The criminal:josh Richards

By sway12xhype1stories

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-I upload everyday Josh is a criminal your a cop How will it work? A criminal and a cop fall for each other... More

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By sway12xhype1stories

Nessa leaves
Josh: ok I'm sorry about that I really had no idea she was here
You: it's ok
Josh: no but seriously because you went in the car you would usually stay here
You: yea I wasn't in the mood to pick a fight
Josh nods
You both go in the house and Josh's holding your hand
Bryce: hey dude hey kath
You: hi Bryce
He hugs both of you Jaden looks like he's in a mood
Jaden: what are you looking at josh
You were busy hugging his friends you didn't go near Jaden
You: did he just go through a break up
Jaden: how did you know
You shrug
Josh whispers: cheer him up
You whisper shout: NO
Josh whispers: try
You whisper: I hate you
Josh whispers: you love me
You roll your eyes
You: well Jaden maybe you could go to a park and do boy things
They laugh
You: what I don't know what you guys do in parks
Jaden: no I don't want to
You: well I don't care your doing it
Josh: I didn't tell her to do that
Jaden: fine
You whisper to josh: he wasn't gonna move if I didn't say that
Jaden gets up
Jaden: let's go
You: no go get changed
Jaden: ok I'm dressed like this take it or leave it
You: I'm not the one who's depressed
Jaden gives you a look
You: what I'm serious
Jaden: fine
He goes upstairs and finds a top and jeans
You give josh a look 
Josh nods
You: ok come Jaden
You go upstairs to his room and he comes aswell
You: wow you actually have style.
You look around in his closet
You: make her jealous what does she look like
He shows you a picture
You: jeez you went for that
Jaden gives you a death look
You: sorry just saying
You pick out a nice outfit
Jaden: I don't wanna wear that
You: you have two options here 1) you go with my idea
2) you stay depressed for who knows how long
You: Jaden look at yourself in the mirror and tell me your not depressed
He looks
Jaden: I'm depressed
You: exactly now let's make you not depressed do you guys have any plates you don't want
Jaden: yea
He gives you a clean one
You: write down everything that made you upset about her everything about her then when we go to the park smash it
Jaden: fine
You give him the outfit to change into then you go out the room and when he's done he comes with the plate covered in writing
You: perfect
Jaden: Let's go to a skateboarding park
You: have you got a skateboard
Jaden: iv got like 5
You: cool I have one in my car so I'll get that then we can go
Jaden: ok
He holds the plate and gets a skateboard you guys go down
They all dab up Jaden
Griffin: st least she got him to move and change he's been like that for five days
Josh: why didn't you guys call me
Noah: we thought it was a one day thing
Josh: it wasn't
They nod
Jaden: anyway let's go to the skate park
Griffin: she didn't get to meet Anthony
Jaden: we won't be long
You both get in the car and you drive to the park
Jaden: ok first of all
You: the plate
He throws it on the floor and you back away
Jaden: that felt good
You nod
You: now let's go skating
You get both your skate boards and he takes his you take yours and wear your leather jacket and you both talk and skate for around a hour
You: wanna head back
Jaden: yea
You drive back and your both talking then you both walk in and he's smiling
???: you must be Katherine
You give josh a weird look
???: I'm Anthony
You: oh hi
Anthony: anyway I wanna change my hair colour to a lighter brown so I'm off to the hair dresser
Bryce: why don't we just do it with you
Jaden: yea I wanna change my hair colour
Everyone wants to do a different hair colour
Bryce: josh what you gonna do with yours
Josh shrugs
Josh: I mean maybe highlights my hair is fine right now I could do it a light brown into blonde because my hair is more into brown right now
Bryce: Kath can you do our hair
You: yea sure have you guys got hair dye
Josh: it's hair colour
You: who calls it hair colour
Bryce: literally only Josh
You: wow
You get the colour that they have
Jaden: I'm gonna go black
Griffin: me too
Josh: you already know me
Bryce: black
Anthony: lighter brown
You: kk
Anthony: can we record tho for YouTube
You nod
Bryce: cool
You get the hair dye and foil and everything and start doing everyone's hair you do JOSHS last because blonde
They were talking the entire time for YouTube and you were just doing their hair

