Naruto: Bound For Glory.

By Vilevirus

418K 8.3K 2.5K

After the Wave mission, Naruto realized that his shadow clone jutsu can only get him so far, and his taijutsu... More

Self evaluation
Let The Improvement Begin!
Let The Improvement Begin part 2
Showing A Sample of What I'm Made Of. Unexpected Guests
Two vs Two: Uchiha- Uzumaki Tag team
Inner Sakura Displeasure
Weapon shopping and Meet Up With Team 10
Unexpected Mission
Failed Sneak Attack
Hidden Heritage. Is that you Sakura?
Something's never change
The Monster From Within
The Reveal.
Anger Of A Senju
Welcome to Hell
Welcome to Hell PT. 2
A Time with Her
The Calm Before The Storm; Countdown to Chunin Exams
What A Day.
The Test that could change everything.
A long time coming
Bad blood. The Deadlast vs. The Alpha
The Time Is Near
The Secret is out; Where do you stand?
Quick update
A Day to Remember
Its time: The Chunin Exams Begins!
Genins Enter the Forest Death
Patiently Waiting
Send off Assignment.
Prelims, let's cut some extras.
Prelims continuation
Prelims Conclusion
Finals Set and 1 month to prepare
Training for the finals
Last Minute Prep. Welcome to the Finals
Cloud vs Leaf. Omoi vs Naruto
A Taste of Revenge?
Battle between ideologies:Gaara Vs Sasuke
Invasion Part 1. Kakashi Vs. Kabuto
Invasion Part 2. Kimimaro,??? &??? vs the Sound 4
Invasion PT.3,The Last Straw
Invasion Part 4 Past vs Present???
A/n: I'm back
Invasion Part 5 Game changer
Invasion part 6 Sasuke and ???? Vs Kankuro and Temari
Invasion Part 7
Invasion wrap up
The fate of Kiba
Helping Out; Sasuke in Love?
The Return of The Prodigy
Moment of Truth?
Hard Pill To Swallow
Potential candidates
Redemption; Meeting Sai
Return of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu?
Leaf and Cloud Joint Mission
The Resurgence of a Nation
Measuring Strength;2 for 1
Update and Future of fanfics


5K 112 24
By Vilevirus


Kabuto: ( Shit I better get out of here before more Anbu show up!....)


Mini Flashback

Kabuto was having a secret meeting with Baki. The meeting itself wasn't getting anywhere. Kabuto was telling him when to begin the invasion and get ready for the signal. Baki Insist running the plan to the kazekage but Kabuto had this to say...

Kabuto: * Annoyed* Baki, this is what the Kazekage Told us to tell you.. Why are you questioning his order?

Baki* Suspicious* Really? He tells you this and not me, his advisor?

Kabuto: He said something about making last minute preparations....
( He's actually on to us..... But I can get rid of him if necessary. I can't at the moment, I shouldn't be out in the opening like this especially after Anbu nearly caught me during the Prelims. And.... Someone is watching us....)

Kabuto slightly looked over his shoulder and can sense he's being watch. Kabuto threw a kunai at the corner of the roof where the ninja was hiding and out comes Hayate. With his sword drawn

Hayate : Surrender now or be struck down!!!

Kabuto: To bad this is where you die....

Kabuto: Rush Hayate with a Chakra sc scalpel ready to strike Hayate but before kabuto could get close enough, Hayate did a slash so quick nearly cutting off kabuto head.

Kabuto:( I'm honestly surprised he can move that fast, especially due to his medical condition. But he's bound to cough sooner or later)*smirks"

Hayate : (why is he pausing? And why hasn't this Sand jonin hasn't moved yet? Dammit I Hope coughing doesn't kick in.....)

Kabuto: You only have 1 lung after  being exposed to  poisonous gas on a mission . So I'll put you out of your misery...

