Zodiac High | Celestial Chron...

By ZodiacAnimeGroup

51K 835 1.3K

In the land of Astra there exists a special school for special people, stars if you will. The 12 Zodiacs were... More

Meet the Zodiacs
Meet the others!
Meet Squad Y!
Chapter 1~ The Letter
Chapter 2 ~ Time to go
Authors Note
Chapter 3~ Arrival
Bedroom Picturess
Chapter 4~ The Assembly
Chapter 5~ I need to talk to you
Chapter 6~ Sleepover! (Part 1)
Chapter 7~ Sleepover! (Part 2)
Chapter 8 ~ How Are You?
Chapter 9 ~ I swear!
Chapter 10 ~ Let the Games Begin
Chapter 11 ~ To Locus!
Chapter 12 ~ Last Day
Chapter 13 ~ School is in Session
Chapter 14 ~ I Thought You Were Different
Chapter 15 ~ I can't walk away
Chapter 16 ~ How Cute!
Get to Know the Authors!
Discord Server
Chapter 18 ~ Are We Friends?
Chapter 19 ~ Finally
Hero Costumes (updated)
Hero Costumes part II
Chapter 20 ~ Who Are You?
Chapter 21 ~ Failure
Chapter 22 ~ Family Day
Chapter 23 ~ Weekend
Chapter 24 ~ Carry the Bags Will You?
Dresses and Suits (girls)
Chapter 25 ~ Dance the Night Away!
Chapter 26 ~ We're Doing This
Chapter 27 ~ Another Place
Chapter 28 ~ Seeping In
Chapter 29 ~ Is This Happening?
Chapter 30 ~ Oracle
Chapter 31~ Shut Up!
Chapter 32~ Oh Gods!

Chapter 17 ~ Day of Love

994 14 15
By ZodiacAnimeGroup

Hi! Thank you for the reads, check out the discord server.


I feel like you say that at the start of every chapter ♓.


You love me, you simp for me BIG time

Oh yeah Pisces and Aries are dating now. (Well sorta they constantly flirt and are practically in a relationship)

Love, how you totally asked us!


What the actual fuck is going on.


Taurus POV

I'd asked all the boys to help with a surprise for Virgo. More like all the boys in Squad Z since the rest were chilling.

"So why are you doing this dinner?" Cap asked. "it's not like your married or anything,"

I turned pink, "L-let me have my moment with her!"

"Awww!" Leo cooed, making kissy noises at Taurus.

"You can't say anything, you made your crush cry, at least Taurus is doing something for Virgo," Sag pointed out. 

It was Leo's turn to blush.

"Should I ask Cancer?" Scorpio blurted out.

"No," Capricorn replied. "she needs time and hurrying things won't help,"

"That's true," Aries joined.

"Aries is a single pringle this year," Leo teased.

"Leo is a Loser," Aries stuck his tongue out at his best friend.

"You guys are all losers," Capricorn bluntly said. "At least Taurus has a girlfriend,"

"Yeah!" I said as I hung the fairy lights inside the tent.


The teachers had given us the day off because of Amare. I sighed as I hadn't seen Hydra all day. Hydra and I had not even went on a date recently and it was getting tiring.

"Ara!" I looked around to reveal Orion. He looked panicked, which was a rare sight.

"Hi," I tried not to sound disappointed.

"Hydra-" He paused to calm down. "turned into a serpent,"

"Did you provoke him?" I asked with anger.

"It was a joke! Come!" He urged. He grabbed my hand and ran faster than I thought possible.

"Where's Aquila?" I inquired.

"He got hurt," He replied, still running. We finally reached the garden where all the first years and some teachers were.

"HYDRA!" I yelled to gain his attention. It worked. "IT'S ME ARA!"

His serpent from found comfort in my name, I felt some warmth at that but had to push it aside.

"Hydra turn into your human form!" Leo ordered, trying to use his magic. This ended up with him getting knocked unconscious by one of Hydra's tentacles. Sagittarius and Virgo were flung off to somewhere.
I hated to use this option but I had no choice.

"Guys! Get back!" I ordered everyone. I visualised a magical cage, one that could withstand the force of his tentacles and fire.

And so the cage appeared and trapped Hydra. The effort took all my strength.

Everything went black.

