Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

648K 17K 23.6K

"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us

The Party

5.9K 146 206
By aFredWsimp

Time had passed in the castle, everyone had eaten their dinner and you were still meant to distract Charlotte with George.

"Hey why don't us three go stargaze for a short while, see if there is anything interesting out tonight." You suggested, it was a long shot she would agree but you had to try anything you could to keep her out of the common room, before everyone showed up.

"That's such a great idea. Might as well end the day on a high note, Charlotte it's up to you though." George added.

"I don't see why not, I've always thought the sky was interesting, maybe we could go to the astronomy tower after. Look in more detail. And I'm still getting slaughtered in your room y/n." She agreed to the idea, this will keep her away for a little while.

You had to try keep her out of the common room for an hour, that should be simple. Her party started at around 8pm, so you had to get her back by then.

As you took her outside to the courtyards you noticed Adrian sitting almost watching and anticipating going over to you, before continuing to walk away.

"They're so beautiful, stars. Could stare at them all night." Charlotte began, "thanks by the way you two, for spending your day with me. I've enjoyed everything we have done. Even if it was a boring and simple at times."

"Sorry if you found it boring char, there isn't really much we can do around here, if we were out of the castle I would take you somewhere fun." You told her.

"Maybe we can do that, you can stay over at my house over Easter." She suggested.

"You sure your parents wouldn't mind, I don't want to be a burden."

"Y/n, my parents love you, you wouldn't be a burden to us at all."

"Plus y/n, if you're at Charlottes you can use the floo network to visit the burrow whenever, mum wants to see you anyways, she loves having another woman around the house." George said.

"I love your mum Georgie, yours too Charlotte, but yeah."

"Can we go to the astronomy tower now? I'm getting a bit cold."

"Oh yeah, sure. After that though I need to go for a shower." You said, trying not to act suspicious.

As you walked into the castle, you had to try and redirect Charlottes attention away from the people waking around dressed for her party.

You elbowed George to make him notice the people wondering the castle.

"Say Charlotte, what sort of style do you think I should try out?" George asked.

"You're asking me for fashion advice?" She replied.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Good. I think I would go for-" she rambled on about all the different styles she thinks George should try out, asking to style him tomorrow- he agreed only to keep her attention.

You walked up the stairs to the astronomy tower and looked up to the sky. As she was heavily endorsed by the sky you grabbed George and slowly made your way down the stairs. You knew she would end up going to the common room to shout at you both, but you had to get to the party before her.

You ran through the halls making sure she wasn't chasing behind. You dragged George all the way to the common room portrait door and opened it.

"We're not Charlotte!" You shouted running in.

"She will be here soon though, we abandoned her." George said, somewhat proudly.

You saw nearly everyone you invited standing in the common room, waiting to start partying.

The common room had been completely moved around, the sofa had been pushed into a corner, there was lighting in the corners of the room, that was most definitely Lee, and many other decorations plotted round to celebrate her birthday.

"Well done you two." You said walking past Fred and Angelina, going to get ready.

You paced up the stairs to get to your dorm. You rummaged through all your clothes and found a olive dress, you put it on with a white zip up hoodie to keep you warm for the time being. You decided to not wear heels, as you wanted to maintain your comfort as much as possible.

You charmed your hair to your desired style and freshened up your makeup. During this time you heard everyone shout surprise and music was now playing. You tied your laces and exited, back to the common room.

"You little sneak!" Charlotte yelled, waking past you on the stairs.

You winked and continued down. You instantly got yourself a drink and began looking round for people to talk to. You saw Fred was talking with Angelina, eh I'll leave him, and you saw Cedric dancing with cho, I don't want to be a burden, you then saw Adrian sitting on the couch in the corner, swirling his drink in his hand.

"Adrian, a gryffindor party not fun enough for you." You said sitting down next to him on the sofa.

"I mean, I don't mind them, but I have a lot on my mind." He replied.

"Like what?"

"Don't worry. Go enjoy yourself y/n."

"Come." You said standing, holding out your hand. "I won't abandon you this time." He put his drink down and took your hand.

You directed him to the part of the common room where everyone was dancing. You started dancing and jumping, laughing, encouraging Adrian to do the same.

He didn't though, he stood and laughed, twirling you round every so often. You began laughing hard as everyone started to watch you dance, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Are you sure you're okay Adrian?" You asked again.

"I'm positive y/n, go get yourself another drink I need to go and talk to someone." He replied.

You obeyed and walked over to the drink table, getting yourself another one. You looked around the room once more, trying to find someone else to talk to. You clocked eyes with Angelina.

"Hey angie, great decorations. It's perfect." You complimented.

"Couldn't have done it without Fred." In a way you felt some sort of tension in her words, you had been almost fine with each other recently- but you could tell she was slightly annoyed still.

"Have you seen him?" You asked, looking around.

"No last time I saw him he was talking to Charlotte."

"Okay, I'm going to get something to eat, I'll talk to you later." You decided to walk away, instead of facing any awkwardness, at the mention of Fred.

"Y/n!" It was Cedric, he was once again, as tipsy as anything. He hugged you and grabbed a handful of crisps that were on the table.

"Cedric, how are you?" You asked, laughing at his antics.

"I'm great actually, Cho wants to meet you at some point soon. She said you seem really nice. Obviously I told her you are and there you have it."

"Tell her I'd love that, give me a shout whenever. Also save me a dance later." You told him, rubbing his shoulder and walking off.

"Hey Georgie!" You shouted, to get George's attention shoving through the crowds, "don't suppose you've seen your brother?"

"Last time I saw him he was quite tipsy, he's probably around here somewhere." He told you.

You hadnt spoken to Fred practically all day, and it was almost seeming as if he was avoiding you. You decided to shrug it off for the time being and enjoy the party.

You danced and drunk a little more, enjoying and savouring the moment. You looked around you noticing everyone sharing the fun.

"Y/n. I have to ask you something." Adrian spoke, taking you to the portrait entrance.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Look, I don't know if you've noticed. But I like you. A lot. Over the last year so far I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I know it sounds so cheesy but it's true. You don't have to say yes, but is there any chance you want to go on a date with me maybe. Or if you liked me back."

You felt unbelievably bad as the words came out his mouth, "Adrian I can't." You knew why you couldn't say yes, all this time you've been trying to avoid it, but maybe it was time to be open, "you are so amazing, and I value you so much. I don't want to ruin what we have."

"And your hearts set on someone else, I get it it's fine. Goodnight y/n. I'll see you around." He exited.

However bad you felt, you knew you didn't want to necessarily sneak around anymore. Maybe it was time to be truthful. He had been there for you through the worst of times, he knew how to cheer you up, pick you up when you felt down.

After it all, you knew it was going to be him, it was always going to be him. There was definitely emotion and passion growing between the both of you and it was time to face it. A smile grew on your face as you walked through the common room towards Lee,

"Lee have you seen Fred? I need to talk to him ASAP." You stated.

"Yeah, I think he went up to our dorm, not sure if he was done for the night." He told you.

You started to shove past people to get to the stairs, nothing could stop you now. The confidence may have come from the drink but it was now or never.

You got to their door and opened it, your heart sunk.

Going to be leaving this here, lmao don't be mad.

Hope everyone is safe and well!!! Thank you for the support xoxox

-i <33

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