
By drawing-5sos

1.8M 42.4K 31.6K

His hand reached down for mine, intertwining our fingers together. I questioningly looked down at our hands a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Quick question

Chapter 40

32.3K 763 452
By drawing-5sos

Luke's POV

I was walking home from Michael's place with headphones in my ears. I haven't done that in months. It was really relieving to listen to music again. I haven't heard my favorite songs in a really long time, and I admit, I did skip through a lot of them on shuffle. They were bringing me memories, and I didn't want that at the moment.

It was really interesting at Michael's place today. I came there a bit too late since I, idiot, decided to walk, so when I came inside his house and walked into his room, he was already calm. Well, at least calmer.

He told me that he's getting better but he still has some days when it happens and everything hits him at once. I asked if Lisa helps him with it and he said he never tells her when it's happening. That we spent an hour talking about and concluded that he would tell her the next time it happens.

I told him that if she's been making him happier and if he started getting better since she was with him again, it must mean that she could help him while it was happening as well. I guess that convinced him and he agreed.

He also cried a bit, trying to hide himself so he turned away from me. I just sat on the chair by his table where he had his computer on and stared at him sitting on his bed on the other side of the room. I didn't know what to do so I decided to let him get it all out because I knew that's what I needed anytime I'm in a situation like that.

When he finally got better we started randomly talking and he started teasing me about Lay. I thought I could just wave it off, but I ended up telling him everything that was bothering me. It just kept streaming out of my mouth and Michael listened and nodded.

In the end, he was helping me instead of the other way around.

He told me he hasn't seen me this happy in forever, and he said he wasn't even sure if I was that happy with Kelly. He knew I was happy over the edge with her, but apparently what I was feeling now looked so much more than happiness.

He said it looked like love.

And that confused me a lot. That scared me. I then changed the subject because more talking about my feelings would've probably made me faint, so we ended up playing his Play Station.

When Michael became tired of losing constantly he stood up and stormed into the bathroom. For a second I thought he was angry at me, but then I heard him calling my name so I stood up and knocked on the bathroom door.

He opened, letting me inside just to show me numerous hair products sprawled in the sink.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, my first idea being that he was going to take a shower. Then I questioned why the hell I was here.

"I bought this yesterday." Michael showed me two black tubes with different shades of blue lines around it. "Which one do you like more?"

I took the tubes from him and examined them.

"Are these hair dyes?" I asked, smiling widely. Michael nodded and an excited smile appeared on his face. "Oh my God!"

Michael hasn't dyed his hair in forever. His once red hair was now washed out and grown really long. He would always say that he dyes his hair whenever something made an impact on him. I concluded Lisa made an impact on him this time.

"That's amazing!" I almost yelled, staring at the hair dyes in my hands. "I'd say this one." I handed him the blue hair dye that gave out purple shades.

"Awesome! It's gonna give out the galaxy look." Michael yelled excitedly and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He hasn't been like this in forever.

"Okay, um... Do you need my help with this or?" I questioned, looking around the bathroom in order to find something I could actually help him with.

"No. You can just sit somewhere and make me company or something." Michael was already pressing the hair dye out of the tube into a small, glass bowl.

When he was done, his hair looked amazing honestly. The change was really good and Michael was pretty happy with it as well. He's done a great job at dying it.

If I tried dyeing my own hair with blue hair dye you'd be able to see blue strands of hair, some blonde spots, maybe some black and some other horrible mixes. Bottom line, I'd definitely ask Michael for help or go to a hairdresser's.

Michael let me know he's gonna call Lisa so he can show her his new hair and that's when I decided to leave. At this point I was almost at my apartment so I jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door, silently cursing to myself because I didn't take my keys with me.

I heard some yelling inside of the apartment and I frowned. What's going on in there?

I felt my phone ring in my jeans pocket so I took it out, the screen showing that Michael was calling me.

"Yeah?" I picked up, turning my back to the apartment door.

"Hey, Lisa didn't pick up the phone so maybe she's with Layla. Can I come over?" Michael breathed heavily and I concluded he was probably walking fast towards my place.

"Yeah, sure." I agreed and Michael said he'd be here in a few minutes.

I decided to knock on the door again just to be forced to ring the bell two minutes later.

"Hang on!" I heard Lay yell from the inside and I bumped my forehead on the door.

I was outside for another few minutes when I heard footsteps in the building hallway approaching me. Then I saw a blue head and realized Michael has already come and I was still locked outside my own apartment.

"Why are you outside?" Michael asked, walking towards me.

