Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

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"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us


5.6K 143 130
By aFredWsimp

It had been a few days since Cedric had passed. Spirits were still low and classes had been cancelled for a few more days while his death was being investigated.

You were sitting with Fred at the astronomy tower.

"How are you now?" He asked, looking towards you.

"I mean, I still can't stop crying thinking about him you know. I miss him more and more everyday." You almost began crying again.

"It's productive to talk about it though, it helps you grieve. Gives you closure."

"I suppose."

"So now many not be the right time. But what happens with us?" Fred asked.

"How do you mean?" You replied.

"Well, what do you want us to be now we've made up I guess."

"I want to take it slow, I'm sure you can reason with that." You stated.

"Yeah, I understand. What you doing for summer then? You can't go back home. So are you staying with us?" Fred questioned.

"I mean, maybe at some point during summer. But I have to do something important before any of that." You told him.

"Care to elaborate?"

"No can do, you may find out in the future but for now my lips are sealed." You said standing up, "I have to go find Adrian now, I'll see you later."

"Okay, have fun." Fred replied.

You walked down the stairs and towards the courtyard. You waited outside for a couple of minutes until Adrian came out. He walked over to you and hugged you, tightly. You hadn't spoken to him since before the tournament, you had been in your dorm the majority of the time mourning.

"How are you." He asked still hugging you.

"I'm okay, I still miss him. The wound is still raw but I'm getting through it." You replied.

He broke the hug.

"I've heard you and that Fred are becoming a thing again." He seemed a little off.

"I mean, things are going slow but Cedric told me to hear him out. So I did. I don't want to rush into things but I need him right now." You explained.

"As long as you're happy, but if he hurts you again-"

"You will smash his face in. I know Adrian. I think he's learnt from his lesson, well I hope so anyway." Doubt started to fill your tone. Would he do it again?

You caught up with Adrian, trying to avoid conversation about Cedric. It was nice to have a normal conversation with someone- without the constant sympathetic looks and whispers. This conversation went on for a while, until you had to go inside as you were feeling slightly cold.

Walking into the common room you heard laughs, specifically lees and the twins. You walked further in to see what they were up to. They were all just sitting and chatting. As they looked to you they all smiled. You walked over and sat.

"What we talking about?" You asked.

"Our best pranks." George said, laughing a little.

"How very mature."

"Don't forget y/n Bardot, you're not all that innocent." Fred told you, referring to you being lookout and sneaking to get supplies for them.

"So I don't want to make things awkward but you've made up?" Lee questioned looking between you and Fred.

"I guess you could say that." You admitted smiling towards Fred. Moving past what had happened seemed like the easiest and most mature thing to do. And from recent events you realised that could have been Fred, if his name went in and was chosen. So you didn't want to waste your time. 

"I'm so relieved. I missed y/n being around." George stated.

"Awh Georgie, aren't you a little softie." You stood up and ruffed his hair, "even your hair is soft. Don't cut it for a while longer please. I'm begging." You said to Fred and George.


"Harry." He too had been suffering, he hadn't come out his room in days and Ron said he would frequently wake up from nightmares while also talking about Cedric.

"Can I talk to you please?" He asked.

"Sure, want to go to my room?" It was much more private.

He nodded. You walked up the stairs and directed Harry into your room. You pulled up a chair.

"How you holding up?" You asked.

"Not well, you?"

"I'm trying to be strong. For Cedric." You admitted.

"So I need to tell you something. It's about your father. He was there that night, with Voldemort-" you cringed at his name, "I didn't know if you knew but he's a death eater." You obviously knew he was one, because of the attack at the World Cup, but it still pained you to hear.

"Did he, you know?" You referred to him killing Cedric.

"No, worm tail did that."

"What you mean Peter Pettigrew?" You asked shocked.

"Yes, you do know that he's alive and Sirius is innocent right?" Harry asked.

"I mean I briefly knew but nothing to in-depth, so is he back you know who. Is he back properly?" You questioned.

Harry nodded and looked down, "you'll be fine Harry, I won't let what happened to Cedric happen to you. Do you understand?" You questioned. He nodded again.

"Today we acknowledge, a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hardworking, infinitely fair minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend." You were reflecting on your friendship and could have started to cry again, "Now I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see Cedric Diggory was murdered!" You clutched Fred's hand and started to let tears fall from your eyes, he looked at you and then back to Dumbledore, "By Lord Voldemort! The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this! But not to do so, I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongue our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever." You had now controlled your tears and retracted your hand from Fred's, "Remember that. And Cedric Diggory will not have died in vein! You remember that, and we will remember a boy who was kind and honest, brave and true right to the very end." Dumbledore stood down and we all gave a light clap.

The crowds of students from all three schools took over one of the courtyards in the school. You walked with Fred and George watching everyone say there goodbyes,

"Well this year was weird, and problematic safe to say." George said.

"Yeah, a lot has happened. A lot has changed. But we only have more more shot of it, it's so weird to think next year is our last one." You stated.

"I'm so ready to leave." Fred told you both, "when we leave we can fully start on our joke shop."

"So you're both 100% set on that still?" You asked.

"As set as we can be." George added.

"Well you have my full support, if you need anything you can always ask." You told them both.

"So what are you doing for summer?" Fred questioned you.

"Uhm, well I have something I need to do. But after that not sure."

"How long will that take?"

"A few weeks, I have some things in place but I need to properly fix it all up." You said, trying not to tell them what you were talking about.

"Are you going to tell us what you are doing or?" George sarcastically responded.

"I can't, not yet anyways. You will find out in time." You responded.

You looked out a window and watched as the students from durmstrang and beauxbatons left the castle, I'm glad this year is over.

Oh my gosh! I have finished the goblet of fire year!! I'm already on 52 chapters and I plan on writing this story up until the last film, so who knows how long it will be.

I also want to point out y/n Bardot is 17 now, however I skipped her birthday, I will mention it and do stuff for it in the future but I don't really think it could have fitted in anywhere- hope you don't mind :)

I have some plans, big ones coming up in the upcoming year (order of the Phoenix) so I'll see you there xox
Stay safe and well x
-i <33

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