I'm Right Beside You

By Nalulife01

483 29 1

Lucy Heartfillia has a wonderful life. She has many friends which she loves. Her parents love her dearly and... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

75 4 0
By Nalulife01

"Lucy!" I hear someone call out my name. I look around and see Erza walking towards me with a smile on her face and a wave.

"Hey, Erza!" I greet her back. Erza is one of my best friends. When I graduated from middle school, I came to this school with some of my middle school friends, I met her right as I walked in the front door. She introduced me to her friends and we became one great big group that hung out almost every single weekend.

"Jellal and I were wondering if you wanted to come with us and see a movie this weekend?" she asks with an expectant look on her face.

"I'm sorry but I have plans already" I decline.

"Oh really. That's a real bummer "she pouts,

"Besides, I wouldn't want to intrude on your date. How long has it been since Jellal took you out on a date anyway?" I laugh.

"You know you wouldn't be an intruder, and he just has been busy lately with work" she yells. She always looks out for me. She always wants to make sure I have something to do on the weekend since she knows how I felt about a certain someone for a long time. The person who I have had a crush on for a long time but doesn't seem to feel the same way about me. Every time I try to express my feelings to him, something seems to get in the way or drag his attention away.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck and hang there for a moment.

"Hey, so what's going on" I hear from behind me. I look over my shoulder and see the smiling face of my best friend in the entire world. Natsu Dragneel, the pink-haired- lovable fool he is.

"Nothing much" I laugh as he grins.

Whenever he is around, I have no idea what to feel. Most of the time I'm happy whenever he's around but he can make me just as unsettled with any word he says. Yes, I, Lucy Heartfillia have a huge, annoying, crush on Natsu Dragneel.

"Well, Erza you better not be trying to make plans with Luce. She's mine for the weekend."

"Oh really. So your the one who has booked up her entire weekend so she can't come with us to see a movie" Erza laughs while throwing a smirk at me. She knows that I have a crush on him and that I have for a long time. I mean, Natsu has been with me forever. He has been with me through all the ups and downs of my life and has been the one to always bring a smile to my face. I love being with his family, and my family loves having him come over. Were part of each other's family at this point.

"Yeah, my brother's coming home for the weekend and has requested that Lucy be there. So I have been told to make sure that she stays for the weekend at our place."

Zeref requested I be there?

"Alright then, I will let King Zeref request her presence" Erza laughs while she gives a small bow in with the joke.

I thought Natsu invited me because he wanted me there. I guess I jumped to conclusions again. I mean I love hanging out with Zeref but I was hoping he wanted me to come with him because he, himself wanted to hang out with me.

The bell rings, and Natsu drops his arms. He grabs my hand and drags me down the hallway to our next class.


Were walking to Natsu's place after school is over. It's finally the weekend and I will be staying over at Natsu's house for the whole weekend. I will be staying in Wendy's room, of course, she is Natsu's adorable sister and she never lets me sleep in the guest room when I am there. Even though I would like to have my room for one weekend I spend there, I never seem to be able to tell her that I want to sleep in my room.

My parents have no problem with me staying over because they have been good friends with his parents for as long as I have known him. I, unfortunately, am an only child so he only has me to hang out with when he comes. As well, my dad keeps him on the other side of the house whenever he stays the night. I mean it's funny how protective he is, he stays in the furthest end of the house in the guest room that doesn't get used by anyone else.

"Something on your mind, Luce?" I hear Natsu ask beside me. I never even noticed that I zoned out and stopped paying attention. I never even noticed when our other friends left us to go in the direction of their houses.

"I was just wondering if it was only Zeref that wanted me to come over?" I ask while trying not to look him in the eye. I always thought he liked having me come over, but maybe I was wrong.

Natsu stays quiet for a moment as he seems to think about his answer.

"Of course not. I wanted you to be there as well. As well as Wendy! You should know by now, that everyone in my family loves having you come over, we all love you. Your part of the Dragneel family" he laughs as he grabs my hand and holds it as we continue walking down the sidewalk. "You know, Wendy said she would love to have you as a sister"

"I would love to have her as a sister too" I wish partly to myself, not noticing I said the words out loud.

"Well let's get married and then you both get your wish" he yells with a laugh, which catches me off guard. He says some of the craziest things when he's with me. "Wouldn't that be crazy?"

"I don't think it's so crazy" I look at him as he laughs beside me trying to figure out what's going on. He still holding my hand and with the topic, I seem to get nervous all of a sudden. My hands start to sweat at the thought of holding hands, even though this isn't the first time he has held my hand. He's become so comfortable with me, that he blurts out things like this or does similar things a couple would do, so often without even noticing it. "I've been meaning to tell you for a while now...."

"Let's hurry home, I bet Zeref and Mavis are waiting for us already!" he runs dragging me behind him once again. I get cut off once again, maybe I'm not supposed to tell him how I feel. I wonder just what he thinks of me? If he can say such simple things like this without even a second thought, he must be comfortable with me and never think anything else.


"Hey Lucy, you hardly touched your food at dinner? Is everything okay?" Mavis asks me when she sits down on the couch beside me. She hands me a cup of tea and relaxes back with her cup.

"Yeah," I say as I feel the warmth of the mug in my hands. "I just had a lot to think about."