Kabuto threw many shuriken at Hayate forcing him to deflect all of the with ease. He rushes at Hayate again and throws more shuriken, he deflects them again but he unfortunately cough  atca crucial moment and barely deflect the last shuriken.  his guard
was down just enough to get hit by Kabuto Chakra scalpel. But to both Shinobis surprise, Baki threw a kunai at Kabuto which forced him to tilt his body to dodge while swinging his Chakra scalpel at Hayate. He did manage to cutt him but Kabuto missed his vitals

Hayate: * Flinched from being cut*( did the sand Jonin just saved me!?) * Coughing * shit.....

Kabuto: BAKI, YOU!!!!!

Baki: If you want to fight than let's fight...

Kabuto: Why you!.... * Sensing Chakra signatures getting closer.*( Damn Anbu again. I better get going) I'll deal with you later...* Body flickers away.*

Baki: You alright???

Hayate: weren't you 2 allies???

Baki: Not exactly. More importantly, lets look at that wound of yours* examine Hayate* luckily he lost his balance. I want you to give this letter to the Hokage, it's concerning the He'll understand when you so it to him.

Hayate: Follow my lead.

A 5 man squad of Anbu had came,  Neko leading the charge. She immediately noticed Hayate wound and look at the Sand Shinobi. But Hayate spoke before she could.

Hayate: he didn't attack me. That Kabuto guy did. Baki-San saved me by altering his strike that would've been fatel.

After that statement, Neko( Yugao) was releasing so much killer intent even the other Anbu were having a hard time staying on their feet.

Neko: He couldn't had gotten that far find him!!!

End of Flashback .

Kabuto was feeling the pressure. It's bad enough Neko is literally trying to behead him but more Anbu Chakra signatures was getting closer. Kabuto has to get away from Anbu right here right now. Kabuto used a flashbomb ( flashbang) but still managed to get cut by Neko tanto to leave a wound I his side. But the flashbomb blinded Neko enough for him to summon a snake, jump in its mouth the the snake went underground vanishing quickly. Neko was furious even though it didn't show. It's bad enough finding out that Kabuto is a spy, but he actually tried to kill her fiance Hayate.the remaining Anbu finally caught up with her and she gave them an order to search the area. But deep down she knew Kabuto was long gone. With nothing let to do she decided to report to the Hokage.

Hokage Office late evening

After Nekoand Hayate inform the Hokage what had happened,she went back to patrol the village. Hiruzen and Danzo were having a conversation.

Danzo: I'll give that Kabuto boy Acredit, sneaking back into the village after being discovered as a spy isn't an easy feat. But he's underestimating our forces true potential.

Hiruzen: For the simple fact Orochimaru hasn't decided to " destroy" the village yet is because he wants to cause a national incident while the Fire Daimyo and other village leaders will be present at the Chunin exams finals. He figures if he can take us down it would make us look unworthy compared to other Shinobi villages and lose funding if he at least does a certain amount of damage to the leaf if he can't completely destroy the Village.

Danzo: I still think he's bitter about you giving the passing the Hokage torch to Minato instead of himself.

Hiruzen: Orochimaru would put his goals more towards himself that the village. He would use our Shinobi to infiltrate all villages to take there powerful jutsus and forbidden arts to add to his personal collection. If I was interested, not saying I am, he wouldn't share that info with anyone.

Danzo:  You're right. I secretly supported Orochimaru experiments when he was Still part of the leaf, but even then he share so little. So you did make a good call passing him up as an Hokage candidate.

Hokage: Have your spies reported the Stonce village activities???

Danzo: Yes. It doesn't appear that the Stone Village is aiding Orochimaru. The only village in not sure about is the sound Village.  We don't know who there Kage is. It may well be Orochimaru. The village itself is underground from what my spies reported. However, my spies also said they haven't seen any Civilians come in or out of the village. So this village is more like a base than actual village.

Hiruzen: Indeed they only sent 1 team but their Jonin Sensei was barely at the Prelims. No one has reported seeing the sound team Jonin before that. which is too suspicious in general.  Which is why I'm expecting all hell to break lose during the finals..

This was how the the convo between the to veterans went for the rest of the night.

The next day

Jiraiya have given Naruto some tips on Fuinjutsu and Naruto took what Jiraiya show him and combined it with the notebook Tsunade has given him awhile back and he made a complex seal that only he can used. Topazū was present watching his summoner  finishing his complex real and came up with a though to help Naruto further.

