The criminal:josh Richards

By sway12xhype1stories

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-I upload everyday Josh is a criminal your a cop How will it work? A criminal and a cop fall for each other... More

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By sway12xhype1stories


Both: don't talk about my sister/brother like that
Nessa: your both gonna stick up for each other huh
Elijah kol Finn and klaus stand behind you  and Rebekah comes next to you
You smile and hug her
Rebekah: spill later
You: done
You look at Nessa
Nessa: fine maybe your not a whore and maybe he's not a dick
Rebekah: no but you are
Elijah: and why are you so invested in her life
Kol: if you have anything to say keep it to yourself with the mikealson family it never ends well
Finn: and I may be a parents boy but I will defend my siblings at all costs
You all eye Nessa
Nessa: so now you bring your family on me
You: I didn't they walked in at the right time
Nessa: fine then let's fight you and me
You: sure
She comes up to you and try's to punch you you grab her arm and twist it
You: wow that was simple
You let go and she walks backwards
Nessa: josh protect me
Josh: we aren't even dating what the hell
He pushes her away from him
Captain holt takes of his badge
Holt: this is coming from a friend I'm with Katherine everyone agrees with that
Kol: if my sister done anything to you she would have done it with us we travel in one you make a problem with one of us it's all of us
Nessa: why because you made some stupid pack when you were younger
Rebekah looks at you and you signal your brothers
You all walk in sync and it's very powerful you and Rebekahs heels against the floor make a noise and Nessa backs away and runs
You all stop walking
You: anyways what did you come for
Kol: wanted to say Rebekahs back
Rebekah: yea but I'm not talking to you
You look at Your captain
Holt: your allowed
You run after her and under a few seconds you got her
You: Nessa barret I don't care if you have a issue with josh but never include me or my family in it because when you do that you've dug yourself in a hole you can't crawl back out of
You let go off her and walk back to your siblings to find them fighting
Rebekah: fine I'm leaving again and if you tell Katherine I will rip your head off
You stand there watching her 
Kol: your always leaving us for what and who some idiot named Marcel
Rebekah: well I like him a lot
Elijah: and you should do what you want just not with the people we are enemies with 
You: I would really appreciate if we could do this in a place other then here
Terry: no this is interesting
Griffin: yes we are all into it
You: continue then
You and klaus sit down watching everything
He looks hurt and you and klaus and Elijah just watch
Kol: so after everything we've done so you can be with your stupid the things Katherines done for our safety from dad the things klaus has sacrificed Elijah and me helping you every step of the way and Finn just being Finn was that not enough for you were we never not enough for you Rebekah
She stays quiet
Kol: guess we have our answer
He walks out
Klaus: that was not the move Rebekah
Elijah: after what he's said you should know it's true but you don't because your too busy with your boyfriend
Finn: and fathers tried to kill them so many times but you didn't help all the way around the world
They walk out
Rebekah looks at you
Your on your phone and she slaps the phone out of your hand
You pick it up again and it's not cracked so you put it in your pocket and look at her
Rebekah: have I lost them
You: well you did tell kol you wish he was dead so yea I think so
Rebekah: well at least your not mad at me
You: yea
You go back on your phone
You: what
You sit at your desk and do your work
Rebekah: so your not gonna talk to me
You: I am talking to you
Rebekah: well tell me what to do to fix this
You: I'm out of you and kol fighting every day you can fix this on your own
Rebekah: good choice
You nod
You hear sirens around the precinct
Charles: let's check that out
You all go check and you see your brothers on the floor
You: what happened
Rebekah: I DONT KNOW
You back away from her a little then you see Nessa in the car that your brothers got hit by
You eye her and she comes out the car and walks towards you
Nessa: what now you only have your sister left
You: Nessa I could buy you and your whole family including your cousin and still have millions and millions
You push past her with Rebekah and go to your brothers in the ambulance
???: Katherine and Rebekah mikealson
You both nod
???: we are gonna take them to the hospital if you wanna come with us you can but we would prefer you wait till we call you so you don't get too upset if we can't save them
You both nod
???: just fill these out
He puts a pile of things in your hand and a pile of things in Rebekahs hand
You: all of this?
???: yes it's important you must read through it
You both nod
???: and it's lots of paperwork
Rebekah gives her pile to you
Rebekah: what your a police officer you can do this in a hour
You put it in your car
Rebekah: we just need to know are they gonna be ok
???: considering each one of them got hit by a different car it's a case for the 99
You: nice
You go to your captain
You: sir can I have the case like please
Holt: of course
You smile
Nessa: you'll never know who it is
Terry: she already knows who it is we all do
Jake: Nessa your going to jail for a long time
You: and I'll be the one to put you there
You say all happy
You give her a b*tchy smile and walk away
Rebekah: so there's a slight chance many people were involved in this
You whisper who it was to her
Rebekah: guessed it that b*tch is after you
You nod
???: if you would like to meet us there
You both agree
You guys watch as they put the boys in the cars you really feel like crying Rebekah already is and a single tear goes down your face your walk is another level when your angry so you walk to the car and go in with Rebekah you text Rosa everything
Josh comes in the car and so does Rosa
You drive away
Rosa: that Nessa girl is really for you
You signal her to be quiet
Josh: oh you guys can talk about her I don't like her either
Rosa: she's coming after you for what
You: exactly I don't understand
You all talk about it while driving to the hospital
Josh: I'll get her controlled I promise ba- Katherine
You smile a little
You: thanks ba- Josh
He chuckles and you guys are there then you see your friends (terry jake so on and Josh's friends are here and so is Nessa)
You whisper to josh: why is she here
Josh looks and mouths words to one of the guys
Josh whispers: no clue
You: I'm gonna go see where they are right now
You and Rebekah do that and Rosa comes with
Rosa: how are you not crying
You: I really wanna cry I just don't let it out yet
Rosa feels sorry for you and you can see it in her face
You threw walk away to the boys room
Doctor: a few hours and then we will get a answer for now
You three nod
Rosa sits down and you and Rebekah walk around the room looking at the boys
After a while of talking Rosa goes out to get water and Rebekah locks it but told Rosa you shut the e curtains and you lay down with your head in her lap
You start to cry and so does Rebekah
You: she can hate me all she wants but she went beyond a point
You both cry for a bit then you hear a knock at the door and wipe your tears away it's just Josh
You: what's up
Josh: I just wanna check in make sure everything's fine
You: yep all good
You shut the door and he stops it with his foot
Josh: can you just let me help you
You: not the right time now
Josh: later I'll check on you again
You: thanks
He leaves and you shut the door
You started working the case by using your computer Rebekah opened the curtains after you guys finished crying
Rebekah: what have you got so far
You: cctv cameras I'm trying to get into it and then zoom in on the cars to see it all
She nods
Rebekah: any evidence
You: number plates and so far iv found a one of the other girls helping Nessa
Rebekah: good
You continue doing it all writing everything down and doing all the work 
Someone knocks on the door Rebekah unlocks it and the doctor comes in
???: police officer
You nod
???: well incase you need the lab results here's what we found
He shows you a paper saying everything you should know that could be helpful.
You: thank
He leaves again
You stick up whatever you've got on the walls to help you figure it out
Nessa comes in the room
Nessa: hey babe you ok
She looks at you
You ignore her
Nessa: I'm talking to you
You ignore her
Nessa: fine
She walks up to you and she comes for your hair
You push her away from you
You: janessa barret I don't care about you your family or your history with josh
You say while she's walking backwards and your walk forwards
You: I will put you in jail and I have everything I need
Nessa whimpers
You: so if I were you I wouldn't get involved with us any more
She leaves you and Rebekah talk a little then you hear another knock
You: come in
Josh: oh wow I'm allowed now
You laughs
You: yes
he comes in
Josh: how's it going with the boys
You: I don't have anything on them right now no information
Josh: and this
He points to your work
You: it's called working a case
Josh: damn your really trying to put Nessa in jail
You: I honestly don't care about her I just mind that she's getting my family involved and no one does that
Josh agrees with you
You: anyway why are you all here you guys can go home
Josh: yea I already told them that the boys said they wanted to stay didn't give me a reason and your friends have their reasons
You nod
The doctor comes in
???: I'm sorry to say but you haven't got brothers anymore
Your heart drops and Rebekah falls onto you your emotions stop
Josh hugs you but you don't hug back you just stand there with tears in your eyes falling down your face
???: if you want time alone feel free
The doctor and Josh leave the room
Rebekah: they are dead Katherine
She faints onto the floor
Your friend's comes into the room
Rosa: I'm sorry kath
She hugs you and you stay still
You: they're not dead
Rosa: your in denial it's ok
She puts her hands on your shoulders
You: They're not dead this isn't like them
Rosa: it's ok to be in denial kath we can take you to therapy
You: no I'm telling you Rosa they are alive somethings wrong here
Rosa: I'm gonna book you a appointment
Holt: she's onto something they are not dead being hit by a car can't actually kill you and not all four would be dead
Terry: that's true
Rosa: if you really think it's not easy to kill four at once
Doctor comes in
???: I heard a few things and no Katherine they are dead
He shows you papers that proves there's nothing to bring them back to life
Doctor: I'm so sorry for your loss

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