By jiminctxt

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679 35 84
By jiminctxt

┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅ ──────┐
Chapter 5
God of Thunder
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅ ──────┘


Jungkook shares his proud admiration for the middle-aged man as he extends his hand for the man to shake, hoping he'd return the gesture. . . otherwise it'd be very awkward.

The team had successfully captured Loki and since made themselves comfortable inside of the jet. Tessa found immense joy in locking a pair of heavy cuff-like contraptions onto the God's hands, restricting him from being able to pull any of his magic tricks. The God now found himself sat on one of the chairs, looking way too comfortable for any of their liking but it seemed they were all feeling too arrogant to pay much attention— they had fought and captured a God after all.

Tony, with his helmet now removed and his face revealed to the others, turned to the boy. "Mr Stark? Stark is fine for now. You got a name kid?" he asked as he shook his hand.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

Tony chuckled, clearly amused by himself. "Yeah, you see, I already knew that. I read your file. Quite unfortunate what happened to you, though ridiculously weird. Is it true you have a scar from the bite?" he asked curiously.

From behind the two males, Tessa had noticed how Jungkook had tensed up at the question and the mention of his past. She stood with her eyes expressing urgency as she aggressively shook her head; gesturing with her hand slashing across her neck for Tony to shut up. The man caught her obnoxious actions from the corner of his eyes, catching on to the hint.

"Tough past, huh? You don't like to talk about it, I get that." He patted Jungkook's shoulder before she stepped aside and approached Tessa.

"Thanks," Jungkook mumbled quietly to himself.

Tony pointed a finger at the only other female on the jet, besides Natasha who was flying it. "What about you, ghostie? You're basically a giant ball of walking radiation. Is it even safe for me to be standing within two meters of you?"

"Yeah, you're all good," she waved him off. "No one has died in my presence. Unless intentional of course." she smirked.

Both Jungkook and Steve turned to her with wide eyes, the two in a state of shock after hearing her revelation and by the way it was so causally spilled as if it were an everyday occurrence. Although, they couldn't say anything— the two had killed before. Whilst the other did so with intention and goodness at heart, the other, had no choice.

"Wow, creepy and sadistic. I like you." Tony smiled.

"I'm honoured." Tessa returned the smile.

Meanwhile, Natasha watches the skies through the windows in the cock-pit. Thunder boomed and strokes of lightning lit up the night sky, making her grow uneasy. Suddenly, out of nowhere. Fury's voice sounds through her headset.

"Said anything?" The director asked.

The redhead shook her head, even though Fury couldn't see her, as she stared the jet. "Not a word." she answered.

"Just get him here. We're low on time." Fury ordered.

With Loki still tied up and cuffed to his seat, the group watch him from a distance, whispering amongst themselves now the introductions were out of the way.

"I don't like it." Steve whispered with a frown.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony quirked an eyebrow.

"I don't remember it ever being that easy. This guy packs a wallop." Steve said, sparing another glance at the God who was already watching them.

Tessa rose an eyebrow at Steve, "I think you're forgetting he totally beat your ass up, or did being trapped in the ice make you suffer from memory loss?"

Steve threw the young girl a warning glare, and she rose her hands in surrender like Loki had done earlier.

"Still you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony asked.

"What?" Steve looked confused— of course he would, he didn't know what Pilates was.

"It's a type of exercise. Like callisthenics." Jungkook tried to clear up the confusion clouded in the Captain's mind.

Tony smirked at the war hero. "Like the kid said, you might have missed a couple of things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." he joked.

Steve looks at Tony, finally meeting his ego match. "Fury didn't tell us he was calling you in." he gestured to himself and the two teenagers.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony shot back vaguely, leaving the three confused.

Sensing the conversation was over, Tessa began to make her way over to Loki, wanting to annoy the God whilst they flew back to base. However, before she could even sit down, thunder and lightning boomed and flashed; nearly hitting the jet, making it shake violently.

Tessa wobbled on her feet, unintentionally falling into Jungkook who was there to steady her. She smiles in thanks before her lips curbed more into a smirk. "Whoops, nearly fell for you there, Kookie."

The boy rolled his eyes and pushed her away from him. "Ha ha, very funny." he replied sarcastically.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha shouts from the front of the jet. The thunder continued to rumble overhead.

Loki continued to stare out of the overhead windows intently, as if he was expecting something to happen. Everyone seemed to catch on to the God's uneasiness. "What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve asked.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki vaguely confessed.

