies. I always forget that he's well built under the clothes." I was staring at him, the marina tight on his chest lacking the sleeves, allowing me to see his built arms.

"Like what you see?" He realized I was staring at him.

"I do." I smiled as I tried to hide the blush.

"Are you done changing?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go meet the others." He pulled on one of his shirts before following me back out.

We saw everyone gathered to a spot close to the railing, so we joined them.

"Hex, do you get sea sick?" Carol asked him.

"No I don't, I don't have those kind of reactions. I do like the sunlight, it helps me stay energized at night." He answered with a smile.

"Hold fast everyone! We'll be leaving now!" We heard a loud voice shout before we felt the ship move, making us lose our balance.

The ship finally left the dock, families waving goodbye to their loved ones, but for us, we will be meeting our families.

"What's that over there mommy?" Junior tugged my arm, pointing to an area where food was being handed out.

"I'm not sure, maybe that's where you get refreshments." I wasn't too sure about it myself.

I could see some people getting paper bags.

"Are we supposed to get those too?" I asked Girlfriend.

"Unless you're like these two, then yeah you'd get one." She pointed to Suzy and Pico, both of them with their heads in the bag.

"Oh, well that's unfortunate." I felt bad for them.

"If this is your first time on a ship, how come you're not sea sick?" Carol asked me.

"Oh, well I'm not sure. Maybe I was on a ship once but I don't remember. I really don't know, I just don't feel nauseous." Confusion was written all over my face.

"Well, now that we're on our way to Jamaica, what do we do?" Boyfriend asked.

"Good question, do you have any ideas Blaine?" I looked for my brother but I couldn't find him.

"Where's Blaine? Octavia isn't here either." We looked around but we didn't see them.

"I'm sure they're okay." Carol tried to reassure me.

"I'm not too worried for Octavia, it's Blaine that I'm worried about." I felt uneasy with his location being unknown.

"Why's that?" Tony asked.

"I don't know, there's just a gut fee..." It finally hit me.

My feet moved on their own to the back of the ship, seeing Blaine ready to jump off the ship.

"Blaine! You can't go swimming in the sea! If you jump off you can't get back on!" I saw Octavia struggling to pull him back on the ship.

"Whitty!" I yelled, seeing him run over with the others.

"Help me get Blaine!" We rushed over and pulled him back on the ship, restraining his movement.

"Why was he so hellbent on going in the water?" Octavia looked like she could finally catch her breath.

"He's the reason why our family only had one beach trip. When he sees the sea, he will want to swim until his legs cramp. I don't know where the obsession came from, but the last time we went he kicked the life guard when they tried to get him out the water." I felt embarrassed as I recalled the memory.

"This is why I originally wanted to go by plane, so that this wouldn't happen. Whitty, restrain him for a bit, I'll be right back." I ran to my room to get some items.

"I'm back!" Returning to them, I put a collar on Blaine and a band on Octavia.

"No! Not this damned thing!" Blaine began to struggle when he felt the collar on his neck.

"Why does he have the collar?" Girlfriend asked as I switched on the collar and band.

"Since he can't be helped around water, my mom got this. She didn't like using it but she had no choice. When we went anywhere that had water, she would put this on him." I pointed to the collar.

"If he goes a far distance away from the person wearing the band, the collar will make a blaring sound to alarm anyone close to him." I switched the distance on the band to ten feet.

"Octavia, take eleven steps back." She stepped back, by the eleventh step the collar went off.

"Wow! So that's what happens." She looked at the band, mesmerized by the way how it works.

"Honestly Blaine, you're making Fuse be more behaved than you and she's not even in her harness!" I pointed to her, standing next to Junior and Whitty.

"Why did you give me the band Claire?" Octavia came up to me.

"I'm not always with him, but you are. If I had it on I would need to keep it at a larger distance but that would give him a chance to make a run for it. Can you keep an eye on him for me?" I held her hands, begging her to help.

"Okay, I'll help." She agreed.

"Blaine, apologize to Octavia!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry babe, I can't help it." He apologized, ruffling his hair.

