A House to A|ucard (Anthology...

By wulfwuman

18.6K 376 66

•⚰️•🍋• (🔖Wattys 2022 Nomination)A House to Alucard is a completed anthology collection of short stories bes... More

oh brother! (0.5)
Stealing Glances -green eyes (1)
Stealing glances -nice & hard (2)
Quincy's a girl? (3)
Dangerous Wanderings- venturing (4)
Dangerous Wanderings- couple (6)
Captain Imani -Sole Survivor (7)
Captain Imani -live wire (8)
Captain Imani -Hot Sause (9)
Captain Imani- Battle ready (10)
Captain Imani- Heat wave (11)
twisted hearts-loud on arrival (12)
twisted hearts-on an out (13)
twisted hearts- a cross with (14)
twisted hearts-love of war (15)
In the rain- before the rain (16)
In the rain-the rain begins (17)
In the rain-raining on (18)
In the rain-down pour (19)
Holiday vistor-Christmas tale p.1 (20)
Holiday vistor-p.2 (21)
mechanics of vampires (21.5)
All Father's Scent (22)
Vampyr tying knots (23)
I am not the word Autism (24)
Short shots required from friends (25)
Pastries & Pearls (26)
Honey & Creme (27)
Dared to Cheat (28)
a vivid dream (29)
Deep Connection (30)
All the Mirrors lie (31)
peace & quiet (32)
My Heart is Yours ch. 1 (33)
My Heart is Yours ch. 2 (34)
My Heart is Yours ch. 3 (34)
My heart is yours part 4 (35)
breaking up (36)
roses, notes and Immortal yanderes (37)
engulfed (38)
ice cream social (39)
Something Soft (40)
Sweet Creme (41)
cruel looks (42)
happy 590th (43)
loud & lewd (44)
loss of a paragon (44)
Skyrim bet (46)
innocent enough (47)
Not sexy but funny (48)
stand off ( 49)
good day to die (50)
veiled rebirth (51)
Strangers Conversing 1st night (52)
Strangers Conversing 2nd night (53)
Strangers Conversing 3rd Night (54)
pretty deadly (55)
I see you (56)
AmikArtest bio

Dangerous Wanderings-door (5)

673 13 0
By wulfwuman

Image: AmikArtest

Y/n) stops to examine the door for a lock. She discovers it actually locks from the outside. Strange but it means not getting trapped in the large underground room. OncImagee more the cautious look around until your eyes stop on a black mahogany chair next to a table that appears to have been for playing Chess at one time. The high backed chair looks to a throne from some long land.

•†But what county?

(Y/n) approaches the throne and feels the carved wood detailing. Your fingers trace a pattern above one's head on the throne. Once more you get into your purse and pull out paper with charcoal. You quickly make a rubbing of the pattern.

Then a black box catches your attention. You quietly approach to see it's a beautifully crafted coffin. An old coffin with writing on it, etched. Out comes more paper to create another rubbing.

As your mind shifts from thought to thought on countries and royalty, a pair of molten red, mixed with orange and hints of yellow, eyes peer from the darkness. The man tilts his head from curiosity. He wonders what you are doing with the paper then sees the quick tracing from his throne.

•‡ Are you a female Hellsing cousin he doesn't know about?

•‡You have the curiosity of one.

•‡You have the desire for knowledge.

•‡You have the boldness of one.

The man purrs softly, "Such a sweet little morsel you are..."

You freeze instantly as you have such a strong chill down your spin, your back bows. (Y/n) decides it's time to put her 'shields' down and do a residual energy pull.

(Y/n) is what some call an energy vampire. You are very much a fragile human and mortal but the chaos you can unleash is impressive like 'real' vampires. As a teenager you loved going to crowded places just to "drain" the energy and emotions of others. You were so good that you could reverse the process and feed rage or fear to cause fights among others. You even got people to run blindly away from you.

As you left school and grew more mature, you 'curbed' your energy drain, to only assholes, occasionally now. You never quite put the ability away to some dusty and forgotten part of your mind.

The statuesque man, no, male vampire feels you drop those mental shields. He hears the buzzing of your mind go still then the pull.

•‡You are pulling energy.

•‡You are feeding on energy.

•‡His energy...gorging on him per say.

•‡What if he assisted your feeding?

•‡What then would you do?

The powerful male specimen of a vampire, rises up to stand straight then let's his inky, cold energy connect to you and your mind. Immediately (Y/n) let's a sharp gasp out and staggers a little. Once more your eyes search the room that seems dimmer. No... darker and harder to see as if shadows roam about freely.

•†What the hell is this?

•†What is this room for?

The man curls his lips back to reveal large, pearly whites canines that come to razor sharp points. His nostrils pull air in, heavy with your scent then slips his long tongue out as if to taste your scent now. His molten hellfire eyes close as his tongue licks his lips from your unique aroma.

The Shadow hidden vampire slowly opens his eyes to a half lidded look as if he is drunk from just your smell. His teeth begin to chatter as a low rumble, not audible to the human ear, comes out. His fingers flex and wiggle from the urge to caress you. To touch and explore each rise, each dip of your enticing body.

You are a drug to this malevolent creature that was once human...

(Y/n) pulls out her phone to use as a flashlight now. The light penetrates the shadows to show how big the casket is. Just by measurements, you know over six feet and some inches.