Tessa tilted her head at him and his cryptic answer, but before she could question him further, a blinding light outside hit the jet. Well, it was more like a Prince. A king. A God. It was Thor— the God of Thunder himself.

Tony placed his helmet back on his suit, concealing his face protectively. He opened up the back ramp, clearly wanting to fly outside and deal with their unwanted guest himself. However, before he could take another step, a blonde man dressed in navy and silver battle armour, striking against his bright red cape jumped into the jet; surveying everyone inside. The strong winds made everything fly around inside of the jet, including Jungkook and Tessa's hair which wasn't concealed by a helmet of some kind.

Tony readied his repulsers, whilst Tessa conjured a force field to protect herself and Jungkook who stood behind her, his finger nails now sharp claws. Captain America grabbed his shield.

The God stomped forward, blue eyes hard and his jaw clenched, it was clear he was unfazed by the array of armed people before him. Suddenly, the man threw a hammer at Tony, which sent him hurtling back far, crashing into Steve and then both ending up in some weapon crates, surprising everyone with his strong throw. Tessa's eyes then widened when the man held his hand out and the hammer flew back to his hand, only for him to launch it at her and Jungkook. Her purple forcefield surprisingly cracked and broke under the weight of the Hammer and hit the two beings, them too being sent flying back.

The god then grabbed Loki by his throat, ripping him of his restraints before the two went flying out of the jet and far away.

"Now there's that guy." Tony grumbled hastily as he stood himself up from the floor.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asked, unscathed by the sudden attack.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Steve asked as he too rose to a stand.  Jungkook and Tessa helped one another up, the two groaning in pain from being hit by what felt like a fricking building.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."Tony turns and gets ready to jump and fly off the jet to chase after Thor, but Steve's voice stopped him.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" The distressed Captain shouts.

Tony looked over his shoulder. "I have a plan. Attack."

Tony, in his Iron man suit, flies out of the jet and chases after Thor. Steve rushed to grab a parachute and follow the two men.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap." Natasha advised, turning behind her to see what was going on.

"I don't see how I can." Steve replied as he tightened the parachutes strap around his chest.

"These guys come from legends, they're basically gods." Natasha told him.

"Uhm, they are Gods." Tessa corrected as she rubbed her sore shoulder from where she stood.

Steve places his helmet back on his head. "There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." With that being said, the three were forced to watch him jump out of the jet; following Tony.

It was silent for a moment, before Tessa watched as Jungkook stepped closer to the back of the jet. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

Jungkook turned back to face her, a smirk on his thin lips. "You think I want to miss this?" Tessa watched him shift himself into an eagle before flying out of the jet graciously, leaving the girls behind.

Tessa scoffed as she sat herself down besides Natasha in the empty co-pilot seat. She placed a headset on like the woman beside her, pretending like she knew exactly what she was doing even though she had never flew or even co-piloted a jet before. . . she could barely drive a car on her own.

"Men." she scoffed.

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

Somewhere out in the European mountains, Thor throws Loki into the side of the mountain; watching him crash into the dirt and skid before coming to a stop, coughing from both the dust and the fall. The blonde God looks down at his brother, who he thought to be dead all this time and he feels an impending level of anger grow within him to see him alive, but acting a fool.

"Where is the Tesseract?" He asked his brother, his voice low but demanding.

Loki laughs, "I missed you too,"

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!" Thor shouts, not standing for his brother's usual tricks.

"Oh, you should thank me," Loki said as he began to try and stand, although it proven difficult in his shackles. "With the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth." He spat the last few words out of spite.

Thor drops Mjolnir from his hand, causing the mountain to quake beneath its weight. He hastily bends down and picks up Loki by his Asgardian leather attire. Although Thor was feeling pissed at his brother for all he has done and caused, he was still family to him and that means everything to a man or God.

"I thought you dead." Thor mustered up the courage to speak of such a fragile topic.

"Did you mourn?" Loki asked— he didn't believe his 'family' were capable of shedding tears for him after he had learnt he wasn't of their blood at all. He wasn't a true Asgardian— he was a Frost giant descended from Laufey, the ruler of the Frost giants in Jutenheim.

Thor frowned, confused, "We all did. Our father—"

"Your father." Loki was quick to interrupt him. "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" he tilted his head.

Thor lets go Loki, who walked away from him and towards the edge of the mountain; peering out into the vast, yet dark distance. It put an even bigger wedge between the two brothers, mentally and physically.

"We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?" Thor asked, his tone growing louder in hopes he could get through to his brother and make him see sense— that he was truly loved.

