Chapter 4~ The Assembly

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This chapter isn't going to have any zodiac pov's since I want the other characters to be in the limelight. This is the assembly and you'll learn everything about the school. Well not everything about the school.


Girls Dorm 1: Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, Ara, Lyra

Girls Dorm 2: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Cassiopeia, Andromeda

Boys Dorm 1: Capricorn, Taurus, Aries, Perseus, Aquila

Boys Dorm 2: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Hydra, Orion

Squad Y dorm: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Perseus POV

I was organising everything on my shelf and things. I wasn't that sad to be apart from Orion, we would still be in class together. The room was perfect to my style, everything was light.

"Hey bro," Aquila popped. I jumped. 

"Hi, why are you here?" I asked, it wasn't a common thing for me to be seen with Mr. Eagle.

"I'm here to say, tell your bud Orion not to aggravate Hydra, you know his... situation," I felt bad for Hydra, being turned into a serpent everytime someone wronged me, wasn't on my bucket list.

"You know how Orion is, he won't listen, even if I'm his best friend," I paused, thinking who would my bud listen to. "Try Cass, he'll listen to her,"

"Because of his wittle cwush?" Aquila sad in a baby voice.

"I heard my name?" Cassiopeia walked in. 

"Yeah, I'll explain later," Aquila said.

"Good, we have to got to the main hall, we're having an assembly, tell the other boys this," She walked out of the room with her confident Queen Bee walk.

Aquila POV

"Guess we have to go," Perseus said.

"Yeah, good idea not to ignore Cass," I agreed. Perseus and I walked out of his room and announced to our dorm what Cass had said.

"Ok," Taurus said, stuffing all the food out of the cabinet into his mouth.

"When is it?" Capricorn asked.

"In 5 minutes," Perseus and I chorused.

"You should warn Leo next door, he needs an hour getting ready," Aries smirked. I complied and decided to go next door to check up on Hydra and Perseus followed. As we were approaching the door we heard an argument going on.

"GIVE ME MY HAIR GEL SCORPY!" An angry voice said, what I assumed was Leo, I'd heard a bit about him.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT, YOU LITTLE SCAREDY CAT!" I think that was the boy named Scorpio. I opened the door to reveal Scorpio holding a tub of hair gel and Leo holding a hoodie and scissors in the other hand.

"GIVE ME MY HAIR GEL NOW!" Leo said with more force. Surprisingly,  Scorpio complied, he walked forward as in some sort of trance. "Good,"

"You need to get ready an assembly is taking place," Perseus said.

"WHAT! I NEED MORE TIME!" Leo yelled.

"Too bad," Perseus said, with a stupid smirk on his face. I walked into the dorm, looking for Hydra's room. I opened it to reveal a sleeping Hydra, he was drooling.

"HYDRA! ARA HAS A DATE!" I yelled. Hydra had a little crush on Ara ever since we were little. She was the only other one who could calm him down when he turned.

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