Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

648K 17K 23.6K

"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us

Keeping in touch

5.2K 138 221
By aFredWsimp

The summer was going by, your new house now had been decorated and refurbished. It was homely and cosy, very different to your old house. You kept the rustic home feeling to it.

Fred and you were starting to get back to as much of a normal as possible. You had been down to Diagon alley and bought yourself a Tawny Owl for writing letters to people. You had been frequently writing to Angelina, Adrian, Lee, George, Fred while also checking up on Harry once in a while.

You also had taken your apparition test and passed it with flying colours, along with the rest of your friends. You were enjoying living on your own in a way. It was different, a good different. You were finally in a place that was your home and didn't feel restricted within the walls of it.

Reflecting on your decision to distance yourself physically with Fred seemed like one of the best decisions you had ever made. You felt more like things were normal with him again, and you couldn't wait to see him.

I will be apparating to pick you up on Friday. I know you were meant to be travelling to the Burrow but we aren't staying there at the moment. I'll explain everything closer to the time.

Yours truly,
Fred x

You held the paper and felt confused, why would they not be at their own home? Where am I going? It was now Wednesday, so you had a couple of days to wait for them and find out. You already had your trunk packed. Since it was your last year you were going to make sure you or as many pictures with your camera as possible and store them in a book.

You still missed Cedric everyday, not a day went passed when you didn't. But you had grieved him. You now understood he wasn't going to come back. 

Over the summer you were realising you started to look a lot more like a woman instead of a teenager, you still had a little bit of developing to go, but it was enough for you to notice.

Friday arrived. You had your trunk by your couch, along with your owl inside a cage. It was your plan to let him sit in the owlery over the course of the year, allowing him to fly in and out of the castle whenever he pleased.

While waiting you watched a little bit of television. You bought yourself a TV as soon as you heard about them. It was so fascinating to you, and kept you entertained for hours.

Someone knocked on your door. You stood up and looked out the front window, you couldn't see anyone but you went to the door anyways.

"Fred?" You said looking up at the boy in front of you.

"Hey y/n." You pulled him in for a long hug, you retracted slowly and caught yourself staring into his eyes for a little too long.

"So, I see you've made yourself comfortable here then." He said walking round a little.

"Why have you cut your hair?" You asked.

"Mum made me, I don't mind it though, the long hair was getting quite annoying. Plus I look way older now." He stated.

"I mean I guess." You already somewhat missed his long hair, but it was true he did look a lot older.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked picking up your trunks.

You turned off your tv at the wall and locked your front door, "yep." You grabbed your owl and Fred's arm as you apparated outside of some buildings.

"Where are we?" The buildings began to separate.

"12 Grimmuld Place." You watched as a new building formed, Fred helped you carry all your stuff inside.

"Was that them?" You heard George ask, followed by footsteps. He stood in front of you.

"Hey Georgie." He ran over to you and hugged you. 

"Give the girl some air." Molly said swatting George off you.

"Molly, hey." You hugged her too.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"I've been great actually." You replied.

"That's wonderful dear, Fred, George go take y/n's stuff upstairs." They both grabbed some of your stuff between them and apparated.

"For crying out loud, they apparated for everything now they passed their tests." Molly huffed.

"I've not really been able to test it out."

"Have we got a guest?" You heard a man ask.

Molly turned which allowed you to set your eyes onto none other than Sirius black himself.

"I know a Bardot when I see one." He said walking closer holding out his hand.

"Y/n Bardot sir." You said shaking his hand.

"Please call me Sirius." He insisted.

"Y/n, we see each other again. How have you been?" Lupin asked.

"I've been good, yourself?"

"Not too bad."

"Molly I hope you don't mind me asking, but why are we here?" You asked.

"You'll find out in a couple of days when Harry arrives." She informed you.

"Harry's coming?"

"Yes. They're going to go and fetch him soon."

Fred and George were now back downstairs.

"Y/n." Fred said from behind you.

"Yes?" You replied.

"Do you want to see your room?"

"Sure." You shrugged.

George took your left arm and Fred took your right they apparated you to a dark room in the house with a wardrobe, a desk and a double bed. It was quite standard but would do for your stay.

Looking around the house you could tell it hasn't been lived in or cared for in quite a long time. You wanted to know the story behind it.

"Boys, do you want to take a photo with me?" You asked, taking your camera out of one of your trunks.

"Sure why not." George said.

"I'm taking as many photos as possible this year to remember my last year at Hogwarts and incase anything happens to any of you, Heaven forbid, I have something to look back on." You set up your camera on the desk, with the timer going. You stood in between Fred and George, smiling as the camera went off. You waved around the film as the photo developed.

"You twats." You said looking at the photos. They both were doing stupid things at the camera, ruining the vibe you was going for. They both started laughing.

Fred looked towards George as the laughing toned down.

"Look, I need to go. I have some very important stuff to be doing. Downstairs." George slowly left the room and closed the door, leaving you with Fred.

"So you wrote your dads a death eater. That must be pretty rough." Fred said.

"Wow Weasley really know how to ease into a topic like that. But yeah, he is." You told him looking down.

"Don't be ashamed by it y/n. It just shows how different you are to him."

You sat onto your bed, "Fred can I tell you something?"

"Anything." He sat next to you.

"Do you remember the attack at the World Cup last year?"

"Yes." He seemed confused.

"When I was fighting against that death eater I found out who it was, it was my dad. I only told George about it because I was ashamed, i thought you would judge me for it." You looked towards him.

"I would never judge you for it darling." He seemed unsure on how you'd react to the nickname being back.

You looked into his eyes for a little longer, looking down to his lips occasionally. You felt his soft breath hitting your lips as your faces were quite close. You both leaned in.

You softly made out, you hadn't properly kissed like this for a while. It was nice, more than nice. The kiss broke. You started to blush a little bit, looking to the floor.

"So-" you stood up breaking the silence.

"Yes, I better get going." Fred said standing up too, walking towards the door, "I'll see you later." He left.

Well, here we go again.

And they've been reunited again, makeups and makeouts, love it.

Hope you're all safe and well xox
-i <33

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