•†Who builds coffins for Vikings?

Your hand moves the light along the stone masoned wall to see a four poster bed in the corner farthest away from you. It has oxblood colored sheets that look to be silk or satin. You had a nasty experience with satin sheets, your boyfriend of the time, thought it was funny tossing you on the bed except when you slip across and off...the bed. He quickly learned that is a safe word usage situation, too.

Your body whips around as you shine the light at the antique chess table. It has a bottle that looks to be red wine, a wine glass and orange tinted aviator glasses.

•† coffin + bloodish wine • bed ÷ π = ?

•‡answer: serious vampire fetish-life style

(why pi in the equation? An irrational number is just fun adding to the mix of things? Figure out on circles and circumstances so why not the danger factor of Alucard? Pi it is)

"Oh no. This is some creepy dude's, vampire fetish den, of fucking," you curse aloud. "(Y/n) (L/n) you are such an idiot.

(Y/n) turns her body slowly to squeak out when a deep macucline voice fills the silence. "I have a name Miss (L/n). It's Alucard, foolish girl child."

Your left hand goes to your hip. This dumbass thinks he's a "vampire" you think angrily. With a huge huff of breath you and a whole lot of attitude, reply, "Oh spare me the vampire role play bullshit, Al-uc-ard."

Your ears pick up on a laugh so thick with a maniacal cackle you wonder perhaps Alucard has gone mad, completely insane, living his fantasy in the basement. It only makes him more dangerous you think.

Another breath, "Okay so perhaps I was a bit harsh about your fetish. I didn't mean to kink shame you, Alucard."

"So do you have any particular 'kinks' Miss (L/n)?" Alucard questions you.

"No, not any I wish to...share," you speak as your flashlight beam hits a man sitting on the throne and you know he had to bump you to sit down. Yet you never felt him sit down.

Your eyes go wide at his breathtaking beauty. Long and thick black hair rests over his shoulders, clothed in red, from his overcoat. His long legs cross at the knee and a pale chin resting on his gloved hand. A symbol on the gloves matches the one on the door.


•† Why does that seem familiar?

•†Van Hellsing?




"I..I should get going and leave you to your thoughts, Alucard."

"(Y/n) sure you don't want to stay and hear my thoughts...about you little girl?" Alucard purrs seductively.

You wrinkle your eyebrows then raise the light now to see Alucard's eyes. You expect red cat eye contacts but the eyes that look back, seem to peer into your soul. Those violent swirling pools of color in his eyes are not natural or acquired through any contact lenses.

"Oh shit!" you yelp then fling all of your loose possessions into his lap. Your mind is trying to catch up to your body that just said 'fuck this shit.' Your left hand twists the handle as your right shoulder slams the heavy door open. You feel your left foot touch the bottom stair and the race is on.

Alucard simply phases through the door you slammed shut to watch your shapely legs propel your body up the steep stairs. He'll give you a head start you might say. Lull you into a false sense of security, you might say.

•‡ Well, that's what he thinks.


You take your last burst of speed out the secret door and past the mirror. Your eyes look to a window and the sky is getting dark. (Y/n)'s mouth hangs open.

•†How did it get so late?

•†How long were you down there?

For whatever illogical reason, you scurry down the hallway, looking at a pole arm, instead of a human employee at Hellsing. You settle for one that has a spear shape blade that's sharp like a sword blade. It should go through his chest well as you have probably only one shot at this.

Alucard strolls arrogantly along the path you just took. He can hear your heart racing. Good. You should be scared out of your mind. The things he has planned for you, little trespasser. The Shadow King turns the corner with a shit eating grin on his face. His eyes blink to the Partisan polearm moving up quickly.

"Go back to hell, fucking vampire!" you scream like a war cry. The polearm connects, pausing in the bone of his sternum then passes on through to stick out his back.

The Vampire King blinks his eyes once more as if he can't believe you ran him through with a polearm. His right hand snatches the shaft of the old weapon. You just got a promotion from snack to toy.

Lucky you...

"Child do you know who I really am?" Alucard laughs.

"Not Jack the Ripper?"

The vampire's smile drops, "Don't you dare. He was a worm..."



•†Vlad III?

•‡No! Not impaler Voivode of Wallachia!

Alucard watches the gears turn and the history knowledge, you know, begin to add up then the "ding ding" we have a winner look. Vampire King thinks you should get the whole impaler experience, so he shifts to his human looking form, pre undead lifestyle. Vlad slowly raises the polearm shaft up until your feet dangle off the floor.

(Y/n) eyes follow the polearm handle to see an imposing man in armor. His hair longer than before and black facial hair to match. "You seem to be a smart girl, figure it out?"

"I...Aah...I'm pretty sure your Kazıklı bey. Or do you prefer Kazıklı Voyvode?" you shut your mouth and close your eyes. Asking if he prefers Lord Impaler or Warlord (prince equivalent) Impaler, in Turkish, was not your best thought.

•†Why did you have to be a smart ass, at a time, like this?

Your eyes open to shaky arms from dangling and Vlad pulling the weapon from his chest. His eyes flick back up to you and your little predicament. You decide ask him first before he tells you.

"Voivode Drǎculea would you set me down...please," using your best polite voice you can muster.

"Vlad hums a moment, "Well draga mea, since you asked so nicely, the answer is...da."

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