Topazū: Hey Naruto, is that seal markings going to be use on a seal tag or  on your body?

Naruto: Well mama Slug has a seal on her forehead so I thought of putting mine somewhere on my body too. Why you ask???

Topazū: we crab have a invisible ink that is only highlighted very brief when Chakra is use going into the seal. How about you that invisible ink so no one knows exactly the seal on your body is. For all they know it maybe a forbidden jutsu or a bloodline ability for all they know.

Naruto: That's an awesome idea!!! My enemies won't be see it coming. And it'll give me a huge edge when I'm in a pinch.

Topazū: By the way, what does that seal do?

Naruto: I'll explain at the enchanted shore.

With Sasuke and Kakashi

Kakashi had help Sasuke improve his speed and a ridiculous pace. He worked Sasuke like a dog in life support. He minimize Sasuke bbreak time and refused to give him water when he was clearly dehydrated. Sometimes He would even invite Anko to assist him by having her snakes bite him if he slacked off. Sasuke one day even activated the curse mark without even realizing it. Kakashi  was watching to see if Sasuke gets consumed by it but it stop just as quickly as it started.

Kakashi: You alright Sasuke???

Sasuke: I'm fine...... Did something happen???

Kakashi:( Maybe he didn't noticed ) ok. Take a break for a few minutes. And we'll continue.)

Sasuke did as he was told however, Sasuke felt the power the curse mark was given off him. But he managed to supress his surprised known g Kakashi was watching him like a hawk.

Sasuke: ( That power it made me feel like I can take on anyone. But I felt some pain behind it as well. If I remember correctly he said: I'll seek him out for more power. I wonder..... This power could help me beat Itach..... But what if this is some kind of trick? What if Orochimaru just want my eyes like every other Shinobi? Damn this is a lot to think about..... )

Kakashi,: Break time over. It's time to show you how to use my signature jutsu.( Naruto and Sakura seen my attack, well the part where my lightning infused hand went through the hunter-nin chest.) Hopefully you can keep up with my explanation cause I'm not repeating myself. If you get hurt it's on you.

Sasuke: You are starting to sound like that crazy snake  lady...

Kakashi had lifted up his head band revealing his Sharingan and gave Sasuke a menacing glare.

Kakashi: So if my girlfriend is crazy that means you're indirectly calling me crazy too right? Hopefully my demonstration won't send you to the afterlife too soon.

Sasuke: ( SHIT!!!!) YOU'RE A SLAVE DRIVER!!!!!


Kakashi charged up his lightning blade withdraw a few kunais walking at Sasuke with a steady pace.

Sasuke: S-Sensei, you got a strange look in your eyes...* Slowly panicking*

Kakashi: Relax Sasuke, all I'm going to do is....... IMPALE YOU!!!!

Sasuke: OH SHIT!!!!!!

Unknown location

Orochimaru: Kabuto you're being careless. You almost  gotten caught by the Anbu again!!!

Kabuto: Forgive me Lord Orochimaru, but the what had happened was because of Baki. He's been questioning me more, he's definitely on to us. I feel he could ruin our plans....

Orochimaru: Not necessarily. Even if he doesn't cooperate, I still have the sand forces under my control. Besides  he still doesn't know That I've killed Rasa. Once I use his skin my disquise is complete. But when Sasuke match comes up against Gaara you have to be ready. Gaara can't be hurt too badly cause his Tail beast plays an important part of the invasion. And obviously Sasuke has to be in good condition since he's my new vessel, you know they'll happen if he does correct? *Leaking Killer intent *

Kabuto: Y-Yes Lord Orochimaru...

Leaf village

Neji had a lunch date with Ten-Ten.  But Ten- Ten decided to invite Rock Lee and Sakura since they been lovely Dovey since they started training together. Might Guy was teary eyed that his Genin were experiencing love and even said love is another level of the flames of youth. They were at the BBQ restaurant enjoying there meal and talking. Ten-Ten sat next to Neji while Lee of course say next to Sakura. But Sakura couldn't help but notice Neji, every now and then, looks down Ten-Ten shirt. She didn't take Neji being a little perverted. Ten-Ten noticed Sakura watching his actions and decided to put her at ease subtly.