Capricorn POV

I ran to Sagittarius' side, I'm not sure why, it was an impulse. Like one of those when you just know you have to do something, even though all logic either goes against it or it's just unnecessary.
"Sag?" I shook him slightly. "Scorpio! Help me carry him!"

"Sure," Scorpio walked slowly over, analyzing the unconscious boy's figure. He put Sag's shoulder around his and one around him. I placed my opposite arm around Sag. His arm was strangely comfortable but it still was a pain to carry the 5'11 boy. I grunted at the effort and we carried him to the infirmary.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally hauled the tall boy's limp body to the infirmary.

"I'll get Dr. Asclepius," I gestured for Scorpio to leave. I asked for the doctor and waited.

"He's just bruised, nothing too serious but he needs a good rest," Dr. Asclepius ordered.

"I'll make sure he gets it," I nodded respectfully.

Scorpio POV

Though this may not have been the best time to ask Cancer out...

I was going to anyway, I wasn't exactly confident but wasn't shaking either. It should be easy? I've done this before!


Okay, for a sexy, cute and smart 16-year-old like myself, you would be thinking; WHAT? BUT YOU'RE SO CUTE!

I know, trust me I know. The point is would she say no?
Sure she could, but she did compliment me.
Well fuck, too bad I'm asking her out.

Should I?

"Agh!" I sighed frustratedly as I kicked the wall.
Bad choice.

"Scorpio?" A quiet voice asked.

"Cancer?" My voice may have gone an octave higher, but we'll ignore that.

"So I was hoping-" She paused, unsure.

"Will you go out with me?" I finished. I looked up, slightly nervous and was greeted with wide grin.

"Yes!" She squealed.

"Today?" I asked. "Maybe at 6:00?"

"Sure!' She replied before scurrying off to somewhere, probably to talk to the girls.

Cancer POV

Ah! To think I was not good enough, I hope this works out... I need to talk to Aqua, she can't ignore me when I have something big as this on my mind.

"Aqua! Pisces!" I yelled before realising something.  "Where's Virgo?"

"She a bit bruised from well... Hydra," Pisces informed me.

"Oh..." There was a slight silence. "I have a date with Scoprio by the way!"

"Really?!" Pisces yelled and Aqua crushed me in a hug.

"I'll check up on Virgo and if she's awake I'll tell her!" Pisces squealed before running off to god knows where.

"I'll ask Gem and Libra to help me get you ready!" She started to text them on her phone but I took it away.

"How about just you, Pi, V and I?" I requested. She nodded reluctantly.

"Tell me everything!" She gushed.

Sagittarius POV

My eyes fluttered open, I felt a pang of pain as I tried to get up.

"Hey," Usually I would've have been startled but the voice was soothing.

"Hey Cap," I tried to brush off the pain that it took to move.

"Sit down," He urged. "You got hurt from the Hydra thing,"

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically. "I feel great!"


"I should go, Taurus needs help getting the surprise ready," I told Cap.

"Don't bother, it was practically demolished and Virgo is also pretty bruised," He gestured to the row of hospital beds. Leo, Ara, Virgo, Aquila and Cassiopeia were all unconscious.

"This was just a great Amare Day!" I gave him a sarcastic, cute lopsided grin.

"Sagittarius?" A voice boomed across the infirmary.

"D-dad?" I asked.

"Yes son, I was in a meeting and was informed of your injury," He nodded. His auburn hair was just like mine and he was tall like me too, but I didn't see a grin that I would always have. Guess I just went more on Ma.

"Mr. Archer," Capricorn greeted respectfully.

"Ah," My dad paused, trying to identify Cap. "You're Elven's son right?"

"Yes sir," He nodded, his voice had turned rather formal.

"Tell your dad I'll be talking to him soon about the project, he'll know what it's about," My dad requested, well more like ordered.

"I will sir, have a good day," Capricorn said without emotion, that was normal but it was more robotic than slightly sarcastic.

"Bye Sagittarius, I'll be seeing you soon," He nodded and walked off.

My moodiness after that interaction must've shown because Cap noticed I was sorta disappointed.

"Don't worry, I know a few people who have bad luck with dads," He told me.

"What about you?" I asked. His expression became guarded.