Loki slowly turns around to face him. "I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king!" He shouted.

"So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights." Thor shook his head, "No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki."

Loki laughs, again. It was like this was all one big joke to him— maybe it was, Thor'd never know. "And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?" He asked.

Thor recoiled slightly, finally realising the reasoning behind Loki's actions. "You think yourself above them."

Loki tilted his head. "Well, yes." he said, as if he thought it was obvious— he was a God after all.

"Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. Throne would suit you ill." Thor attempted reason but failed to get through to his brother, only offending him instead.

Angrily, Loki shoves his brother to the side. He walks back up to the ledge before turning around to glare at Thor. "I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it—"

"Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?" Thor interrupted him, his patience wearing thin.

"I am a king!" Loki argues.

Thor closed the distance between himself and Loki in a haste. "Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home." his voice faltered at his last request. The God of Thunder truly missed his brother and hated how he felt so detached from him as of late— but Loki had other ideas to make up for the hurt and betrayal he felt.

The God of Mischief stared silently for a moment, before an innocent smile graced his face. "I don't have it. You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where."

That was it, Thor had, had enough of him and his schemes. Mjolnir flies back into his hand in an attempt to threatens or perhaps beat the location of the cube out of Loki himself.

"You listen well, brother. I—"

Thor is suddenly tackled and knocked off of the mountain top by Tony, who had finally arrived at the scene in his iron man suit, leaving Loki stood alone and waiting to listen to what his brother has to say to him. . .

"I'm listening." The Raven-haired God utters to himself, clearly amused.

Meanwhile, down in the forest of trees guarding the mountains from the floor, Thor and Iron man crash into the ground. Thor rolls himself up to stand just as quick as he had fell, not sparing more than a moments of weakness.

"Do not touch me again!" Thor warns as he glared at him.

From a distance, Tony stood with the helmet on his suit lifted, revealing his face to the God of Thunder. "Then don't take my stuff." he replied simply.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with." Thor chuckles, as if amused by the small-mans attitude— did he not know he was a God?

Tony looks around hun and throws his hands up as of it were obvious to him. "Shakespeare in the park?" He joked. "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" His attempt at an accent was so appalling that it was amusing. Always the jokester he was.

Thor ignores his mocking. "This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!" he declares.

Tony shrugs. "He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of my way. . . tourist." he scoffs.

The Iron man helmet clamps up and he turns to walk away. In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjolnir, throws it, and knocks Iron man clear off his feet and across into a tree. He caught Tony off guard and he certainly succeeded in aggravating him.

All of a sudden, Jungkook comes sweeping into the scene in his eagle form; going unnoticed as he perched himself on a branch of a tree that could secure his weight. His beady eyes watched as Stark and the blonde God stand-off, and however amusing watching the fight between them would be, Jungkook remembered they didn't have time for petty squabbles— Fury wanted them back at base, now.

"Gentlemen, why don't we settle this over a drink back at the base!" Jungkook shouted as he transformed back into his human self, catching the attention of Thor and Tony. The two looked around trying to sight the other person on the ground, however they couldn't find anyone. Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Up here, fellas!"

Both of the men on the ground simultaneously look up to see Jungkook sat on a branch high up in the trees, staring down at them intently. Thor was confused whilst Tony was surprised.

"What on earth are you doing in a tree, kid?" Tony asked incredulously.

Jungkook shrugged. "Why not?"

Tony was silent for a moment, before asking, "Are you even allowed to drink, kid?" He frowned underneath his mask. "Aren't you like, twelve?"

The boy rolled his ends. "I'm actually twenty, Mr Stark." Jungkook corrected him. "You know, me and Tessa aren't as young as you think we are. . . we aren't teenagers, we're adolescents."

"Yeah well, you're still not twenty one. So I'll get you and Brookes juice boxes." Tony affirmed before refocusing his attention on Thor— the God would pay for throwing his hammer at him, twice.

From the mountain side, Loki, much like Jungkook, watches the fight unfold in amusement. Thor raises his hand and summons Mjolnir back to his hand. He swings the hammer, summoning a ray of lighting from the sky. Tony quickly fires a blast from his hand boosters, the blast of energy knocks the God into a tree trunk  on his ass. Iron man then flies and pushes Thor through the same tree. Thor, kneeling on the ground, raises Mjolnir to the skies and summons lightning and thunder. Thor then points the hammer at Tony and the outpouring of lightning increases and attacks the Iron man suit making Tony fall back. However, Thor's attack didn't exactly work in his favour. . .