*time skip*
They wash their hair
Jaden: wow
They check themselves out in the mirror and you were on the couch on your phone texting Rosa
Griffin: not gonna lie we all look good
Anthony: yea agreed hey kath I need advice on something
He sits down next to you
Anthony: if I like someone even tho they have a boyfriend should I still try to be with them
You: well tell the person but try not to ruin their relationship
Someone knocks on the door
You sit up properly
Anthony: there she is
He opens the door
Anthony: hey
Avani: hiiii
They hug
Avani: you must be Katherine
You: avani?
Jaden: we didn't even tell her your name
You both hug
Anthony talks very loud: AVANI HOW ARE YOU
You all look at him and he looks nervous
Avani chuckles
Avani: I'm good
She gives you a weird look and you shrug
Avani whispers: what's up with him
You whisper: I guess he gets nervous around you
You smile and she smiles aswell
Avani: hey Anthony can you get me water
Bryce: dude
Avani: it's ok I'll just get water
She pulls you with her
Avani: I know we barely know each other but I wanna be really good friends with you because you seem like a nice person
You: so do you
Avani: but anyway I just need to tell you something I really like Anthony but I don't know what to tell him like he's always really weird around me BTw love your outfit
You: love yours anyway continue
Avani: yea I don't know what to say to him sometimes can you help me
You: yea of course whatever you do just don't get nervous around him or don't show it
She nods
Avani: can you like tell your boyfriend to help Anthony
You get nervous
You: I don't have a boyfriend
Avani: oh so your not JOSHS Katherine
You: I am ugh this is so confusing we agreed we wouldn't tell anyone but I think he already did
Avani: he just told us you guys are really good friends
You whisper: we're dating
She squeals
Both: YEA
She gets water and comes back out with you
Avani: we're gonna go upstairs
Anthony: NO STAY
You mouth to josh: help him
Josh: hey buddy maybe we should talk
You get a text message on Instagram
Avani: who's that
You: no idea probably a random person
Avani: let's see it says they're verified
You both go upstairs then you open the message and you lightly scream then you show avani
Avani: tell Josh
You: the things is I don't even know who chase Hudson is
Avani: he's a famous TikToker
You: no idea what that is
Avani: I'll explain to you later
Someone knocks on the door
Avani: come in
Anthony and Josh come in
Josh: why the scream
Anthony: and the loud talking
Avani looks at yoh
1) Anthony you loud talk all the time
2) I'll show you
You show Josh and Anthony looks aswell
Anthony: OH MY GOD EW
Everyone else comes upstairs
Jaden: ok what
Josh shows them
All: EWW
Bryce: which of the girls got that text
You: me
Avani: her
Josh is annoyed
Avani whispers: you guys are probably having fun tonight in bed
You whisper: kinda scared
You just stare at josh waiting for a reaction and he looks angry and he isn't saying anything just staring at your phone
You whisper: is he looking at that guys thing
Avani looks
Avani whispers: the phone shut
Josh: you don't like him do you?
You: no
Josh: why did he text you
You shrug
You: I haven't texted him before
You open the phone and show him Instagram Snapchat WhatsApp messages every app you have that you can talk to people on
Josh chuckles
Josh: I believe you
You: well say something cause your freaking me out
Anthony: correction your freaking everyone out Josh
Now it's just everyone looking at Josh
He gives you back your phone
Josh: I'll be back in a hour stay here and don't leave
You: well now I'm gonna want to leave because you told me not too
Josh: just stay Bryce Jaden your with me actually can you all come avani and Katherine stay here
You both nod and they leave
You get another text from chase
Chase: you should come one day we could have lots of fun
Josh comes in the room
Josh: also if he says something else text me
You: ok he said something else
He reads it
Josh: don't answer it
You nod and he leaves
Avani: you know your really skinny like anything would fit you try this on
She gives you a short dress
You go and change and when you come out
You: I know right
You look in the mirror
You: it's kinda big tho
Avani: we can make it tighter it dosent fit me anymore
You: your style is really nice tho
Avani: thx
You: one day I'll take you to my house and show you all my clothes
Avani: quick game get to know me you first
You: ok uh actor model detective 19 uhh I don't know what to say
Avani: hold up actor and model AND detective
You nod
You: tell me about you
Avani: avani gregg model and influencer and a bit of a singer 19 and that's what I know what to say
You both laugh
Avani: what about your full name
You: Katherine mikealson
Avani: siblings
You: klaus kol Elijah Finn Rebekah
Avani nods
Avani: I have a older sister and younger brother
You smile
You: do you have photos
Avani: yea
She shows you them
You: you look so cute in them and your siblings
Avani: thanks
She smiles
You: anyway I'm bored
Avani: let's bake a cake and film for YouTube
You both go downstairs
You: are we allowed
Avani: probably not
You: let's do it
You both laugh
Avani: hi guys I'm in the sway boys kitchen with Katherine mikealson my new bestie
You smile
Avani: anyway we are gonna bake a cake because we r not allowed to make a mess so why not
You both laugh

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