Chapter 10 ~ Let the Games Begin

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Announcement!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CONVINCED SCORPIO AND WE HAVE ARIES NOW! WE'RE BRIEFING HER ON THE PLOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND 1K READSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-T


AAAHHHHH 1000 THAT'S 3 ZEROS?!?!?! 3 ZEROS!!!!!!!!!!! HOW???!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GRATEFUL WE AREE. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Also I agreed on Aries because Cap barely ever writes and I'm studying for high school exams and stuff.

Sagittarius POV

I sighed, this plan was really stupid but Aries knew Leo well and from the looks of it it would work on Gemini as well. I'd just finished getting all the numbers from all the dorms. I decided to get away from the drama i our dorm."I SWEAR LEO GET THE FUCK BACK HERE BEFORE I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!" Scorpio yelled.


"I swear you two stop right now!" I yelled. I walked in to the room and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and threw it one centimetre from Leo's face. I grabbed another and yeeted it through the fabric of Scorpio's sleeve pinning him to the wall. "Do you want more of that?" I asked sarcastically.

(Bad boy Sag coming your way! 😏 -♓️)

My performance left the boys stunned as I walked away. I walked out the door like a boss and made my way to Taurus' dorm.

"Hey bro," I greeted to no one. I walked in and fell on the couch.

"Hi," Hydra said. 

"Why are you here? I thought you were in the dorm?" I asked.

The green eyed boy took a sip of his coffee and leaned back in his chair. "You see, I couldn't deal with the yelling, so I retreated to the sanctuary of my best friend," He explained.

"You could've helped me?!" I yelled.

"Yes he could've but you know you have a choice right?" Orion walked in.

"Do you guys stay here the entire day or something?" I gaped.

"Pretty much,"

"I should come here as well, do you think we can move out?" I asked.

"I wish," Orion said. "I love a fight as much as the next guy, but those two are too much,"

"I rarely agree with Orion, but today I have to, those two are like an old married couple," Hydra said.

"I swear all they need is a veil and suit and it's done," I joked.

"Who's yelling in the middle of the night?!" Taurus yelled as he sleepily walked out of his room.

"It's like 10 in the morning," I explained. 

"Same thing," He said. 

"Should we go to the garden now?" Hydra asked.

"Yeah we should," Taurus agreed.

"You're going to go like that?" Capricorn said, gesturing to the sleepy boy's pajamas.

Taurus nodded and started to walk out the dorm before Capricorn put his hand on Taurus' chest trying to block him from leaving.

"Go change now," He said firmly.

"Ok," Taurus grumbled before adding, "Dad,"

"And don't forget to take a bath," I said in a high pitch voice.

"Let's leave without him," Aquila suggested.

"You've been listening to our conversation the entire time?" Hydra jumped.

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