"Rather not talk about it," He said. "Gotta go, Taurus wants me to help rebuild the tent for the surprise and Scorpio asked out Cancer,"

"I thought you told him not to?" I inquired.

"Well you think he'd listen?" He said sarcastically.

"Anyway, I should help set thing up," I started to get up.

"Ok," Capricorn walked out without me.

Pisces POV

I sat by Virgo's side waiting for her to stir. I tucked a strand off her hair behind her ear.

"Pisces?" A voice asked.

"Perseus?" I inquired.

"Yeah, thought I'd come up here to check up on Aquila," He admitted.

"You sorta like him?" I teased.

"Ha. No, he's so annoying," He said, but I could tell he was lying.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. He sat down beside me and adjusted his glasses.

"I can't imagine how much pain Ara is going through," He sympathised. "They haven't been alone in a while and now this?"

"Yeah," I thought of the times they'd blushed around each other and their cute interactions.  My thoughts shifted to how I was getting nowhere with Leo.

"You thinking 'bout Leo?" Perseus asked. I turned a light shade of pink and covered my face with my hands.

"Is it really that obvious? No one else has figured out," I puzzled.

"I've known you longer than anyone here," He grinned. "Have V, Cance and Aqau really not figured it out?"

"No," I laughed a little. "I don't think he likes me," I sighed.

"I just told you this a few days ago! He does!" He exclaimed.

"Then why hasn't he asked me out? He's pretty confident," My expression turned wistful.

"I don't know, maybe ask the boys in Squad Z, he's always hanging out with them," He suggested.

"I don't think today is going well for anyone," I smiled.

"Nope, especially for Taurus, he was making a surprise for Virgo,"

"Really?" I squealed. Taurus was so sweet, I wonder if Leo would do anything like that.

Capricorn POV

Who Sagittarius to ask me of my past? We weren't that close. He may have been able to relate to my experiences, sure I'm not denying that. I'm not important to him.
Am I?

I brushed those thoughts of and set my mind to help Taurus get the surprise up and running again. It was sweet what he was doing for Virgo but they had only been dating for 2 weeks. It's not like they were in love.

"Cap!" I heard someone yell it was Leo. He ran up to me with immense speed, but stopped to catch his breath. His blue eyes met mine.

"Weren't you just in the infirmary?" I asked.

"Yeah but-" He caught his breath. "Pisces and Perseus were talking and Pisces said she likes me!"

"Are you sure? Or was it another Leo?' I smirked.

"Haha, should I ask her out?" He questioned.

"Will you listen to my advice?" I asked.

"Depends, what is it?" He grinned.

"Try and get to know her better, girls like that," I suggested.

"I'll listen to you," He ran off to god knows where.

Aries POV

It was hard, trying to set up the tent. The effort was monumental. Yeah that's right I can say big words. Leo taught me some for an essay.

Off topic so I'm bored.

"Aries! Help me!" I zapped out of my dream world to see Taurus hanging upside down in the lights.

"The fuck!?" I cursed.

"Get me down!" He yelled and tangling himself more in the lights.

I walked over to him and tried to untangle the lights, it was hard but I'd untangled Draco from other things before.

"Thanks," He said.

"We need someone's help," I pointed out.

"Thank you Mr. Obvious!" He sarcastically replied.

"And you have your help," Cap came into the tent. "So you two are going to just have a dinner in here?"

"Yeah, then take a walk around the garden," Taurus blushed while telling us his plans.

"Scorpio asked out Cancer by the way," Capricorn told us.

"I thought we told him to wait?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Correction, I told him to wait, and now Pisces likes Leo," He sighed. "Why is everyone liking someone? We're in no rush to find love,"

"I thought Pisces liked Leo before?" Taurus puzzled.

"She did, but now Leo knows it," He shrugged.

4 hours later

Virgo POV

After I'd woken up, Taurus led me to the garden, I saw a white tent with lights inside. He opened the entrance and revealed a gorgeous dinner.

"Did you make this?" I asked in awe.

"Yeah," He rubbed the back of his head.

"This is what I love about you!" I gushed without realising what I'd said.

"You... love me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"I love you too Virgo!" He kissed me deeply.

"Let's eat this dinner, shall we?" I suggested, pulling away from him.

"We should!" He grinned widely.



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