"I forgot my keys and for some reason Lay won't let me in." I shrugged, rolling my eyes. "You try." I waved towards our door, thinking maybe Lay would hurry if she heard Michael was waiting outside with me as well.

Michael walked in front of the door and I walked closer so I could hear what's going on. Michael knocked three times quickly and there was some silence before Lay yelled again.

"For fuck's sake Luke!" She yelled and I chuckled.

"It's Michael." Michael yelled and I heard something bump from the other side of the door.

"Shit! Michael's here too!" Lay yelled to someone and the other person screamed.

"Lisa?" Michael asked confusedly and we exchanged confused looks.

"I hope they're not having sex with each other." I joked, smirking. I probably didn't sound as funny but I was funny enough for myself.

Wow, so self-centered.

"I hope they are." Michael corrected me and I couldn't help but start laughing.

The door finally opened slightly, just enough for Lay to be able to peek through it. Michael and I both got closer to her, eager to find out what was going on.

"Okay, boys. We will need just a few more minutes. We've had an... accident." Lay said, looking at my confused face. I was already getting impatient. I was hungry. And I wanted to know what was going on.

Lay then looked at Michael and her jaw fell to the floor.

"Oh my God." She whispered, staring at Michael's hair.

"Do you think Lisa will like it?" Michael asked excitedly, smiling.

Michael wasn't the one to mind waiting. And if he was mad or impatient, it would be easy for someone to distract him and he would immediately forget what he was mad about. Which is something you wouldn't think when you first met him.

"Oh, she's going to be speechless." Lay whispered and closed the door in our faces.

Michael and I exchanged looks again as we shrugged and decided to sit on the stairs. We didn't talk much, except for when we tried to figure out what they were doing in there, but when we realized our ideas were either sick or impossible to happen, we gave up.

After a while I saw Calum and Ashton approaching us from the other side of the street. Ashton waved happily and Calum nodded.

If you saw Calum and Ashton on the street and didn't know them, you'd think Calum is the older one. Ashton was 2 years older than Calum but did not look or act that way. He was always, and I mean always - including the horrible situations of Michael beating up people or us getting high and drinking or getting in trouble, happy or in a good mood.

Calum, on the other hand, tended to wear a serious expression on his face and was mainly serious. Of course, when you got to know him you'd realize he's actually a sassy, happy person who smiles a lot and makes pretty good jokes, but you'd have to give him time to get that comfortable around you.

That's why everyone else thought we were some badass group of gangsters. Because we seemed too tough and too fucked up, when in reality, we were just stupid kids with sick minds and horrible jokes (with the exception of Calum).

People started making up rumors about us being some kind of killers, drug dealers (okay, we did it once but that's it), fucked up kids in general and that we're the worst in town, and everyone else started to believe it.

I couldn't complain though, I can't say that I minded not having to wait in line for something or always getting my way. In fact, I enjoyed that. I could get into clubs without bothering to take out my ID, which was good because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in anyway. I could buy something and have the lack of money and the receptionist would be too scared to make me pay or return the item so she would just let me go.

I admit that's horrible from me, but go big or go home, right?

No? Okay, I agree, that's awful.

I tried being more polite, though. I tried having some manners, like not smoking in public institutions, not yelling when I'm around other people on the street, maybe even helping an old lady cross the road.

That didn't work out well though, she kicked me with her purse because she thought I was going to rob her.

The one thing bad about my reputation.

"Luke!!" Ashton snapping his fingers in front of my face brought me back from the long stream of my thoughts as I looked at him confusedly.

"Yeah?" I asked, standing up from the stairs.

"Where the hell had you gone?" Ashton asked, starting to laugh a second later.

"Sorry, I zoomed out. What are you two doing here?" I looked at him and then at Calum, who was now sitting on my previous spot.

"I came because Hannah told me she was going to your place to hang out with Layla and Lisa. Now she won't pick up the phone." Calum waved his phone in front of his face and I frowned.

"What the hell are they doing in there for so long." I questioned.

"Layla said they had an accident." Michael wondered off and that's when I heard Lay yell something from the window.

"Okay, you can come in no- wow, there's a lot of you." She held her mouth and I ran inside of the building, wanting to see Lay's face up close again. I haven't seen her almost the whole day. I didn't even realize that I... missed her until she told me I could get in. Stupid.

The boys followed behind me as I knocked again. Lay opened the door and put her hand in front of her, stopping us from walking inside straight away. She had a huge towel wrapped around her head and she looked funnily attractive.