Ten-Ten: Is something wrong Sakura? * Winks at Sakura*

Sakura: ( ohhhhhh she knows Neji was checking her out. She like him being perverted. ) Nothing wrong, just thinking of how the exams will turn out.

Lee: indeed. I just wish I was in the finals. But I'll have my chance at the next one.

Sakura: We all will Lee-kun.

Neji: Hinata will be watching from the crowd supporting me. And my other cousin and uncle will be there too...

Ten-Ten: How are thing between you uncle and Hinata? Last time you told me that Hinata been ignoring him and avoiding long conversation with him...

Neji: Well.....

Flashback Hyūga Compound

Hiashi: Hinata dear, can we talk?

Hinata: ....*ignore*

Hiashi: Hinata please. It wasn't like I wanted to treat you bad.

Hinata: It may as well been. Tell me something, if the Elders were to come at Hanabi as useless nwho you tell them otherwise. I don't care about circumstances so don't bother mentioning that to me.

Hiashi: That's not fair Hinata.

Hinata: You are my father as well as the Clan head of the Hyūga clan. Are you that afraid going against the Elders? The Elders may as well be the civil council, cause based off what you told me what the civilian council do is always trying to undermine the Hokage authority. You claim the Hokage should get rid of them and yet here you are in a similar situation. What do you have to say about that huh father!?!?* Rage slowly building.*

Hiashi: *Shocked at the tone of her voice * YOU DARE TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!!!!

Hinata: Oh so you get angry with me for calling you out but not the Elders???

Hiashi:!!!!* Has a defeated look on his face.*..................... You're right....

Hinata: So what are you going to do about it????

Hiashi: I'll have to have a sit down with the Elders. But it'll have to be after the exams.


Hiashi: Until then can we at least have dinner as a family tonight???

Hinata: Sure.

Hiashi was happy and was going to hug Hinata but she top him....

Hinata: I agreed to dinner but until you confront the Elders, our father daughter bonding will be very minimum.* Walks away from him*

Hiashi: ( I will earn my daughter love back. Any means necessary).

Flashback end

Neji: That's what she told me...

Sakura: Hinata has some edginess to her that was nine existant I the academy. I like!

Lee: She's definitely a future clan head material that's for sure.

Ten-Ten: Agreed

Neji: ( As quiet as it's kept. From Hinata own version of the Gentle fist, and her pointing out how flawed the Clan beliefs are and her dislike for the Hyūga Elders. Plus her wanting to remove the caged bird seal.... I think she's planning a civil war from within the Clan. But for now I'll have to wait and see.) Sakura by chance have you seen Naruto?

Sakura: not today, but yesterday he said he had something to test out that he's been working on.

Neji: Knowing him it's probably something for the finals. I think his match is first if I'm not mistaken.

Rock Lee: I wonder how his trying is progressing???

Later that evening

Naruto had returned home after to being reverse summoned to the Enchanted Shore home of the crabs. Naruto's right arm was covered in bandages. But the look on his face says he's satisfied with his training.

Naruto: ( Kurama..... This went great hasn't????)

Kurama: ( Great!? This test was better than great. You're going to have many allies and enemies in the near future. Your fuinJutsu  is in par with your mom.)

Naruto:( But I'm not going to used this seal unless I really have too. I'm so ready for the finals even if I don't used this new seal. If only they knew...)

End of chapter

A/n: Hey guys and gals I'm back. A lot has happened lately. From me going on vacation. Working, making other fanfics as well as scrapping a few fanfics. I'm working on another Naruto fanfic but I'm still working out the plot. My Hero Academia fanfic I ended up scrapping due to the fact. Instead of me doing one with Deku being  the main character, I feel a lot better making an OC main protagonist instead. Some bastard from Webnovel keeps sending me messages and I'm starting to think  it's a scam.  Anyway, the next chapter will be up in a couple of days and I was also ask if I can do a Pokemon fanfic but let it be known I don't care too much for Ash so don't be too surprised. Til next time!!!

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