Chapter 15: Cracked Glass

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Mark craned his head to look out the window of the van once again. He was sitting on the back on the floor, along with Ellie, Wyatt, and Boyd, so it was a bit hard to see out the window.

They were still in the desert. And they had been driving for hours! How was that even possible?! They should've been back in Duckburg by now. To make things worse, they hadn't passed any towns in a concerning amount of time. In fact, they had turned onto a very harsh and bumpy side road not too long ago. For all Mark knew, they were being taken deeper in the middle of nowhere to be shot in the middle of the desert Breaking Bad style. How quaint.

A part of him wanted to complain or groan or just ramble like he always did but he decided against it. Ellie didn't like him without her memories, Boyd was avoiding eye contact with him at all costs, and Wyatt was a loser. Great. And he couldn't even Tweet about his frustration.

Mark looked out the window again since he had nothing better to do and actually saw something. It was a small farm house that was even crummier than Ellie's. Ewwww they were going to be tortured somewhere where there were bugs. #notcool.

It was obvious to him now that that's where they were stopping. It only took another minute of driving until the van finally stopped and everyone could hear the car door open and slam.

The bright desert sun pierced into the van when Steelbeak opened the back door. Everyone hissed at the sun like they were vampires.

"Rise and shine, everybody!" Steelbeak opened the door wide enough for everyone to get out themselves. They were in the middle of nowhere so he didn't have to worry about them running away. "And welcome home!" He gestured to the abandoned wooden house that looked like it was one bad dust storm away from being blown over.

Kyle was sitting on Steelbeak's shoulder again. He wasn't going to admit it, but he liked being top of his strong and broad shoulders. It made him feel like he was just as strong and intimidating as Steelbeak was.

Wyatt was shaking like a leaf. "P-please. Let us- let us go." It was a pathetic plea, but it was the only thing Wyatt could think of doing to save his own skin. Or Boyd's at the very least. The last thing he wanted to see was a child getting hurt.

Kyle laughed. "Ha! Sorry, pal. It's just not that easy. You're new to all of this, but Steelbeak and I have been waiting for this for years. You're just along for the ride." He continued on by pointing to the house with his little cockroach hand. "It's hot as balls out here so why don't we all head inside? Don't make Steelbeak hold you all at gunpoint."

That didn't need to be said twice. Ellie was the first to begin walking and then Boyd and the others.

"How did you find us?" Boyd regretted speaking up, but he couldn't stop thinking about it. "You were heading north."

Kyle shrugged. "Yeah, well. I'm a roach so I got a sixth sense, ya know? I just felt like you weren't heading that way at a certain point."

That unnerved Boyd to an extent that couldn't be described. If they escaped then that would mean they could possibly be easily found again.

The inside of the home was absolutely horrid. The walls were so thin that you could see through to the outside between the wooden cracks and there were multiple spots on the floor covered in sand that probably had snuck in during storms. A few scorpions scuttled into hiding.

Boyd looked around for a moment before deciding to sit on the old wooden floors with splinters showing, soon to be joined as Kyle and Steelbeak stood in front of them, preparing for whatever evil speech they were going to give.

"Finally! I have waited years for this mo-"

"You will not escape this fowl place alive when we-"

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu