Broken 💔

Oleh ItsFirewind

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(two new chapters added) Elias's life has never been perfect. His own parents abused him at the young age of... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One - Please
Chapter Two - A Nobody's Birthday
Chapter Three - Don't Leave Me
Random Gacha's I made
Mini Comic
Why have I not been updating
Corrupt Elias - Comic
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 2
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 3
Corrupt Elias - Comic pt 4
Chapter Five - New Home
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 pt 1
Corrupt Elias - story 2 pt 2?
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 pt 3
Corrupt Elias - Story 2 (behind the scenes)
Chapter Six - Not Anymore
Chapter Seven - Memories
More random Gacha's I made
Blow my whistle
Fire'sPlan - Pt. 2
Fire'sPlan - Pt. 3
Chapter Eight - A Broken Bond
I gotta tell you something
Meet the kids!!!
Chapter Nine - I'll Protect You
Chapter Ten - Friends
Chapter Eleven - Trust
Chapter Twelve - Safe
I have a new book!
Inspiration? pt. 2
Chapter Thirteen - Loved
Chapter Fourteen - Choose Your Ending
Ending - You Chose Joseph
Ending - You Chose Daniel
Will there be a sequel?
Ending - You Chose Jay

Chapter Four - Why?

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Oleh ItsFirewind

Alright I finally made chapter four. Also, I'm making it so every odd numbered chapter is of the present day and looking ahead where as every even numbered chapter is of the past, events that have already happened, and help establish why things are the way they are in present day. With that said, let's go!

Diana's pov

"Robert, we need to talk" I said to my husband of many years. "Yes, dear?" I sat down beside him on the bed unsure of how to break the news to him. I decided to just say it outright. "Honey, don't get mad but I'm pregnant" I explained as his eyes grew wide.

"What!? But we agreed on only having one child!" "I know. I guess I forgot to take my birth control. I've just been so busy with Daniel and all." The room fell silent as Robert took a deep breath before finally speaking up. "So what are we gonna do?" "I kinda want to see where this goes. Okay?"

Seven years later (+ nine months)

Elias's pov

I was sitting on Jay's bed watching my brother and Jay play on the Xbox in Jay's room. Personally, I preferred the PlayStation Dan had. "Jay, what the heck! That's cheating!" "It's not cheating if you never said I couldn't!" Jay replied to my brother as I started laughing since Dan did that to me all the time. Daniel looked at me annoyed and I shut up right then and there though I struggled not to chuckle a bit. I got bored after awhile so I went to the kitchen to find my mom making supper.

"Hi Mom! What are you making?" I asked but she didn't notice I was there. 'That's a bit weird. Not having a good day, I guess.' I didn't want to keep bothering her so I turned around to leave but I accidentally knocked one of the chairs over. "OH! Goodness, I didn't even realize you were here." "Are you okay, Mom? You were just staring at the wall." "Yes, I'm okay sweetie. I think..." she said trailing off at the end.

"Mom?" She shook her head, looked at me, and smiled. "I'm fine. You wanna help me with dinner?" "Sure!" I replied grabbing a chair to reach as I was only 7. I kinda got creeped out a little at the way she would look at me when I was turned around. 'Did I do something wrong' I thought but was brought back to reality when the door opened.

I looked back to see my dad was back from work. "Hi, Dad!" Daniel said running out of Jay's room and hugging him. Jay, who wasn't even five foot (he won't hit his growth spurt for another year), also walked out and waved. "Hi, Robert." "Hey, Jay. Whatcha boys doin'?" "Just playing." "Hiya, Dad!" I said but got a little weirded out when I realized he was looking at me just as Mom was. "Oh. Hey Elias" he said but it was off. 'Okay, I definitely did something wrong' I thought but I just couldn't think of anything I have done wrong as of recently.

Later that night

I was woken up by my mom late at night and I could already tell something was off about it all. Very off. "Mom? Why are you-" I started but was cut off when she placed her hand over my mouth before pointing over at Dan sleeping across the room. I stayed quiet as she gestured for me to follow her. I grabbed a small grey and white wolf plush I had before leaving the room with her.

As we walked down the stairs, I noticed my dad sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for us. "Come on, Elias" he said quietly as I followed unsure of what's happening. Neither of my parents seemed too happy and it was very unusual for them to be up at midnight themselves let alone wake me up.

Mom stayed home as Dad drove me to the city. After awhile we stopped. He got out first and then me right after still clutching the small plush toy. He lead me to one of the alleyways. In the back of the alleyway was a random door on the side of one of the buildings and Dad opened it to let me in. I looked around the room confused and failed to notice my dad locking the door.

The room was completely empty aside from a couple empty boxes in the corner. "Dad, why are we-" I started looking back but soon felt him kick me hard in the stomach as I fell to the floor dropping the wolf plush. Tears began to form in my eyes. I looked back up at him more confused then ever now but he just stared at me with a huge grin forming on his face.

Four years later

I was crying in the bathroom connected to my bedroom. Four years have passed since the abuse first started and to this day, all I wonder is why. Why do they do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? I try so hard to be something people will like, to be something they will like, and it never goes anywhere. At first, it was just a beating but everytime they catch me trying to tell someone about the abuse, they start to try something new.

The first time they tried something new happened six months after the abuse started. I was washing the dishes at the time when my father suddenly put a rope around my neck and began to pull. I tried to get free but he just kept pulling tighter. It hurt so much. I desperately gasped for any bit of air I could get. My vision began to blur and I might of even blacked out for a second but he finally let go and let me breath. My neck was so sore and my lungs burned. That was the closest I've ever gotten to death. I never wanted to experience the pain and fear of that moment again.