"Power at 400% capacity." JARVIS, Tony's artificial intelligence alerts his boss from inside of the suit.

"How about that?" Tony smirked from underneath his mask. The energy from the lightning seemed to have charged his suit, not fried it.

Iron man fires his hand boosters, knocking Thor to the ground. Like two gunslingers ready to draw, both Thor and Iron man fly towards each other and meet in the middle, crashing into one another as they ascend up into the night sky, continuing the battle in the air.

Jungkook transformed into an eagle again, soaring after the two men who were fighting and squabbling like they were children. Jungkook was younger than the both of them, yet he acted more mature. . . it was embarrassing.

The two continued to battle, throwing hits at one another whilst they fly. Iron man grasps Thor, elbowing him and then forcefully smashing him into the side of a mountain. However, Thor leaps back up unfazed and takes Iron man back down to the ground with him.

Thor and Iron man crash right back down, smashing down every tree possible. Quickly standing again, Thor grabs both of Tony's hand repulsers and begins to crush them, acting like it were made of paper and not one of the strongest metals on earth. Tony's eyes widen and he quickly charges up as much energy as he can and blasts energy in Thor's face. Thor stumbles back, losing his stance, but stays on his feet. Iron man then headbutts Thor with all his might with his gold-titanium alloy helmet, but the God didn't even flinch. Thor clenched his jaw angrily, before he returns the headbutt, only his unearthly strength made a large dent in the suits helmet and actually sends Tony across the forest.

Tony boosters up and flies back at Thor, grabbing him by the arm and cape and swinging him into another tree trunk. Thor seemed unfazed by all of Tony's hits and looks up, ready. Thor runs with all of his patience out the window. Iron man swings and misses, giving Thor the momentum to grab him, lift him and smash him down into the ground, hard. Thor summons back Mjolnir to his hand, but just as he's about to slam the hammer down, Tony uses his repulsers at his feet to skid across the ground and trip Thor over. Standing back up, Thor stands facing Tony, ready to pounce. . .

Captain America's shield comes flying into the scene and ricochets off both Thor and Iron man, stopping them and their fight. They both look up to see Captain America standing on top of a fallen tree with the shield back in hand. Jungkook suddenly swoops in and lands on the mans shoulder. What a sight it was. Americas most patriotic man with an Eagle, the representative of America, upon his shoulder— wow.

"Hey! That's enough!" Steve shouts. He jumps down from the tree and walks closer to Thor, Jungkook still managing to stay on his shoulder all the while. "Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here—"

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" Thor interrupted loudly, proving once and for all they were all on the same side.

Steve tilted his head in challenge, he wanted to put this fighting to an end once and for all. "Then prove it! Put the hammer down."

Tony quickly stepped forward. "Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!"

Thor backhands Iron man like it were nothing, shutting him up and seeing him flying through the air. Thor, losing all tolerance with this sentiment of Liberty, raises his hammer in challenge.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" Thor repeated.

The God then leaps high into the air, raising his hammer as he comes closer and closer to Jungkook and Steve. Jungkook squarks loudly and quickly flys off of Steve's shoulder in panic, whilst Captain America himself crouches down and holds up his shield in front of him at the ready.

Thor brings himself and his hammer down onto the shield and the impact of the vibranium shield and the godly weapon meeting, created a massive implosion of both light and vibrations that destroys anything within a mile. All four men were separated; sent hurtling through the air by the force.

Jungkook coughs as he transformed back to his self, rising to his feet and looking around at the destruction they had caused. 'Oh man, holy shit' he thought.

All four men exchange silent looks, all taken aback by what had just happened— even Thor. They were rendered speechless as they stood idol in the forest. Even Loki, who hadn't even attempted an escape and watched the whole scene was impressed.

"Are we done here?" Steve breaks the silence.


This is actually embarrassing I can't write action or fight scenes for the life of me... I do apologise. I'm using the Avengers script to help me, but it's so vague and feels like stage-commands lol so I do apologise again :)

I'm gonna be relying a lot of gifs to help show what I'm trying to write action-wise loll

However, we're literally half way through the first movie already lol I think I'll be done with it in like 5-8 more chapters maybe if I keep the chapters long! I've got a vague idea of what movies I'm including in this book, however that may change but we'll see :)

Jimin and Jia also won't show up for another movie or two, just a heads up! They're planning on being revealed in Avengers: Age of Ultron or maybe Captain America: Winter Soldier... I'm so excited for them to join the storyline!

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