"Okay, so- as I said, there's been an accident and don't be too harsh." She warned. She then moved away from the door so we could get inside. I stood next to her until she closed the door and the boys took their seats in the living room.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. "And why do you have a towel on your head?"

"Accident." She shrugged, making a 'I'm sorry' face. "I hope you won't scream like a girl." She pursed her bottom lip outwards and I pecked her on the lips quickly.

I took us both by surprise as we stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

I still didn't get used to the kissing part as we've kissed twice so far and neither was she, obviously, so we were both taken aback now.

"Couldn't help it." I shrugged and Lay grinned.

"YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME YOU'VE COME TO THE KISSING PART ALREADY!" Calum yelled at Lay from the living room and Lay blushed a dark shade of red. She didn't put her palms on her cheeks this time and I wondered how come.

"Shut up!" Lay yelled at Calum and then looked at me sweetly.

"Stop looking at me like that." I put my palm on her face and she snorted accidentally. I laughed as well and then took her by hand into the living room. We sat on the armchair, me having to put Lay on my lap. She jumped off a few seconds later, excusing herself because she had to 'get Lisa and Hannah out of the bathroom'.

Hannah walked outside and waved at us, straight away sitting in Calum's lap as they started a make out session. I turned away and restrained myself from adding a witty comment.

"Get a room." Michael yelled and I laughed. Michael you could always count on when it came to witty comments.

Lay then walked back and stood in front of us all.

"Okay, Luke, as I said. There's been an accident." She repeated the same sentence again and took off the towel that she had on her head. Her once dirty blonde, almost brown hair now fell down in light blonde waves and my jaw fell to the floor.

"You dyed your hair?!" I almost yelled, overwhelmed. I stood up from where I was sitting and came closer, starting going through her soft hair with my fingers. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Yeah." She nodded and everyone else in the room went back to their own conversations, probably not thinking ours was interesting enough for them. "Is it bad?"

"Are you kidding me? It's beautiful. You're ... Beaut- I um- so why did you say it was an accident? I like it." I stuttered clumsily and Lay chuckled.

"I wasn't talking about me..." Lay turned around and out of the bathroom came Lisa, her once golden hair now dyed dark blue, almost matching Michael's.

"Oh fuck." I whispered and didn't know what reaction was expected. Was I supposed to say 'wow' or 'oh no'?

"I didn't know I bought the permanent one." Lisa's face expression remained shocked as she slowly walked from the bathroom to the living room. I hurried Lay to follow her as I wanted to see Michael's reaction.

She stood in front of everyone until Ashton finally saw her and yelled a loud 'DAMNIT!' and brought to everyone's attention. They all turned around and I saw every single one of their faces get a surprised expression as their eyes widened.

"What the-?!" Michael yelled as he stood up from the couch. "Look at you! Look at me! Look at us! We look like twins!" Michael was still yelling excitedly as Lisa's worried expression slowly became a slight smile.

"You don't hate it?" Lisa asked quietly and smiled.

"I'm in love with it! You're like the girl version of me now! But yours is prettier which is not fair." Michael pouted and for a second I thought that everything bad he had felt today was suddenly pushed and squeezed and locked far back in his head and it was not going to come back so soon.

I turned to Lay and saw her smiling at them widely and happily. She didn't notice me looking at her so I continued examining her smile and the wrinkles by her eyes.

"Yours is prettier." I whispered in her ear and she smiled widely.

"Thank you, Lucas."

"Oh, so that's what I get for complimenting you. Okay." I acted offended but we both knew I couldn't be mad at her.

"Now we bleach yours." Lay crossed her arms on her chest and I almost choked on my saliva.

"Okay then we pierce your lip, or maybe your nose cause it would be difficult to kiss you if we both had lip rings." I suggested and Lay blushed again as she shoved her head onto my chest. I tapped the back of her head and laughed and then we both joined the already very chatty group in our living room.


A/N: was this boring idk I thought it was cute and also Luke had so many thoughts in this chapter like take a break dude your brain is gonna overpower

By the way this is maybe idk going to have 5 more chapters (or should I make it to 50?) because the plot has been done and now I feel like everything that's happening is boring haha sooo I'm probably gonna finish it soon.

Also I'm going to start a Calum fanfic and gonna upload the first chapter soon as well so if you'd want to read it that'd be cool hehe!

This chapter is dedicated to @WhoIsP-Anyway because of her amazing comment on the last chapter and thank you again it made me grin like an idiot! ❤️😁

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