Chapter 6~ Sleepover! (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey readers, once again I just want to say thank you and hope you enjoy our story also thanks for being supportive to our first story!

Sleepover series is 2-3 parts. sorry for giving attention to Pisces and Taurus. most of our ships will be executed tonight.


Virgo POV

The girls and I were ready and were waiting for one of squad Y picking us up. I really wish we started work today, something to distract myself. A new school can be daunting at times.

"So guys, how's your life at home?" Gemini asked trying to start a conversation.

"Pretty good, I live with Aquarius and Pisces," I stated. Aqua nodded but Pisces was looking out the window, you could tell by her eyes she was distracted and not interested.

"Pisces helloooo?" Aquarius waved her hand in front of her face. No response. "Hello? Astra to Pisces?"

"Let's leave her alone for now," I said.

Suddenly someone started to bang on the door.

"OPEN UP!" An angry voice yelled. I heard some muffled response but couldn't make out what it was. I got up to open the door and was met by a red haired girl and a green eyed girl standing next to her.

"Why are all of you in one dorm? We were going to pick you up in your own," The red head sounded annoyed.

"Calm down Mars, Let me start over, Hi! I'm Earth! We're from squad Y," Earth gestures to Mars to introduce herself, but she didn't say anything.

"Girls! Come on we have to go!" I yelled. The girl lined up behind me and started to follow Earth and Mars, who was charging in front. After Earth making a wrong turn and a maze of hallways we found a room, with a giant door made of dark wood.

"This is the common room, you'll be spending a lot of time here," Earth explained. Mars pushed open the door violently causing the boys inside to jump.

"Jeez what took you so long?" Capricorn asked.

"Make up obviously! Girls let's go, we're not wanted here," A blonde boy said in a high pitched voice.

"Shut up Leo," A deep sleepy voice said.

"Oh yeah? Well then make me?" Leo stood up in an aggressive manner.

"He says I'm the hothead," Aries sighed.

"Boys! Calm down," A boy who looked like the Leo's twin said.

"Let's get this on!" A blue haired boy, Neptune, I remembered said. Some of the group looked at him confused, I'm not sure why. 

"I SAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Leo stood up, ready to cause some trouble. Majority nodded eagerly, but the others including me said no.

"Majority rules!" Scorpio yelled. We put our stuff down by the entrance and sat down in a circle.

"I'll go first!" A green eyed boy said. "My name's Taurus, and now I'll be daring one of you,"

"You do realise we have a choice right?" I stated.

Taurus POV

Who was she? She seemed so beautiful. Her face was something Mother Nature would have, a look of grace, maturity and love. I wonder what her name was.

"U-um yeah!" I stuttered. The boys snickered, realising what was going on. "Anyways, truth or dare... Scorpio!"

At this, the gradient haired boy smirked, mischievously. "Dare,"

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