The criminal:josh Richards

Par sway12xhype1stories

7.4K 12 1

-I upload everyday Josh is a criminal your a cop How will it work? A criminal and a cop fall for each other... Plus

Chapter 1
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Par sway12xhype1stories

You un cuff Jacob and he grabs your arm
Jacob: brother dearest why haven't you told me about this wonderful girl
He drags you next to him
Josh: I don't know maybe because you would do this
Josh pulls you to himself
Jacob: I see she finally arrested janessa
Josh: what do you want why are you here
Jacob: family is here and after all your family
Josh: well if we were family you wouldn't try to get with MY girlfriend
Anthony: wait what?
Josh: just keep it a secret for now
Jacob: I know everything about her Josh has no one told her I was part of the mafia
Josh: she knows everything
Jacob: Katherine tell me about you
You walk out the door
Josh chuckles
Josh: now if you knew everything about her you would know that's her personality
Josh goes out to you
Josh: I was gonna tell you
You: I'm not worried about that
You smile
Josh: oh ok
You: but your still gonna tell me everything
He laughs and nods
You: anyway I have family of my own I need to take care of
Josh: come back later tho
You: maybe
You kiss him and hug him
You then leave and drive back home
Rosa is there you didn't know but again Josh and avani and Anthony were following you
Rosa and you hug
You: I'm literally dead right now
Rosa: same
You: wow last night was fun
Rosa agrees
You: I need to take care of my AMAZING siblings
Rosa: yea that sucks
Your siblings come out
Klaus: what a lovely day today
You slap him across the face
Elijah: n-
You slap him
Kol: ka-
You slap him
Finn: this is-
You slap him
Rebekah: come on-
You slap her
You: why did you all fake your death and Rebekah weren't you meant to be with Marcel
Kol: for your information we were gonna come back
You: when in a year
Kol: kind of
Rebekah: I don't know why that guy took ME but I'm happy I have my brothers back
She hugs them and you roll your eyes
Rosa: you guys messed with her she was at your mums grave for you to all be alive she said great things about you guys and now this is what she gets?
Kol comes up to Rosa and you stand infront of her
Kol: she isn't family
You: to me she's family and your not
You give them a smile
Klaus: come on Katherine be more like your sister
You chuckle
You: ok aww can you guys let me go to Marcel please he's the love of my life and you guys are the best brothers in the world so happy your alive anyway can I go to Marcel please
You smile
Kol: spot on
Elijah: we don't mean it literally
Rebekah pushes you you push her she pushes you and you push her into the tree
Klaus: don't treat your sister like that
You: don't treat me like that
Elijah: what about always and forever
You: always and forever? Iv been by your side since the day we were born and all iv ever got is hurt by you all you would trade me in a second so say goodbye to the Katherine you know, because your gonna get a whole new one
You smile and walk away with Rosa
Rosa: I have to admit you ended them
You: totally
Rosa laughs silently and you both go to the car
You: wow that was fun to get out
Rosa: I'll agree with you
You both laugh and you fill her in on all the drama while driving over to the precinct
Jake: finally you look like Rosa again
You laugh
Rosa: her and her siblings are a whole other story jake I'm telling you
You both fill them in and on the chase and stuff drama
Amy: wel josh is questioning chase right now and Nessa
You: ironic
You missed out the part of josh and you being cute bc dating and you missed out the fact that josh shouted at them you acted like it was one of your friends they don't know
Terry: wow this is a story I'm telling my wife
You all laugh
Gina: anyway this is so amazing I love drama if we are being honest
Charles: and I loved your Instagram post you exposed him like crazy
You all laugh again
Jake: but don't you think you were harsh on your siblings
You: Jake they fakes their death and we're gonna live a normal life for a year then randomly show up at my door step
Rosa: then now they want her to be more like Rebekah
You: they expect to much from me so you guys get the normal Katherine they get a really bitchy one
The guys laughs
Amy: I want us to get drunk so bad but we can't
You laugh
You: I just wanna go home
Holt: touch your Josh's mentor you gotta make sure he's done everything correct and I'm pretty sure chase and Nessa got transferred
You: oh so just the paper work
Holt nods
You: ok well you guys go home and I'll shut everything if you have anything you want me to finish while I wait I can
Everyone gives you something but it's like paper work
Amy: how come when I asked everyone said no
Terry: you already do too much
Holt: do some of hitchcock and scullys paper work if you get to it
You nod
You: byee
You say bye to everyone and there and no people in the holding cell so josh is here somewhere but you don't know where do you sit down and start paper work

20 minutes later

You start doing Hitchcock and scullys paper work
Someone covers your eyes
???: guess who
You: Richards
???: correct
He takes his hands off your eyes
Josh: hi babe
He kisses you
Josh: I missed you
You: I missed you too
You hug him
Josh: you know you have a really b*tchy side
You: rude and how
Josh: the whole siblings thing
You: you heard?
Josh: I saw and heard
You: You followed me
Josh: well yea I knew some drama was gonna be there I wanted to see
You roll your eyes and laugh
You: your annoying
Josh: mmmmmm I don't think so unless you really wanna play THAT game again
You: no clue what you mean
He covers you eyes and carries you to the cleaning room which is tiny
You: oh this game
He puts you down
Josh: I really wanna f*ck you hard
You: sure you can
Josh: don't push it since you know I'm mad at that whole chase thing
You: you wouldn't
Josh: I would
You: I dare you
Josh: your the one who said it
He picks you up and puts you in the car he drives fast to the house of him Anthony and avani he hurries and grabs your hand dragging you by your arm
Josh: no one is home so you can't scream as loud as you want unless of course I was to not allow you
You give him a scared look and he smirks and then pulls you upstairs...

(You guys did the dirty... including him entering you)

Continuer la Lecture

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