Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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After the events of Act 3, the Glomsquad is finally able to settle down... until F.O.W.L causes a disturbance... More

Chapter 1: F.O.W.L and Caucasian Tacos
Chapter 2: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Daddy Issues
Chapter 4: See You Soon, Mother
Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt
Chapter 6: Rule 3
Chapter 7: The Mothmans
Chapter 8: Mark Is A Prostitute
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This
Chapter 10: Dingles?!
Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal
Chapter 12: Don't Kill People
Chapter 13: Gyro's Head
Chapter 14: Hello, Father
Chapter 15: Cracked Glass
Chapter 16: MILF Denny's
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: CVS
Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket
Chapter 20: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 21: Where's Waldo?
Chapter 22: Master
Chapter 23: The Saloon
Chapter 24: Ellie's Pregnancy
Chapter 25: I Forgot A Title
Chapter 26: B is for Bad Time
Chapter 27: 20 Dollar Bill
Chapter 28: Tiger Balloon
Chapter 30: Got It Again
Chapter 31: Jeffers Gets Shot
Chapter 32: Goth IHOP
Chapter 33: Hollo?!
Chapter 34: Heidi Gone Haywire
Chapter 35: Aunt Mara
Chapter 36: The Real Blood Bath
Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L
Chapter 38: Bad Ending

Chapter 29: Got It

27 1 0
By Lizard_Brainz

Ellie let out an angry huff before turning around in the hotel bed, shoving Mark. It wasn't like she could wake him up in a more polite manner or anything.

Mark groaned and covered his face with the covers. "Let me sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!"

"We need to speak of Kyle." Her voice may have been monotone as usual, but Mark knew her well enough to know she was about to pull some kind of Karen.

He pulled the covers off of his face to look at her. He groaned again and sat up in the bed. "Fine... what about him?"

Ellie sat up as well so she could be on eye level with Mark. "I understand you are forming a relationship with him once again but I do not want him involved in our lives after all of this nonsense is over."

"What? Why? Did something happen when I was gone? Kyle's pretty lit so I don't see the issue here."

"How can you not see the issue?" She snapped. "He kidnapped us, including our child. He threatened Boyd and I's life. He allowed me to be buried alive. Not to mention he is the one who pushed Wyatt to become as threatening as he is now, even if on accident. The only reason he helped me escape the situation and regain my memories is because he has a strange obsession with you. You cannot tell me you are willing to accept Kyle back into your life when he threatened mine and hurt me. I am your wife."

"Okay okay," Mark held up his hands. "I know he did all of those things and I'll admit, they weren't all that cash money of him... but I think the dude means well. If he's wanting to work things out then I think you should at least hear the guy out. If you still don't want him in our lives then... I'll be cool with that."

Ellie crossed her arms. Duck Jesus. She was pulling a Karen. "You would have a very different opinion if he did to you what he did to me. I do not want him in our lives and that is that."

"Jeez..." He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Alright. I can tell you've given a lot of thought about this. If you think we shouldn't see him anymore then that's what we'll do."

"Much appreciated."

Mark was about to lay down and go back to sleep when Ellie spoke up again.

"I witnessed a sliver of the argument you and your father had. Do you wish to speak of it?"

"Oh shit. You heard that?" He continued "... Yeah it wasn't great. We hadn't talked in years and of course the first thing we do is start fighting... Typical." He crossed his arms and adjusted himself in the bed to be more comfortable. "Basically he was saying a bunch of bullshit about me and you. Yeah, he brought you into it and it really pissed me off. I told him off but he said that everything he did was- ... he said that it was all my fault. That I was the reason he treated me like shit growing up. I know it's stupid to believe him but... damn. I dunno... That just got to me."

It took her a second to respond. Homegirl wasn't good with emotions despite being an emotional person. "I find it odd. He seemed so kind at the saloon, as if he had turned his life around. I would have never guessed." She said. "I suppose his mood shifting around you shows how unstable he is, so I would not take his words to heart. You know you did nothing wrong, you were but a child. Do not let what he spout out get to you." Ellie was going to end it there but then a question popped into her mind. She had no idea why she hadn't asked sooner. "Why is he even here to begin with?"

"He was the only one in that weird cowboy town that had a chance of owning a car. I needed him to drive me and Abigail to Houston. That's it. I would've been just fine never seeing him again but I didn't really have much of a choice. Ugh, and now he's, like, here." Mark had a pissed off expression while staring at his arms. He looked like an immature child who didn't get his way.

"Hm. Well I believe he truly is sorry, though what he did is very unforgivable. He clearly just has trouble controlling his anger. Perhaps you should attempt speaking with him once again before we leave. Or not. Either way, you do not have to keep him in your life."

"Yeah it's whatever I guess. If he wants to talk to me again, I'll let him, but I'm not going to go out of my way for him. If he leaves without saying anything then that's that, ya know?"

"I am aware." She thought that was an actual question. "Anyway, I apologize for waking you up so suddenly."

"It's cool! We can talk more laterz. Goodnightyyyyyyy!" Mark laid back down and closed his eyes.