The next time was just shy of a year later. I was hanging out at a nearby lake when my father snuck up behind me and by the time I realized, he grabbed me by my head and held me under the water. I remember being so scared thinking I was gonna die that day but they didn't want me gone just yet and he threw me over to the side crying and gasping for air.

Two years later, they started a method I still try to avoid to this day. My mother was never the strong one so she always stayed on the sidelines preferring to degrade me emotionally and mentally but that day she found another way to hurt me. Poison. They make sure it's never lethal so they'll still have their little toy for next time they want to have fun but it still hurts me so I've been more careful with what I eat and by that I mean starving myself to avoid the risk entirely. It's always nice when I finally let myself eat again but I strangely enjoy the pain I feel after long periods without food. I feel like I deserve to be in pain and maybe even to die.

Don't get me wrong, I want to live but at the same time I don't. I'm constantly at war with myself over what to do. I've already explained what happens when I try to tell someone plus I'm afraid if I do, they might hurt someone else. I can try to fight back but, only being 11, I'm not all that strong.


What about suicide? Just end it all now. The thought kinda scares me but so did the idea of cutting my wrists and I do that all the time now. It feels strangely nice. Maybe that would, too. How would I even do it? Should I try hanging myself? Or maybe a knife through the heart would be faster. Do I even deserve a quick death? Maybe I could grab the bleach fro-

"Elias, are you okay in there?" my brother asked pulling me from my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Are you sure, bud? It sounded like you were crying." Great. Jay's there, too. "Positive" I reply. I wipe away the remaining tears and fix up my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled and I actually looked like I was okay. Like I was happy. You'd never know anything was wrong with me. Finally, I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, buddy. Everything okay?" Jay asked worried. He crouched down but I don't know why he always has to do that. I'm not that little anymore. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had to use the bathroom." "You sure? You can tell us if something's wrong. You know we won't judge" Dan said. "Y-yeah, I know. I'm sure."

"Wrists" Jay said holding out his hand. They knew about me cutting since I don't really bother with hiding the scars. I let him check my wrists and they calmed down a bit after they knew I wasn't cutting myself again. "Alright, now what were you really doing Elias? We know you weren't using the bathroom." I decided to lie and say I just had a nightmare to get them off my back.

"Oh, you had a nightmare? What are you hiding in the bathroom for?" Jay asked. "I didn't wanna bother you." "You're not gonna bother me, Elias. I promise. Do you think you'd feel safer if you slept with me tonight?" I nodded just wanting to be able to forget everything even if just for a night. "Alright. Come on, bud" Jay said standing up and reaching out his hand. I grabbed it and, after telling Dan goodnight, we headed to Jay's bedroom which was downstairs.

I hated walking down those steps at night. All I could ever think about when I do is when my mother woke me up that night and my father took me to that place. I tightened my grip on Jay's hand and he looked at me concerned. I just smiled and he turned around and kept walking. When we got to Jay's room, I climbed in bed first and crawled over towards the wall. Jay laid down beside me which made me feel just a bit more secure.

I cuddled up to him for warmth and safety as he comforted me. For a sociopath, his touch was surprisingly gentle with Dan and I. I'd always know it was him from the touch alone. It was just something I won't forget just like Daniel's cheerful smile. I relaxed knowing I was safe with him and soon dozed off forgetting about every thought I had in the bathroom at least for now.

Five years later

I sat on the couch as Dan and Jay kept asking me why I attacked my parents. It was the first time they caught me doing it and since they knew nothing of the abuse, they couldn't figure out why. I wanted to tell them so badly but I had to keep stopping myself for fear of their safety, well at least Jay's. They'd never lay a hand on their "perfect little angel".

"Guys, I'm sorry. Okay? I don't know what happened." "How do you not know what happened!?" Dan asked confused and concerned. "Well, I knew what I was doing I just couldn't stop it. I-I just-" but I cut myself off not knowing what else to say here. "Nevermind. You wouldn't understand." "We might if you'd just tell us. Please, we just want to help you" Jay said but, as my luck would have it, something about what he just said triggered me.

"Help me!? When the fuck did you actually care about helping me!? It took Trevor raping me for you to finally do something after that whole time you two had been dating! Is that what you call helping cause it sure felt more like you were trying to kill me off! If that's the best you can do then I don't want to FUCKING HEAR IT FROM YOU!!!"

The whole room fell silent after the sudden outburst. Daniel was completely caught off guard and Jay froze, his heterochromic eyes wide with shock and guilt. You could tell he was trying not to cry and it made me feel so bad for snapping at him like that. I knew he regretted everything with Trevor as much as I did. Besides, he's more than made up for it in the past five years. I tried to say something but no words would come out so I bolted up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom crying.

I've been becoming slightly unstable ever since my parents, or rather my father, decided to try something new which they haven't done in years. The new method? Well, it was the same thing Trevor did. Rape. It's only happened four times but it broke me. It hurt so much. I didn't even give them a reason this time. I've been staying in line. I haven't been trying to tell anyone. I mean clearly the guys still trust them. What did I do this time? Why do they do any of this? Why do they treat me like this? Why do they hate me?


Alrighty, I've done the fourth chapter. There's still a lot more left to explain but that pretty much wraps up where the parents fall into all of this. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that. Have a wonderful day guys! Bye~!🗡️💛💚💔

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