"It's okay, just don't do it again."

"No promises." I wacked him in the head.

"I promise." Rubbing his head, he finally agreed to behave.

For the time being, we went our separate ways, exploring the ship to see what was there.

*Whitty's POV*
Claire, Junior and I were exploring the ship, leaving Fuse in our room.

There were a lot more people than I was expecting on the ship, making me feel uneasy.

"Whitty, what's wrong?" Claire looked up at me.

"I just feel uneasy, with all these people on the ship. I wasn't expecting so many." I spoke to her.

"Well, I can't say that I'm not surprised, I'm shocked. I don't put it on my mind though, as long as I'm with you I don't have to worry." Her smile made my worries go away.

"You're right, let's get something to eat." Following Claire, we found a spot that was serving food to everyone.

"Oh! It's an all you can eat buffet!" Claire saw the tables filled with food.

"Can I really eat all of this?" I couldn't control myself, seeing the food made me start drooling.

"Well, I don't know. You can eat everything here but they say that because people can't eat a lot of food. I'll pick out the food for you, so that there's some left for everyone else, okay?" I nodded so she grabbed some plates for us.

"Okay Junior, what do you want?" She picked out the food for Junior before dealing with me.

"Here Whitty, I know this is a lot for any other person but this is as much as I can take before I get yelled at." She carried over three plates for me.

"Thank you Claire." I took the food and hung it over my head.

"Whitty wait! You can't eat the plates!" Claire stopped me when I was going to eat the food.

"But it's an all you can eat buffet, right?" I thought that meant I could eat everything they had.

"Whitty, they are referring to the food alone. You can't eat their plates or utensils, they need them." Claire explained.

Looking back at the food, I ate them and put the plates down.

"Okay, you two are done eating. I'll carry these back over and get something for myself. Stay here for now." Getting up from her seat, she kissed my cheek before carrying back the plates.

"Daddy, can you tell me about the day you met mommy?" Junior caught my attention with a question.

"Oh, that day. If I remember correctly, she was going to put up a poster, looking for a roommate since she lived alone. I was hiding in the alley when she bumped into my leg. I won't lie, I didn't want anything to do with her at first, but her determination to help me led to our rap battle." Recalling the day we met made me happy that I met her when I did.

"What happened during the rap battle?" Junior perked up, his eyes glistening.

"Well, I learnt that one of my songs was her favourite. She knew all the words by heart and kept up with me through the first two songs. I did lose control by the third song and she wasn't able to keep up with me to the end but she did do her best." He nodded his head for me to continue.

"Well, I ignited and I didn't want her to get hurt so I threw her as far as possible to avoid my explosion, luckily she wasn't hurt. Even then, she helped me that night, gave me a place to stay, clothes to wear, food to eat. She gave me everything without me even asking for it." I could see a smile on Junior's face.

"Your mother is an extraordinary woman, someone that I know is the most beautiful woman I've ever met, inside and outside. I'm glad that she helped me that night and loves me for who I am." I spoke from my heart, feeling a pair of arms wrap around my neck.

"Thank you Whitty. I'm glad to have met you and have you love me too my spark." I felt Claire kiss my head, making me blush from her sudden presence.

"Telling Junior about our first day? Well hunny, did you know that your daddy didn't know what a hug was?" She took her seat before speaking to Junior.

"He didn't?" She shook her head.

"It was the same night we met, he remembered his days as a rockstar from my poster which caused him to get sad. I hugged him to comfort him and cheer him up, that's when I learnt that he didn't know anything about love and affection." She held her chest before saying the last part.

"So, I taught him about affection, about hugs, hand holding and kisses. As time passed, we started to learn more about love, together." She placed a hand on mine, smiling up at me.

Her smile was one of the things about her that made me fall in love with her, it was definitely the best trait about her.

Claire started eating her food before I saw her head go forward, like she got hit from behind.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. You blend in so well to the black table I couldn't even tell you were there." I felt my anger boil but Claire put her hand on mine.

"Whitty, I think this ship is haunted! I swore I heard someone say something." She wore a shocked expression on her face.

