š„š”ššŽšˆš€ , š«ššš§š›šØšØ

By cadarino

947K 39.8K 107K

šˆš š–š‡šˆš‚š‡, šš š¬š¢š¦š©š„šž š›šžš­ šØšÆšžš« šŸš„š¢š«š­š¢š§š  ššš­ šš šÆšØš„š„šžš²š›ššš„š„ š ššš¦šž šžš§ļæ½... More

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~ epilogue ~

~ two ~

23.2K 805 3.2K
By cadarino


~ Ranboo Pov ~

"don't speak" i sigh as I sit down next to iris, who had her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Don't speak, I know just what you're saying, so please stop explaining" Ollie mumbles the lyrics of the song "don't speak" by, no doubt.

"what just happened—Iris kinda went silent—either she was murdered—or something really cool happened" Tubbo worried over the phone,

"something really cool happened" Iris whispered, still staring into space.

"what happened please tell me tell me" Ollie begged,

"im not going to—"

"I will drive over right now" Ollie warns, and we all know that would be something she'd do.

"iris tell us—spill the tea" Clay whispers, as if I can't hear him.

"who the f*ck says spill the tea anymore?" Tommy snapped,

"apparently clayton does" Ollie giggled,

"where's my money losers" I sigh,

"they already paypalled it to you" Iris starts laughing,

"TELL US" Quackity cheers,

"what—just happened—" she says in between wheezes,

"is she having a heart attack?" Quackity worries,


"no—no im not having a heart attack—that—was just the best thing I've ever seen" Iris patted me on the back,

"im so—proud of you" Iris giggled, nearly on the floor,

"im so confused" Tubbo muttered,

"hi so confused, Im dad" Ollie snickers, Iris continued laugh, "do I need to drive over?" Ollie asks,

"no—NO you do not need to drive over—" I panicked; I wasn't even fully aware that happened. My heart was beating fast enough that I could be the one having a heart attack.

"Iris—I need you to take a breather—and explain what happened" Tubbo said calmly,

"ok—ok—whew" Iris composed herself before smiling,

"Ranboo may have just flirted with a girl" Iris chuckled as I held my head in my hands.

"A WOMAN?" Tommy gasped,

"how's that possible" Tubbo muttered,

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE?" I sputter, slightly offended by the groups shock.

"well im sorry Mr. Minecraft streamer" Tubbo teased,

"are you saying Minecraft streamers can't get significant others?" Iris chuckled,

"Tommy and I are literally right here" Ollie scoffed,

"I didn't even tell you about the conversation I had" I rubbed my eyes.

"what did she say?" Iris gushed,

"she plays Minecraft" I crossed my arms and sunk in my seat,



"what's her name?" Iris quizzed, "I'll look to see the meaning"

"oooh yeah do the name thing" Ollie agreed,

"her name was Luvena, but everyone calls her Vee"
"that sounds like a name from harry potter" Ollie awed,

"hold on lemme look what it means—" Iris started typing the name into google.

"wait—no it can't be—holy f*ck" Iris mutters, nearly dropping the phone.

"what?" I snap, glancing at the meaning, "oh no" I drag my head down in embarrassment.

"WHAT DOES THE NAME MEAN" Alex yells impatiently.

"it means—" Iris smiled before going on, "Luvena means beloved"


~ Vee Pov ~

"what the f*ck was that?" Keira says lowly as we walked back to her car, we had to drive across town back to our neighborhood.

"what do you mean?"

"that nerd you were talking to"

"he was just being nice, his friends obviously dared him or something, and he was nervous" I shrugged, "it's no big deal"

"no big deal!? You gave him your number!" Keira raged, "you have a boyfriend!"

"firstly, I gave him my discord, and secondly, just because I met a guy doesn't mean im automatically like—in love with him or something" I said softly,

"but why'd you give him your discord—or whatever?"

"because I want to play Minecraft with him"

"why are you still playing the stupid video games?" I got into her car and she pulled out of the schools parking lot.

"they're fun" I shrug, "besides, its not like im forcing you to play with me, or talk to him, I do my thing and you do your thing"

"that's not how this works Vee"

"what works?"

"being popular, together"

"what if I don't want to be popular, what if I wanted to lay low"

"then you can kiss our friendship goodbye" she sets an ultimatum.

I thought for a second, Keira was the only true friend I had, and I couldn't count on the random boy to add me on discord.

"I don't want to kiss our friendship away—I don't understand what you want me to do though..." I trailed off.

"we need to stay in the spotlight, stay with Nate, he's one of the most popular boys at school" she orders as we pull up to my house.

"fine, yeah—I'll do that" I say before getting out and waving goodbye,

"im glad you chose the right decision" she smiles before driving down the street, disappearing through the night. I walk up my driveway into the house, my parents are sitting in the living room.

"how'd the volleyball game go?" My dad looks up from his book,

"pretty good, our team won" I grin.

"that's great!" My mom smiles before I head up the stairs to my room,

a/n: woooah what is this? Cad writing a normal relationships between my oc and their parents??? I've never seen that before...

"don't stay up too late on that game!" I hear my mom tell me as I round the corner into my room,

"I won't" I reply, logging onto Hypixel.

I sadly lied.

"oh crap" I glance at my clock to see it was already 5 in the morning. Thankfully, I had no school the next day, so I wouldn't regret pulling an all-nighter.
The sun would be rising soon, so I didn't find it necessary to even try to fall asleep, I carefully crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents room was across the house, so I didn't have to worry too much about making noise.

"morning walk, I'll be back soon :)" I wrote on a sticky-not taped to the counter before grabbing an apple and making my way to the front door.
I walked down the street and turned a corner. I knew my way around the neighborhood, for only moving here around a year ago.

Our side of town wasn't necessarily bad, it was bland. Nothing unusual happened around here, my parents had mentioned a robbery in the house next to ours just a couple months ago, but they were awfully vague about it. I barely even saw those neighbors anymore, possibly moved and I hadn't even noticed?

My old town had been the same as well, there was never anything to look forward to, I guess that was just normalcy. I was quite an optimistic person, I had a "well mind" as my parents would say. I think I just always thought of life as "glass half full."


POV: the two neighbor kids ask if there are any games on your phone

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