Chapter 26 ~ We're Doing This

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Morning after the dance. Thank you for 20.1k reads, love you guys.
(TRIGGER WARNING! Depictions of blood included, suicidal thoughts AND SELF HARM!!)

Capricorn POV

We were heading out to Atticus, a town on the Solarian-Astran border to evacuate a town. There had been a few skirmishes on the border and the priority was to save the people. Personally it was idiotic to send a bunch of irresponsible 16-year-olds to to do this but oh well. We were going on a bus, yes, a fucking bus. I felt like a kid going to kindergarten rather and a young adult heading out to save lives.
The mood was dark, no one liked thinking about the grim things that the people must've been going through. We kept to ourselves or engaged in small talk with other people.
It was easy to tell that Libra had been hit the hardest. She'd known more about the situation than anyone and her parents were currently trying to resolve the problem. Even our new couple, Leo and Pisces looked anxious, they kept looking at each other in a weird way. Pisces looked really concerned while Leo was signalling for her to calm down.

"God everyone's depressed today," Sagittarius muttered, the bus was quiet so his his mumble was relatively loud.

"Well I'm sorry because trying to help civilians whose lives are in danger gets your mood down!" Libra snapped.

Everyone looked surprised when she yelled at Sagittarius, Libra was a cheerful and calm person. It wasn't like her to yell at him but you couldn't blame her for being stressed. Her eyes were filled with worry and it looked as if she had aged 20 years in a night.

"L-Libra I'm just saying that we're gonna do terrible if we stay like this," Sag began.

"Think about how the people will feel if we're looking sad, we need to give them something to smile about," Moon gave her a sympathetic smile.

Gemini rubbed her friend's shoulder, giving her a soft smile. The two had a conversation, not speaking but the communication was there. The two friends immediately knew how the other was feeling. It was hard to trust know someone like that, and for them to know you the same way.
It got me thinking about who I was closest with here. Sure it wasn't like 'OMG we're totally best friends forever!', we'd had tiny conversations in the background. He'd told me a little about his past but there was obviously more, something he was hiding but you couldn't blame the guy, who would trust someone you've know for 6-7 months? He has also been acting a little weird around me for some reason.

"15 minutes!" Auriga yelled from the front seat.

"So guys I've come up with a plan," Virgo said.

To her surprise we didn't roll our eyes or groan. this was too important for us to ignore or laugh at. She opened up and notebook and recited her plans, assigning us our roles.

"Pisces and Aries, I've heard there have been a few buildings set on fire, you 3 will extinguish the flames. While Pisces and Aries get the fire away, Capricorn I'm assigning you to make a large shelter out of rock," She begun.

Aries leaned forward looking at Virgo's plan also joining in, "So Libra, Cancer, Gemini and Aquarius you four need to get everyone out. And Leo? Your job is one of the most important, if there are any soldiers, you need to order them to stand down,"

Leo looked nervous, which was uncommon. His face, which usually had a smile or trace of sarcasm was now filled with seriousness. His eyes held some concern but he masked it well, but it was easy for me to see through it.

"We're here!" Carina yelled.

As we unloaded the bus, Auriga stopped Saturn to talk to him, I caught snippets of their conversation and went something like you would expect, Auriga being worried for her younger brother and Saturn saying he could handle it. Saturn got down, his face was still worried. We got to work immediately.

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