Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket

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It indeed took a good day for Steelbeak, Kyle, and Wyatt to find a casket. Turns out Duckmart had them which was cool, but the nearest one was five hours away. They were close to the shack once again which all that mattered.

"Yo, uh, we could've just buried her without a casket." Steelbeak suggested.

"Shut the fuck up, Steelbeak. You're gonna make Wyatt feel bad." Kyle would've slapped him if he wasn't strapped down in his cockroach-sized-child's-car-seat. Safety first, kids. "Sooo... Wyatt. You got pretty evil back there, man. Gotta say, freaked me out a bit." That was a compliment.

Wyatt nervously scratched his arm. "Y-yeah I dunno what happened... I just got so angry. I-I guess that was supposed to happen?"

Kyle clenched his evil little fist. "Yes, Wyatt. Use your anger! It is your most powerful weapon!"

"...I thought a gun was."

"Shut up, Steelbeak."

Steelbeak continued anyway. "You know, back when I was dictator, I got crazy scary too! But that was before I joined the church. Now I try to keep my anger on the downlow, but I know the lord will forgive me no matter what! So don't worry, Wyatt! You won't be going to Hell!"

Both Kyle and Wyatt ignored him again. Rather, Kyle made Wyatt ignore him by turning around to look at Wyatt, as best as he could in his little car seat. "So what's the plan? We just gonna keep her there forever or something? It's up to you, boss." He winked.

"No no no not forever... after a while, s-she'll just shut down. Kind of like going to sleep. We have to keep her underground long enough to make her scared but not too long where she will literally just sleep through the whole thing..." Wyatt started thinking about the plan in further detail. "We should probably let her know that something terrible is happening to Mark while she's buried."

Kyle gasped. "No! I don't want any harm towards Mark."

Wyatt smirked "Who said that we had to tell her the truth?"

"Ohhhhhhhh I get it. Make her think that he's in trouble so she'll be scared the entire time she's buried! Great idea!" Steelbeak chimed in.

Wyatt snapped his fingers. "Exactly!"

Kyle began to slowly clap. "Man, you really are evil! I dunno why you didn't become a villain sooner! It's like you were born for it!"

A girl had caused Wyatt to break and turn into a villain so clearly homeboy had other things going on but that wasn't Kyle nor Steelbeak's business.

"Ellie already has PTSD but this is going to fuck her UP!" Kyle figured maybe they could use the same torture method on Gloria when he found her once again. Yep. He didn't forget about Gloria folks.

Wyatt nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah it probably will... mess her up." Even if he was evil now, there was no way he was going to say the f word. Not yet at least. Baby steps.

Steelbeak slowed the van down before stopping. "Okayyyyyyy! We're heerreeeeeee!" he sang.

Kyle unbuckled himself from his cockroach seat and got out of the car along with Steelbeak and Wyatt. He made sure to get on Wyatt's shoulder this time around. Shaking things up a bit.

Steelbeak went to the back of the van and started to get the coffin and shovels out while Wyatt and Kyle, who was now on his shoulders, went inside the old house.

When Wyatt busted down the door, in a good attempt at being a badass, Mark groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Ah shit, here we go again."

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora