Slenderverse Oneshots

By Acidwir3

137K 1.3K 675

So I haven't seen very many one shots or X reader one shots as far as the slenderverse fandom goes and I am h... More

Kevin Haas: confessions
Habit: why not
Would they let you be on top?
Turn ons
Making out
your turn ons
his favorite clothing item on you
Things you do that he thinks are cute
Cute nicknames
When he's jealous
Michael Andersen
Noah x reader
Firebrand x reader
Observer x reader
Turn ons Part 2
Your turn ons part2
Habit x reader
Prebrand x reader his angel
Alex Koval x reader Girlfriend song fic
Kevin x reader
Alex Koval x reader Goth girlfriend
⚠️Alex Koval x reader Goth girlfriend pt2 Smut
Current Chapters
Sub Noah x reader (Mommy kink)
Jeff x reader (lazy mornings) Smut/fluff
Noah x reader (stress reliever)
Alex Kralie x reader
Vinny x reader
Yandere Noah x reader
Observer x reader
Soooo Whisperedfaith
Lee X reader
Inhabited Noah x reader
Smut prompts for requests
Yandere Patrick x reader
Evan x reader
Their reaction to you opening a jar when They couldn't
Lee X reader smut
Yandere Alex Koval x reader
Yandere Alex Koval x reader pt2
Brian X reader (promptfill 1)
Tim x reader
Firebrand x reader fluff
Their reaction to your stretch marks
Weird things he's does
Yandere Observer x reader
Vinny x reader
Alex Kralie x reader fluff
Anime You guys watch together
TV shows you guys what together
You and him favorite song/Band
Smut requests
Vinny x innocent reader
Evan x reader
Alex Kralie x male reader
Yandere Alex Kralie x Gender neutral reader
Sean x reader
scriniarii x reader
yandere Observer x reader
childhood friends Michael x reader
Alex Koval Boyfriend headcanons
Marble Hornets Bf Headcanons
Lee x reader
Alex Kralie x female Reader
Brian with a short S/O
Noah x reader
Kevin x reader
Seth x reader
Yandere Emh Headcanons
Brian X reader
Evan x reader
Observer x reader
Author's note/Request
Evan with a tall s/o
Yandere/ Soft Milo Headcanons
Tribetwelve Yandere hcs
Yandere Observer Headcanons
Yandere seth
Ren with a tall s/o
Milo x reader
Michael/Patrick angst to fluff
um Hi
Well then!!
Love hate
In regards to my reader's: My biggest announcement

Jeff x reader

966 6 6
By Acidwir3

So I'm using Jessa as a sort of third party for this chapter.she's not a bitch in the series but for the purpose of this chapter she is. And there will be smut.

"I love you you know" You grinned at him.

"Piss off" He muttered back at you.

"you are mine" you spat at him angrily. "Yours? I don't belong to you I'm not property" he shrieked sitting up on his bed.

"When you agreed to let me help you, you also agreed that you are mine" he huffed. "I'm aloud to have female friends (y/n)" you rolled you eyes at him. "of course you are except your friend is getting to comfortable around you"

Jeff laughed at you. "oh so your jealous" you glared at him "excuse you jealous!" You fumed at him.

"You heard me You're jealous and you damn well know that you are" you clenched your jaw to keep from yelling.

"or maybe it's because and pardon my French your a psycho bitch" you smiled at him. "So just to put it bluntly you think I'm crazy"

"I don't think you're crazy I fucking know it" you walked over to him smiling sweetly. You grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you. "I may be crazy but you like that And if I see her touch you one more time" You whispered lowly venom laced in your voice. "I'll kill her"

You released your grasp on him and walked away but turned your head for a second to mutter another sentence. "I'm not jealous I'm possessive there's a difference" you smirked and walked away. Leaving Jeff very torn about how he felt.

The next day

It's not really that Jeff had feelings for jessa anymore. They ended on a pretty bad note but they wanted to try to be friends. thinking it was just childish and petty to really hate each other. Although Jess I did fuck with him pretty badly.

But Jeff was willing to try and make amends. His mind kept wondering back to you though. It's not that he hated you. God knew that was what it's just sometimes you scared him. You came across as pretty intense.

The flirting and the possessiveness again didn't really bother him. Except for when it got to be too bad. Like you know threatening to kill Jessa yesterday. Although you were right.

She shouldn't have been laying her hands on him. Especially since she was the one that broke things off and in a very bad way as well. She made Jeff believe it was all his fault and in reality none of it was.

Yet here she was being flirty and everything. Jeff just kind of sat there and took it not really saying anything. Afraid that it would cause a dispute. He kept thinking about you though which kind of helped.

He did think that you were really pretty. Your personality was actually very sweet sometimes. And he found your protective nature to be adorable whenever you weren't at someone's throat. And you were good about helping him. Just like you had promised you would be.

Whether it be something as simple as picking up food. Or helping with Alex. Or maybe something like helping Jeff through his panic attacks that he often had. The more Jeff thought about it the more he realized you truly did care. It's just in the moments that stuff like this would happen he didn't particularly see it like that.

Looking back on it now though you were protectective for a reason. And there had been plenty of times when he had blown up on you not realizing you were trying to help. And he's still the ping of guilt hit him for a moment at that realization.

He snapped out of it to hear jessa saying his name. "Are you okay You seem distracted today" Jeff looked up at her and nodded. "just thinking" he mumbled absentmindedly playing with the zipper on his jacket.

"May I ask about what" He timidly looked up to meet her gaze. "(Y/n) I feel like sometimes she's too possessive but at the same time I can't help but like her"

Now what struck Jeff as odd was the look that Jessa gave him. It was one of hurt and jealousy... Dare he say even envy.

"Do you like her as more than a friend" He wasn't sure If she had meant to say it in that tone. That hateful sort of I want to kill her tone. But it certainly sounded like that to him. So Jeff chose his next words as carefully as he could.

"I don't know I mean sometimes she can be a bit crazy but I think that's one of the reasons I like her so much I suppose" Jeff could see her jaw clench as she rolled her eyes.

"I just don't get it"

He looked up at her again with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean you don't get it"

"I mean it feels like she just causes more problems than she does help... Plus I don't think she deserves you" Jessa remarked batting her eyelashes at him.

Jeff didn't answer He didn't know what to say to that. Was She seriously flirting with him when she's the one who broke things off. Jeff was flabbergasted to say the least.

She walked over to him sliding her hands up his thighs to hold his hips and Jeff froze. She leaned down towards him and got very close to his face. "Jessa no I can't do this we're not dating and I don't have feelings for you anymore"

"You don't or are you just saying that because she's tying you down You know she doesn't even care about you all she does is cause problems"

Jeff scoffed and rolled his eyes. "She's the one who causes problems You're literally the one trying to start shit right now Don't touch me" Jessa instead ignored him and connected their lips together. She was kissing him.

And Jeff was frozen He didn't know what to do it's like his mind had shut off nothing was working. He wanted to push her away but it's like his body wouldn't respond to what his mind was screaming was wrong.

Because although they weren't dating he didn't love jessa anymore. Although it's like the decision had been made for him...

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM" Jeff heard You yelled before he heard just a scream. He witnessed you grabbing her by the hair and yanking her back. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you have no right to touch him"

Jessa was thrashing and trying to get a punch at you and you kept yanking her hair back. The two of you were screaming at each other and Jeff had no clue what to do.

You punched Jessa in the face for good measure and continue to drag her. Until you reach the front door. Her phone falling out of her pocket in the process. You kept screaming profanities at her as you threw her out of the house.

She quickly tried to get back up but you kicked her right in the face sending her sprawling. You dropped her phone outside the door and stomped on it crushing it. "Do me a fucking favor and don't come back bitch he is mine And if you ever fucking touch him again I will fucking kill you!"

You slammed the door in her face locking it. You and Jeff expected her to be banging on the door but you heard nothing. You hadn't turned away from the door yet. And he could tell you were royally pissed he wanted to say something but he wasn't sure what.

Finally Jeff  was able to speak. "(Y/n) I swear I didn't do anything really it-" But you cut him off by screaming. "This is exactly why I didn't want her fucking coming around not because I didn't want you have friends but because I knew that she can't be trusted"

You were fuming at this point. Trying your hardest not to completely lose your shit but it was becoming more difficult by the minute. "But no you've had to scream about how I'm the fucking jealous one huh Jeff"

Just looked down at the ground suddenly finding his shoes more interesting. As guilt began to override him. "I'm sorry" he stuttered.

You stormed over to him causing his head to shoot up and look at you. He felt very scared in that moment not sure what you would do. You pinned him between your arms. He was still situated in the chair but was now pinned against the kitchen island. "I think you need to be taught a lesson Jeffrey" he definitely did not like the sound of that.

But what he was expecting you to do was not at all what he got. He expected you to do something violent or maybe hit him but that's not what you did. Instead you grabbed the back of his head and forced his lips against yours. But you pulled away for a second leaving him dazed.

"Ew I can't believe she fucking kissed you Guess I'll have to claim what's mine then" You connected your lips together again. And this time Jeff didn't hesitate. He kissed back with just as much force. You bit his lip harshly. And he moaned you took the opportunity to shove your tongue in his mouth. You climbed into his lap.

Grinding down against him. And he continued to monitor your mouth submitting to you. His hands were roaming your body. One hand was still entangled in his curly hair. While the other one was groping him through his jeans.

You pulled away and got off of his lap. Instantly going to unbutton his jeans and pull them down along with his boxers. Jeff didn't want you to stop and moaned begging for you to continue.

You took his now erect cock into your hand stroking him up and down in long hard strokes. Jeff threw his head back moaning loudly. You took that as a sign to continue. And went faster adding small twist and a bit of pressure to your hand.

Jeff opened his mouth his moans sounding deep from the back of his throat. "Ahh please (y/n)" you didn't answer and instead dropped your head down to suck on the tip of it for a few seconds. He was close and you could feel it.

"What's the matter Jeff do you want to cum" You mocked him. "Yes fuck I want to cum" He was desperate. You jerked him faster sending him sprawling over the edge into a heavy orgasm that left him screaming.

You didn't pull away though and kept going. Working him through his orgasm. And starting him on the second one. Jeff was whining. His moans were so needy and desperate, high-pitched. It made you want to hear more.

"Aww what's the matter Jeff your not out worn out already are you" You continued to mock him. "(Y/n) please I can't no please it's too much no more"  You leaned into his ear and whispered to him...

"You don't want to cum inside of me"

It sent  him over the edge in a matter of a few seconds. He screamed your name loudly. Hips jerking and his body convulsing with heavy tremors. He gripped the chair for support. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head now. And his moans were so high pitch... You wanted to hear more.

Well Jeff had his head rested back against the kitchen island. You pulled down your shorts and underwear tossing them. Climbing into his lap. Jeff's head shot up to look at you. "Be a good boy and make some noise" you commanded sinking down onto him.

Jeff was so over stimulated he couldn't be quiet even if he wanted to. You moaned along with him feeling him grow inside of you. "Fuck you nice" you moaned out loud eye's screwed shut in pleasure.

You began bouncing on him. Using his shoulders as leverage. Jeff was trying so hard to keep his composure.But he was too overstimulated to even process anything outside of what he was feeling.

The amount of euphoria and pleasurable high he was on right now was too much and he felt overstimulated in every way. "Oh God Jeff fuck yeah baby you feel so good God I've dreamed about doing this to you"

Your moans got louder as well as the pleasure became more and more prominent. You leaned forward and connected your lips together. Kissing him passionately.

"God Jeff it's your fault I'm like this I just can't help it You're too fucking cute" you cooed at him. "Why should I have to be punished just because you were being bad" you questioned sweet talking him.

"ahhhh please I'm I can't AGHHG"

"Are you going to cum huh are you close"

"Yes oh my God yes-"

You bounced on him a little faster chasing your own release. "If you come with me you're agreeing to never leave me okay You're mine and only mine"

"YES I'm yours I belong to you Please"

"I want you to cum inside of me Jeff please I need to feel you cum inside of me"

Jeff was so close. You could tell by the way his body was starting to convulse again. And his moans sounded even more desperate. He just needed a little bit more of a push.

You leaned down into his ear.

"Your mine bitch"

Jeff and you screamed in unison. Your orgasms hitting you like a truck. Jeff wouldn't completely limp while You froze up. Feeling him release inside of you as your muscles contracted around him.



After about 5 minutes of the both of you cooling down. You pulled your underwear back on. And helped Jeff to his room. Where you made him lay down. You pulled the covers over him. And begin to walk away but he grabbed your arm.

He pulled you into the bed with him and covered you up as well snuggling close to you. "I love you" he muttered before passing out.

"I love you too" you whispering to him falling asleep by his side.

Hi yes I would like to say the only reason I wrote this is because... I am a slut for fanfics of Jeff being a bottom like just a submissive bottom... I am terribly sorry

Also chapter 2 of the yandere Alex Koval X reader is coming soon and there will be smut in that one

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