Chapter 3: Daddy Issues

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Mark burst through Ellie's door with only a small suitcase in hand. "HEY SISTERSSSSS!"

"OI!" Glomgold shivered by Mark's declaration. He was terrified of James Charles. He hid under the dining room table, glaring and growling at Mark.

Mark was happy when he first came into Ellie's house, but his smile quickly faded. Now his face showed that he was pissed off due to that fact that he lost everything and now he had to live like- like a commoner! He tossed his suitcase to the side.

Ellie was staring into space on the sofa which meant she was reading something in her data, but Glomgold scattering past her had drawn her attention. Glomgold usually did that when the pizza man rang the doorbell even though he was the one to order said pizza. Fun fact: He was actually scared of the pizza itself.

When she turned she didn't expect to see Mark being the cause of the ruckus.

"Mark? Are you dropping off pizza?" Ellie figured it was pizza that had scared Glomgold off, not the door bursting open. Needless to say, that subject was dropped when she saw his suitcase. "Oh! But I believed you to have said you never wanted to sleep in filth?"

"Uh yeah, I don't but now I don't have a choice! I don't know how it happened but Waddle was bought from under me! I fucked up and now I've lost everything! My house, my company, everything! I can only afford to have two phones now! I'm not gonna make it." Mark groaned and flopped onto the same sofa that Ellie was sitting on, face first into the cushions.

Ellie's face lit up just like it had that one time she saw an old lady get run over by a truck. "That is lovely news! I have been waiting for you to move out here with me for thirteen months, eleven days, and six hours. My metaphorical dream has finally come to fruition! Will it not be great to spend more quality time with one another like we used to?" Mark was already in the midst of sobbing. Damn. This was one of those situations where she was supposed to feel empathy or something. Ellie searched up something in her data. "Let me correct myself, 'it will be alright.' Oh... is that what I am supposed to say to comfort you? Well, that is very wrong because it will certainly not be. You did just lose your life's work and fortune because of your tax fraud that I have been keeping track of and knew about this entire time but did not say anything because I thought it was hilarious to screw over the townspeople and crush them beneath your power."

Mark sat up and looked at Ellie, clutching onto one of the pillows that was placed on the side of the couch. "This won't be permanent! I'm going to figure out how to get Waddle back so I won't have to live like a filthy commoner out here in the middle of nowhere! ... oh yeah, I guess it would be pretty fun to hang out with you a bit more, babe." Nice save.

She sighed. "Mark, I can just win your fortune back by scheming casinos again. It will take awhile considering I cannot make one-billion dollars at one measly casino unless I wish to go to prison, but I will get it done with ease."

He beamed and started to bounce up and down like a child. "Ohhhhh myyy gooooood thank you, Ellie! Yes! Go now! Win my money back while I try to get my beauty sleep and forget that I'm living in a middle class world." He laid back down on the couch in a means to fall asleep but the couch wasn't his usual fancy one back in his old mansion so it made it difficult to get comfortable.

"Alright." She smoothed out her dress, grabbed her purse, and checked the time. It was only eleven post meridiem which meant it was almost prime casino time. "By the way, you should move to my room and lock the door. Uncle Glomgold finds entertainment in attacking those who are sleeping."


"Yeah so that's the reason why I'm never allowed to go back to Alaska again!" Gloria laughed. She had just finished telling one of her many crazy stories to the bartender inside the casino.

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