"You all should be honored Master allowed you to sit with her during breakfast." Yes, it was Mara speaking. "But where is the child? It is rude of him to not accept the invitation."

Gyro was about to scoff before realizing this was Mara he was speaking to. "He's sleeping in."

"Yeah." Gloria added, surprisingly, considering it was onto Gyro's sentence. "He's just going through a lot right now. Mentally."

Mara rolled her eyes. "Whatever." And began to sip on her Earl Grey Tea. Her absolute favorite. It was bland and tasteless, like her sense of humor.

"Damn these eggs are good..." Heidi muttered to herself. She wasn't paying attention to the conversation. Homegirl was just scarfing through her food.

The doorbell chimed, interrupting their already dead conversation.

"Open it." Mara commanded one of her butlers.

The butler who was standing by the door obeyed and had the guests barge into the house.

"What's up bitchessssss!" Ma Beagle and Gandra Dee said in unison. Yes, they planned their introduction before ringing the doorbell. Gandra Dee had a gun loaded and pointed towards everyone at the table while Ma Beagle was slapping a baseball bat on her hand in a threatening manner.

Heidi, who has never met these two before looked around the table. "Did someone order hookers or something?" Her mouth was still full of food.

"God damnit. My tea is going to go cold." Mara slammed her cup down, some of it spilling on the cloth. "GODDAMNIT! Jeffers, clean this shit up. If I have to pay for another golden silk cloth, it's coming out of your nonexistent paycheck."

Jeffers, who was the one who had answered the door, nodded quickly before running off, leaving Ma Beagle and Gandra Dee unattended.

Ma Beagle scrunched up her face in confusion before storming inside with Gandra, slamming the door shut with her thicc and yummy cake.



Ma Beagle gave her a high five. "Fucking nice comeback."

The other five butlers pulled out weaponry seemingly out of nowhere. One of them even had a machine gun, but Mara held up her hand to stop them. "Stand down. Master wants to hear this shit."

"WHAT?!" Gyro squawked. Everyone ignored him as per usual.

Ma Beagle nudged her head at Gandra. Gandra nodded and grabbed Gloria by her arm and threw her on the ground. Gandra kept the gun pointed right at her head.

Ma Beagle followed suit and did the same to Gyro except she pressed her bat on his back. Gyro and Gloria were now both on the ground beside each other while Ganda and Ma Beagle gave each other a high five. The two were besties by this point.

They didn't bother Heidi which she greatly appreciated. If they killed her then she wouldn't have the chance to finish her eggs before they got cold!

Ma Beagle spoke up first. "Man are you two in a heap of trouble! I can't wait to bring you two back to Mr. B. You'll never know a life without pain ever again."

"Ooooh! Good one, Katherine!" Gandra hyped her up.

"Bitch, I don't even know you! Get that gun out of my face!" Gloria snapped at her. That only pushed Gandra to press the gun right into the side of her head.

"Hey! Don't call me a bitch, bitch!"

"YEAH! I'M THE BITCH!" Ma Beagle pointed to her thicc juicy boobies. "Anyway, we're with F.O.W.L, ya know, the villain group or whatever. Y'all bitches dead so..."

"Wait..." Heidi was hard to understand with her mouth so full of eggs and now biscuits. "I thought you guys were after me too?"

"Who are you?"


"Oh yeah. Okay. Um. There's only two of us so we'll get to you in a second." Ma Beagle cleared her throat. "ANYWAY! Our ravenous, super evil goal is to take over this sorry planet and wipe all of those who get in our way out. We will ravage the planet of it's treasures and resources, becoming the richest group of villains in the world. There will be no more countries. Everything will be ruled under F.O.W.L's dictatorship, like in act 2 but worse."

Gandra picked up from there. "Taking down you all is only the beginning. The world will be enslaved under us. No one will be safe with the robot army we have on hand. Duckburg was the first to go down and things are already moving onward smoothly. Makes sense since you all weren't around to stop it. I thought you all were heroes. Guess not. You spent too much time laying around and making up stupid plans rather than putting them into action. Pathetic."

Ma Beagle nodded. "That's right. Now you two- or three. Again, we'll kill you in just a second, Heidi."

Heidi gave her a thumbs up before she continued.

She held her bat up and had it positioned behind her shoulder, ready to strike Gyro down.

Gandra cocked the gun and put her finger on the trigger.

Ma Beagle smirked at the two of them. "Any last words before we-"

"Wait, weren't you supposed to bring us to Mr. B?" Gloria interrupted her. She didn't seem that scared despite there being a gun pressed against her head.

"Oh yeah... We did say that didn't we..."

Ma Beagle waved both Ganda and Gloria off. "It doesn't matter! I'm sure Mr. B wouldn't mind us killing them! Besides, even if they live, we can just bring their injured bodies to him so he can kill them off tomorrow!"

Gandra nodded. "Cool! Just checkin' if we're on the same page."

Ma Beagle turned her attention back to Gloria and Gyro. "Any last words?"

"Fuck you." Either Gloria didn't give a single shit about the situation, or she was dead on the inside. After everything that happened with Gyro, probably both.

"Actually, I- I-" Gyro was about to give another heartfelt apology to Gloria but Mara cut him off before he had the chance.

"God! Your evil villain speech wasn't even that interesting. Alright, I'm done with this." Mara pulled out a gun from her bra and pointed it at Gandra's head since she was the one who had an actual gun. Ma Beagle didn't have shit. Baseball bats were for 12 year old boys. She probably borrowed it from her stupid ass junkyard sons. "Do you bitches have any last words?"

Heidi smiled to herself. This reminded her of that one scene in The Office where everyone was at a stand off with finger guns.

Gandra and Ma Beagle would've continued to kill, or at least severely injure, Gloria and Gyro if it wasn't for the fact that now they were surrounded. Mara's butlers still had their weapons out and they had them pointed at their heads once Mara took the initiative.

The two of them raised their hands in the air to surrender.

Mara smirked and put down the gun. "Yeah... that's what I fucking thought." She snapped her fingers and the butlers all shot one bullet each, killing Gandra and Ma Beagle in a split second. The precision and quick timing of their shots was very professional and it further proved how you should not fuck with Mara Beaks.

"Woah, damn." Heidi chugged her milk and slammed her now empty cup on the table. "That was rad as hell."

Mara smirked and sat down, putting her gun back into her bra. "You're damn right it was."

Her butlers were already quick enough to put their weapons away and drag the two corpses out of the room. How quick they were with their actions also proved that this wasn't the first time they had done something like this...

Gloria got up from the floor and held her hand out to help Gyro up. "Hey, are you alright?" She was still mad but she wasn't going to start being a bitch to him.

"Umm... yeah. Yes, I'm fine." He took her hand and stood up. "What about you? You were the one with the gun pressed up against your skull."

"Yeah, I'm fine. That wasn't my first rodeo." It was a weak and horrible attempt at a joke. Man, Gloria has been through some shit.

"Me either..." That couldn't even be considered an attempt at a joke because of how bad it was.

"Duck Jesus. Either get back together or shut the fuck up." Mara snapped.

Neither of them responded.

"That's what I fucking thought." She sat back down, ignoring Jeffers who was now vigorously cleaning the stain on the silk. "Anyway. Apparently Duckburg is fully under their control now. We need to go ahead and put Master's plan into action. We leave tomorrow. Understood?" Before anyone could answer, she piped up again. "Do you have any other allies? We need as much help as we can get for backup purposes."

Gloria immediately pulled out her phone to start texting Ellie and Mark. "We do. I think they're still in Texas though... I'll let them know to start heading back to Duckburg."

"God. Do you fucking mean Master's brother?! Fucking hell..."


Wyatt stormed into Mr. B's office, the office that used to be Mark's.

He sat under a giant F. And no, it didn't stand for 'Fucker', it stood for 'F.O.W.L', so get your facts straight.

There were multiple robot guards in the room. Way larger and more intimidating than the robots in Act 2 because Gyro actually knew what he was doing unlike Mark.

"Well well well..." Mr. B put down his pen. "It looks like you weren't kidding when you said you needed to speak with me."

Wyatt walked right up to his desk and crossed his arms. Mr. B could tell something was different about his personality just by Wyatt's eyes. "Yep. I have a proposition for you... but first I need to let you know that both Steelbeak and Kyle have gone rouge and left F.O.W.L.."

The twinky ass dude may have seemed more sinister, but Mr. B didn't forget he was the one who had run away with 'Lucy' and Boyd to begin with. He leaned back and crossed his arms, raising a brow all cliche like.

"And why should I believe you?"

Of course, Steelbeak and Kyle hadn't contacted Mr. B in quite some time, so it would make sense, but it was still reasonable to ask such a question.

"Because they are the reason Ellie, Mark and I are roaming around free. Why do you think I'm here standing in front of you? If they had followed your orders, I would be dead by now. Instead of killing them, they actually let them go." Mr. B could see the anger in his eyes. Wyatt continued "I came here to let you know that Ellie and Mark are in Texas... and I want in on killing them. Let me help you capture them."

Mr. B stayed silent for a moment before letting out an ungodly of an amused laugh. "Excuse me?! So, you're telling me you're evil now?! What happened? Mark Beaks step on your toe and fire you from your pathetic internship?"

Wyatt was seconds away from hurting Mr. B but he decided against it. It wouldn't have been a smart move and the robots in the office would've killed him instantly. Wyatt glared at him and clenched his fists. "Yeah, I guess you could say that I'm evil now. Steelbeak and Kyle were dead weight. I would actually be useful to you and your organization. Just give me the chance to prove myself and I will show you just how serious I am about bringing down Mark and Ellie. As a bonus, I could even kill Steelbeak and Kyle for you, too."

"Even kill Steelbeak and Kyle?! God. You're priceless, you know that?" Mr. B wasn't calming down at all. His laughs were on a roll. "Alright, alright. Tell you what. I'll give you some robots to help you hunt down those fuckers, and you bring them back to me alive. You do that, and you can whatever you want to Mark and Ellie. I can deal with Steelbeak and Kyle myself." He leaned forward. "But make any wrong moves, and the robots I give you will kill you instantly. Got it?"

His glare turned into a very unsettling smile. "Got it."


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