Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt

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Black Haron and Mr. B walked into Mark's old office inside the Waddle building where they were keeping Ellie. With the office being on such a high level and the premises highly guarded, there was no reason to have Ellie tied up.

Mr. B closed the door behind the two of them while Black Haron set down a large bag onto Mark's white desk. Neither of them paid Ellie any mind when they walked in.

Black Haron opened her bag and took out some of the tools that she used to create her robotic prosthetics. "Alright, let's get this over with..."

Two security guards, the same ones from earlier, made it very apparent that Ellie wasn't able to leave as they stood against the door. She studied them for a moment before turning her attention to the bag to do the same to it.

"What is that for?" She kept her tone even and emotionless.

The entire way to Waddle and in Waddle, no one explained squat to her. At first she figured they were going to use her as some sort of secretary but she was now having heavy second thoughts.

The two continued to chatter amongst themselves. Ellie huffed and walked over.

"I do not believe you heard me. I asked, 'What is that for'?" She pointed to the bag just in case it wasn't obvious enough what she was talking about.

Black Haron looked over at Mr. B to see if it was okay to talk to Ellie about the plan. Mr. B had no objections to it so Black Haron answered her. "We're going to erase your memories. All of it. Think of it like a hard reset." She began to place some of the tools that she would need for the process.

Ellie's response was immediate. "Why?" She still kept her tone even but the fact she was kneading her hands together was more than enough information to be a dead give away she was scared.

"Why not?" Black Haron dodged the question. "Hold still. It'll only take a moment." She was already taking out her flashdrive holding her memories before Ellie had any time to protest. The procedure didn't take long and Black Haron was careful to not damage anything. She placed Ellie's flashdrive on the desk and started to pack everything up. She looked over at Mr. B. "Okay she's in this factory reset state. She won't be able to go back to normal without her flashdrive."

Ellie was standing still, face blank and staring straight ahead.

"Good. Let's leave so we can tell Beaks the bad news." Mr. B was about to open the door again until he heard a faint knock. He opened the door for a young intern who was working at Waddle.

He gave the young man a death glare. "What?"

The intern was twisting his hat nervously in his hands while he spoke. "O-oh um... s-sorry to bother you, sir. B-but I was told to come in here and move the paperwork closer to the lower levels. Is that okay?" Now that Mark was gone, all of the paperwork that should be sent down to the employees were being delayed. Typically Mark would tape a folder of any paperwork that needed to be done onto a drone and fly it downstairs. Now they had to walk up and grab it themselves and of course they sent the intern to go and do that.

"Fine. Whatever." He walked past the random twink-ass seagull, with Black Heron close to follow. She put extra effort into shoving him into the door.

"O-ow..." He muttered.

Mr. B whipped his head back around to look at the intern who thought he was about to be fired for saying 'ow'.

"The robot in there," He pointed toward Ellie. "It's, uhhh, a Waddle test product. We're using them to replace interns."

The intern almost shit himself as Mr. B continued making stuff up at the top of it's head.

"So, for now, it's your intern so boss it around and study how it performs or whatever. Got it? Waddle is depending on you blah blah blah." Mr. B rolled his eyes and turned back around, waving him off. "And make sure it doesn't leave your sight. It could kill people and we can't let it lose."

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