Chapter 33: Hollo?!

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Ellie stared at the back of Wyatt's head as he was making breakfast.

He had taken her back to his apartment the previous night. It was odd. Being back there. When he had first taken Boyd and 'Lucy' there for sanctuary, he was so innocent and that was when her previous feelings for him began to form.

She found it disturbing how saying she loved him was what brought him to switch gears so easily. For one, he loved Lucy not Ellie. And for two, Wyatt absolutely despised Mark and he was willing to spare him the previous day for her. Ellie supposed that just went to show how mentally unstable he was.

But... he seemed to be in the right state of mind now. She wondered if she should tell him the truth about everything. About how she still loved Mark and Wyatt needed to help get everyone out of Waddle. If he was truly himself again then she wouldn't have to-

Before she could finish her thought, Wyatt walked back over with his plate of eggs and a cup of coffee.

He smiled at her and she awkwardly smiled back.

Wyatt sat down and laughed. "I would offer to make you breakfast if you could eat." God he had no idea what to say to her after everything.

"Hahaha..." Ellie's laugh was fake, robotic, and forced as usual. All this lying was stressing her out. She was actually convincing for once but it was starting to take its toll on her. "Thank you again for taking me in, Wyatt. It is very much appreciated..." She paused. The questions she chose had to be delicate and not give her away. "Are you going back to Waddle today?"

He took a sip of his coffee. "You mean the new F.O.W.L. Headquarters... and yes. I have to. I- I should probably leave in a few minutes now that you mention it."


Ellie cleared her throat in an attempt to remain calm. "You have quite the day ahead of you. I am sure you are nervous. Having to... hurt people and all..."

Wyatt shrugged "I guess." He started to eat faster so he wouldn't run late. The last thing he needed was Mr. B mad at him.

That was enough proof for Ellie that Wyatt wasn't truly back. The Wyatt she knew wouldn't be this calm about having to torture people.

"Alright... well..." Now she had to think of a way to get him to not do any of that without making him suspicious. That's the last thing she needed considering what happened when she was alone with him last. "Do you still want to hurt Mark?" She didn't really give a shit about Steelbeak and Kyle. "Perhaps it is best to leave him alone... for your mental health. Harming someone as such, even if you hate them, can be traumatic. And 'hate' is a strong use of vocabulary."

Wyatt was about to take another sip of his coffee when she asked that but quickly put it back down on the table. He wore a straight face expression. "We plan on torturing everyone we've captured... but you specifically mentioned Mark...Why?" Uh oh.

Ellie started to fiddle with the ring on her finger beneath the table. "O-oh. That is a very good question." That she didn't have a good answer to. "I love you, Wyatt. With every ounce of my being. But if you think of it this way, Mark was the one who built me... so he is my creator. And I view him as a... spiritual figure. Like, um, what do you organics call them? A god." She answered her own question. "And I may not love him or respect him after what he did to my programming, that I worked so hard to break through... but I have to honor my creator."

"Oh." Wyatt finally took another sip of his coffee. "Well I guess you're just going to have to get over that. The whole god thing, because he isn't going to be alive for much longer. Just want to let you know now so you can wrap your head around that idea. Same goes for the others. You're very lucky that I was able to sneak you out of there." The way Wyatt was able to say all of this in such a calm way was not comforting at all.

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