"She does know someone just hit her right?" The person smacked her in the head again with their tray.

"Oh my bad again, your hair had some bugs in it so I tried to kill them. You should try washing your hair sometime." I stood up in my chair but Claire was the one to speak first.

"Whitty why are you getting up? Entertaining a clown is not our job, they entertain us." She turned in her chair to face the person.

"I can see that they brought entertainment on the ship, please do go on." She smirked at the person.

"A little nigger like you shouldn't be on this ship." She raised her eyebrow at the man.

"You do know where this ship is going right? To Jamaica. A BLACK. MAN. COUNTRY." She clapped her hands at the man.

The man stood there, frozen like a statue.

"I will take back what I said earlier though." Claire smirked at the man and opened her hands out to them.

The man walked off as Claire giggled.

"How did you do that?" I was surprised by how she dealt with the man.

"Whitty, you need to know how to deal with different types of people." She turned around to face me.

"Some require action, some require words and others require humor. If I reacted with action or words, it would only prove their false point about my race, so I responded with humor." She smiled to herself.

"Proving how stupid someone sounds is an easy way to shut them up." She finished her food before returning the plate.

"It's getting late, so let's go to our rooms." Taking hold of our hands, she led Junior and I back to our room.

*Claire's POV*
"I wish I could've gotten that man's face on camera, it was priceless!" I laughed to myself in my head as we made our way to our room to find the others there waiting at the door.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" I asked, confused by their sudden appearance.

"Octavia can't find Blaine." My face paled.

"What do you mean?! The collar should have gone off!" I quickly went to her side, checking the band.

"He spilt his drink on me, so it messed up the band." I could feel a vein pop out of my head.

Rushing into the room, I searched for the spare band and quickly connected it to his collar.

"The band isn't water proof but the collar is. Even if he's in the water we should be able to hear it." Switching it to one foot distance, I listened out for the alarm.

"I hear it!" Boyfriend yelled.

I quickly grabbed Junior and Whitty's hand before following behind Boyfriend, hoping that he didn't jump off the ship.

We followed him to where the sound was coming from, hearing it myself.

"What is this place?" The room we entered was one that I've never seen before.

"This is a casino." Tony answered, stepping infront of the group.

"Claire!" We saw Blaine running over to us.

The loud alarm got annoying to me now so I switched the distance back to ten.

I took the broken band off of Octavia and whacked Blaine with it, breaking it in his head.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! I don't know if I need to remind you, but you're the only brother I have! Don't go scaring me or the others like that again!" I scolded him, the others watching from behind me.

"I'm sorry sis, I couldn't help it. The moment I found this place I just couldn't stop playing." I looked around the room, seeing others playing different games.

"Just what is the point of this place? If I wanted to play games I'd go to an arcade."

"This place is for gambling. They spend money here to try and win more money." The word 'gambling' set me off.

"Blaine! You know better than to gamble the money we have!" I poked his chest.

"We have a lot of money Claire. There's nothing wrong with doing it a little." Blaine shrugged, setting me off.

"Nothing wrong?!" I pointed to Carol, who covered Junior's eyes and ears.

"Last time I checked, my name was on both accounts! You may be on mom's account but that doesn't give you the right to pull money from it just to lose it all! I didn't bust my ass working for years to have you blow it on a 1% chance of a jackpot! You of all people should know what I went through with a certain someone that had a terrible gambling addiction!" I lost it on him.

The reason I completely lost it was because Todd had a bad habit of gambling. Since our names were on our mother's account, he couldn't draw any money from it. So he started my account, where any money I earned from work would be spent right after. If I didn't get the amount he wanted, it was either a belt buckle in the head, a bruised face or a nearly broken limb.

The money rarely went towards caring for us, he would take it all and spend it. Daddy Dearest noticed this so he would only send a certain amount to the account but hold the rest of the money for me to buy food and pay bills. Thanks to him, the account under my name had over five billion dollars from working for him. It's not a lot like my mother's account, but it does help to sustain our lives.

"Blaine, you know how I feel about gambling. You know what I went through because of it! Why would you go do it? Why?!" My tears streamed down, I got so upset I ran out of the casino.

I didn't listen to the others screaming for me, I just ran off somewhere, wherever my feet took me.

"Great, I'm lost." All I knew was that I was at the highest part of the ship, but I didn't know how to get out, so I just sat on the floor, crying to myself.

"Blaine knows how I feel about these things, yet he still does them and make me worry in the process. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the older sibling." I looked out to the sky, seeing the stars but no sign of the moon.

"Ma'am, is there something wrong?" I turned my head to see the captain.

"I'm sorry, I just ran here without thinking. I'll leave." I got up but they stopped me.

"No need, if you want to stay here you can. The view up here is the best view after all, so you can enjoy it from here." I looked back out to the sea and sky.

"You're right, thank you." I rubbed my head, feeling something wet touch my hand.

"Huh?" I could barely see my hands in the dark, so I pulled out my hand to check.

"Blood, guess those whacks to the head did some damage. I'll go treat it, but wait..." I shined the phone on the ground, seeing the trail of blood on the floor.

"Well, at least now I have a path to follow." Shining the flashlight on my phone, I followed my blood trail, finding myself back at the bottom where everyone else was.

"I'm going to my room, I've had enough for one day." Opening the door, I was greeted by Fuse.

"Hi Fuse, sorry for locking you up in here. I promise I'll take you around the ship tomorrow." Planting a kiss on her head, I went to the bathroom to check the wound.

"It's not big but it is bleeding a lot." I got the first aid kit and sprayed the spot with alcohol, burning me.

Placing a wet cloth on the wound, I waited for a bit to see if it would stop bleeding.

"It stopped, thank goodness. Last thing I need is to find out it was a ruptured artery." I tried to wash the blood out of my hair.

"Claire." I heard Whitty knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Can you come out for a minute?" Opening the door, I saw Whitty, Junior and Blaine at the door.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry Claire, I should've taken your feelings into consideration, for both this morning and earlier. I'm really sorry for hurting you like this." Blaine apologized.

"As much as it hurt me, I forgive you Blaine. Just promise me you won't do it again." I hugged him.

"I promise, have a good night." He hugged back before leaving the room.

"How did you know I was here?" I grew curious.

"Hex saw your blood trail, we followed it to the room. When the others realized you were here they went back to their rooms for the night." Whitty explained to me.

"Mommy, are you okay now?" Junior hugged my leg.

"Yes hunny, I'm okay now." I took him up in my arms and kissed his head.

"Let daddy get you ready for bed, I'm going to take a bath." I put him back down.

"That's odd, why's that?" Whitty asked.

"I've been bleeding from my head for hours without knowing, it messed up my clothes and there's probably more blood in my hair." I turned around to let him see the trail of blood on my dress.

"Okay, can I join you?" He asked, making my face flush.

"You can, but put Junior to bed first." I went over to where my clothes were to get my stuff ready for bed.

"Good night mommy and daddy! I love you!"

"We love you too Junior." We kissed his head before he went to sleep.

"Now for that bath." Whitty put his hands on my hip.

"No 'playing' okay? We can't wake Junior or disturb our neighbors." I turned around to face him.

"Of course sweetie, is kissing okay?" He knelt down to my height.

"Of course." I leaned in to kiss him on the lips, having him follow suit.

After the kiss, we took a bath together. He helped me wash out the blood in my hair and find anymore wounds that I might have missed.

Once we were done, we got changed at went to bed together.

"Claire, I'm sorry that you had to go through that in your childhood." Whitty put a comforting hand on my head as I leaned into his chest.

"It's okay, can't change the past, but you can make your future. I'll just overwrite the bad memories with happy ones." I nuzzled into him.

"Good night my prince, I love you."

"Good night my princess, I love you too."

Within each other's embrace, we drifted to sleep as the ship drifted in the sea to our destination.

Whoo, finally complete! I apologize if the chapter seems rushed, I had a full blown inspiration for this one, but my day didn't go well so it left me. Nonetheless I hope you all enjoyed, see you in the next one! 👋

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