"It's Natsu again, isn't it?" she points out. She always knows what going on, I never even told her about my crush on Natsu, but she figured it out all on her own. She reads me like an open book, I wish Natsu could. He seems to be so oblivious to my feelings towards him, but he always knows when I'm upset when it's something else that's bothering me.

"When isn't it about him?" I chuckle a little bit, she frowns.

"Well, what happened this time?"

"He just catches me off guard all the time. He says things that seem crazy to him but he has no idea how I feel about him. But whenever I try to say something to him about it, something either comes and get's in the way or something takes his attention away" I rant, "Just today he mentioned us getting married and how crazy it would be, but when I mentioned that it wouldn't be too crazy, he just said we should rush to get here"

"He so oblivious when it comes to girl's feelings. Though Zeref was the same way, when I finally got to tell him how I felt, he told me he never would have guessed that's how I felt. Even though I left obvious hints whenever I could" Mavis laughs.

"I always like when you come to visit, you seem to understand how I feel. Now, if only Natsu could"

"Maybe someday he'll see it himself," Mavis says as the family comes into the room with all of the dishes being completed. It was the boys' turn to do the dishes tonight so Mavis and I could relax in the living room. Though Natsu's mother never relaxes with us because she supervises them to make sure they put everything away in the correct places.

Zeref sits in the corner of the couch and Mavis curls up next to him. Natsu's parents sit in their separate armchairs that sit on the far end of the room. Wendy has probably been sent to bed already, so I will have to sneak into the room to get into bed.

I feel a pair of cold, wet fingers touch my neck and I scream. Everyone laughs, as I stand up and look at the culprit behind me. I see a grinning Natsu laughing as the realization hits in that he should run. Everyone starts to laugh harder when he begins to run and I chase him out of the living room and out of sight. I chase him past the kitchen as he laughs with difficulty due to being out of breath.

He's laughing loud probably making it hard for Wendy to sleep. I decide to stop chasing him and he continues running as I prepare my next plan for revenge. I go back to the kitchen and grab a cup and fill it with water. I stand by the entrance to his bedroom to which he retreated to try and hide from me. I don't dare step foot in there, If my father found out I had gone into his bedroom even stood in the doorway, I would be punished severely. Natsu's dad would have no problem telling him about it either.

I hear footsteps coming towards the door. He must be checking to see if the coast is clear. I ready myself with the water and prepare to dump it for when he pokes his head out.

Soon enough, I see his pink head poke out from the door and he looks all around, when he finally sees me, his eyes widen in shock by the sight. By then it's too late, I dump out the water and drench his hair.

"Oh come on." I hear him yell. "I never took it that far. I guess I should have guessed you'd go all out like you always do. What is your motto, 'Go big or go home?"

"Sure, that's a pretty good one," I say as I laugh and turn to go get a towel for him to dry off. He hugs me from behind and my shirt gets wet, "Ugh, get off me Natsu. Your soaked"

"And who's fault is that?" I guess he has a point. When he finally let go I turn around and look at him, I guess more water was in that cup than I thought. His shirt is soaked in water. I only wanted to get his hair wet, not drench him.

"You only have yourself to blame for this." I go and grab towels from underneath the bathroom sink and hand them to him. He dries off his hair to stop the water from dripping on the floor. I grab another towel and wipe the water from the floor.

The house gets eerily quiet all of a sudden.

"Guess everyone went to bed" Natsu whispers.

"Yeah, maybe we should as well" I suggest.

"Nah, let's go outside on the deck" we walk to the back of the house and head out onto the back deck. Deck chairs are sitting out here and I sit down. Natsu wraps one of his jackets around me and hands me a blanket. "I wanted to talk to you about something anyway"

"Oh yeah. What about?" I say,

"Well, you have a class with the new girl in school. I think her name is Lisanna, right?" he asks.

"Yeah" I utter with caution. I hope this conversation isn't heading in the direction I think it is.

"Well, you'll have more chances to talk to her so do you think you could help me get a date with her. Like talk me up, and tell her she should think about it? I would love to go out on a date with her." he asks.

Just like that my heart shatters in a million pieces. This new girl already has his heart in a matter of a few weeks she has been going to our school, I have been trying to get him to look at me in the same way for years. Am I invisible to him? Do I not matter to him? Will I only be seen as his friend for my whole life? I can't handle it if that's what it's gonna be like. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stomped on.

"Am I invisible to you?" I whisper not realizing I said it aloud.

"Luce?" he speaks, which brings me back into focus. I never even noticed that the threat of tears was there. I need to get out of here, I feel like I can't breathe, I need to get out of here.

"Yeah, sure. I'll talk to her on Monday. We have a project were working on together anyways. But I feel like I should go to bed now. So goodnight" I take off his jacket and hand it back to him. I take the blanket with me inside. Before I reach the door, he speaks up.

"Thanks, Luce. You're the best friend a guy could ever have." he smiles at me.

The nickname, the name he only uses, used to bring me a warm feeling to my chest but here it only brings me a dead feeling inside now. I give him a weak smile and walk inside.

I quickly get into my pj's and hop into the cot that has been placed beside Wendy's bed. I tried being as quiet as possible but it seems to stir her a little bit but she stays asleep. I try to fall asleep but all I can think about is how I have lost him to someone who showed up recently and gained his attention in a short time.

Eventually, I fall asleep. Exhausted from what I'm feeling which tires me out. I fall into a restless sleep.

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