Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal

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Wyatt, Lucy, and Boyd sat inside a breakfast diner that was posted on the side of the highway. Wyatt had driven all night with no idea where they were going, and to make matters worse, they were still in the desert which just made the situation more unnerving for Wyatt in particular. It made it seem like they were still close to Duckburg though they weren't at all.

Based on the environment, Wyatt guessed they were in Arizona and close to New Mexico. But he honestly had no idea.

Lucy was busy coloring the children's menu and across from her, Boyd was picking at his breakfast food. Though he made sure to make a smiley face with the bacon and eggs before eating. Eventually he looked up at Wyatt. "Do you know where we're going yet?"

Wyatt shook his head. "No I don't. But I think the further we are from Duckburg, the better. I-if anyone has a preference as to where we should drive to next, let me know." All that he ordered was a coffee and a few biscuits, though he hardly touched them. He wasn't in the mood to eat, he was too stressed.

Lucy quickly tracked their location and they were indeed in Arizona. She started to research local cities. "How about we stop at Albuquerque, New Mexico? It is only three hours and thirty three point four minutes away. We do not have to stay there, but I believe it would be a good place to let you and Boyd get some rest. It has a population of 560,218. A high enough number for us to stay under cover easily."

Boyd nodded. "Yeah, I am pretty tired. I have trouble sleeping in cars."

Wyatt nodded too. "Okay yeah. That sounds like a good plan." He took out his phone long enough to set directions to Albuquerque before putting it away. He had never been to New Mexico before so he was trying to look on the bright side of this awful situation and see it as a very odd road trip.

After that he stared blankly at his coffee for a little while, Lucy laid her hand on top of his to grab his attention, catching him very off guard.

"How is your face?"

He had no idea what she was talking about until he remembered he got beat the shit out of. God. He probably looked terrible. He didn't need to look in the mirror to know he was still swollen.

He touched his face and immediately winced from the pain. "O-oh right. It's fine I guess. It'll heal in a few days so it's nothing to worry about."

Lucy studied him for another moment before removing her hand to go back to coloring.

The bell above the entrance went off again like it did every other second. The place was packed to the rim like every diner at 8 am on a Saturday.

Boyd didn't know why, but he had the urge to look up and so he did. His definitely real boy heart dropped as he realized who it was.

Some of his bad memories may have been erased on the cruise ship, but he still had a few of Steelbeak. He knew enough. 1) that he was bad and 2) that he had beaten him and Lucy/Ellie all those years ago.

It suddenly clicked. Steelbeak had to have been the man looking for them. Mr. B knew Steelbeak all this time!

It was obvious Steelbeak was speaking with someone else but Boyd couldn't see who, and the panic that overtook him didn't let him care enough. He looked at both Wyatt and Lucy, dropping his fork onto the table.

They both noticed Boyd's sudden change in mood. Wyatt spoke up first "Boyd? What's wrong?"

"Um... we should leave this place."

"How come?"

Boyd discreetly gestured to Steelbeak and whispered. "That guy is bad. He's the one looking for us! I think... I think they found us."

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon